German guideline

  • 文章类型: Letter
    OBJECTIVE: This executive summary of a German national guideline aims to provide the most relevant evidence-based recommendations on the diagnosis and treatment of nosocomial pneumonia.
    METHODS: The guideline made use of a systematic assessment and decision process using evidence to decision framework (GRADE). Recommendations were consented by an interdisciplinary panel. Evidence analysis and interpretation was supported by the German innovation fund providing extensive literature searches and (meta-) analyses by an independent methodologist. For this executive summary, selected key recommendations are presented including the quality of evidence and rationale for the level of recommendation.
    RESULTS: The original guideline contains 26 recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of adults with nosocomial pneumonia, thirteen of which are based on systematic review and/or meta-analysis, while the other 13 represent consensus expert opinion. For this key summary, we present 11 most relevant for everyday clinical practice key recommendations with evidence overview and rationale, of which two are expert consensus and 9 evidence-based (4 strong, 5 weak and 2 open recommendations). For the management of nosocomial pneumonia patients should be divided in those with and without risk factors for multidrug-resistant pathogens and/or Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Bacterial multiplex-polymerase chain reaction (PCR) should not be used routinely. Bronchoscopic diagnosis is not considered superior to´non-bronchoscopic sampling in terms of main outcomes. Only patients with septic shock and the presence of an additional risk factor for multidrug-resistant pathogens (MDRP) should receive empiric combination therapy. In clinically stabilized patients, antibiotic therapy should be de-escalated and focused. In critically ill patients, prolonged application of suitable beta-lactam antibiotics should be preferred. Therapy duration is suggested for 7-8 days. Procalcitonin (PCT) based algorithm might be used to shorten the duration of antibiotic treatment. Patients on the intensive care unit (ICU) are at risk for invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA). Diagnostics for Aspergillus should be performed with an antigen test from bronchial lavage fluid.
    CONCLUSIONS: The current guideline focuses on German epidemiology and standards of care. It should be a guide for the current treatment and management of nosocomial pneumonia in Germany.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Psoriasis is nowadays regarded as a multifactorial, inflammatory, immune-mediated systemic condition with predominant involvement of the skin. It starts in about one third of cases in childhood and adolescence and is often accompanied by marked impairment of the quality of life of sufferers and their parents. Aside from genetic disposition, trigger factors such as streptococcal infections are notably involved in manifestation and in exacerbations. The harmful role of comorbidities even in the young, particularly of obesity, has been well documented. Treatment options have considerably improved following the approval of five biologic agents in childhood but are still insufficiently used. The present article gives a short overview of current knowledge and the recommendations of the updated German guideline. Besides frequent types, unusual presentations such as pustular psoriasis, psoriasis dermatitis, and paradoxical psoriasis induced by tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) inhibitors are addressed.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Psoriasis is nowadays regarded as a multifactorial, inflammatory, immune-mediated systemic condition with predominant involvement of the skin. It starts in about one third of cases in childhood and adolescence and is often accompanied by marked impairment of the quality of life of sufferers and their parents. Aside from genetic disposition, trigger factors such as streptococcal infections are notably involved in manifestation and in exacerbations. The harmful role of comorbidities even in the young, particularly of obesity, has been well documented. Treatment options have considerably improved following the approval of five biologic agents in childhood but are still insufficiently used. The present article gives a short overview of current knowledge and the recommendations of the updated German guideline. Besides frequent types, unusual presentations such as pustular psoriasis, psoriasis dermatitis, and paradoxical psoriasis induced by tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) inhibitors are addressed.
    UNASSIGNED: Die Psoriasis wird heute als multifaktorielle, entzündliche, immunmediierte Systemerkrankung mit vorrangiger Manifestation am Hautorgan aufgefasst. In etwa einem Drittel der Fälle beginnt sie bereits im Kindes- und Jugendalter und geht oft mit einer deutlichen Beeinträchtigung der Lebensqualität Betroffener und ihrer Eltern einher. Neben der genetischen Disposition sind Triggerfaktoren wie Streptokokkeninfektionen maßgeblich an der Manifestation und an Exazerbationen beteiligt. Auch die bereits in dieser Altersgruppe nachteilige Rolle von Komorbiditäten, allen voran die Adipositas, wurde inzwischen gut belegt. Die Behandlungsmöglichkeiten haben sich durch die Zulassung von nunmehr 5 Biologika im Kindesalter erheblich verbessert, werden aber noch unzureichend genutzt. Der vorliegende Beitrag gibt einen kurzen Überblick über den heutigen Wissensstand und die Empfehlungen der aktualisierten deutschen Leitlinie. Neben den häufigen Typen werden auch ungewöhnlichere Erscheinungsformen wie die pustulöse, die ekzematisierte und die durch TNF(Tumornekrosefaktor)-α-Inhibitoren induzierte „paradoxe“ Psoriasis thematisiert.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Based on the excellent long-term data, dental implants made of titanium are considered the international implantological standard for replacing missing teeth. However, ceramic implants made of zirconia (ZrO2) have experienced a renaissance in the last 15 years due to constant innovations in materials and products, with material properties and soft tissue- and osseointegration behavior comparable to those of titanium. However, one limitation concerning ceramic implants is the lack of reliable long-term data, especially in the case of two-piece implant systems. As there is an increasing demand for ceramic implants from practitioners and patients, the German Society for Implantology (DGI) has decided to develop a guideline on the use of dental ceramic implants at the highest available evidence level with the involvement of experts in this field.
    Statements and recommendations were prepared after conducting a systematic literature search and an independent assessment process involving the relevant clinical literature from 2008 to 2021. The adopted recommendations and statements are summarized in this guideline.
    It confirms the feasible use of one-piece zirconia implants as an addendum/alternative to titanium implants. No final conclusion regarding the application of two-piece ceramic implant systems could be drawn on the basis of the existing data, thus its use can only be recommended after the patient has been informed in detail about the lack of long-term clinical data.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Current international guidelines recommend tocolytic treatment by at least 48 h to complete fetal lung maturation and to ensure in-utero transfer to a perinatal center before 34 weeks of gestation in patients with threatened preterm birth. According to the results of former surveys, significant differences between daily clinical practice patterns and evidence-based guideline recommendations regarding tocolytic treatment have been demonstrated. We compared data from a nation-wide survey on the practice of initial tocolysis with recommendations from the current German Guideline 015/025 \"Prevention and Treatment of Preterm Birth\".
    METHODS: 632 obstetric units in Germany received a link to an online questionnaire between January 20th and March 31st 2020, which was developed according to national and international recommendations and guidelines. Collected data was descriptively analyzed by performing measures of frequency.
    RESULTS: The response rate was 19%; 51 (42.5%) of the respondents consider CTG tracing with ≥ 4 contractions within 20 min, 49 (40.8%) cervical length measurement of ≤ 25 mm and 13 (10.9%) subjective contractions as the most significant decision-making criteria for tocolysis; 47 (39.2%) of obstetric units initiate tocolysis earliest at 23 + 0, 34 (28.3%) at 22 + 0, 26 (21.7%) at 23 + 5 and 13 (10.8%) at 24 + 0 weeks of gestation; 104 (86.7%) stop tocolysis latest at the 34 + 0 weeks of gestation, 42 (35.0%) obstetric units administer antenatal corticosteroids at 23 + 5, 16 (13.3%) at 22 + 0, and 13 (10.8%) at 24 + 0 weeks of gestation. Calcium channel blockers are the first-line tocolytic drug used by 59 (49.1%) of the obstetric units, followed by intravenous betamimetics as bolus (n = 26, 21.7%) and atosiban (n = 20, 16.7%). Severe side-effects were observed by 105 (70%) of the respondents in association with the use of betamimetics, 14 (9.3%) with the use of nifedipine and 30 (20.0%) with nitroglycerine patches. The German guideline was considered the most important decision-making support by 78 (65%) of the obstetric units, followed by hospital specific SOPs/algorithms (n = 31, 25.8%).
    CONCLUSIONS: Our survey highlights a considerable discrepancy between evidence-based guideline recommendations and daily clinical practice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Rectovaginal fistulas are rare, and the majority is of traumatic origin. The most common causes are obstetric trauma, local infection, and rectal surgery. This guideline does not cover rectovaginal fistulas that are caused by chronic inflammatory bowel disease.
    METHODS: A systematic review of the literature was undertaken.
    RESULTS: Rectovaginal fistula is diagnosed on the basis of the patient history and the clinical examination. Other pathologies should be ruled out by endoscopy, endosonography or tomography. The assessment of sphincter function is valuable for surgical planning (potential simultaneous sphincter reconstruction). Persistent rectovaginal fistulas generally require surgical treatment. Various surgical procedures have been described. The most common procedure involves a transrectal approach with endorectal suture. The transperineal approach is primarily used in case of simultaneous sphincter reconstruction. In recurrent fistulas. Closure can be achieved by the interposition of autologous tissue (Martius flap, gracilis muscle) or biologically degradable materials. In higher fistulas, abdominal approaches are used as well. Stoma creation is more frequently required in rectovaginal fistulas than in anal fistulas. The decision regarding stoma creation should be primarily based on the extent of the local defect and the resulting burden on the patient.
    CONCLUSIONS: In this clinical S3-Guideline, instructions for diagnosis and treatment of rectovaginal fistulas are described for the first time in Germany. Given the low evidence level, this guideline is to be considered of descriptive character only. Recommendations for diagnostics and treatment are primarily based the clinical experience of the guideline group and cannot be fully supported by the literature.





