
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cadmium (Cd) accumulates in rice and then moves up the food chain, causing serious health problems for humans. Glutathione S-transferase (GST) binds exogenous hazardous compounds to glutathione (GSH), which performs a variety of roles in plant responses to Cd stress. Here, Cd stimulated the transcripts of a novel OsGST gene, and the OsGST protein, which was localized in the nucleus and cytoplasm, was also induced by Cd. In OsGST deletion mutant lines generated by CRISPR/Cas9, more Cd was accumulated, and Cd hypersensitive phenotypes were observed, while transgenic lines overexpressing OsGST exhibited enhanced Cd tolerance and less Cd accumulation. Further analysis indicated that the osgst mutants exhibited considerably greater reactive oxygen species (ROS) and higher GSH level, and the antioxidant activity associated genes\' expression were down-regulated, imply that OsGST controlled rice Cd accumulation and resistance through preserving the equilibrium of the GSH and redox in rice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    High-light stress strongly limits agricultural production in subtropical and tropical regions owing to photo-oxidative damage, decreased growth, and decreased yield. Here, we investigated whether beneficial microbes can protect plants under high-light stress. We found that Enterobacter sp. SA187 (SA187) supports the growth of Arabidopsis thaliana under high-light stress by reducing the accumulation of reactive oxygen species and maintaining photosynthesis. Under high-light stress, SA187 triggers dynamic changes in the expression of Arabidopsis genes related to fortified iron metabolism and redox regulation, thereby enhancing the antioxidative glutathione/glutaredoxin redox system of the plant. Genetic analysis showed that the enhancement of iron and sulfur metabolism by SA187 is coordinated by ethylene signaling. In summary, beneficial microbes could be an effective and inexpensive means of enhancing high-light-stress tolerance in plants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Iron-sulfur (Fe-S) clusters are required for essential biological pathways, including respiration and isoprenoid biosynthesis. Complex Fe-S cluster biogenesis systems have evolved to maintain an adequate supply of this critical protein cofactor. In Escherichia coli, two Fe-S biosynthetic systems, the \"housekeeping\" Isc and \"stress responsive\" Suf pathways, interface with a network of cluster trafficking proteins, such as ErpA, IscA, SufA, and NfuA. GrxD, a Fe-S cluster-binding monothiol glutaredoxin, also participates in Fe-S protein biogenesis in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Previous studies in E. coli showed that the ΔgrxD mutation causes sensitivity to iron depletion, spotlighting a critical role for GrxD under conditions that disrupt Fe-S homeostasis. Here, we utilized a global chemoproteomic mass spectrometry approach to analyze the contribution of GrxD to the Fe-S proteome. Our results demonstrate that (1) GrxD is required for biogenesis of a specific subset of Fe-S proteins under iron-depleted conditions, (2) GrxD is required for cluster delivery to ErpA under iron limitation, (3) GrxD is functionally distinct from other Fe-S trafficking proteins, and (4) GrxD Fe-S cluster binding is responsive to iron limitation. All these results lead to the proposal that GrxD is required to maintain Fe-S cluster delivery to the essential trafficking protein ErpA during iron limitation conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Reactive oxygen species (ROS), play important roles in cellular signaling, nonetheless are toxic at higher concentrations. Cells have many interconnected, overlapped or backup systems to neutralize ROS, but their regulatory mechanisms remain poorly understood. Here, we reveal an essential role for mitochondrial AMPylase Fmp40 from budding yeast in regulating the redox states of the mitochondrial 1-Cys peroxiredoxin Prx1, which is the only protein shown to neutralize H2O2 with the oxidation of the mitochondrial glutathione and the thioredoxin Trx3, directly involved in the reduction of Prx1. Deletion of FMP40 impacts a cellular response to H2O2 treatment that leads to programmed cell death (PCD) induction and an adaptive response involving up or down regulation of genes encoding, among others the catalase Cta1, PCD inducing factor Aif1, and mitochondrial redoxins Trx3 and Grx2. This ultimately perturbs the reduced glutathione and NADPH cellular pools. We further demonstrated that Fmp40 AMPylates Prx1, Trx3, and Grx2 in vitro and interacts with Trx3 in vivo. AMPylation of the threonine residue 66 in Trx3 is essential for this protein\'s proper endogenous level and its precursor forms\' maturation under oxidative stress conditions. Additionally, we showed the Grx2 involvement in the reduction of Trx3 in vivo. Taken together, Fmp40, through control of the reduction of mitochondrial redoxins, regulates the hydrogen peroxide, GSH and NADPH signaling influencing the yeast cell survival.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Land plants have to face an oxidizing, heterogeneous, and fast changing environment. Redox-dependent post-translational modifications emerge as a critical component of plant responses to stresses. Among the thiol oxidoreductase superfamily, class III CC-type glutaredoxins (called ROXYs) are land plant specific, and their evolutionary history is highly dynamic. Angiosperms encode many isoforms, classified into five subgroups (Aα, Aβ, Bα, Bβ, Bγ) that probably evolved from five common ancestral ROXYs, with higher evolutionary dynamics in the Bγ subgroup compared with the other subgroups. ROXYs can modulate the transcriptional activity of TGA transcription factor target genes, although their biochemical function is still debated. ROXYs participate in the control of proper plant development and reproduction, and are mainly negative regulators of plant responses to biotic and abiotic stresses. This suggests that most ROXYs could play essential and conserved functions in resetting redox-dependent changes in transcriptional activity upon stress signaling to ensure the responsiveness of the system and/or avoid exaggerated responses that could lead to major defects in plant growth and reproduction. In Arabidopsis Bγ members acquired important functions in responses to nitrogen availability and endogenous status, but the rapid and independent evolution of this subclass might suggest that this function results from neofunctionalization, specifically observed in core eudicots.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The biogenesis of iron-sulfur (Fe/S) proteins entails the synthesis and trafficking of Fe/S clusters, followed by their insertion into target apoproteins. In eukaryotes, the multiple steps of biogenesis are accomplished by complex protein machineries in both mitochondria and cytosol. The underlying biochemical pathways have been elucidated over the past decades, yet the mechanisms of cytosolic [2Fe-2S] protein assembly have remained ill-defined. Similarly, the precise site of glutathione (GSH) requirement in cytosolic and nuclear Fe/S protein biogenesis is unclear, as is the molecular role of the GSH-dependent cytosolic monothiol glutaredoxins (cGrxs). Here, we investigated these questions in human and yeast cells by various in vivo approaches. [2Fe-2S] cluster assembly of cytosolic target apoproteins required the mitochondrial ISC machinery, the mitochondrial transporter Atm1/ABCB7 and GSH, yet occurred independently of both the CIA system and cGrxs. This mechanism was strikingly different from the ISC-, Atm1/ABCB7-, GSH-, and CIA-dependent assembly of cytosolic-nuclear [4Fe-4S] proteins. One notable exception to this cytosolic [2Fe-2S] protein maturation pathway defined here was yeast Apd1 which used the CIA system via binding to the CIA targeting complex through its C-terminal tryptophan. cGrxs, although attributed as [2Fe-2S] cluster chaperones or trafficking proteins, were not essential in vivo for delivering [2Fe-2S] clusters to either CIA components or target apoproteins. Finally, the most critical GSH requirement was assigned to Atm1-dependent export, i.e. a step before GSH-dependent cGrxs function. Our findings extend the general model of eukaryotic Fe/S protein biogenesis by adding the molecular requirements for cytosolic [2Fe-2S] protein maturation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intracellular antioxidant glutaredoxin controls cell proliferation and survival. Based on the active site, structure, and conserved domain motifs, it is classified into two classes. Class I contains dithiol Grxs with two cysteines in the consensus active site sequence CXXC, while class II has monothiol Grxs with one cysteine residue in the active site. Monothiol Grxs can also have an additional N-terminal thioredoxin (Trx)-like domain. Previously, we reported the characterization of Grx1 from Hydra vulgaris (HvGrx1), which is a dithiol isoform. Here, we report the molecular cloning, expression, analysis, and characterization of another isoform of Grx, which is the multidomain monothiol glutaredoxin-3 from Hydra vulgaris (HvGrx3). It encodes a protein with 303 amino acids and is significantly larger and more divergent than HvGrx1. In-silico analysis revealed that Grx1 and Grx3 have 22.5% and 9.9% identical nucleotide and amino acid sequences, respectively. HvGrx3 has two glutaredoxin domains and a thioredoxin-like domain at its amino terminus, unlike HvGrx1, which has a single glutaredoxin domain. Like other monothiol glutaredoxins, HvGrx3 failed to reduce glutathione-hydroxyethyl disulfide. In the whole Hydra, HvGrx3 was found to be expressed all over the body column, and treatment with H2O2 led to a significant upregulation of HvGrx3. When transfected in HCT116 (human colon cancer cells) cells, HvGrx3 enhanced cell proliferation and migration, indicating that this isoform could be involved in these cellular functions. These transfected cells also tolerate oxidative stress better.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury (CIRI) is a destructive adverse reaction of ischemic stroke, leading to high disability and mortality rates. Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge. (Danshen, DS) processed with porcine cardiac blood (PCB-DS), a characteristic processed product, has promising anti-ischemic effects. However, the underlying mechanism of PCB-DS against CIRI remains unclear.
    OBJECTIVE: Ferroptosis is demonstrated to be involved in CIRI. The aim of this study was to explore the molecular mechanism underlying PCB-DS inhibited GLRX5-mediated ferroptosis alleviating CIRI, which was different from DS.
    METHODS: Quality evaluation of PCB-DS and DS was conducted by UPLC. Pharmacological activities of PCB-DS and DS against CIRI were compared using neurobehavioral scores, infarct volume, proinflammatory factors, and pathological examinations. Proteomics was employed to explore the potential specific mechanism of PCB-DS against CIRI, which was different from DS. Based on the differential protein GLRX5, ferroptosis-related iron, GSH, MDA, SOD, ROS, liperfluo, and mitochondrial morphology were analyzed. Then, the proteins of GLRX5-mediated iron-starvation response and SLC7A11/GPX4 were analyzed. Finally, OGD/R-induced SH-SY5Y cells upon GLRX5 silencing were constructed to demonstrate that PCB-DS improved CIRI by GLRX5-mediated ferroptosis.
    RESULTS: PCB-DS better alleviated CIRI through decreasing neurological score, reducing the infarct volume, and suppressing the release of inflammatory cytokines than DS. Proteomics suggested that PCB-DS may ameliorate CIRI by inhibiting GLRX5-mediated ferroptosis, which was different from DS. PCB-DS reversed the abnormal mitochondrial morphology, iron, GSH, MDA, SOD, ROS, and liperfluo to inhibit ferroptosis in vitro and in vivo. PCB-DS directly activated GLRX5 suppressing the iron-starvation response and downregulated the SLC7A11/GPX4 signaling pathway to inhibit ferroptosis. Finally, silencing GLRX5 activated the iron-starvation response in SH-SY5Y cells and PCB-DS unimproved OGD/R injury upon GLRX5 silencing.
    CONCLUSIONS: Different from DS, PCB-DS suppressed ferroptosis to alleviate CIRI through inhibiting GLRX5-mediated iron-starvation response. These findings give a comprehensive understanding of the molecular mechanism underlying the effect of PCB-DS against CIRI and provide evidence to assess the product in clinical studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite the efforts of global programme to eliminate lymphatic filariasis (GPELF), the threat of lymphatic filariasis (LF) still looms over humanity in terms of long-term disabilities, and morbidities across the globe. In light of this situation, investigators have chosen to focus on the development of immunotherapeutics targeting the physiologically important filarial-specific proteins. Glutaredoxin (16.43 kDa) plays a pivotal role in filarial redox biology, serving as a vital contributor. In the context of the intra-host survival of filarial parasites, this antioxidant helps in mitigating the oxidative stress imposed by the host immune system. Given its significant contribution, the development of a vaccine targeting glutaredoxin holds promise as a new avenue for achieving a filaria-free world. Herein, multi-epitope-based vaccine was designed using advanced immunoinformatics approach. Initially, 4B-cell epitopes and 6 T-cell epitopes (4 MHC I and 2 MHC II) were identified from the 146 amino acid long sequence of glutaredoxin of the human filarid, Wuchereria bancrofti. Subsequent clustering of these epitopes with linker peptides finalized the vaccine structure. To boost TLR-mediated innate immunity, TLR-specific adjuvants were incorporated into the designed vaccine. After that, experimental analyses confirm the designed vaccine, Vac4 as anefficient ligand of human TLR5 to elicit protective innate immunity against filarial glutaredoxin. Immune simulation further demonstrated abundant levels of IgG and IgM as crucial contributors in triggering vaccine-induced adaptive responses in the recipients. Hence, to facilitate the validation of immunogenicity of the designed vaccine, Vac4 was cloned in silico in pET28a(+) expression vector for recombinant production. Taken together, our findings suggest that vaccine-mediated targeting of filarial glutaredoxin could be a future option for intervening LF on a global scale.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The thiol redox state is a decisive functional characteristic of proteins in cell biology. Plasmatic cell compartments maintain a thiol-based redox regulatory network linked to the glutathione/glutathione disulfide couple (GSH/GSSG) and the NAD(P)H system. The basic network constituents are known and in vivo cell imaging with gene-encoded probes have revealed insight into the dynamics of the [GSH]2/[GSSG] redox potential, cellular H2O2 and NAD(P)H+H+ amounts in dependence on metabolic and environmental cues. Less understood is the contribution and interaction of the network components, also because of compensatory reactions in genetic approaches. Reconstituting the cytosolic network of Arabidopsis thaliana in vitro from fifteen recombinant proteins at in vivo concentrations, namely glutathione peroxidase-like (GPXL), peroxiredoxins (PRX), glutaredoxins (GRX), thioredoxins, NADPH-dependent thioredoxin reductase A and glutathione reductase and applying Grx1-roGFP2 or roGFP2-Orp1 as dynamic sensors, allowed for monitoring the response to a single H2O2 pulse. The major change in thiol oxidation as quantified by mass spectrometry-based proteomics occurred in relevant peptides of GPXL, and to a lesser extent of PRX, while other Cys-containing peptides only showed small changes in their redox state and protection. Titration of ascorbate peroxidase (APX) into the system together with dehydroascorbate reductase lowered the oxidation of the fluorescent sensors in the network but was unable to suppress it. The results demonstrate the power of the network to detoxify H2O2, the partially independent branches of electron flow with significance for specific cell signaling and the importance of APX to modulate the signaling without suppressing it and shifting the burden to glutathione oxidation.





