Goosecoid Protein

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A comprehensive regulatory network of transcription factors controls the dorsoventral patterning of the body axis in developing vertebrate embryos. Bone morphogenetic protein signaling is essential for activating the Ventx family of homeodomain transcription factors, which regulates embryonic patterning and germ layer identity during Xenopus gastrulation. Although Ventx1.1 and Ventx2.1 of the Xenopus Ventx family have been extensively investigated, Ventx3.2 remains largely understudied. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the transcriptional regulation of ventx3.2 during the embryonic development of Xenopus. We used goosecoid (Gsc) genome-wide chromatin immunoprecipitation-sequencing data to isolate and replicate the promoter region of ventx3.2. Serial deletion and site-directed mutagenesis were used to identify the cis-acting elements for Gsc and caudal type homeobox 1 (Cdx1) within the ventx3.2 promoter. Cdx1 and Gsc differentially regulated ventx3.2 transcription in this study. Additionally, positive cis-acting and negative response elements were observed for Cdx1 and Gsc, respectively, within the 5\' flanking region of the ventx3.2 promoter. This result was corroborated by mapping the active Cdx1 response element (CRE) and Gsc response element (GRE). Moreover, a point mutation within the CRE and GRE completely abolished the activator and repressive activities of Cdx1 and Gsc, respectively. Furthermore, the chromatin immunoprecipitation-polymerase chain reaction confirmed the direct binding of Cdx1 and Gsc to the CRE and GRE, respectively. Inhibition of Cdx1 and Gsc activities at their respective functional regions, namely, the ventral marginal zone and dorsal marginal zone, reversed their effects on ventx3.2 transcription. These results indicate that Cdx1 and Gsc modulate ventx3.2 transcription in the ventral marginal zone and dorsal marginal zone by directly binding to the promoter region during Xenopus gastrulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The reciprocal inhibition between two signaling centers, the Spemann organizer (dorsal mesoderm) and ventral region (mesoderm and ectoderm), collectively regulate the overall development of vertebrate embryos. Each center expresses key homeobox transcription factors (TFs) that directly control target gene transcription. Goosecoid (Gsc) is an organizer (dorsal mesoderm)-specific TF known to induce dorsal fate and inhibit ventral/ectodermal specification. Ventx1.1 (downstream of Bmp signaling) induces the epidermal lineage and inhibits dorsal organizer-specific genes from the ventral region. Chordin (Chrd) is an organizer-specific secreted Bmp antagonist whose expression is primarily activated by Gsc. Alternatively, chrd expression is repressed by Bmp/Ventx1.1 in the ventral/epidermal region. However, the regulatory mechanisms underlying the transcription mediated by Gsc and Ventx1.1 remain elusive. Here, we found that the chrd promoter contained two cis-acting response elements that responded negatively to Ventx1.1 and positively to Gsc. In the ventral/ectodermal region, Ventx1.1 was directly bound to the Ventx1.1 response element (VRE) and inhibited chrd transcription. In the organizer region, Gsc was bound to the Gsc response elements (GRE) to activate chrd transcription. The Gsc-mediated positive response on the chrd promoter completely depended on another adjacent Wnt response cis-acting element (WRE), which was the TCF7 (also known as Tcf1) binding element. Site-directed mutagenesis of VRE, GRE, or WRE completely abolished the repressive or activator activity of Ventx1.1 and Gsc, respectively. The ChIP-PCR results confirmed the direct binding of Ventx1.1 and Gsc/Tcf7 to VRE and GRE/WRE, respectively. These results demonstrated that chrd expression is oppositely modulated by homeobox TFs, Ventx1.1, and Gsc/Tcf7 during the embryonic patterning of Xenopus gastrula.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spemann organizer is a center of dorsal mesoderm and itself retains the mesoderm character, but it has a stimulatory role for neighboring ectoderm cells in becoming neuroectoderm in gastrula embryos. Goosecoid (Gsc) overexpression in ventral region promotes secondary axis formation including neural tissues, but the role of gsc in neural specification could be indirect. We examined the neural inhibitory and stimulatory roles of gsc in the same cell and neighboring cells contexts. In the animal cap explant system, Gsc overexpression inhibited expression of neural specific genes including foxd4l1.1, zic3, ncam, and neurod. Genome-wide chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing (ChIP-seq) and promoter analysis of early neural genes of foxd4l1.1 and zic3 were performed to show that the neural inhibitory mode of gsc was direct. Site-directed mutagenesis and serially deleted construct studies of foxd4l1.1 promoter revealed that Gsc directly binds within the foxd4l1.1 promoter to repress its expression. Conjugation assay of animal cap explants was also performed to demonstrate an indirect neural stimulatory role for gsc. The genes for secretory molecules, Chordin and Noggin, were up-regulated in gsc injected cells with the neural fate only achieved in gsc uninjected neighboring cells. These experiments suggested that gsc regulates neuroectoderm formation negatively when expressed in the same cell and positively in neighboring cells via soluble factors. One is a direct suppressive circuit of neural genes in gsc expressing mesoderm cells and the other is an indirect stimulatory circuit for neurogenesis in neighboring ectoderm cells via secreted BMP antagonizers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Glioblastoma multiform (GBM) is the highly aggressive brain tumor with poor prognosis. Glioma stem cells (GSCs), small population of cancer cells that exist in GBM tissues, resistant to chemotherapy and radiotherapy and usually driving GBM recurrence, have been developed as effective therapeutic target. Steroidal saponins are one of important resources for anti-tumor agent and may be benefited to selectively clear GSCs. In this report, total of 97 natural steroidal saponins were investigated the relationship among structures/cytotoxicity/selectivity against GSCs, glioma cell lines and human untransformed cells, and revealed that tribulosaponin A was the most potent compound. Further investigation suggested that tribulosaponin A up-regulated the expression of NCF1 and NOX1 to accumulate ROS for triggering apoptosis in GSCs, but not in untransformed cells, and it was further supported by the assay that N-acetyl-l-cysteine (NAC) clearing ROS delayed GSCs apoptosis. Besides, tribulosaponin A damaged GSCs recapturing tumor spheres formation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Deciphering the mechanisms of axis formation in amphioxus is a key step to understanding the evolution of chordate body plan. The current view is that Nodal signaling is the only factor promoting the dorsal axis specification in the amphioxus, whereas Wnt/β-catenin signaling plays no role in this process. Here, we re-examined the role of Wnt/βcatenin signaling in the dorsal/ventral patterning of amphioxus embryo. We demonstrated that the spatial activity of Wnt/β-catenin signaling is located in presumptive dorsal cells from cleavage to gastrula stage, and provided functional evidence that Wnt/β-catenin signaling is necessary for the specification of dorsal cell fate in a stage-dependent manner. Microinjection of Wnt8 and Wnt11 mRNA induced ectopic dorsal axis in neurulae and larvae. Finally, we demonstrated that Nodal and Wnt/β-catenin signaling cooperate to promote the dorsal-specific gene expression in amphioxus gastrula. Our study reveals high evolutionary conservation of dorsal organizer formation in the chordate lineage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spontaneous necrosis is a defining feature of glioblastomas (GBMs), the most malignant glioma. Despite its strong correlations with poor prognosis, it remains unclear whether necrosis could be a possible cause or mere consequence of glioma progression. Here we isolated a particular fraction of necrotic products spontaneously arising from glioma cells, morphologically and biochemically defined as autoschizis-like products (ALPs). When administered to granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF)-primed bone marrow-derived macrophage/dendritic cells (Mφ/DCs), ALPs were found to be specifically engulfed by Mφs expressing a tumor-associated macrophage (TAM) marker CD204. ALPs from glioma stem cells (GSCs) had higher activity for the TAM development than those from non-GSCs. Of note, expression of the Il12b gene encoding a common subunit of IL-12/23 was upregulated in ALPs-educated Mφs. Furthermore, IL-12 protein evidently enhanced the sphere-forming activity of GBM patient-derived cells, although interestingly IL-12 is generally recognized as an antitumoral M1-Mφ marker. Finally, in silico analysis of The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) transcriptome data of primary and recurrent GBMs revealed that higher expression of these IL-12 family genes was well correlated with more infiltration of M1-type TAMs and closely associated with poorer prognosis in recurrent GBMs. Our results highlight a role of necrosis in GSC-driven self-beneficial niche construction and glioma progression, providing important clues for developing new therapeutic strategies against gliomas.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Histone methyltransferases play a critical role in early human development, whereas their roles and precise mechanisms are less understood. SET and MYND domain-containing protein 2 (SMYD2) is a histone lysine methyltransferase induced during early differentiation of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs), but little is known about its function in undifferentiated hESCs and in their early lineage fate decision as well as underlying mechanisms. Here, we explored the role of SMYD2 in the self-renewal and mesendodermal lineage commitment of hESCs. We demonstrated that the expression of SMYD2 was significantly enhanced during mesendodermal but not neuroectodermal differentiation of hESCs. SMYD2 knockout (SMYD2-/- ) did not affect self-renewal and early neuroectodermal differentiation of hESCs, whereas it blocked the mesendodermal lineage commitment. This phenotype was rescued by reintroduction of SMYD2 into the SMYD2-/- hESCs. Mechanistically, the bindings of SMYD2 at the promoter regions of critical mesendodermal transcription factor genes, namely, brachyury (T), eomesodermin (EOMES), mix paired-like homeobox (MIXL1), and goosecoid homeobox (GSC) were significantly enhanced during mesendodermal differentiation of SMYD2+/+ hESCs but totally suppressed in SMYD2-/- ones. Concomitantly, such a suppression was associated with the remarkable reduction of methylation at histone 3 lysine 4 and lysine 36 but not at histone 4 lysine 20 globally and specifically on the promoter regions of mesendodermal genes, namely, T, EOMES, MIXL1, and GSC. These results reveal that the histone methyltransferase SMYD2 is dispensable in the undifferentiated hESCs and the early neuroectodermal differentiation, but it promotes the mesendodermal differentiation of hESCs through the epigenetic control of critical genes to mesendodermal lineage commitment. Stem Cells 2019;37:1401-1415.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The homeobox gene Goosecoid (GSC), which is known to regulate craniofacial development, is activated by mono-ubiquitination; however, the deubiquitylase responsible for GSC deubiquitination and inhibition has yet to be identified. In the present study, we constructed the recombinant plasmid pFlag-CMV-2-GSC and the SRY (sex-determining region Y)-box 6 (Sox6) reporter gene system to identify deubiquitylases that regulate GSC expression. We demonstrate that the ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 21 (USP21) regulates the deubiquitination of GSC negatively, as demonstrated by its inhibition of Sox6 reporter gene transcription. USP21 interacted with GSC to promote GSC deubiquitination while having no effect on GSC protein stability. Cell viability, migration, and function in ATDC5 cells were probably influenced by USP21 through GSC. These findings suggest that USP21 modulates GSC function through deubiquitination.







  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    OBJECTIVE: The Veracyte Afirma Gene Expression Classifier (GEC) has been the most widely used negative predictive value molecular classifier for indeterminate cytology thyroid nodules since January 2011. To improve the specificity and further reduce unnecessary thyroid surgeries, a second-generation assay (Afirma Genetic Sequence Classifier [GSC]) was released for clinical use in August 2017. We report 11 months of clinical outcomes experience with the GSC and compare them to our 6.5-year experience with the GEC.
    METHODS: We searched our practice registry for FNAB nodules with Afirma results from January 2011through June 2018. GEC versus GSC results were compared overall, in oncocytic and nononcocytic aspirates and by pathologic outcomes.
    RESULTS: GSC identified less indeterminate cytology nodules as suspicious (38.8%; 54/139) when compared to GEC (58.4%; 281/481). There was a decrease of in the percentage of oncocytic fine-needle aspiration thyroid biopsy (FNAB) subjects classified as suspicious in the GSC group, with 86 of 104 oncocytic indeterminates (82.7%) classified as suspicious by GEC and 12 of 34 (35.3%) classified as suspicious by GSC. The surgery rate in patients with oncocytic aspirates fell from 56% in the GEC group to 31% in the GSC-evaluated group (45%). Pathology analysis demonstrated a false-negative percentage for an incomplete surgical group of 9.5% for GEC and 1.2% for GSC.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our GSC data suggest that the GSC further reduces surgery in indeterminate thyroid nodules by improving the specificity of Afirma technology without compromising sensitivity. A primary determinant for this change is a significant improvement in the specificity of the Afirma GSC test in oncocytic FNAB aspirates.
    BACKGROUND: FNAB = fine-needle aspiration biopsy; GEC = Gene Expression Classifier; GSC = Genetic Sequence Classifier.





