
Go / No - Go
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Memory deficits are the primary symptom in amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment (aMCI); however, executive function (EF) deficits are common. The current study examined EF in aMCI based upon amyloid status (A+/A-) and regional atrophy in signature areas of Alzheimer\'s disease (AD).
    UNASSIGNED: Participants included 110 individuals with aMCI (A+ = 66; A- = 44) and 33 cognitively healthy participants (HP). EF was assessed using four neuropsychological assessment measures. The cortical thickness of the AD signature areas was calculated using structural MRI data.
    UNASSIGNED: A + had greater EF deficits and cortical atrophy relative to A - in the supramarginal gyrus and superior parietal lobule. A - had greater EF deficits relative to HP, but no difference in signature area cortical thickness.
    UNASSIGNED: The current study found that the degree of EF deficits in aMCI are a function of amyloid status and cortical thinning in the parietal cortex.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a severe psychiatric disorder marked by extreme weight control behaviors and significant impacts on physical and psychosocial health. This study explores the relationship between vitamin D (Vit-D) levels and impulsivity in women with AN. Forty-six cisgender White women participants were assessed upon admission and before discharge from a specialized eating disorder treatment center, with an average duration of 2.5 ± 0.10 months. Methods included self-reported questionnaires and behavioral tasks to measure impulsivity, alongside serum Vit-D levels. Our results showed significant improvements in Vit-D levels and certain impulsivity measures, such as faster reaction times and fewer errors on the go/no-go task, correlating with higher Vit-D levels. However, no significant correlations were found between Vit-D levels and self-reported impulsivity. These findings suggest that adequate Vit-D levels may enhance cognitive functions related to impulse control in AN. Given this study\'s limitations, including its exclusive focus on women and small sample size, future research should involve larger, more diverse populations and randomized clinical trials to better understand the causal relationships and therapeutic potential of Vit-D in managing AN-related impulsivity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Executing go/no-go or approach/avoidance responses toward a stimulus can change its evaluation. To explain these effects, some theoretical accounts propose that executing these responses inherently triggers affective reactions (i.e., action execution), while others posit that the evaluative influences originate from interpreting these responses as valenced actions (i.e., action interpretation). To test the role of action execution and action interpretation in these evaluative effects, we developed a novel training task that combined both go/no-go and approach/avoidance actions orthogonally. Participants either responded or did not respond (i.e., go/no-go) to control a shopping cart on screen, and as a result, either collected or did not collect (i.e., approach/avoidance) certain food items. When the task instructions referred to the go/no-go actions (Experiment 1, N = 148), we observed an effect of these actions. Participants evaluated no-go items less positively than both go and untrained items. No effect of approach/avoidance actions was observed. Contrarily, when the task instructions referred to the approach/avoidance actions (Experiment 2, N = 158), we observed an approach/avoidance effect. Participants evaluated approached items more positively and avoided items less positively than untrained items. No effect of go/no-go actions was observed. This suggests that action interpretation determined whether go/no-go or approach/avoidance actions influenced stimulus evaluation, when the same motor responses were made. Further examination of the role of action interpretation can inform theories of how actions influence stimulus evaluation, and facilitate the use of these interventions in applied settings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The benefit of food-specific inhibition training on modulating food valuation and eating behaviors has been established, but generalization to untrained foods is seldomly examined. This study investigated whether stimulus variability and practice order, found to effect generalization in motor learning, can improve generalization following food-specific inhibition training. Ninety-three young adults practiced the Go/No-Go task online in three training conditions: 1) Constant (N = 30): inhibition practiced on one food stimulus; 2) Variable-Blocked (N = 32): inhibition practiced on 6 food stimuli, each in a separate block; and 3) Variable-Random (N = 31): inhibition practiced on 6 food stimuli in random order. Consistent with our hypothesis, the Variable-Random group showed better generalization of inhibition to untrained foods than the Constant and the Variable-Blocked groups immediately after training, demonstrating the benefit of stimulus variability and random practice order. This effect was not present 24 h after training. The Variable-Random group also showed decreased desire to eat untrained foods, exhibiting generalization of food devaluation. However, this effect was only present 24 h after training. The Constant group showed increased desire to eat untrained foods immediately and 24 h after training. The Variable-Blocked group did not differ from either group in the desire to eat to untrained foods, suggesting that random order is important for exposing the benefit of variability. The findings illustrate that presenting various training items in random order can improve generalization of food-specific inhibition training. However, inconsistencies found in the timing of generalization effects and modest effect sizes warrant additional investigation into generalization principles of food-specific inhibition training.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bilateral transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation (taVNS) - a non-invasive neuromodulation technique - has been investigated as a safe and feasible technique to treat many neuropsychiatric conditions. such as epilepsy, depression, anxiety, and chronic pain. Our aim is to investigate the effect of taVNS on neurophysiological processes during emotional and Go/No-Go tasks, and changes in frontal alpha asymmetry. We performed a randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled trial with 44 healthy individuals who were allocated into two groups (the active taVNS group and the sham taVNS group). Subjects received one session of taVNS (active or sham) for 60 min. QEEG was recorded before and after the interventions, and the subjects were assessed while exposed to emotional conditions with sad and happy facial expressions, followed by a Go/No-Go trial. The results demonstrated a significant increase in N2 amplitude in the No-Go condition for the active taVNS post-intervention compared to the sham taVNS after adjusting by handedness, mood, and fatigue levels (p = 0.046), significantly reduced ERD during sad conditions after treatment (p = 0.037), and increased frontal alpha asymmetry towards the right frontal hemisphere during the emotional task condition (p = 0.046). Finally, we observed an interesting neural signature in this study that suggests a bottom-up modulation from brainstem/subcortical to cortical areas as characterized by improved lateralization of alpha oscillations towards the frontal right hemisphere, and changes in ERP during emotional and Go/No-Go tasks that suggests a better subcortical response to the tasks. Such bottom-up effects may mediate some of the clinical effects of taVNS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inhibitory control performance may differ greatly as a function of individual differences such as anxiety. Nonetheless, how cognitive control proficiency might be influenced by exposure to various environments and how anxiety traits might impact these effects remain unexplored. A cohort of thirty healthy volunteers participated in the study. Participants performed a Go/No-Go task before exposure to a \'forest\' and \'urban\' virtual environment, in a counterbalanced design, before repeating the GNG task. The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) was finally filled-in. Our findings unveiled an initial negative correlation between anxiety trait levels and GNG task performance, consistent with the established literature attributing difficulties in inhibitory functionality to anxiety. Additionally, different environmental exposures reported opposite trends. Exposure to the \'forest\' environment distinctly improved the GNG performance in relation to anxiety traits, while the \'urban\' setting demonstrated adverse effects on task performance. These results underscore the intricate relationship among cognitive control, environmental exposure, and trait anxiety. In particular, our findings highlight the potential of natural settings, such as forests, to mitigate the impact of anxiety on inhibition. This might have implications for interventions aimed at improving cognitive control.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Behavioral inhibitory control (BIC) depicts a cognitive function of inhibiting inappropriate dominant responses to meet the context requirement. Despite abundant research into neural substrates of BIC during the go/no-go and stop signal tasks, these tasks were consistently shown hard to isolate neural processes of response inhibition, which is of primary interest, from those of response generation. Therefore, it is necessary to explore neural substrates of BIC using the two-choice oddball (TCO) task, whose design of dual responses is thought to produce an inhibition effect free of the confounds of response generation.
    UNASSIGNED: The current study aims at depicting neural substrates of performing behavioral inhibitory control in the two-choice oddball task, which designs dual responses to balance response generation. Also, neural substrates of performing BIC during this task are compared with those in the go/no-go task, which designs a motor response in a single condition.
    UNASSIGNED: The present study integrated go/no-go (GNG) and TCO tasks into a new Three-Choice BIC paradigm, which consists of standard (75%), deviant (12.5%), and no-go (12.5%) conditions simultaneously. Forty-eight college students participated in this experiment, which required them to respond to standard (frequent) and deviant stimuli by pressing different keys, while inhibiting motor response to no-go stimuli. Conjunction analysis and ROI (region of interest) analysis were adopted to identify the unique neural mechanisms that subserve the processes of BIC.
    UNASSIGNED: Both tasks are effective in assessing BIC function, reflected by the significantly lower accuracy of no-go compared to standard condition in GNG, and the significantly lower accuracy and longer reaction time of deviant compared to standard condition in TCO. However, there were no significant differences between deviant and no-go conditions in accuracy. Moreover, functional neuroimaging has demonstrated that the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) activation was observed for no-go vs. standard contrast in the GNG task, but not in deviant vs. standard contrast in the TCO task, suggesting that ACC involvement is not a necessary component of BIC. Second, ROI analysis of areas that were co-activated in TCO and GNG showed co-activations in the right inferior frontal cortex (triangle and orbital), with the signals in the TCO task significantly higher than those in the GNG task.
    UNASSIGNED: These findings show that the designed responses to both standard and deviant stimuli in the TCO task, compared to the GNG task, produced a more prominent prefrontal inhibitory processing and extinguished an unnecessary component of ACC activation during BIC. This implies that prefrontal involvement, but not that of ACC, is mandatory for the successful performance of inhibiting prepotent behaviors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The widespread use of surgical masks during the COVID-19 pandemic has posed challenges in interpreting facial emotions. As the mouth is known to play a crucial role in decoding emotional expressions, its covering is likely to affect this process. Recent evidence suggests that facial expressions impact behavioral responses only when their emotional content is relevant to subjects\' goals. Thus, this study investigates whether and how masked emotional faces alter such a phenomenon.
    UNASSIGNED: Forty participants completed two reaching versions of the Go/No-go task in a counterbalanced fashion. In the Emotional Discrimination Task (EDT), participants were required to respond to angry, fearful, or happy expressions by performing a reaching movement and withholding it when a neutral face was presented. In the Gender Discrimination Task (GDT), the same images were shown, but participants had to respond according to the poser\'s gender. The face stimuli were presented in two conditions: covered by a surgical mask (masked) or without any covering (unmasked).
    UNASSIGNED: Consistent with previous studies, valence influenced behavioral control in the EDT but not in the GDT. Nevertheless, responses to facial emotions in the EDT exhibited significant differences between unmasked and masked conditions. In the former, angry expressions led to a slowdown in participants\' responses. Conversely, in the masked condition, behavioral reactions were impacted by fearful and, to a greater extent, by happy expressions. Responses to fearful faces were slower, and those to happy faces exhibited increased variability in the masked condition compared to the unmasked condition. Furthermore, response accuracy to masked happy faces dramatically declined compared to the unmasked condition and other masked emotions.
    UNASSIGNED: In sum, our findings indicate that surgical masks disrupt reactions to emotional expressions, leading people to react less accurately and with heightened variability to happy expressions, provided that the emotional dimension is relevant to people\'s goals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Quick decision making is a vital factor for a successful pass in soccer games. Many previous studies of decision making in soccer focused on motor execution, but inhibitory processing has remained unclear. This study aimed to clarify the differences in motor execution and inhibitory among Japanese collegiate soccer players with different skill levels. We evaluated the behavioral data and event-related potentials in the high-skilled, low-skilled, and novice groups during the Go/No-go and pass choice reaction tasks. The reaction time (RT) was significantly shorter in the high group than in the novice group, and RT variability was small in the high group. The amplitude of the N2 component was significantly larger in the high group than in the low and novice groups, and the latency of the P3 component was significantly shorter in the high and low groups than in the novice group during the pass choice reaction task. The subtracted No-go N2 amplitude was also significantly larger in the high and low groups than in the novice group, and correlations existed between the RT, RT variability, and the subtracted No-go N2 amplitude during these tasks. These data indicate that soccer players\' behavioral responses and inhibition processing decision-making activities are associated with skill levels.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Motivation to seek social interactions is inherent to all social species. For instance, even with risk of disease transmission in a recent pandemic, humans sought out frequent in-person social interactions. In other social animals, socialization can be prioritized even over water or food consumption. Zebra finches, Taeniopygia guttata, are highly gregarious songbirds widely used in behavioural and physiological research. Songbirds, like humans, are vocal learners during development, which rely on intense auditory learning. Aside from supporting song learning, auditory learning further supports individual identification, mate choice and outcome associations in songbirds. To study auditory learning in a laboratory setting, studies often employ operant paradigms with food restriction and reinforcement and require complete social isolation, which can result in stress and other unintended physiological consequences for social species. Thus, in this work, we designed an operant behavioural method leveraging the sociality of zebra finches for goal-directed behaviours. Our approach relies on visual social reinforcement, without depriving the animals of food or social contact. Using this task, we found that visual social reinforcement was a strong motivational drive for operant behaviour. Motivation was sensitive to familiarity towards the stimulus animal and higher when engaging with a familiar versus a novel individual. We further show that this tool can be used to assess auditory discrimination learning using either songs or synthetic pure tones as stimuli. As birds gained experience in the task, they developed a strategy to maximize reward acquisition in spite of receiving more punishment, i.e. liberal response bias. Our operant paradigm provides an alternative to tasks using food reinforcement and could be applied to a variety of highly social species, such as rodents and nonhuman primates.





