Germinal center response

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gammaherpesviruses are ubiquitous, lifelong pathogens associated with multiple cancers that infect over 95% of the adult population. Increases in viral reactivation, due to stress and other unknown factors impacting the immune response, frequently precedes lymphomagenesis. One potential stressor that could promote viral reactivation and increase viral latency would be the myriad of infections from bacterial and viral pathogens that we experience throughout our lives. Using murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (MHV68), a mouse model of gammaherpesvirus infection, we examined the impact of bacterial challenge on gammaherpesvirus infection. We challenged MHV68 infected mice during the establishment of latency with nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) to determine the impact of bacterial infection on viral reactivation and latency. Mice infected with MHV68 and then challenged with NTHi, saw increases in viral reactivation and viral latency. These data support the hypothesis that bacterial challenge can promote gammaherpesvirus reactivation and latency establishment, with possible consequences for viral lymphomagenesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The creation of safe and effective vaccines that induce potent cellular and humoral immune responses against SARS-CoV-2 is urgently needed to end the global COVID-19 epidemic. Here, we developed an alphavirus-derived self-replicating RNA (repRNA)-based vaccine platform encoding the receptor-binding domain (RBD) of SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein. The repRNA triggers prolonged antigen expression compared with conventional mRNA due to the replication machinery of repRNA. To improve the delivery and vaccine efficacy of repRNA, we developed a self-assembling liposome-protamine-RNA (LPR) nanoparticle with highly efficient encapsulation and transfection of repRNA. LPR-repRNA vaccines substantially activated type I interferon response and innate immune signaling pathways. Subcutaneous immunization of LPR-repRNA-RBD led to prolonged antigen expression, stimulation of innate immune cells, and induction of germinal center response in draining lymph nodes. LPR-repRNA-RBD induced antigen-specific T cell responses and skewed cellular immunity toward an effector memory CD8+ T cell response. Immunizations with LPR-repRNA-RBD triggered the production of anti-RBD IgG antibodies and induced neutralizing antibody response against SARS-CoV-2 pseudovirus. LPR-repRNA-RBD vaccines reduced SARS-CoV-2 infection and lung inflammation in mice. Altogether, these data suggest that the LPR-repRNA platform can be a promising avenue for COVID-19 vaccine development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We have previously shown that the microRNA (miRNA) processor complex consisting of the RNAse Drosha and the DiGeorge Critical Region (DGCR) 8 protein is essential for B cell maturation. To determine whether miRNA processing is required to initiate T cell-mediated antibody responses, we deleted DGCR8 in maturing B2 cells by crossing a mouse with loxP-flanked DGCR8 alleles with a CD23-Cre mouse. As expected, non-immunized mice showed reduced numbers of mature B2 cells and IgG-secreting cells and diminished serum IgG titers. In accordance, germinal centers and antigen-specific IgG-secreting cells were absent in mice immunized with T-dependent antigens. Therefore, DGCR8 is required to mount an efficient T-dependent antibody response. However, DGCR8 deletion in B1 cells was incomplete, resulting in unaltered B1 cell numbers and normal IgM and IgA titers in DGCR8-knock-out mice. Therefore, this mouse model could be used to analyze B1 responses in the absence of functional B2 cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gammaherpesviruses infect most vertebrate species and are associated with B cell lymphomas. Manipulation of B cell differentiation is critical for natural infection and lymphomagenesis driven by gammaherpesviruses. Specifically, human Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (MHV68) drive differentiation of infected naive B cells into the germinal center to achieve exponential increase in the latent viral reservoir during the establishment of chronic infection. Infected germinal center B cells are also the target of viral lymphomagenesis, as most EBV-positive B cell lymphomas bear the signature of the germinal center response. All gammaherpesviruses encode a protein kinase, which, in the case of Kaposi\'s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) and MHV68, is sufficient and necessary, respectively, to drive B cell differentiation in vivo. In this study, we used the highly tractable MHV68 model of chronic gammaherpesvirus infection to unveil an antagonistic relationship between MHV68 protein kinase and interferon regulatory factor 1 (IRF-1). IRF-1 deficiency had minimal effect on the attenuated lytic replication of the kinase-null MHV68 in vivo. In contrast, the attenuated latent reservoir of the kinase-null MHV68 was partially to fully rescued in IRF-1-/- mice, along with complete rescue of the MHV68-driven germinal center response. Thus, the novel viral protein kinase-IRF-1 antagonism was largely limited to chronic infection dominated by viral latency and was less relevant for lytic replication during acute infection and in vitro. Given the conserved nature of the viral and host protein, the antagonism between the two, as defined in this study, may regulate gammaherpesvirus infection across species. IMPORTANCE Gammaherpesviruses are prevalent pathogens that manipulate physiological B cell differentiation to establish lifelong infection. This manipulation is also involved in gammaherpesvirus-driven B cell lymphomas, as differentiation of latently infected B cells through the germinal center response targets these for transformation. In this study, we define a novel antagonistic interaction between a conserved gammaherpesvirus protein kinase and a host antiviral and tumor suppressor transcription factor. The virus-host antagonism unveiled in this study was critically important to shape the magnitude of gammaherpesvirus-driven germinal center response. In contrast, the virus-host antagonism was far less relevant for lytic viral replication in vitro and during acute infection in vivo, highlighting the emerging concept that nonoverlapping mechanisms shape the parameters of acute and chronic gammaherpesvirus infection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gammaherpesviruses, such as human Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (MHV68), are species-specific, ubiquitous pathogens that are associated with multiple cancers, including B cell lymphomas. These viruses have a natural tropism for B cells and usurp B cell differentiation to drive a unique and robust polyclonal germinal center response to establish a long-term latent reservoir in memory B cells. The robust polyclonal germinal center response driven by gammaherpesvirus infection increases the risk for B cell transformation. Unsurprisingly, many gammaherpesvirus cancers are derived from germinal center or post-germinal center B cells. The viral and host factors that influence the gammaherpesvirus-driven germinal center response are not clearly defined. We previously showed that host interleukin 17 receptor A (IL-17RA) signaling promotes the establishment of chronic MHV68 infection and the MHV68-driven germinal center response. In this study, we found that T cell-intrinsic IL-17RA signaling recapitulates some proviral aspects of global IL-17RA signaling during MHV68 infection. Specifically, we found that T cell-intrinsic IL-17RA signaling supports the MHV68-driven germinal center response, the establishment of latency in the spleen, and viral reactivation in the spleen and peritoneal cavity. Our study unveils an unexpected finding where the T cell-specific IL-17RA signaling supports the establishment of a latent reservoir of a B cell-tropic gammaherpesvirus. IMPORTANCE Gammaherpesviruses, such as human EBV, establish lifelong infection in >95% of adults and are associated with B cell lymphomas. Gammaherpesviruses usurp the germinal center response to establish latent infection, and the germinal center B cells are thought to be the target of viral transformation. We previously found that global expression of IL-17RA promotes the establishment of chronic MHV68 infection and the MHV68-driven germinal center response. In this study, we showed that T cell-intrinsic IL-17RA signaling is necessary to promote the MHV68-driven germinal center response by supporting CD4+ T follicular helper cell expansion. We also found that T cell-intrinsic IL-17RA signaling contributes to but is not solely responsible for the systemic proviral role of IL-17RA signaling, highlighting the multifaceted function of IL-17RA signaling during MHV68 infection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In response to T-cell-dependent antigens, antigen-experienced B cells migrate to the center of the B-cell follicle to seed the germinal center (GC) response after cognate interactions with CD4+ T cells. These GC B cells eventually mature into memory and long-lived antibody-secreting plasma cells, thus generating long-lived humoral immunity. Within GC, B cells undergo somatic hypermutation of their B cell receptors (BCR) and positive selection for the emergence of high-affinity antigen-specific B-cell clones. However, this process may be dangerous, as the accumulation of aberrant mutations could result in malignant transformation of GC B cells or give rise to autoreactive B cell clones that can cause autoimmunity. Because of this, better understanding of GC development provides diagnostic and therapeutic clues to the underlying pathologic process. A productive GC response is orchestrated by multiple mechanisms. An emerging important regulator of GC reaction is epigenetic modulation, which has key transcriptional regulatory properties. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge on the biology of epigenetic mechanisms in the regulation of GC reaction and outline its importance in identification of immunotherapy decision making.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gammaherpesviruses establish lifelong infection and are associated with a variety of cancers, including B cell lymphomas. These viruses manipulate the B cell differentiation process to establish lifelong infection in memory B cells. Specifically, gammaherpesviruses infect naive B cells and promote entry of both infected and uninfected naive B cells into germinal centers, where the virus usurps rapid proliferation of germinal center B cells to exponentially increase its cellular latent reservoir. In addition to facilitating the establishment of latent infection, germinal center B cells are thought to be the target of viral transformation. In this study, we have uncovered a novel proviral role of host interleukin 17A (IL-17A), a well-established antibacterial and antifungal factor. Loss of IL-17A signaling attenuated the establishment of chronic gammaherpesvirus infection and gammaherpesvirus-driven germinal center response in a route of inoculation-dependent manner. Further, IL-17A treatment directly supported gammaherpesvirus reactivation and de novo lytic infection. This study is the first demonstration of a multifaceted proviral role of IL-17 signaling.IMPORTANCE Gammaherpesviruses establish lifelong infections in a majority of humans and are associated with B cell lymphomas. IL-17A is a host cytokine that plays a well-established role in the clearance of bacterial and fungal infections; however, the role of IL-17A in viral infections is poorly understood. In this study, we show that IL-17A signaling promoted the establishment of chronic gammaherpesvirus infection following the mucosal route of infection, viral lytic replication, and reactivation from latency. Thus, our study unveils a novel proviral role of IL-17A signaling in gammaherpesvirus infection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The immune system plays an essential role in protecting the host from infectious diseases and cancer. Notably, B and T lymphocytes from the adaptive arm of the immune system can co-operate to form long-lived antibody responses and are therefore the main target in vaccination approaches. Nevertheless, protective immune responses must be tightly regulated to avoid hyper-responsiveness and responses against self that can result in autoimmunity. Nuclear receptors (NRs) are perfectly adapted to rapidly alter transcriptional cellular responses to altered environmental settings. Their functional role is associated with both immune deficiencies and autoimmunity. Despite extensive linking of nuclear receptor function with specific CD4 T helper subsets, research on the functional roles and mechanisms of specific NRs in CD4 follicular T helper cells (Tfh) and germinal center (GC) B cells during the germinal center reaction is just emerging. We review recent advances in our understanding of NR regulation in specific cell types of the GC response and discuss their implications for autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Patients with Down syndrome (DS) are characterized by increased susceptibility to autoimmunity and respiratory tract infections that are suggestive of humoral immunity impairment. Here, we sought to determine the follicular helper (Tfh) and follicular regulatory (Tfr) T cell profile in the blood of children with DS. Blood was collected from 24 children with DS, nine of which had autoimmune diseases. Children with DS showed skewed Tfh differentiation towards the CXCR3+ phenotype: Tfh1 and Tfh1/17 subsets were increased, while Tfh2 and Tfh17 subsets were reduced. While no differences in the percentage of Tfr cells were seen, the ratio of Tfh1 and CXCR3+PD-1+ subsets to Tfr cells was significantly increased in the affected children. The excessive polarization towards a CXCR3+ phenotype in children with DS suggests that re-calibration of Tfh subset skewing could potentially offer new therapeutic opportunities for these patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The germinal center (GC) response is critical for generating high-affinity humoral immunity and immunological memory, which forms the basis of successful immunization. Control of the GC response is thought to require follicular regulatory T (Tfr) cells, a subset of suppressive Foxp3+ regulatory T cells located within GCs. Relatively little is known about the exact role of Tfr cells within the GC and how they exert their suppressive function. A unique feature of Tfr cells is their reported CXCR5-dependent localization to the GC. Here, we show that the lack of CXCR5 on Foxp3+ regulatory T cells results in a reduced frequency, but not an absence, of GC-localized Tfr cells. This reduction in Tfr cells is not sufficient to alter the magnitude or output of the GC response. This demonstrates that additional, CXCR5-independent mechanisms facilitate Treg cell homing to the GC.






