Greenhouse Effect

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Submerged macrophytes remediation is a commonly used technique for improving water quality and restoring habitat in aquatic ecosystems. However, the drivers of success in the submerged macrophytes assembly process and their specific impacts on methane emissions are poorly understood. Thus, we conducted a mesocosm experiment to test the growth plasticity and carbon fixation of widespread submerged macrophytes (Vallisneria natans) under different nutrient conditions. A refined dynamic chamber method was utilized to concurrently collect and quantify methane emission fluxes arising from ebullition and diffusion processes. Significant correlations were found between methane flux and variations in the physiological activities of V. nantas by the fluorescence imaging system. Our results show that exceeding tolerance thresholds of ammonia in the water significantly interfered with the photosynthetic systems in submerged leaves and the radial oxygen loss in adventitious roots. The recovery process of V. natans accelerated the consumption of dissolved oxygen, leading to increase in the populations of methanogen (153.3 % increase of mcrA genes) and subsequently elevating CH4 emission fluxes (23.7 %) under high nutrient concentrations. Conversely, V. natans increased the available organic carbon under low nutrient conditions by radial oxygen loss, further increasing CH4 emission fluxes (94.7 %). Quantitative genetic and modeling analyses revealed that plant restoration processes drive ecological niche differentiation of methanogenic and methane oxidation microorganisms, affecting methane release fluxes within the restored area. The speciation process of V. natans is incapable of simultaneously meeting improved water purification and reduced methane emissions goals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To investigate the ecological impacts of macroalgae in the framework of shifting global CO2 concentrations, we conducted a study utilizing Ulva fasciata and Sargassum horneri specimens sourced from the Ma\'an Archipelago in Zhejiang Province on how ocean acidification (OA) and temperature changes interact to affect the photosynthetic physiological responses of macroalgae. The results of the study showed that OA reduced the tolerance of U. fasciata to bright light at 20 °C, resulting in more pronounced photoinhibition, while 15 °C caused significant inhibition of U. fasciata, reducing its growth and photosynthetic activity, but OA alleviated the inhibition and promoted the growth of the alga to a certain extent. The tolerance of S. horneri to bright light was also reduced at 20 °C; the inhibition was relieved at 15 °C, and the OA further improved the algal growth. The Relative Growth Rate (RGR), photosynthetic pigment content, and the release of the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) of U. fasciata were mainly affected by the change in temperature; the growth of the alga and the synthesis of metabolites were more favored by 20 °C. A similar temperature dependence was observed for S. horneri, with faster growth and high metabolism at 15 °C. Our results suggest that OA reduces the tolerance of macroalgae to high light at suitable growth temperatures; however, at unsuitable growth temperatures, OA effectively mitigates this inhibitory effect and promotes algal growth.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although Africa contributes less than 5% to global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, its role in global climate action is pivotal. To date, 53 African countries have submitted their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), and four have committed to a net-zero target. However, many of Africa\'s NDCs are vaguely expressed and without specific focus on explicit sectoral decarbonization targets. Furthermore, Africa\'s huge land-based carbon dioxide removal (CDR) potential remains unclear in the context of enabling net-zero (NZ) emissions within the continent. This study achieves two objectives: Under a NZ GHG emission trajectory in Africa, we uncover the implications of a targeted zero-emission electricity sector by 2030, on the energy landscape and other sustainability factors. This study also features the role of land-based biological removal methods─bioenergy carbon capture and storage (BECCS) and afforestation/reforestation (A/R)─in net zero actualization in Africa. Our results reveal a unified but disparate actualisation of the mid-century net zero emission goal across the continent, as all regions except North Africa achieve carbon neutrality. The industrial sector faces significant difficulties in transitioning and contributes substantially to positive emissions on the continent, with its share of total residual emissions reaching 49-64% by 2050. This difficulty persists even with targeted sectoral decarbonization of the electricity sector, although it is significantly reduced by the availability of BECCS as a CDR option. Under the zero-emission electricity pathway, emissions in buildings and transport sectors are reduced due to rapid electrification. A trade-off emerges in the net zero pathway concerning land allocation for negative emissions versus other land use activities. A key result shows that achieving a net zero target in Africa leads to a cumulative loss of $102 billion in fossil fuel infrastructure within the electricity sector by mid-century, which doubles when the zero-emission electricity goal is achieved.






  • 文章类型: News






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In May 2019, the Climate Change Committee (CCC) recommended that the UK adopt a net-zero target, aiming to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) by 100% from the 1990s baseline by 2050. The government accepted the recommendation, and the UK became the first major economy to establish a net-zero emissions law. To progress towards its climate objectives, the government took several initiatives, such as increasing its reliance on renewable energy sources and investing in climate mitigation technologies, which are commonly referred to as process eco-innovation. This study examines the impact of eco-innovation, process eco-innovation, renewable energy consumption, and economic growth on CO2 emissions in the UK using data from 1988 to 2020. We used the ARDL bound test with an error correction model (ECM) to examine the long-run and short-run cointegration between the variables of concern. We found that eco-innovation, process eco-innovation, and renewable energy consumption have significant roles in mitigating CO2 emissions, while economic growth contributes to environmental degradation in the UK. We also found that the effect of eco-innovation on CO2 emissions abatement is stronger than that of process eco-innovation in the short and long-run. Our robustness tests have confirmed the accuracy of those findings. In addition, the results from the Toda-Yamamoto causality revealed a one-way causality from process eco-innovation to CO2, renewable energy to CO2, and eco-innovation to CO2 emissions. Further, a bidirectional causality was found between GDP and CO2 emissions. The evidence presented in this paper provides great insight for shaping the energy policy in the UK and for establishing the climate budget in line with the country\'s net-zero target.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Methane is an important greenhouse gas1, but the role of trees in the methane budget remains uncertain2. Although it has been shown that wetland and some upland trees can emit soil-derived methane at the stem base3,4, it has also been suggested that upland trees can serve as a net sink for atmospheric methane5,6. Here we examine in situ woody surface methane exchange of upland tropical, temperate and boreal forest trees. We find that methane uptake on woody surfaces, in particular at and above about 2 m above the forest floor, can dominate the net ecosystem contribution of trees, resulting in a net tree methane sink. Stable carbon isotope measurement of methane in woody surface chamber air and process-level investigations on extracted wood cores are consistent with methanotrophy, suggesting a microbially mediated drawdown of methane on and in tree woody surfaces and tissues. By applying terrestrial laser scanning-derived allometry to quantify global forest tree woody surface area, a preliminary first estimate suggests that trees may contribute 24.6-49.9 Tg of atmospheric methane uptake globally. Our findings indicate that the climate benefits of tropical and temperate forest protection and reforestation may be greater than previously assumed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Beef production has been identified as a significant source of anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the agricultural sector. United States and Canada account for about a quarter of the world\'s beef supply. To compare the GHG emission contributions of alternative beef production systems, we conducted a meta-analysis of 32 studies that were conducted between 2001 and 2023. Results indicated that GHG emissions from beef production in North America varied almost fourfold from 10.2 to 37.6 with an average of 21.4 kg CO2e/kg carcass weight (CW). Studies that considered soil C sequestration (C-seq) reported the highest mitigation potential in GHG emissions (80%), followed by growth enhancement technology (16%), diet modification (6%), and grazing management improvement (7%). Our study highlights the implications of using carbon intensity per economic activity (i.e., GHG emissions per monetary unit), compared to the more common metric of intensity on per weight of product basis (GHG emissions per kg CW) for comparisons across differentiated beef cattle products. While a positive association was found between the proportion of lifespan on grassland and the conventional weight-based indicator, grass-finished beef was found to have lower carbon intensity per economic activity than feedlot-finished beef. Our study emphasizes the need to incorporate land use and management effects and soil C-seq as fundamental aspects of beef GHG emissions and mitigation assessments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Two groups of ewes (10 lactating and 10 non-lactating) were used to evaluate the effect of heat stress during summer under tropical conditions. In this study, a temperature and humidity index (THI) was found that ranged between 65 and 79 (morning and afternoon). Likewise, a heat tolerance coefficient (HTC) of 6 units was observed. The highest breathing frequency (BF; 115.46 ± 35.25 breaths per minute (bpm)) and rectal temperature (RT; 38.95 ± 0.51 °C) were found during the afternoon in the group of lactating ewes. The means were compared by group, time of the day, and interaction, and only significant differences were found between groups for RT and udder temperature (p < 0.001). In the case of time of day, all parameters were higher during the afternoon, regardless of the group of ewes (p < 0.001). Likewise, an interaction was found in the parameters RT, right paralumbar fossa (RPF), rump, leg, and udder (p < 0.001). In conclusion, Blackbelly ewes lactating during the summer in the tropics have higher skin temperatures, and also raise BF and RT to tolerate HS in tropical climates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The decline in global plant diversity has raised concerns about its implications for carbon fixation and global greenhouse gas emissions (GGE), including carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4). Therefore, we conducted a comprehensive meta-analysis of 2103 paired observations, examining GGE, soil organic carbon (SOC) and plant carbon in plant mixtures and monocultures. Our findings indicate that plant mixtures decrease soil N2O emissions by 21.4% compared to monocultures. No significant differences occurred between mixtures and monocultures for soil CO2 emissions, CH4 emissions or CH4 uptake. Plant mixtures exhibit higher SOC and plant carbon storage than monocultures. After 10 years of vegetation development, a 40% reduction in species richness decreases SOC content and plant carbon storage by 12.3% and 58.7% respectively. These findings offer insights into the intricate connections between plant diversity, soil and plant carbon storage and GGE-a critical but previously unexamined aspect of biodiversity-ecosystem functioning.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Waste-to-energy systems can provide a functional demonstration of the economic and environmental benefits of circularity, innovation, and reimagining existing systems. This study offers a robust quantification of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction potential of the adoption of anaerobic digestion (AD) technology on applicable large-scale dairy farms in the contiguous United States. GHG reduction estimates were developed through a robust life cycle modeling framework paired with sensitivity and uncertainty analyses. Twenty dairy configurations were modeled to capture important differences in housing and manure management practices, applicable AD technologies, regional climates, storage cleanout schedules, and methods of land application. Monte Carlo results for the 90% confidence interval illustrate the potential for AD adoption to reduce GHG emissions from the large-scale dairy industry by 2.45-3.52 MMT of CO2-eq per year considering biogas use only in renewable natural gas programs and as much as 4.53-6.46 MMT of CO2-eq per year with combined heat and power as an additional biogas use case. At the farm level, AD technology may reduce GHG emissions from manure management systems by 58.1-79.8% depending on the region. Discussion focuses on regional differences in GHG emissions from manure management strategies and the challenges and opportunities surrounding AD adoption.





