Glycoimmune checkpoints

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The surfaces of cells and enveloped viruses alike are coated in carbohydrates that play multifarious roles in infection and immunity. Organisms across all kingdoms of life make use of a diverse set of monosaccharide subunits, glycosidic linkages, and branching patterns to encode information within glycans. Accordingly, sugar-patterning enzymes and glycan binding proteins play integral roles in cell and organismal biology, ranging from glycoprotein quality control within the endoplasmic reticulum to lymphocyte migration, coagulation, inflammation, and tissue homeostasis. Unsurprisingly, genes involved in generating and recognizing oligosaccharide patterns are playgrounds for evolutionary conflicts that abound in cross-species interactions, exemplified by the myriad plant lectins that function as toxins. In vertebrates, glycans bearing acidic nine-carbon sugars called sialic acids are key regulators of immune responses. Various bacterial and fungal pathogens adorn their cells in sialic acids that either mimic their hosts\' or are stolen from them. Yet, how viruses commandeer host sugar-patterning enzymes to thwart immune responses remains poorly studied. Here, we review examples of viruses that interact with sialic acid-binding immunoglobulin-like lectins (Siglecs), a family of immune cell receptors that regulate toll-like receptor signaling and govern glycoimmune checkpoints, while highlighting knowledge gaps that merit investigation. Efforts to illuminate how viruses leverage glycan-dependent checkpoints may translate into new clinical treatments that uncloak viral antigens and infected cell surfaces by removing or masking immunosuppressive sialoglycans, or by inhibiting viral gene products that induce their biosynthesis. Such approaches may hold the potential to unleash the immune system to clear long intractable chronic viral infections.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Immunology was one of the first biological fields to embrace chemical approaches. The development of new chemical approaches and techniques has provided immunologists with an impressive arsenal of tools to address challenges once considered insurmountable. This review focuses on advances at the interface of chemistry and immunobiology over the past two decades that have not only opened new avenues in basic immunological research, but also revolutionized drug development for the treatment of cancer and autoimmune diseases. These include chemical approaches to understand and manipulate antigen presentation and the T cell priming process, to facilitate immune cell trafficking and regulate immune cell functions, and therapeutic applications of chemical approaches to disease control and treatment.





