Genetic parameters

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Analysis of correlation between the early testable phenotypes of piglets and the final performance of pigs can serve the early selection for breeding. The objectives of this study were to estimate the genetic parameters for birth weight (BtW), age (AGE) and backfat thickness (BF) up to 115 kg BW and to analyse the relationships among these three traits, and to estimate the accuracy of using BtW to predict estimated breeding values (EBVs) of AGE and BF in Landrace and Duroc pigs. Data on 26 614 Landrace and 19 984 Duroc pigs, born between 2001 and 2018, were collected from the core breeding group of a farm. All pigs were recorded for phenotypes including BtW, AGE and BF. The factors affecting these three traits were analysed using R v4.2.0 Software. The population genetic parameters and breeding values of three traits were estimated by using a multitrait animal model based on AI plate of DMU software. Heritabilities for BtW, AGE and BF were moderate to high for Landrace (0.437, 0.282and 0.137, respectively) and Duroc breeds (0.369, 0.279 and 0.148). BtW was genetically correlated with AGE and BF in Landrace (-0.213, 0.037) and Duroc (-0.214, 0.025). AGE was negatively genetically correlated with BF in both Landrace (-0.036) and Duroc (-0.057) pigs. The heritability of BtW, AGE and BF of Landrace pigs and Duroc pigs were 0.148, 0.182 and 0.075 and 0.168, 0.159 and 0.120, respectively, by taking into account of the litter effect. BtW was genetically correlated with AGE and BF in Landrace (-0.094, 0.002) and Duroc (-0.199, -0.052). AGE was negatively genetically correlated with BF in both Landrace (-0.034) and Duroc (-0.153) pigs. The variances between total individual BtW and AGE and BF were then used to predict the EBV of AGE and BF for individuals with AGE or BF phenotypes missing under 10-fold cross-validation. Prediction accuracy was calculated as the Kendall tau-b correlation coefficient between EBVs and EBVs via 10-fold cross-validation. Prediction accuracy for AGE and BF was 0.655 and 0.611 in Landrace, 0.665 and 0.617 in Duroc. After incorporation of the litter effect, the prediction accuracy for AGE and BF increased to 0.690 and 0.665 in Landrace and to 0.705 and 0.649 in Duroc. So, the EBV of AGE and BF phenotypes missing individuals could be predicted by using the available phenotypic data and the easily measured BtW, and litter effect could boost the accuracy of prediction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Traits related to calving have a significant impact on animal welfare and farm profitability in dairy production systems. Identifying genomic regions associated with calving traits could contribute to refining dairy cattle breeding programs and management practices in the dairy industry. Therefore, the primary objectives of this study were to estimate genetic parameters and perform genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and functional enrichment analyses for stillbirth, gestation length, calf size, and calving ease traits in North American Jersey cattle. A total of 40,503 animals with phenotypic records and 5,398 animals genotyped for 45,101 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were included in the analyses. Genetic parameters were estimated based on animal models and Bayesian methods. The effects of SNPs were estimated using the Single-step Genomic Best Linear Unbiased Prediction (ssGBLUP) method. The heritability (standard error) estimates ranged from 0.01 (0.01) for stillbirths (SB) in heifers to 0.11 (0.01) for gestation length (GL) in cows. The genetic correlations ranged from -0.58 (0.11) between calving ease (CE) and SB in heifers to 0.44 (0.14) between calving ease and calf size (CZ) in cows. CE showed the highest genetic correlation between heifers and cows, 0.8 (0.22) respectively. The candidate genes identified, including MTHFR, SERPINA5, IGFBP3, and ZRANB1, are involved in key biological processes and metabolic pathways related to the studied traits. Reducing environmental variation and identifying novel indicators of reproduction traits in the Jersey breed are needed given the low heritability estimates for most traits evaluated in this study. In conclusion, this study provides a characterization of the genetic background of calving-related traits in Jersey cattle. The estimates obtained can be used to improve or build selection indexes in Jersey cattle breeding programs in North America.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aimed to investigate genetic parameters for sow pelvic organ prolapse in purebred and crossbred herds. Pelvic organ prolapse was recorded as normal or prolapsed on the individual sow level across 32 purebred and 8 crossbred farms. In total, 75,162 purebred Landrace sows from a single maternal line were recorded between 2018 and 2023, while 18,988 commercial two-way crossbred (Landrace x Large White) sows were available between 2020 and 2023. There were 5,122,005 animals included in the pedigree. The prolapse in purebreds and crossbreds was considered two different traits in the model. Pedigrees of the crossbred sows were determined based on genotypes through parentage assignment. The average incidence rates were 1.81% and 3.93% for purebreds and crossbreds, respectively. The bivariate model incorporated fixed effects of parity group and region with random effects of contemporary group (farm and mating year and month at the first parity), additive genetic, and residual. Genetic parameter estimates were obtained using BLUPF90+ with the AIREML option. The estimated additive variance was larger in crossbreds than in purebreds. Estimates of heritability in the observed scale were 0.09 (0.006) for purebreds and 0.11 (0.014) for crossbreds, with a genetic correlation of 0.83 using a linear model. Results suggested that including data from crossbreds with higher incidence rate is beneficial and selection to reduce the prolapse incidence in purebred sow herds would also benefit commercial crossbred sow herds.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Maternal behaviour is important for lamb survival, as ewes perform many behaviours that affect the chances of a lamb surviving. Collecting maternal behaviour data directly at lambing is time-consuming and not considered suitable for acquiring the large volumes of data that would be required for using as selection criteria within commercial breeding flocks. The aim of this study was to investigate if a simple scoring system is heritable and assesses the expression of behaviours that reduce the probability of lamb mortality. Ewe behaviour was scored on a 3-point Maternal Assistance Score (MAS): (1) the ewe shows a high level of maternal interest (assumed if no intervention required); (2) the ewe shows limited interest in her lamb; and (3) the ewe shows no interest in her lamb. A total of 19 453 MAS were collected over 12 years, across 24 farms (including both indoor and outdoor lambing systems) and 12 different breed lines that make up the Innovis breeding programme. Ewe parity, breed, number of lambs carried, flock, lambing batch, lambing day within flock and pre-mating weight all had a significant effect on MAS (P < 0.05). The maternal assistance score was shown to be heritable (h2 = 0.05) and repeatable (0.10), positively genetically correlated to lambing difficulty (rg = 0.29) and amount of assistance the lamb required to suckle from the ewe (rg = 0.88), and negatively genetically correlated with the number of lambs successfully reared (rg = 0.49). This study shows that an easy-to-measure score can be used by shepherds with large breeding flocks, based on whether the ewe requires further assistance to support her lamb rearing. The score could be used in breeding programmes to select for lamb rearing ability in the future and potentially lead to an improvement in lamb welfare through a reduction in mortality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Morphological scoring is a common evaluation method for domestic animals. The National Association of Maremmano Breeders (ANAM) has provided a dataset containing the records of 600 horses, four metric measurements (cm) and 24 traits with a continuous evaluation scale, each one with 15 classes. Moreover, a body condition score (BCS) with five classes is included. In this study, factor analysis was conducted to create a small number of informative factors (3) obtained from these traits, and a new BLUP-AM-MT index was established. The New Estimated Breeding Value (NEBV1) of each horse was computed by adding the genetic indexes of the three factors, with each one multiplied using a coefficient indicated by ANAM. The practical feasibility of the NEBV1 was evaluated through Spearman correlations between the rankings of the NEBV1 and the rankings of the BLUP-AM-MT, estimated through the four biometric measures and the morphological score (MS) assigned to each horse by the ANAM judges. The factorial analysis was used to estimate three factors: the \"Trunk Dimension\", \"Legs\" and \"Length\". As the explained variance was only 32%, the model was rotated, and the heritability of the three factors were 0.51, 0.05 and 0.41, respectively. After rotation, the estimated correlations between the new NEBV1 and the biometric measures were improved. These results should encourage breeders to adopt a breeding value index that takes into consideration the factors derived from all the variables observed in the morphological evaluation of the Maremmano. In this way, breeders can use it to select the best animals for breeding.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The study aimed to assess performance traits in Hardhenu cattle by analysing data from 445 animals born to 59 sires and 227 dams. The investigation focused on estimating (co)variance components and genetic parameters for reproduction and production traits in dairy cattle. Results from least-squares analysis indicated a significant effect (p < .01) of the period of calving (POC) on key production traits, including first lactation milk yield (FLMY), 300-day milk yield (FLMY300), first peak yield (FPY) and total lactation milk yield (TLMY) in studied population. The least squares means for these traits were reported as follows: FLMY (2665.68 ± 45.66 kg), FLMY300 (2425.52 ± 34.41 kg), FLL (312.95 ± 3.83 days), FPY (11.52 ± 0.15 kg) and TLMY (9282.44 ± 167.03 kg) in Hardhenu cattle. In the studied population, only additive genetic variability was found to be present and there was absence of any significant maternal effect with respect to targeted traits in the resource population. Direct heritability estimates (h2) for FLMY, FLMY300, FLL, FPY, TLMY and other traits ranged from 0.03 to 0.41 in Hardhenu cattle. These findings offer valuable insights into the genetic factors influencing performance traits, contributing to the enhancement of breeding and management practices in Hardhenu cattle.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this study, six different animal models were fitted, and the constrained maximum likelihood method was used to assess the genetic parameters and genetic trends of early growth traits in Luzhong mutton sheep. The experimental data of this study included the newborn weight (BWT, N = 2464), weaning weight (WWT, N = 2923), weight at 6 months of age (6WT, N = 2428), average daily weight gain from birth to weaning (ADG1, N = 2424), and average daily weight gain from weaning to 6 months of age (ADG2, N = 1836) in Luzhong mutton sheep (2015~2019). The best model for the genetic parameters of the five traits in Luzhong mutton sheep was identified as Model 4 using the Akaike information criterion (AIC) and likelihood ratio test (LRT) methods, in which the estimated values of direct heritability for the BWT, WWT, 6WT, ADG1, and ADG2 were 0.156 ± 0.057, 0.547 ± 0.031, 0.653 ± 0.031, 0.531 ± 0.035, and 0.052 ± 0.046, respectively, and the values for maternal heritability were 0.201 ± 0.100, 0.280 ± 0.047, 0.197 ± 0.053, 0.275 ± 0.052, and 0.081 ± 0.092, respectively. The genetic correlation between the ADG2 and WWT was negative, and the genetic and phenotypic correlations among the remaining traits were positive. In this study, maternal effects had a more significant influence on early growth traits in Luzhong mutton sheep. In conclusion, to effectively improve the accuracy of genetic parameter estimation, maternal effects must be fully considered to ensure more accurate and better breeding planning.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this paper, we present a comprehensive study of gestation length (GL) in 16 cattle breeds by using large genotype and animal record databases. Data included over 20 million gestations since 2000 and genotypes from one million calves. The study addressed the GL variability within and between breeds, estimation of its direct and maternal heritability coefficients, association with fitness and several economic traits, and QTL detection. The breed average GL varied from 279.7 to 294.4 d, in Holstein and Blonde d\'Aquitaine breeds, respectively. Standard deviations per breed were similar and ranged from 5.2 to 5.8 d. Direct heritability (i.e., for GL defined as a trait of the calf) was moderate to high (h2 = 0.40 to 0.67), whereas the maternal heritability was low (0.04 to 0.06). Extreme breeding values for GL were strongly associated with a higher mortality during the first 2 d of life and were associated with milk production of dams for dairy breeds and precocity of females. Finally, several QTL were detected affecting GL with cumulated effects up to a few days, and at least 2 QTL were found to be shared between different breeds. Our study highlights the risks that would be associated with selection toward a reduced gestation length. Further genomic studies are needed to identify the causal variants, and their association with juvenile mortality and other economic traits.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Initial findings on genomic selection (GS) indicated substantial improvement for major traits, such as performance, and even successful selection for antagonistic traits. However, recent unofficial reports indicate an increased frequency of deterioration of secondary traits. This phenomenon may arise due to the mismatch between the accelerated selection process and resource allocation. Traits explicitly or implicitly accounted for by a selection index move toward the desired direction, whereas neglected traits change according to the genetic correlations with selected traits. Historically, the first stage of commercial genetic selection focused on production traits. After long-term selection, production traits improved, whereas fitness traits deteriorated, although this deterioration was partially compensated for by constantly improving management. Adding these fitness traits to the breeding objective and the used selection index also helped offset their decline while promoting long-term gains. Subsequently, the trend in observed fitness traits was a combination of a negative response due to genetic antagonism, positive response from inclusion in the selection index, and a positive effect of improving management. Under GS, the genetic trends accelerate, especially for well-recorded higher heritability traits, magnifying the negatively correlated responses for fitness traits. Then, the observed trend for fitness traits can become negative, especially because management modifications do not accelerate under GS. Additional deterioration can occur due to the rapid turnover of GS, as heritabilities for production traits can decline and the genetic antagonism between production and fitness traits can intensify. If the genetic parameters are not updated, the selection index will be inaccurate, and the intended gains will not occur. While the deterioration can accelerate for unrecorded or sparsely recorded fitness traits, GS can lead to an improvement for widely recorded fitness traits. In the context of GS, it is crucial to look for unexpected changes in relevant traits and take rapid steps to prevent further declines, especially in secondary traits. Changes can be anticipated by investigating the temporal dynamics of genetic parameters, especially genetic correlations. However, new methods are needed to estimate genetic parameters for the last generation with large amounts of genomic data.
    Initial findings on genomic selection indicated substantial improvement for major traits such as growth or milk yield and even successful selection for secondary traits such as fertility or survival. However, recent unofficial reports indicate an increased frequency of problems in several secondary traits. This study looks at potential sources of those problems and mitigation strategies. Under selection initially carried out for production traits, production improved, but fertility (i.e., a secondary trait) declined, with the decline partially compensated for by improving management. Later, also because the observed deteriorations were becoming too strong, these traits became part of the breeding objectives, and used selection indexes were modified to include secondary traits, halting the deterioration. Under genomic selection, genetic gains accelerate, especially for higher heritability production traits, potentially magnifying the negative responses for secondary traits, and management modifications may not be fast enough to alleviate the decline. The responses can especially decline for unrecorded or sparsely recorded fitness traits. While the decline may be slow and hard to see, it may be serious in the long term and hard to reverse. Changes under genomic selection may be monitored by recalculating genetic parameters every generation. Secondary traits that become more antagonistic with production traits will likely deteriorate more and will need special attention.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Age at first calving (AFC) is a measure of sexual maturity associated with the start of productive life of dairy animals. Additionally, a lower AFC reduces the generation interval and early culling of females. However, AFC has low heritability, making it a trait highly influenced by environmental factors. In this scenario, one way to improve the reproductive performance of buffalo cows is to select robust animals according to estimated breeding value (EBV) using models that include genotype-environment interaction (GEI) with the application of reaction norm models (RNMs). This can be achieved by understanding the genomic basis related to GEI of AFC. Thus, in this study, we aimed to predict EBV considering GEI via the RNM and identify candidate genes related to this component in dairy buffaloes through genome-wide association studies (GWAS). We used 1795 AFC records from three Murrah buffalo herds and formed environmental gradients (EGs) from contemporary group solutions obtained from genetic analysis of 270-day cumulative milk yield. Heritability estimates ranged from 0.15 to 0.39 along the EG. GWAS of the RNM slope parameter identified important genomic regions. The genomic window that explained the highest percentage of genetic variance of the slope (0.67%) was located on BBU1. After functional analysis, five candidate genes were detected, involved in two biological processes. The results suggested the existence of a GEI for AFC in Murrah buffaloes, with reclassification of animals when different environmental conditions were considered. The inclusion of genomic information increased the accuracy of breeding values for the intercept and slope of the reaction norm. GWAS analysis suggested that important genes associated with the AFC reaction norm slope were possibly also involved in biological processes related to lipid metabolism and immunity.





