Gizzard, Avian

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The study compared nutrient intake and growth performance of local chickens to that of local x broiler crossbreds under scavenging and indoor conventional systems. A total of 48 male and 48 female chickens for each of the two chicken types were allocated to four outdoor free-range pens. The chickens were allowed to scavenge whilst being supplemented with sorghum plus kitchen waste and broiler growers from week 5 to week 13 of age. The same design was repeated using the indoor conventional system. Local chickens and their crosses with broilers had higher growth rates under the scavenging system than the indoor production system (P < 0.05). Local chickens and their crosses with broilers had the same growth rates when fed the same diet (P > 0.05). Crop and gizzard contents from local chickens had the same crude protein as their crosses with broilers under both systems (P > 0.05). The crude protein values of crop and gizzard contents ranged from 25.4 to 30.4%. Crop and gizzard contents from scavenging chickens had energy content ranging from 16.2 to 17.1 MJ/Kg which was lower (P < 0.05) than that from chickens under the indoor conventional system (20.3 to 25.8 kJ/Kg). Iron content ranged from 655.7 to 1619.4 mg/Kg in scavenging chickens and 156.1 to 621.4 mg/Kg in enclosed chickens. Chickens of the same type had higher iron content in their crop and gizzard contents under the scavenging system than the conventional system (P < 0.05). Crossbreds between local chickens and broilers matches the scavenging abilities of the local chickens but have lower growth rates under the scavenging system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aimed to determine the prevalence and serovar distribution of salmonellae in liver, heart, and spleen (LHS) and gizzard (G) of slaughtered broilers. For this, a total of 60 sample units, comprised of 30 LHS and 30 G collected from 3 slaughterhouses, were analysed by reference methods for detection and serotyping as revised ISO 6579-1:2017 and ISO 6579-3:2014, respectively. Also, Salmonella-specific real-time PCR (Salm-PCR) was used for species confirmation, while Salmonella Enteritidis (S. Enteritidis) and Salmonella Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium) specific real-time PCR (SE/ST-PCR) was evaluated to determine its efficiency for rapid detection of the serovars mandated in current legal regulations compared to standard serotyping. All LHS (100%-30/30) and 90% (27/30) of G samples harbored Salmonella with an overall prevalence of 95% (57/60) in samples examined, where all isolates were confirmed as Salmonella by Salm-PCR. The most prevalent serovar in broiler giblets was S. Virchow (80.70%-46/57) followed by S. Enteritidis (19.30%-11/57). SE/ST-PCR (%17.54-10/57) could not detect one G isolate, which was serotyped as S. Enteritidis by standard serotyping. High relative accuracy (98.25%), sensitivity (100%) and specificity (100%), and agreement between methods (κ: 0.94) verified SE/ST-PCR\'s potential to be used as an alternative in rapid detection of S. Enteritidis and S. Typhimurium. Data on high Salmonella prevalence in broiler giblets of slaughterhouse origin, and detection of the pathogen by the implementation of all requirements indicated in the revised ISO 6579-1:2017 standard method, enabling the determination of actual prevalence in the samples with high sensitivity and specificity is of significance for public health. Additionally, identification of S. Virchow as the dominant serovar followed by S. Enteritidis with a relatively lower prevalence, and absence of S. Typhimurium in broiler giblets are important findings for Turkiye. This up to date data, obtained by strict application of ISO 6579-3:2014 procedures, indicated a shift in circulating serovars in the broiler industry. The objective findings in this study would bring awareness to national/international literature, and may be of use in future improvements in legal regulations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transfer of Salmonella to internal organs of broilers over a 35 d grow-out period was evaluated. A total of 360 one-day old chicks were placed in 18 floor pens of 3 groups with 6 replicate pens each. On d 0, broilers were orally challenged with a cocktail of Salmonella (equal population of marked serovars; nalidixic acid-resistant S. Typhimurium, rifampicin-resistant S. Infantis, and kanamycin-resistant S. Reading) to have 3 groups: L (low; ∼2 log CFU/bird); M (medium; ∼5 log CFU/bird); and H (High; ∼8 log CFU/bird). On d 2, 7 and 35, 4 birds/pen were euthanized and ceca, liver, and spleen samples were collected aseptically. Gizzard samples (4/pen) were collected on d 35. The concentration of Salmonella in liver and spleen were transformed to binary outcomes (positive and negative) and fitted in glm function of R using cecal Salmonella concentrations (log CFU/g) and inoculation doses (L, M, and H) as inputs. On d 2, H group showed greater (P ≤ 0.05) cecal colonization of all 3 serovars compared to L and M groups. However, M group showed greater (P ≤ 0.05) colonization of all 3 serovars in the liver and spleen compared to L group. Salmonella colonization increased linearly in the ceca and quadratically in the liver and spleen with increasing challenge dose (P ≤ 0.05). On d 35, L group had greater (P ≤ 0.05) S. Infantis colonization in the ceca and liver compared to M and H groups (P ≤ 0.05). Moreover, within each group on d 35, the concentration of S. Reading was greater than those of S. Typhimurium and S. Infantis for all 3 doses in the ceca and high dose in the liver and gizzard (P ≤ 0.05). Salmonella colonization diminished in the ceca, liver, and spleen during grow-out from d 0 to d 35 (P ≤ 0.05). On d 35, birds challenged with different doses of Salmonella cocktail showed a similar total Salmonella spp. population in the ceca (ca. 3.14 log CFU/g), liver (ca. 0.54 log CFU/g), spleen (ca. 0.31 log CFU/g), and gizzard (ca. 0.42 log CFU/g). Estimates from the fitted logistic model showed that one log CFU/g increase in cecal Salmonella concentration will result in an increase in relative risk of liver and spleen being Salmonella-positive by 4.02 and 3.40 times (P ≤ 0.01), respectively. Broilers from H or M group had a lower risk (28 and 23%) of being Salmonella-positive in the liver compared to the L group when the cecal Salmonella concentration is the same (P ≤ 0.05). Oral challenge of broilers with Salmonella spp. with various doses resulted in linear or quadratic increases in Salmonella colonization in the internal organs during early age and these populations decreased during grow-out (d 35). This research can provide guidance on practices to effectively mitigate the risk of Salmonella from chicken parts and enhance public health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Dose Consumed step of the Poultry Food Assess Risk Model (PFARM) for Salmonella and chicken gizzards was presented and compared to the Exposure Assessment step of Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment (QMRA). The specific objectives were 1) to demonstrate the dose consumed step of PFARM for Salmonella and chicken gizzards; 2) to compare Salmonella dose consumed from cooked chicken gizzards to that from cross-contaminated and temperature-abused lettuce; 3) to determine if Salmonella dose consumed changed over time in a production chain; and 4) to compare PFARM and QMRA predictions of Salmonella dose consumed. The PFARM and QMRA were developed in an Excel notebook and simulated with @Risk. Salmonella prevalence and number data (P = 100) for chicken gizzards (56 g) and scenario analysis were used to address objectives 1, 2, and 4, whereas running windows of 60 consecutive chicken gizzard samples and scenario analysis were used to address objective 3. A lot size of 1,000 kg of chicken gizzards was simulated. Mean portion size was 168 g resulting in the simulation of 5,952 meals per lot. Of these, 3.69 ± 0.32% and 0.49 ± 0.07% (mean ± SD) resulted in Salmonella dose consumed of ≥1 per meal from cooked chicken gizzards and lettuce, respectively. However, the total Salmonella dose consumed per lot from cooked chicken gizzards (272 ± 27) was less (P ≤ 0.05) than from lettuce (6,050 ± 4,929) because of a few highly contaminated (>310 Salmonella) lettuce portions at consumption. Over time in the production chain, Salmonella prevalence and total dose consumed per lot changed (P ≤ 0.05) but the patterns differed. The QMRA predicted higher (P ≤ 0.05) Salmonella dose consumed per meal than PFARM. In part, this was because QMRA only simulated contaminated grams, whereas PFARM simulated contaminated and non-contaminated meals. However, other factors, which are discussed, also contributed to the overestimation of Salmonella dose consumed by QMRA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During a series of pathology surveys in four production complexes of a U.S. broiler integrator, the technical services veterinarians of an animal health company noted a high incidence of severe gizzard erosions and ulcerations (GEU), prompting further clinical investigation and a battery trial. No growth-promoting antibiotics or ionophore coccidiostats were used during the period of these surveys. All used tribasic copper chloride (TBCC) at ≤120 ppm added copper in broiler rations. Clostridium perfringens was isolated from 83% and 67% of gizzard lesions cultured in two complexes, and cecal C. perfringens most probable number determinations were higher in severely affected than in mildly affected or unaffected birds. Histopathology revealed both acellular koilin fusion defects characteristic of copper toxicity, as well as inflammatory cell infiltrates. Intralesional bacilli suggestive of C. perfringens were noted in 78% of affected flocks examined. Species E Aviadenovirus was isolated from one bird in one complex, and that bird had a single intranuclear inclusion body; no other flocks had Adenoviruses isolated or detected on PCR, nor any inclusion bodies. Other viruses detected were thought to be incidental. A pilot study using feed with supplemental copper from TBCC or copper sulfate and challenge with one of the isolated C. perfringens strains reproduced the lesions. A battery study was conducted with an unchallenged negative control group fed a diet with 16 ppm added copper, a group fed the control diet and orally challenged with 108 organisms of a field strain of C. perfringens at 21 and 22 days, and a group treated with the same diet containing 250 ppm added copper from TBCC and orally challenged with C. perfringens. Birds were necropsied at 23 and 28 days. All challenged groups developed lesions, with those receiving both TBCC and C. perfringens having significantly higher gross and histopathological lesion scores than the unchallenged negative controls. Lesions were qualitatively similar to those in the field and contained suspected C. perfringens bacilli. Because the levels of TBCC used in the commercial birds and in the battery trial generally have been considered safe, and because C. perfringens is usually regarded as a pathogen of the lower GI tract, the possible association of these two agents with GEU is a novel observation and warrants further investigation.
    Investigaciones sobre el aumento de la incidencia de erosiones y ulceraciones severas en la molleja en pollos de engorde comerciales en los Estados Unidos. Durante una serie de estudios de patología en cuatro complejos de producción de un integrador de pollos de engorde de los Estados Unidos, veterinarios de servicio técnico de una empresa de salud animal observaron una alta incidencia de erosiones y ulceraciones severas de la molleja (GEU), lo que motivó una mayor investigación clínica y un estudio en batería. Durante el período de estas encuestas no se utilizaron antibióticos promotores del crecimiento ni coccidiostáticos ionóforos. Todos utilizaron cloruro de cobre tribásico (TBCC) con un nivel de ≤120 ppm de cobre agregado en raciones para pollos de engorde. Se aisló Clostridium perfringens del 83% y el 67% de las lesiones de molleja cultivadas en dos complejos, y las determinaciones del número más probable de C. perfringens en los sacos ciegos fueron mayores en aves severamente afectadas que en aves levemente afectadas o no afectadas. La histopatología reveló defectos de fusión de la capa córnea acelular característicos de la toxicidad por cobre, así como infiltrados de células inflamatorias. Se observaron bacilos intralesionales sugestivos de C. perfringens en el 78% de las parvadas afectadas examinadas. La especie Aviadenovirus E se aisló de un ave en un complejo, y esa ave tenía un único cuerpo de inclusión intranuclear; en ninguna otra parvada se aislaron o detectaron adenovirus mediante PCR, ni se observaron cuerpos de inclusión. Se pensó que otros virus detectados fueron incidentales. Un estudio piloto que utilizó alimento con cobre suplementario de cloruro de cobre tribásico o sulfato de cobre y con desafío con una de las cepas aisladas de C. perfringens reprodujo las lesiones. Se realizó un estudio de batería con un grupo de control negativo no desafiado alimentado con una dieta con 16 ppm de cobre agregado, un grupo alimentado con la dieta de control y desafiado por vía oral con 108 organismos de una cepa de campo de C. perfringens a los 21 y 22 días, y un grupo tratado con la misma dieta que contenía 250 ppm de cobre agregado de cloruro de cobre tribásico y desafiados por vía oral con C. perfringens. A las aves se les realizó la necropsia a los 23 y 28 días. Todos los grupos desafiados desarrollaron lesiones, y aquellos que recibieron cloruro de cobre tribásico y C. perfringens tuvieron puntuaciones de lesiones macroscópicas e histopatológicas significativamente más altas que los controles negativos no desafiados. Las lesiones eran cualitativamente similares a las del campo y contenían bacilos sospechosos de C. perfringens. Debido a que los niveles de cloruro de cobre tribásico utilizados en las aves comerciales y en el ensayo en batería generalmente se han considerado seguros, y debido a que C. perfringens generalmente se considera un patógeno del tracto gastrointestinal inferior, la posible asociación de estos dos agentes con erosiones y ulceraciones severas de la molleja es una observación reciente y justifica una mayor investigación.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    The literature features limited evidence on the natural history of the cystic dilatation of the ventriculus terminalis (CDVT) and its response to treatment. The goal of this study is to ascertain which impact the revised operative classification of CDVT had on the management of patients diagnosed over the past 10 years.Ten new clinical articles presenting a total of 30 cases of CDVT were identified and included for qualitative analysis. Two take-home messages can be identified: (1) Adequate consideration should be given to designing national pathways for referral to tertiary centers with relevant expertise in the management of lesions of the conus medullaris, and (2) we suggest that type Ia should be, at least initially, treated conservatively, whereas we reckon that the signs and symptoms described in types Ib, II, and III seem to benefit, although in some patients only partially, from surgical decompression in the form of cystic fenestration, cyst-subarachnoid shunting, or both.While the level of evidence gathered in this systematic review remains low because the literature on CDVT consists only of retrospective studies based on single-center series (level of evidence 4 according to the Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (OCEBM)), the strength of recommendation for adopting the revised operative classification of CDVT is moderate.






  • 文章类型: Video-Audio Media






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gut morphology frequently reflects the food organisms digest. Gizzards are organs of the gut found in archosaurs and fishes that mechanically reduce food to aid digestion. Gizzards are thought to compensate for edentulism and/or provide an advantage when consuming small, tough food items (e.g., phytoplankton and algae). It is unknown how widespread gizzards are in fishes and how similar these structures are among different lineages. Here, we investigate the distribution of gizzards across bony fishes to (1) survey different fishes for gizzard presence, (2) compare the histological structure of gizzards in three species, (3) estimate how often gizzards have evolved in fishes, and (4) explore whether anatomical and ecological traits like edentulism and microphagy predict gizzard presence. According to our analyses, gizzards are rare across bony fishes, evolving only six times in a broad taxonomic sampling of 51 species, and gizzard presence is not clearly correlated with factors like gut length or dentition. We find that gizzard morphology varies among the lineages where one is present, both macroscopically (presence of a crop) and microscopically (varying tissue types). We conclude that gizzards likely aid in the mechanical reduction of food in fishes that have lost an oral dentition in their evolutionary past; however, the relative scarcity of gizzards suggests they are just one of many possible solutions for processing tough, nutrient-poor food items. Gizzards have long been present in the evolutionary history of fishes, can be found in a wide variety of marine and freshwater clades, and likely have been overlooked in many taxa.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Growth performance, gizzard weight, ceca digesta short-chain fatty acids (SCFA), and apparent retention (AR) of components were investigated in broilers and turkeys in response to cereal grain type, fiber level, and multienzyme supplement (MES) fed from hatch to 28 d of life. 480-day-old male broiler chicks and equal number of turkeys were placed separately in metabolism cages (10 birds/cage) and allocated to 8 diets. The species-specific diets were a corn or wheat-based basal diet without (LF) or with 10% corn DDGS or wheat middlings (HF) and fed without or with MES. This effectively created a 2 (grain types) × 2 (fiber levels) × 2 (MES) factorial arrangement of treatments. The diets had TiO2 as an indigestible marker. Body weight, feed intake, and mortalities were recorded to calculate body weight gain (BWG) and feed conversion ratio (FCR). Excreta samples were collected on d 25 to 27 for AR, and all birds were necropsied for gizzard weight and ceca digesta on d 28. The interaction between grain and MES in broilers was such that wheat diets with MES had the lowest (P = 0.005) FCR. In broilers, LF diets had better (P = 0.010) FCR than HF diets. The wheat diets had the highest (P = 0.006) concentration of butyric acid in broilers. Broilers fed HF and corn diets had heavier gizzard than broilers-fed LF and wheat diets. The MES improved (P < 0.05) AMEn in HF, corn, and wheat diets in broilers. The turkeys fed wheat diets had the lowest (P = 0.019) FCR. Turkeys fed HF wheat diets had the heaviest (P < 0.001) gizzard. In turkeys, the MES improved AMEn in HF and LF corn diets, and only in LF wheat diets compared to respective controls. Treatments had no effect on turkeys cecal SCFA. In conclusion, grain type, fiber, and MES did not affect growth in both species. However, species exhibited differing FCR, gizzard, and energy utilization to fiber and MES.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Illness Dose (ID) step of a Poultry Food Assess Risk Model (PFARM) for Salmonella and chicken gizzards (CGs) was shown in the present study. The illness dose is the minimum dose of Salmonella consumed that causes an illness. It depends on the zoonotic potential (ZP) of Salmonella, food consumption behavior (FCB), and consumer health and immunity (CHI) or the disease triangle (DT). Zoonotic potential is the ability of Salmonella to survive, grow, and spread in the production chain or food and then cause illness in humans. Illness dose is predicted in PFARM using a DT, dose-response model (DRM) that was developed with human feeding trial (HFT) data and was validated with human outbreak investigation (HOI) data for Salmonella. The ability of the DT, DRM to predict DR data from HOI and HFT for Salmonella was quantified using the Acceptable Prediction Zone (APZ) method where acceptable performance occurred when the proportion of residuals in the APZ (pAPZ) was ≥0.7. United States, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data for human salmonellosis from 2007 to 2016 were used to simulate ZP, and only minor changes in ZP of 11 Salmonella serotypes were observed during this time. The performance of the DT, DRM for predicting Salmonella DR data from HFT and HOI was acceptable with pAPZ that ranged from 0.87 to 1 for individual serotypes of Salmonella. Simulation results from the DT, DRM in PFARM indicated that ID decreased (P ≤ 0.05) and ZP increased (P ≤ 0.05) over time in the simulated production chain because the main serotype of Salmonella changed from Kentucky (low ZP) to Infantis (high ZP) while FCB and CHI were held constant. These results indicated that the DT, DRM in PFARM can be used with confidence to predict ID as a function of ZP, FCB, and CHI. In other words, the DT, DRM in PFARM can be used with confidence to predict dose-response for Salmonella and CGs.





