Google Street View

Google 街景
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Wearing a helmet reduces the risk of head injuries substantially in the event of a motorcycle crash. Countries around the world are committed to promoting helmet use, but the progress has been slow and uneven. There is an urgent need for large-scale data collection for situation assessment and intervention evaluation.
    METHODS: This study proposes a scalable, low-cost algorithm to estimate helmet-wearing rates. Applying the state-of-the-art deep learning technique for object detection to images acquired from Google Street View, the algorithm has the potential to provide accurate estimates at the global level.
    RESULTS: Trained on a sample of 3995 images, the algorithm achieved high accuracy. The out-of-sample prediction results for all three object classes (helmets, drivers, and passengers) reveal a precision of 0.927, a recall value of 0.922, and a mean average precision at 50 (mAP50) of 0.956.
    CONCLUSIONS: The remarkable model performance suggests the algorithm\'s capacity to generate accurate estimates of helmet-wearing rates from an image source with global coverage. The significant enhancement in the availability of helmet usage data resulting from this approach could bolster progress tracking and facilitate evidence-based policymaking for helmet wearing globally.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: This study utilizes innovative computer vision methods alongside Google Street View images to characterize neighborhood built environments across Utah.
    UNASSIGNED: Convolutional Neural Networks were used to create indicators of street greenness, crosswalks, and building type on 1.4 million Google Street View images. The demographic and medical profiles of Utah residents came from the Utah Population Database (UPDB). We implemented hierarchical linear models with individuals nested within zip codes to estimate associations between neighborhood built environment features and individual-level obesity and diabetes, controlling for individual- and zip code-level characteristics (n = 1,899,175 adults living in Utah in 2015). Sibling random effects models were implemented to account for shared family attributes among siblings (n = 972,150) and twins (n = 14,122).
    UNASSIGNED: Consistent with prior neighborhood research, the variance partition coefficients (VPC) of our unadjusted models nesting individuals within zip codes were relatively small (0.5%-5.3%), except for HbA1c (VPC = 23%), suggesting a small percentage of the outcome variance is at the zip code-level. However, proportional change in variance (PCV) attributable to zip codes after the inclusion of neighborhood built environment variables and covariates ranged between 11% and 67%, suggesting that these characteristics account for a substantial portion of the zip code-level effects. Non-single-family homes (indicator of mixed land use), sidewalks (indicator of walkability), and green streets (indicator of neighborhood aesthetics) were associated with reduced diabetes and obesity. Zip codes in the third tertile for non-single-family homes were associated with a 15% reduction (PR: 0.85; 95% CI: 0.79, 0.91) in obesity and a 20% reduction (PR: 0.80; 95% CI: 0.70, 0.91) in diabetes. This tertile was also associated with a BMI reduction of -0.68 kg/m2 (95% CI: -0.95, -0.40).
    UNASSIGNED: We observe associations between neighborhood characteristics and chronic diseases, accounting for biological, social, and cultural factors shared among siblings in this large population-based study.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Built environment plays an important role in the development of cardiovascular disease. Tools to evaluate the built environment using machine vision and informatic approaches have been limited. This study aimed to investigate the association between machine vision-based built environment and prevalence of cardiometabolic disease in US cities.
    METHODS: This cross-sectional study used features extracted from Google Street View (GSV) images to measure the built environment and link them with prevalence of coronary heart disease (CHD). Convolutional neural networks, linear mixed-effects models, and activation maps were utilized to predict health outcomes and identify feature associations with CHD at the census tract level. The study obtained 0.53 million GSV images covering 789 census tracts in seven US cities (Cleveland, OH; Fremont, CA; Kansas City, MO; Detroit, MI; Bellevue, WA; Brownsville, TX; and Denver, CO).
    RESULTS: Built environment features extracted from GSV using deep learning predicted 63% of the census tract variation in CHD prevalence. The addition of GSV features improved a model that only included census tract-level age, sex, race, income, and education or composite indices of social determinant of health. Activation maps from the features revealed a set of neighbourhood features represented by buildings and roads associated with CHD prevalence.
    CONCLUSIONS: In this cross-sectional study, the prevalence of CHD was associated with built environment factors derived from GSV through deep learning analysis, independent of census tract demographics. Machine vision-enabled assessment of the built environment could potentially offer a more precise approach to identify at-risk neighbourhoods, thereby providing an efficient avenue to address and reduce cardiovascular health disparities in urban environments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper aims to address the challenges associated with evaluating the impact of neighborhood environments on health outcomes. Google street view (GSV) images provide a valuable tool for assessing neighborhood environments on a large scale. By annotating the GSV images with labels indicating the presence or absence of specific neighborhood features, we can develop classifiers capable of automatically analyzing and evaluating the environment. However, the process of labeling GSV images to analyze and evaluate the environment is a time-consuming and labor-intensive task. To overcome these challenges, we propose using a multi-task classifier to enhance the training of classifiers with limited supervised GSV data. Our multi-task classifier utilizes readily available, inexpensive online images collected from Flickr as a related classification task. The hypothesis is that a classifier trained on multiple related tasks is less likely to overfit to small amounts of training data and generalizes better to unseen data. We leverage the power of multiple related tasks to improve the classifier\'s overall performance and generalization capability. Here we show that, with the proposed learning paradigm, predicted labels for GSV test images are more accurate. Across different environment indicators, the accuracy, F1 score and balanced accuracy increase up to 6 % in the multi-task learning framework compared to its single-task learning counterpart. The enhanced accuracy of the predicted labels obtained through the multi-task classifier contributes to a more reliable and precise regression analysis determining the correlation between predicted built environment indicators and health outcomes. The R2 values calculated for different health outcomes improve by up to 4 % using multi-task learning detected indicators.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Unprecedented levels of urbanization have escalated urban environmental health issues, including increased air pollution in cities globally. Strategies for mitigating air pollution, including green urban planning, are essential for sustainable and healthy cities. State-of-the-art research investigating urban greenspace and pollution metrics has accelerated through the use of vast digital data sets and new analytical tools. In this study, we examined associations between Google Street View-derived urban greenspace levels and Google Air View-derived air quality, where both have been resolved in extremely high resolution, accuracy, and scale along the entire road network of Dublin City. Particulate matter of size fraction less than 2.5 μm (PM2.5), nitrogen dioxide, nitric oxide, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide were quantified using 5,030,143 Google Air View measurements, and greenspace was quantified using 403,409 Google Street View images. Significant (p < 0.001) negative associations between urban greenspace and pollution were observed. For example, an interquartile range increase in the Green View Index was associated with a 7.4% [95% confidence interval: -13.1%, -1.3%] decrease in NO2 at the point location spatial resolution. We provide insights into how large-scale digital data can be harnessed to elucidate urban environmental interactions that will have important planning and policy implications for sustainable future cities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We assessed the quality of food-related OpenStreetMap (OSM) data in urban areas of five European countries. We calculated agreement statistics between point-of-interests (POIs) from OSM and from Google Street View (GSV) in five European regions. We furthermore assessed correlations between exposure measures (distance and counts) from OSM data and administrative data from local data sources on food environment data in three European countries. Agreement between POI data in OSM compared to GSV was poor, but correlations were moderate to high between exposures from OSM and local data sources. OSM data downloaded in 2020 seems to be an acceptable source of data for generating count-based food exposure measures for research in selected European regions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mobile air quality measurements are collected typically for several seconds per road segment and in specific timeslots (e.g., working hours). These short-term and on-road characteristics of mobile measurements become the ubiquitous shortcomings of applying land use regression (LUR) models to estimate long-term concentrations at residential addresses. This issue was previously found to be mitigated by transferring LUR models to the long-term residential domain using routine long-term measurements in the studied region as the transfer target (local scale). However, long-term measurements are generally sparse in individual cities. For this scenario, we propose an alternative by taking long-term measurements collected over a larger geographical area (global scale) as the transfer target and local mobile measurements as the source (Global2Local model). We empirically tested national, airshed countries (i.e., national plus neighboring countries) and Europe as the global scale in developing Global2Local models to map nitrogen dioxide (NO2) concentrations in Amsterdam. The airshed countries scale provided the lowest absolute errors, and the Europe-wide scale had the highest R2. Compared to a \"global\" LUR model (trained exclusively with European-wide long-term measurements), and a local mobile LUR model (using mobile data from Amsterdam only), the Global2Local model significantly reduced the absolute error of the local mobile LUR model (root-mean-square error, 6.9 vs 12.6 μg/m3) and improved the percentage explained variances compared to the global model (R2, 0.43 vs 0.28, assessed by independent long-term NO2 measurements in Amsterdam, n = 90). The Global2Local method improves the generalizability of mobile measurements in mapping long-term residential concentrations with a fine spatial resolution, which is preferred in environmental epidemiological studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The density of single-stick cigarette sales is related to the increase in tobacco epidemic-related diseases. This study aims to provide evidence of retailers\' density and radius around the school location, accessibility of single-stick cigarette selling among school-age children, and retailers\' response regarding the restriction policy options in urban areas in Indonesia.
    METHODS: It is a cross-sectional study. The retailers\' spatial density and the radius around schools in Daerah Khusus Ibukota (DKI) Jakarta Province were investigated using Google Maps and Google Street View (GSV). The coordinates of retailers and schools were geo-coded to Kernel Density Map. The accessibility of single-stick cigarettes among children and restriction policy options for cigarette selling were derived from random sampling using surveys of 64 retailers based on Google Data results.
    RESULTS: Virtually walking using google maps and GSV found 8,371 retailers in DKI Jakarta. There were ± 15 cigarette retailers every 1 km2, and an average of ± one cigarette retailer in every 1,000 residents. There were 456 (21.67%) retailers with a radius ≤ 100 meters around elementary schools, even an increase around junior high school locations of 167 (26.05%) retailers. The accessibility of cigarettes among children is easy because the price is relatively low, at Rp1,500/ $0.11 per stick. In addition, 58.1% of retailers allowed customers to buy on debt. Eleven percent of cigarette retailers intended to reduce the sale of cigarettes if the prohibition of single-stick cigarette sales were applied.
    CONCLUSIONS: Cigarette retailers were very dense and single-stick cigarettes were still accessible to children in Indonesia. The implementation of the prohibition on single-stick cigarette sales should be added for future tobacco control in developing countries such as Indonesia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The goal of these studies was to investigate the reliability and validity of virtual systematic social observation (virtual SSO) using Google Street View in a Swedish neighborhood context.
    UNASSIGNED: This was accomplished in two studies. Study 1 focused on interrater reliability and construct validity, comparing ratings conducted in-person to those done using Google Street View, across 24 study sites within four postal code areas. Study 2 focused on criterion validity of virtual SSO in terms of neighborhoods with low versus high income levels, including 133 study sites within 22 postal code areas in a large Swedish city. In both studies, assessment of the neighborhood context was conducted at each study site, using a protocol adapted to a Swedish context.
    UNASSIGNED: Scales for Physical Decay, Neighborhood Dangerousness, and Physical Disorder were found to be reliable, with adequate interrater reliability, high consistency across methods, and high internal consistency. In Study 2, significantly higher levels of observed Physical Decay, Neighborhood Dangerousness, and signs of garbage or litter were observed in postal codes areas (site data was aggregated to postal code level) with lower as compared to higher income levels.
    UNASSIGNED: We concluded that the scales within the virtual SSO with Google Street View protocol that were developed in this series of studies represents a reliable and valid measure of several key neighborhood contextual features. Implications for understanding the complex person-context interactions central to many theories of positive development among youth were discussed in relation to the study findings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Accurate information on urban forests of tree sizes, health state, community structures, and spatial distribution is still limited in African cities. Using a Google Street View (GSV)-based tree-size measuring method developed by our team, this paper aims to evaluate street trees of four African metropolitan cities using GSV data. The study compiled a large dataset with 46,016 street trees in 3454 sites in Kampala, Nairobi, Bloemfontein, and Johannesburg. The data including tree size (diameter at breast height, DBH; tree height, TH; underbranch height, UBH; canopy size), tree floristic composition (apical dominance types, broadleaf-conifer-palm leaf, flowering or not), tree health (leaf color, diebacks, dead tree, and bracket-supporting percent), streetside development (lane number, roadside shops, parking vehicle, and pedestrian density), and geolocation (latitude, longitude). These data can be spatially visualized with the help of ArcGIS, and the large dataset favors reliable maps from the street-view level. Data statistics showed that four cities were dominated by broad-leaved, apical dominance, and flowering trees, with a low level of unhealthy leaves and a tiny percentage of dead. The arbor-shrubs-herb structure vegetation dominated all four cities. Kampala had the most slender trees (DBH = 23 cm, TH = 8.4 m), while Nairobi and Johannesburg had the thickest trees (DBH = 38 cm, TH = 8.5-8.6 m). Bare land rates were lowest at 23% in Bloemfontein and highest at 33% in Nairobi. Principal analysis and Pearson correlations showed that these tree variations were closely associated with street development and local land use configuration. By comparing the urban tree data in other regions of the world, we found that the trees in African cities are generally giant but have a lower density (the trees within a 100-m street segment). Our findings emphasized that GSV data is feasible enough for urban forest monitoring in Africa, and the database is helpful for urban landscape planning and management.





