Golden Retriever

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Similar to that in Europe and the United States, the need for forensic DNA identification in dogs is increasing in Japan. As few studies have used commercial genotyping kits, the effectiveness of the Canine GenotypesTM Panel 2.1 Kit for individual DNA identification in dogs bred in Japan was examined. We genotyped 150 unrelated dogs (50 Golden Retrievers, 50 Miniature Dachshunds, and 50 Shiba Inu) at 18 canine short tandem repeat loci by the Kit. The allele frequency, expected heterozygosity, observed heterozygosity, p-value, power of the discriminant, and of exclusion, polymorphic information content, and random matching probability were calculated for each marker. The random matching probability was subsequently estimated to be 4.394×10-22 in the 150 dogs of the three pure-bred groups based on 18 STR loci; 3.257 × 10-16 in the Golden Retriever, 3.933 × 10-18 in the Miniature Dachshund, and 2.107 × 10-18 in the Shiba Inu breeds. In addition, principal component analysis based on genotype data revealed the Golden Retrievers, Miniature Dachshunds, and Shiba Inus separated into three clusters. The results of the genotype analysis showed that the Canine GenotypesTM Panel 2.1 Kit could be useful for identity testing and tool of population study of canines in Japan.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To identify predictive factors for postoperative continence in female Golden Retrievers following cystoscopic-guided laser ablation of intramural ectopic ureters (CLA-EU).
    METHODS: 41 client-owned female entire Golden Retrievers with uni- or bilateral intramural ectopic ureter(s) were retrospectively enrolled.
    METHODS: Patients were diagnosed with ectopic ureters with a combination of ultrasonography and cystoscopy. CLA-EU was performed for all dogs so that each ureteral opening was considered to be in an appropriate position by a single operator. All dogs had short-term follow-up 4 weeks and long-term follow up > 10 weeks after the procedure via telephone, which included urinary continence scoring. Clinical factors and ultrasonographic and cystoscopic findings from initial presentation were evaluated to identify predictive factors for postoperative continence.
    RESULTS: Short-term urinary continence was achieved in 46.3% of dogs with no additional medical therapies. Presence of historical urinary tract infections prior to CLA-EU (OR, 0.130; 95% CI, 0.020 to 0.621; P = .018) was negatively correlated and ureteral dilatation (OR, 34.260; 95% CI, 1.813 to 2,143; P = .043) was positively correlated with likelihood of urinary continence. Long-term urinary continence was achieved in 63.4% of dogs, and presence of historical urinary tract infections was negatively prognostic (OR, 0.173; 95% CI, 0.023 to 0.856; P = .048).
    CONCLUSIONS: Female Golden Retrievers undergoing CLA-EU have similar outcomes to those reported for other mixed-breed cohorts with > 30% of dogs failing to regain urinary continence. Historical urinary tract infections were significantly associated with both short- and long-term urinary continence in our population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) in long-lived human populations have led to identification of variants associated with Alzheimer\'s disease and cardiovascular disease, the latter being the most common cause of mortality in people worldwide. In contrast, naturally occurring cancer represents the leading cause of death in pet dogs, and specific breeds like the Golden Retriever (GR) carry up to a 65% cancer-related death rate. We hypothesized that GWAS of long-lived GRs might lead to the identification of genetic variants capable of modifying longevity within this cancer-predisposed breed. A GWAS was performed comparing GR dogs ≥ 14 years to dogs dying prior to age 12 which revealed a significant association to ERBB4, the only member of the epidermal growth factor receptor family capable of serving as both a tumor suppressor gene and an oncogene. No coding variants were identified, however, distinct haplotypes in the 5\'UTR were associated with reduced lifespan in two separate populations of GR dogs. When all GR dogs were analyzed together (n = 304), the presence of haplotype 3 was associated with shorter survival (11.8 years vs. 12.8 years, p = 0.024). GRs homozygous for haplotype 3 had the shortest survival, and GRs homozygous for haplotype 1 had the longest survival (11.6 years vs. 13.5 years, p = 0.0008). Sub-analyses revealed that the difference in lifespan for GRs carrying at least 1 copy of haplotype 3 was specific to female dogs (p = 0.009), whereas survival remained significantly different in both male and female GRs homozygous for haplotype 1 or haplotype 3 (p = 0.026 and p = 0.009, respectively). Taken together, these findings implicate a potential role for ERBB4 in GR longevity and provide evidence that within-breed canine lifespan studies could serve as a mechanism to identify favorable or disease-modifying variants important to the axis of aging and cancer.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Luxation of the superficial digital flexor (SDF) tendon involves the dislocation of the tendon from the groove of the calcaneal tuberosity. Although it is common in Shetland sheepdogs and collies presenting with acute, severe, and non-weight-bearing lameness, it is a rare orthopedic disease in Golden Retrievers.
    A 13-month-old neutered male Golden Retriever (32.2 kg) with acute right hind lameness and pain, was diagnosed with SDF luxation based on physiological, radiographic, and ultrasound examinations. The surgical procedure used was capsulorrhaphy of the tarsal joint and fixation with Kirschner wire. Postoperatively, the tarsal joint was stretched and externally fixed to prevent tension. The patient showed good gait without pain after pin removal on postoperative day 88.
    In clinical practice, the possibility of this condition should be considered in Golden Retrievers presenting with lameness.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Canine hip dysplasia (CHD) is a common orthopedic disease. Owing to the importance of CHD in affected dogs, both clinically and for their use in breeding or work, increasing attention is being given to early diagnosis. Therefore, early clinical and radiological examination of young animals is increasingly in demand, whereas common CHD screening according to the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) is usually performed at the age of 12 months or even older in Europe. One way to objectively evaluate gait pattern is to measure the ground reaction forces (GRFs) and center of pressure (COP). In this study, we used a pressure plate to evaluate the GRF and COP parameters for 32 Labrador Retrievers and 17 Golden Retrievers at 4, 8, and 12 months of age. The dogs also underwent radiological examination of the hip joints following the FCI rules at the age of at least 12 months, which were grouped as sound (FCI grade A or B) and diseased (FCI grade C or worse). The results revealed significantly higher COP values in both breeds in the diseased limb groups at any measurement point during walking, with the most pronounced results obtained at 8 months of age. Furthermore, COP values during walking were significantly higher at 4 months than at 8 and 12 months in both the sound and diseased limb groups, indicating an increased stability of the gait pattern. Except for COP-Speed, the values of all COP parameters were higher during walking than during trotting at 4 months of age (i.e., COP-Speed was higher when trotting), indicating that the 4-beat gait in walk is more difficult to control for puppies than the 2-beat gait in trot. Overall, our results support the early evaluation of CHD in growing animals using non-invasive methods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is the most common myocardial disorder in dogs, and it is primarily considered to be an inherited or genetic disease with a higher prevalence in specific breeds such as Doberman Pinschers and Great Danes. Recently, several publications have reported concerns about cases of DCM in unusual breeds (Golden Retrievers-GRs) and associated them with specific diets (grain-free, high in pulses or potatoes, or low in taurine and amino acid precursors). Because taurine is involved in the digestion and absorption of fat and liposoluble vitamins, including vitamin D, the aims of this pilot study were: (1) to compare serum taurine and serum vitamin D (both implicated in cardiac function and absorbed from food) between healthy GRs and German Shorthaired Pointers (GSPs), breeds with different predispositions to nutritional DCM; (2) to highlight the differences between the echocardiographic variables in the two breeds; and (3) to evaluate the associations between the serum taurine and vitamin D concentrations and the echocardiographic features. Ten Golden Retrievers and twelve German Shorthaired Pointers were enrolled for complete hematobiochemical analyses, cardiac examinations, and serum taurine and vitamin D evaluations. The serum taurine concentrations were significantly lower in the GR dogs than in GSPs. All GRs were clinically healthy, but some echocardiographic variables, such as the sphericity index (related to left ventricle dilatation) as well as the end-systolic volume index and fractional shortening (both related to left ventricle systolic function), were different from the published reference ranges.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Few recurrent DNA mutations are seen in aggressive canine B cell lymphomas (cBCL), suggesting other frequent drivers. The methylated island recovery assay (MIRA-seq) or methylated CpG-binding domain sequencing (MBD-seq) was used to define the genome-wide methylation profiles in aggressive cBCL in Golden Retrievers to determine if cBCL can be better defined by epigenetic changes than by DNA mutations. DNA hypermethylation patterns were relatively homogenous within cBCL samples in Golden Retrievers, in different breeds and in geographical regions. Aberrant hypermethylation is thus suspected to be a central and early event in cBCL lymphomagenesis. Distinct subgroups within cBCL in Golden Retrievers were not identified with DNA methylation profiles. In comparison, the methylome profile of human DLBCL (hDLBCL) is relatively heterogeneous. Only moderate similarity between hDLBCL and cBCL was seen and cBCL likely cannot be accurately classified into the subtypes seen in hDLBCL. Genes with hypermethylated regions in the promoter-TSS-first exon of cBCL compared to normal B cells often also had additional hyper- and hypomethylated regions distributed throughout the gene suggesting non-randomized repeat targeting of key genes by epigenetic mechanisms. The prevalence of hypermethylation in transcription factor families in aggressive cBCL may represent a fundamental step in lymphomagenesis.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Ichthyoses are hereditary cornification disorders that manifest with abnormal differentiation and desquamation of keratinocytes in a form of generalized dry and scaly skin. In golden retriever dogs, autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis (ARCI) has been associated with mutations in the PNPLA 1 gene. In human medicine, isotretinoin is frequently used to treat ARCIs. The aim of this study was to investigate the clinical and histological effects of isotretinoin on ARCI in a golden retriever dog with confirmed mutation in the PNPLA 1 gene. Clinical examination, blood analysis and histopathological examinations were conducted before and after 90 days of isotretinoin therapy. The clinical and histopathological findings indicate that treatment with oral isotretinoin was effective in improving ichthyosis without any side-effects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the diagnostic yield of advanced imaging in dogs with Horner\'s syndrome (HS) both with and without additional clinical signs.
    METHODS: Retrospective review of clinical records from a UK referral hospital (2000-2018). Cases were excluded if HS was trauma- or surgery-related and if no advanced imaging with MRI or CT was performed. Imaging findings were assessed as well as any additional investigations performed.
    RESULTS: One hundred twenty cases met the inclusion criteria; 88 with additional clinical signs and 32 with isolated HS. MRI or CT of head and neck was performed in 115 cases and/or thoracic CT in eight cases. Causative lesions were identified in 98% (86/88) of cases with additional clinical signs and 3% (1/32) of cases with isolated HS. This was statistically significant (p < .001). Pharmacological localization using phenylephrine (0.1%-10%) was accurate in predicting the site of a causative lesion in 79% (19/24) of tested cases. Overall, 28% (33/120) of cases were idiopathic, of which 49% (16/33) were golden retrievers. When compared to the overall hospital population, and UK Kennel Club records, this confirmed a significant predisposition in this breed (p < .001). No associations between idiopathic HS and concurrent systemic disease were identified.
    CONCLUSIONS: This is the first study to evaluate the diagnostic yield of advanced imaging in dogs with HS. Isolated HS is significantly more likely to be idiopathic than cases presenting with additional clinical signs; this could guide decision-making regarding further investigations performed in a clinical setting. Idiopathic HS is over-represented in the golden retriever.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: In previous reports, almost half of Golden Retrievers with Pigmentary Uveitis (GRPU) have lost vision in an eye within a year of diagnosis. The purpose of this study was to determine the proportion of GRPU affected dogs with vision loss, risk factors for the development of glaucoma, and effect of treatment on disease progression.
    METHODS: Client owned Golden Retrievers.
    METHODS: Two complete ophthalmic examinations were performed at least 6 months apart. Visual status, presence of glaucoma, GRPU score, and treatment were recorded. A proportional odds (ordinal logistic) model was fitted to determine whether the use of topical steroidal or non-steroidal (NSAID) ophthalmic preparations was associated with a change in GRPU scores.
    RESULTS: Twenty-nine Golden Retrievers, 58 eyes, were included. One eye was enucleated after the first examination. On first examination, 57/58 (98.3%) eyes and 29/29 (100%) dogs were visual. At the second examination, 48/57 (84.2%) eyes and 25/29 (86.2%) dogs were visual. Vision loss in 7/9 (77.8%) eyes was secondary to glaucoma. Posterior synechia and fibrinous material in the anterior chamber were significant risk factors for the development of glaucoma (P < .001). There was no significant difference in the change in GRPU score between eyes receiving topical steroids and topical NSAIDs (P = .14). Time between examinations was a significant factor in disease progression (increased GRPU score; P = .016).
    CONCLUSIONS: The number of eyes and dogs that retained vision was higher than previous reports. No topical treatment was superior in slowing disease progression. Golden Retriever Pigmentary Uveitis is a slowly progressive disease.





