Genetic code

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The genetic code plays a central role in all living organisms and its modeling is important for describing and understanding involved the coding rules. There are many approaches to modeling various aspects of the genetic code. One of the simple and successful mathematical tools for modeling the similarity both between codons and between amino acids, is the ultrametrics and especially the p-adic distance. This article contains an overview of ultrametric (p-adic) modeling of genetic information, and its translation to proteins using the genetic code.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ligands such as insulin, epidermal growth factor, platelet-derived growth factor, and nerve growth factor (NGF) initiate signals at the cell membrane by binding to receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs). Along with G-protein-coupled receptors, RTKs are the main platforms for transducing extracellular signals into intracellular signals. Studying RTK signaling has been a challenge, however, due to the multiple signaling pathways to which RTKs typically are coupled, including MAP/ERK, PLCγ, and Class 1A phosphoinositide 3-kinases (PI3K). The multi-pronged RTK signaling has been a barrier to isolating the effects of any one downstream pathway. Here, we used optogenetic activation of PI3K to decouple its activation from other RTK signaling pathways. In this context, we used genetic code expansion to introduce a click chemistry noncanonical amino acid into the extracellular side of membrane proteins. Applying a cell-impermeant click chemistry fluorophore allowed us to visualize delivery of membrane proteins to the plasma membrane in real time. Using these approaches, we demonstrate that activation of PI3K, without activating other pathways downstream of RTK signaling, is sufficient to traffic the TRPV1 ion channels and insulin receptors to the plasma membrane.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Since 1996, circular codes in genes have been identified thanks to the development of 6 statistical approaches: trinucleotide frequencies per frame (Arquès and Michel, 1996), correlation functions per frame (Arquès and Michel, 1997), frame permuted trinucleotide frequencies (Frey and Michel, 2003, 2006), advanced statistical functions at the gene population level (Michel, 2015) and at the gene level (Michel, 2017). All these 3-frame statistical methods analyse the trinucleotide information in the 3 frames of genes: the reading frame and the 2 shifted frames. Notably, codon usage does not allow for the identification of circular codes (Michel, 2020). This has been a long-standing problem since 1996, hindering biologists\' access to circular code theory. By considering circular code conditions resulting from code theory, particularly the concept of permutation class, and building upon previous statistical work, a new statistical approach based solely on the codon usage, i.e. a 1-frame statistical method, surprisingly reveals the maximal C3 self-complementary trinucleotide circular code X in bacterial genes and in average (bacterial, archaeal, eukaryotic) genes, and almost in archaeal genes. Additionally, a new parameter definition indicates that bacterial and archaeal genes exhibit codon usage dispersion of the same order of magnitude, but significantly higher than that observed in eukaryotic genes. This statistical finding may explain the greater variability of codes in eukaryotic genes compared to bacterial and archaeal genes, an issue that has been open for many years. Finally, biologists can now search for new (variant) circular codes at both the genome level (across all genes in a given genome) and the gene level using only codon usage, without the need for analysing the shifted frames.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transfer RNAs (tRNA) are essential small non-coding RNAs that enable the translation of genomic information into proteins in all life forms. The principal function of tRNAs is to bring amino acid building blocks to the ribosomes for protein synthesis. In the ribosome, tRNAs interact with messenger RNA (mRNA) to mediate the incorporation of amino acids into a growing polypeptide chain following the rules of the genetic code. Accurate interpretation of the genetic code requires tRNAs to carry amino acids matching their anticodon identity and decode the correct codon on mRNAs. Errors in these steps cause the translation of codons with the wrong amino acids (mistranslation), compromising the accurate flow of information from DNA to proteins. Accumulation of mutant proteins due to mistranslation jeopardizes proteostasis and cellular viability. However, the concept of mistranslation is evolving, with increasing evidence indicating that mistranslation can be used as a mechanism for survival and acclimatization to environmental conditions. In this review, we discuss the central role of tRNAs in modulating translational fidelity through their dynamic and complex interplay with translation factors. We summarize recent discoveries of mistranslating tRNAs and describe the underlying molecular mechanisms and the specific conditions and environments that enable and promote mistranslation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Code biology reveals a great many codes beyond the genetic code as integral to biological functioning. Recent scholars have linked the growing field of code biology to analytical psychology, confirming that the encoded information inherited by the human organism is indeed massive and capable of great sophistication. In this discussion, I will expand on this project by showing how developments in embodied cognition reveal a code that links the world of universal emotional responses to common experiences to the world of embodied visuospatial narratives--i.e., the \"archetypes\" of analytical psychology. Viewed in this manner, archetypes become spontaneous symbolic narratives that symbolize universal emotional responses to typical human environments. Such symbolic narratives aim toward adaptation, and use a universal code that maps such situations to visuospatial narratives, with the adaptor being the human body itself.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    I analyzed the polyphyletic origin of glycyl-tRNA synthetase (GlyRS) and lysyl-tRNA synthetase (LysRS), making plausible the following implications. The fact that the genetic code needed to evolve aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (ARSs) only very late would be in perfect agreement with a late origin, in the main phyletic lineages, of both GlyRS and LysRS. Indeed, as suggested by the coevolution theory, since the genetic code was structured by biosynthetic relationships between amino acids and as these occurred on tRNA-like molecules which were evidently already loaded with amino acids during its structuring, this made possible a late origin of ARSs. All this corroborates the coevolution theory of the origin of the genetic code to the detriment of theories which would instead predict an early intervention of the action of ARSs in organizing the genetic code. Furthermore, the assembly of the GlyRS and LysRS protein domains in main phyletic lineages is itself at least evidence of the possibility that ancestral genes were assembled using pieces of genetic material that coded these protein domains. This is in accordance with the exon theory of genes which postulates that ancestral exons coded for protein domains or modules that were assembled to form the first genes. This theory is exemplified precisely in the evolution of both GlyRS and LysRS which occurred through the assembly of protein domains in the main phyletic lineages, as analyzed here. Furthermore, this late assembly of protein domains of these proteins into the two main phyletic lineages, i.e. a polyphyletic origin of both GlyRS and LysRS, appears to corroborate the progenote evolutionary stage for both LUCA and at least the first part of the evolutionary stages of the ancestor of bacteria and that of archaea. Indeed, this polyphyletic origin would imply that the genetic code was still evolving because at least two ARSs, i.e. proteins that make the genetic code possible today, were still evolving. This would imply that the evolutionary stages involved were characterized not by cells but by protocells, that is, by progenotes because this is precisely the definition of a progenote. This conclusion would be strengthened by the observation that both GlyRS and LysRS originating in the phyletic lineages leading to bacteria and archaea, would demonstrate that, more generally, proteins were most likely still in rapid and progressive evolution. Namely, a polyphyletic origin of proteins which would qualify at least the initial phase of the evolutionary stage of the ancestor of bacteria and that of archaea as stages belonging to the progenote.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genetic code expansion (GCE) is a powerful strategy that expands the genetic code of an organism for incorporating noncanonical amino acids into proteins using engineered tRNAs and aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRSs). While GCE has opened up new possibilities for synthetic biology, little is known about the potential side effects of exogenous aaRS/tRNA pairs. In this study, we investigated the impact of exogenous aaRS and amber suppressor tRNA on gene expression in Escherichia coli. We discovered that in DH10β ΔcyaA, transformed with the F1RP/F2P two-hybrid system, the high consumption rate of cellular adenosine triphosphate by exogenous aaRS/tRNA at elevated temperatures induces temperature sensitivity in the expression of genes regulated by the cyclic AMP receptor protein (CRP). We harnessed this temperature sensitivity to create a novel biological AND gate in E. coli, responsive to both p-benzoylphenylalanine (BzF) and low temperature, using a BzF-dependent variant of E. coli chorismate mutase and split subunits of Bordetella pertussis adenylate cyclase. Our study provides new insights into the unexpected effects of exogenous aaRS/tRNA pairs and offers a new approach for constructing a biological logic gate.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The genetic code contains an alphabet of genetically encoded amino acids. The ten Phase 1 amino acids, including Gly, Ala, Ser, Asp, Glu, Val, Leu, Ile, Pro and Thr, were available from the prebiotic environment, whereas the ten Phase 2 amino acids, including Phe, Tyr, Arg, His, Trp, Asn, Gln, Lys, Cys, and Met, became available only later from amino acid biosyntheses. In the archaeon Methanopyrus kandleri, the oldest organism known, the standard alphabet of 20 amino acids was \"frozen\" and no additional amino acid was encoded in the subsequent 3 Gyrs. Four decades ago, it was discovered that the code was frozen because all the organisms were so well adapted to the standard amino acids that oligogenic barriers, consisting of genes that are thoroughly dependent on the standard code, would cause loss of viability upon the deletion of any one amino acid from the code. Once the reason for the freezing of the code was ascertained, procedures were devised by scientists worldwide to enable the encoding of novel noncanonical amino acids (ncAAs). These encoded Phase 3 ncAAs now surpass the 20 canonical Phase 2 amino acids in the code.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the yeast genera Saccharomycopsis and Ascoidea, which comprise the taxonomic order Ascoideales, nuclear genes use a nonstandard genetic code in which CUG codons are translated as serine instead of leucine, due to a tRNA-Ser with the unusual anticodon CAG. However, some species in this clade also retain an ancestral tRNA-Leu gene with the same anticodon. One of these species, Ascoidea asiatica, has been shown to have a stochastic proteome in which proteins contain ∼50% Ser and 50% Leu at CUG codon sites, whereas previously examined Saccharomycopsis species translate CUG only as Ser. Here, we investigated the presence, conservation, and possible functionality of the tRNA-Leu(CAG) gene in the genus Saccharomycopsis. We sequenced the genomes of 23 strains that, together with previously available data, include almost every known species of this genus. We found that most Saccharomycopsis species have genes for both tRNA-Leu(CAG) and tRNA-Ser(CAG). However, tRNA-Leu(CAG) has been lost in Saccharomycopsis synnaedendra and Saccharomycopsis microspora, and its predicted cloverleaf structure is aberrant in all the other Saccharomycopsis species. We deleted the tRNA-Leu(CAG) gene of Saccharomycopsis capsularis and found that it is not essential. Proteomic analyses in vegetative and sporulating cultures of S. capsularis and Saccharomycopsis fermentans showed only translation of CUG as Ser. Despite its unusual structure, the tRNA-Leu(CAG) gene shows evidence of sequence conservation among Saccharomycopsis species, particularly in its acceptor stem and leucine identity elements, which suggests that it may have been retained in order to carry out an unknown nontranslational function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genetic code expansion technology allows the incorporation of unnatural amino acids (UAAs) into proteins, which is useful in protein engineering, synthetic biology, and gene therapy. Despite its potential applications in various species, filamentous fungi remain unexplored. This study aims to address this gap by developing these techniques in Aspergillus nidulans. We introduced an amber stop codon into a specific sequence within the reporter gene expressed in A. nidulans and replaced the anticodon of the fungal tRNATyr with CUA. This resulted in the synthesis of the target protein, confirming the occurrence of amber suppression in the fungus. When exogenous E. coli tRNATyrCUA (Ec. tRNATyrCUA) and E. coli tyrosyl-tRNA (Ec.TyrRS) were introduced into A. nidulans, they successfully synthesized the target protein via amber suppression and were shown to be orthogonal to the fungal translation system. By replacing the wild-type Ec.TyrRS with a mutant with a higher affinity for the UAA O-methyl-L-tyrosine, the fungal system was able to initiate the synthesis of the UAA-labeled protein (UAA-protein). We further increased the expression level of the UAA-protein through several rational modifications. The successful development of a genetic code expansion technique for A. nidulans has introduced a potentially valuable approach to the study of fungal protein structure and function.





