Geographic distance

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Exploring the response of the diversity of phytoplankton species and functional groups to environmental variables is extremely important in maintaining biodiversity in aquatic ecosystems. Although there were more taxonomic units at the species level than at the functional group level, it remained unclear whether species diversity was more sensitive than functional group diversity to environmental variables. In this study, taxonomic composition and alpha-beta diversity of phytoplankton were investigated in 23 subtropical reservoirs located in the Han River Basin in South China during wet and dry seasons. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) and Generalized Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) were employed to validate the response of phytoplankton species and functional group alpha-beta diversities to environmental variables. The results indicated that the community compositions of phytoplankton in eutrophic reservoirs were similar between wet and dry seasons, while there were distinct differences for community composition in oligotrophic-mesotrophic reservoirs between the two seasons. Across all reservoirs, there were no significant differences in alpha and beta diversities of species and functional groups between wet and dry seasons. The SEM and GDM results revealed that total phosphorus was the primary driving factor influencing alpha and beta diversities of species and functional groups in the 23 reservoirs. Meanwhile, the non-linear results of species beta diversity were stronger than the non-linear results of functional group beta diversity, indicating that phytoplankton species exhibited a higher explanatory power in responding to environmental changes compared to that of functional groups. Compared to that of species beta diversity, the response of functional group beta diversity to environmental variables was significantly lower in the dry season. These research findings lead to re-evaluating the common practice relating to the use of phytoplankton functional groups to assess environmental conditions, which may overlook the explanatory power of subtle changes at the species level, especially during periods of habitat diversification in the dry season.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Birthing people in the United States face numerous challenges when accessing adequate prenatal care (PNC), with transportation being a significant obstacle. Nevertheless, previous studies that relied solely on the distance to the nearest provider cannot differentiate the effects of travel burden on provider selection and care utilization. These may exaggerate the degree of inequality in access and fail to capture perceived travel burden. This study investigated whether travel distances to the initially visited provider, to the predominant PNC provider, and perceived travel burden (measured by the travel disadvantage index (TDI)) are associated with PNC utilization.
    METHODS: A retrospective cohort of people with live births were identified from South Carolina Medicaid claims files in 2015-2018. Travel distances were calculated using Google Maps. The estimated TDI was derived from local pilot survey data. PNC utilization was measured by PNC initiation and frequency. Repeated measure logistic regression test was utilized for categorical variables and one-way repeated measures ANOVA for continuous variables. Unadjusted and adjusted ordinal logistic regressions with repeated measure were utilized to examine the association of travel burdens with PNC usage.
    RESULTS: For 25,801 pregnancies among those continuously enrolled in Medicaid, birthing people traveled an average of 24.9 and 24.2 miles to their initial and predominant provider, respectively, with an average TDI of -11.4 (SD, 8.5). Of these pregnancies, 60% initiated PNC in the first trimester, with an average of 8 total visits. Compared to the specialties of initial providers, predominant providers were more likely to be OBGYN-related specialists (81.6% vs. 87.9%, p < .001) and midwives (3.5% vs. 4.3%, p < .001). Multiple regression analysis revealed that every doubling of travel distance was associated with less likelihood to initiate timely PNC (OR: 0.95, p < .001) and a lower visit frequency (OR: 0.85, p < .001), and every doubling of TDI was associated with less likelihood to initiate timely PNC (OR: 0.94, p = .04).
    CONCLUSIONS: Findings suggest that the association between travel burden and PNC utilization was statistically significant but of limited practical significance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding the adaptability of small populations in the face of environmental change is a central problem in evolutionary biology. Solving this problem is challenging because neutral evolutionary processes that operate on historical and contemporary timescales can override the effects of selection in small populations. We assessed the effects of isolation by colonization (IBC), isolation by dispersal limitation (IBDL) as reflected by a pattern of isolation by distance (IBD), and isolation by adaptation (IBA) and the roles of genetic drift and gene flow on patterns of genetic differentiation among 19 cave-dwelling populations of Icelandic Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus). We detected evidence of IBC based on the genetic affinity of nearby cave populations and the genetic relationships between the cave populations and the presumed ancestral population in the lake. A pattern of IBD was evident regardless of whether high-level genetic structuring (IBC) was taken into account. Genetic signatures of bottlenecks and lower genetic diversity in smaller populations indicate the effect of drift. Estimates of gene flow and fish movement suggest that gene flow is limited to nearby populations. In contrast, we found little evidence of IBA as patterns of local ecological and phenotypic variation showed little association with genetic differentiation among populations. Thus, patterns of genetic variation in these small populations likely reflect localized gene flow and genetic drift superimposed onto a larger-scale structure that is largely a result of colonization history. Our simultaneous assessment of the effects of neutral and adaptive processes in a tractable and replicated system has yielded novel insights into the evolution of small populations on both historical and contemporary timescales and over a smaller spatial scale than is typically studied.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Online medical consultation platforms enable patients to seek health advice from physicians across geographic regions. In this study, we analyze patterns of online consultation between patients and physicians. We examine the joint effects of regional medical resource disparity, geographic distance, and cultural differences between patients and physicians on patients\' decisions about which physicians they consult online. Using a unique dataset of city-to-city tuples based on 813,684 online consultation records and combining it with region-level data from multiple external sources, we find that while regional medical resource disparity drives patients from medically disadvantaged regions to seek online consultations with physicians from medically advantaged regions, geographic distance and cultural differences tend to constrain these consultations. We also find that cultural differences can amplify the impact of regional medical resource disparity, whereas geographic distance may lessen this effect. Further, we discover that the constraining effect of geographic distance is partly due to the online-to-offline nature of online medical consultations. Moreover, additional analyses suggest that physicians\' online reputation and information about physicians\' participation on the platform can help alleviate the negative effects of geographic distance and cultural differences. These findings hold significant implications for the allocation of medical resources and the formulation of healthcare policies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Beta-diversity reflects the spatial changes in community species composition which helps to understand how communities are assembled and biodiversity is formed and maintained. Larch (Larix) forests, which are coniferous forests widely distributed in the mountainous and plateau areas in North and Southwest China, are critical for maintaining the environmental conditions and species diversity. Few studies of larch forests have examined the beta-diversity and its constituent components (species turnover and nestedness-resultant components). Here, we used 483 larch forest plots to determine the total beta-diversity and its components in different life forms (i.e., tree, shrub, and herb) of larch forests in China and to evaluate the main drivers that underlie this beta-diversity. We found that total beta-diversity of larch forests was mainly dependent on the species turnover component. In all life forms, total beta-diversity and the species turnover component increased with increasing geographic, elevational, current climatic, and paleoclimatic distances. In contrast, the nestedness-resultant component decreased across these same distances. Geographic and environmental factors explained 20%-25% of total beta-diversity, 18%-27% of species turnover component, and 4%-16% of nestedness-resultant component. Larch forest types significantly affected total beta-diversity and species turnover component. Taken together, our results indicate that life forms affect beta-diversity patterns of larch forests in China, and that beta-diversity is driven by both niche differentiation and dispersal limitation. Our findings help to greatly understand the mechanisms of community assemblies of larch forests in China.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Practicing ESG concept is a necessary way for sustainable development of enterprises and an important hand in realizing high-quality economic growth. This paper introduces the hypothesis of \"distance attenuation effect\" of geo-economics into the research field of corporate ESG performance, and systematically examines the impact of neighboring the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on corporate ESG performance by using the data of China\'s listed companies in the manufacturing industry from 2011 to 2021. It is found that being a neighbor to the EPA has a significant inhibitory effect on corporate ESG performance, which was reduced by 0.196% when the distance between the two was reduced by every 1 km. And the inhibitory effect has a stepwise decreasing characteristic, i.e., it is the strongest at the level of county EPA, followed by municipal EPA, and the smallest at the level of provincial EPA. The mechanism analysis shows that the rent-seeking behavior caused by neighboring with EPA is an important reason for the decline of ESG performance, which verifies the \"distance attenuation effect\" of rent-seeking difficulty. Although neighboring the EPA improves firms\' financial performance, it greatly harms firms\' environmental, social and governance performance, which confirms the profit-seeking motive of firms\' rent-seeking. In addition, the deterrent effect generated by third-party supervision and digital supervision can inhibit corporate rent-seeking to a certain extent, which helps weaken the negative impact of neighboring the EPA on corporate ESG performance.






  • 文章类型: Review
    UNASSIGNED: The purpose of this scoping review was to document the state of the literature regarding the challenges experienced by rural informal caregivers of older adults in the United States.
    UNASSIGNED: We reviewed peer-reviewed academic articles published through December 1, 2021, based on Arksey and O\'Malley\'s framework.
    UNASSIGNED: The initial search resulted in 1,255 articles, of which 12 studies were included for the final review. Thematic content analysis was utilized to identify emerging themes of challenges experienced by rural informal caregivers of older adults. The identified challenges include a lack of knowledge regarding resources, financial difficulties, health-related challenges, and barriers related to geographic distance.
    UNASSIGNED: The implications of these challenges are used to shape recommendations for social work, service planning, and policy changes that can improve caregiving experiences for rural families.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The experience of COVID-19 prompted us to rethink the imperatives of distance for the organization of value-creating activities globally. We advance a conceptualization of distance as representing separation in both space and time and posit that these distance dimensions represent different kinds of separation and require varied theoretical attention. We delineate the intrinsic qualities of spatial and temporal distances and theorize the impact of this extended conceptualization of distance on major tenets of international business theory and their predictions regarding the patterns of international business activity. We illustrate the ways by which varying configurations of spatial and temporal distances serve different value-creating activities and draw their implications for countries\' global integration. We advance a call for more attention to time and temporal distance and their impact on the ways firms organize their value-creating activities in an increasingly virtual world.
    L\'expérience de COVID-19 nous a incités à repenser les impératifs de la distance pour l\'organisation d\'activités créatrices de valeur au niveau mondial. Nous conceptualisons la distance comme un construit représentant la séparation à la fois dans l\'espace et dans le temps, et postulons que ces dimensions de la distance représentent différents types de séparation et nécessitent une attention théorique variée. Nous spécifions les qualités intrinsèques des distances temporelles et spatiales, et théorisons l\'impact de cette conceptualisation étendue de la distance sur les principaux principes de la théorie des affaires internationales et leurs prédictions en matière de configurations d\'activité en commerce international. Nous illustrons les façons dont diverses configurations de distances spatiales et temporelles servent différentes activités créatrices de valeur, et élaborons les implications pour l\'intégration mondiale des pays. Nous appelons à accorder davantage d’attention au temps et à la distance temporelle, ainsi qu’à leur impact sur la manière dont les entreprises organisent leurs activités créatrices de valeur dans un monde de plus en plus virtuel.
    La experiencia de COVID-19 nos instó repensar los imperativos de la distancia para la organización de actividades de creación de valor a nivel mundial. Avanzamos una conceptualización de la distancia como representación de la separación tanto en el espacio como en el tiempo y planteamos que estas dimensiones de la distancia representan diferentes tipos de separación y requieren una atención teórica variada. Delineamos las cualidades intrínsecas de las distancias espaciales y temporales y teorizamos el impacto de esta conceptualización ampliada de la distancia en los principales postulados de la teoría de los negocios internacionales y sus predicciones en relación con los patrones de la actividad de negocios internacionales. Ilustramos el modo en que las distintas configuraciones de las distancias espaciales y temporales sirven para diferentes actividades de creación de valor y extraemos sus implicaciones para la integración global de los países. Hacemos un llamamiento para que se preste más atención a la distancia temporal y al tiempo y a su impacto en la forma en que las empresas organizan sus actividades de creación de valor en un mundo cada vez más virtual.
    A experiência do COVID-19 nos levou a repensar os imperativos de distância para a organização de atividades de criação de valor globalmente. Avançamos uma conceituação de distância como representação de separação tanto em espaço quanto em tempo e postulamos que essas dimensões de distância representam diferentes tipos de separação e requerem atenção teórica distinta. Delineamos as qualidades intrínsecas das distâncias espaciais e temporais e teorizamos o impacto dessa conceituação estendida de distância nos principais pilares da teoria em negócios internacionais e suas previsões a respeito dos padrões de atividade em negócios internacionais. Ilustramos formas pelas quais distintas configurações de distâncias espaciais e temporais atendem a diferentes atividades de criação de valor e descrevemos suas implicações para a integração global de países. Propomos um apelo por maior atenção a tempo e distância temporal e seu impacto nas maneiras pelas quais empresas organizam suas atividades de criação de valor em um mundo cada vez mais virtual.
    COVID-19的经历促使我们重新思考距离对组织全球价值创造活动的必要性。我们将距离概念化为代表空间和时间上的分离, 并假定这些距离维度代表不同类型的分离, 并需要不同的理论关注。我们描述了空间和时间距离的内在特性, 并将这种扩展的距离概念化对国际商务理论主要原则及其对国际商务活动模式预测的影响理论化。我们说明了空间和时间距离的不同配置如何服务于不同的价值创造活动, 并讨论了它们对国家全球一体化的启示。我们呼吁更多地关注时间和时间距离及其对企业在日益虚拟的世界中组织价值创造活动的方式的影响。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genetic differentiation between populations is determined by various factors, including gene flow, selection, mutation, and genetic drift. Among these, gene flow is known to counter genetic differentiation. The genus Eranthis, an early flowering perennial herb, can serve as a good model to study genetic differentiation and gene flow due to its easily detectable population characteristics and known reproductive strategies, which can be associated with gene flow patterns. Eranthis populations are typically small and geographically separated from the others. Moreover, previous studies and our own observations suggest that seed and pollen dispersal between Eranthis populations is highly unlikely and therefore, currently, gene flow may not be probable in this genus. Based on these premises, we hypothesized that the genetic differentiation between the Eranthis populations would be significant, and that the genetic differentiation would not sensitively reflect geographic distance in the absence of gene flow. To test these hypotheses, genetic differentiation, genetic distance, isolation by distance, historical gene flow, and bottlenecks were analyzed in four species of this genus. Genetic differentiation was significantly high, and in many cases, extremely high. Moreover, genetic differentiation and geographic distance were positively correlated in most cases. We provide possible explanations for these observations. First, we suggest that the combination of the marker type used in our study (chloroplast microsatellites), genetic drift, and possibly selection might have resulted in the extremely high genetic differentiation observed herein. Additionally, we provide the possibility that genetic distance reflects geographic distance through historical gene flow, or adaptation in the absence of historical gene flow. Nevertheless, our explanations can be more rigorously examined and further refined through additional observations and various population genetic analyses. In particular, we suggest that other accessible populations of the genus Eranthis should be included in future studies to better characterize the intriguing population dynamics of this genus.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Most emergency department (ED) patients arrive by their own transport and, for various reasons, may not choose the nearest ED. How far patients travel for ED treatment may reflect both patients\' access to care and severity of illness. In this study, we aimed to examine the travel distance and travel time between a patient\'s home and ED they visited and investigate how these distances/times vary by patient and hospital characteristics.
    METHODS: We randomly sampled and collected data from 14,812 patients discharged to the community (DTC) between January and March 2016 from 50 hospital-based EDs nationwide. We geocoded and calculated the distance and travel time between patient and hospital-based ED addresses, examined the travel distances/ times between patients\' home and the ED they visited, and used mixed-effects regression models to investigate how these distances/times vary by patient and hospital characteristics.
    RESULTS: Patients travelled an average of 8.0 (SD = 10.9) miles and 17.3 (SD = 18.0) driving minutes to the ED. Patients travelled significantly farther to avoid EDs in lower performing hospitals (p < 0.01) and in the West (p < 0.05) and Midwest (p < 0.05). Patients travelled farther when visiting EDs in rural areas. Younger patients travelled farther than older patients.
    CONCLUSIONS: Understanding how far patients are willing to travel is indicative of whether patient populations have adequate access to ED services. By showing that patients travel farther to avoid a low-performing hospital, we provide evidence that DTC patients likely do exercise some choice among EDs, indicating some market incentives for higher-quality care, even for some ED admissions. Understanding these issues will help policymakers better define access to ED care and assist in directing quality improvement efforts. To our knowledge, our study is the most comprehensive nationwide characterization of patient travel for ED treatment to date.





