Gene targeting

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nucleic acid-based gene interference and editing strategies, such as antisense oligonucleotides, ribozymes, RNA interference (RNAi), and CRISPR/Cas9 coupled with guide RNAs, are exciting research tools and show great promise for clinical applications in treating various illnesses. RNase P ribozymes have been engineered for therapeutic applications against human viruses such as human cytomegalovirus (HCMV). M1 ribozyme, the catalytic RNA subunit of RNase P from Escherichia coli, can be converted into a sequence-specific endonuclease, M1GS ribozyme, which is capable of hydrolyzing an mRNA target base-pairing with the guide sequence. M1GS RNAs have been shown to hydrolyze essential HCMV mRNAs and block viral progeny production in virus-infected cell cultures. Furthermore, RNase P ribozyme variants with enhanced hydrolyzing activity can be generated by employing in vitro selection procedures and exhibit better ability in suppressing HCMV gene expression and replication in cultured cells. Additional studies have also examined the antiviral activity of RNase P ribozymes in mice in vivo. Using cytomegalovirus infection as an example, this review summarizes the principles underlying RNase P ribozyme-mediated gene inactivation, presents recent progress in engineering RNase P ribozymes for applications in vitro and in mice, and discusses the prospects of using M1GS technology for therapeutic applications against HCMV as well as other pathogenic viruses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a severe genetic disorder characterized by the loss of motor neurons, leading to progressive muscle weakness, loss of mobility, and respiratory complications. In its most severe forms, SMA can result in death within the first two years of life if untreated. The condition arises from mutations in the SMN1 (survival of motor neuron 1) gene, causing a deficiency in the survival motor neuron (SMN) protein. Humans possess a near-identical gene, SMN2, which modifies disease severity and is a primary target for therapies. Recent therapeutic advancements include antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs), small molecules targeting SMN2, and virus-mediated gene replacement therapy delivering a functional copy of SMN1. Additionally, recognizing SMA\'s broader phenotype involving multiple organs has led to the development of SMN-independent therapies. Evidence now indicates that SMA affects multiple organ systems, suggesting the need for SMN-independent treatments along with SMN-targeting therapies. No single therapy can cure SMA; thus, combination therapies may be essential for comprehensive treatment. This review addresses the SMA etiology, the role of SMN, and provides an overview of the rapidly evolving therapeutic landscape, highlighting current achievements and future directions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recombination hotspot-activating DNA sites (e.g., M26, CCAAT, Oligo-C) and their binding proteins (e.g., Atf1-Pcr1 heterodimer; Php2-Php3-Php5 complex, Rst2, Prdm9) regulate the distribution of Spo11 (Rec12)-initiated meiotic recombination. We sought to create 14 different candidate regulatory DNA sites via bp substitutions in the ade6 gene of Schizosaccharomyces pombe. We used a fission yeast-optimized CRISPR-Cas9 system (SpEDIT) and 196 bp-long dsDNA templates with centrally located bp substitutions designed to ablate the genomic PAM site, create specific 15 bp-long DNA sequences, and introduce a stop codon. After co-transformation with a plasmid that encoded both the guide RNA and Cas9 enzyme, about one-third of colonies had a phenotype diagnostic for DNA sequence changes at ade6. PCR diagnostics and DNA sequencing revealed a diverse collection of alterations at the target locus, including: (A) complete or (B) partial template-directed substitutions; (C) non-homologous end joinings; (D) duplications; (E) bp mutations, and (F) insertions of ectopic DNA. We concluded that SpEDIT can be used successfully to generate a diverse collection of DNA sequence elements within a reporter gene of interest. However, its utility is complicated by low efficiency, incomplete template-directed repair events, and undesired alterations to the target locus.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Deoxyribonucleic acid triplexes have potential roles in a range of biological processes involving gene and transcriptional regulation. A major challenge in exploiting the formation of these higher-order structures to target genes in vivo is their low stability, which is dependent on many factors including the length and composition of bases in the sequence. Here, different DNA base modifications have been explored, primarily using native mass spectrometry, in efforts to enable stronger binding between the triplex forming oligonucleotide (TFO) and duplex target sites. These modifications can also be used to overcome pyrimidine interruptions in the duplex sequence in promoter regions of genomes, to expand triplex target sequences for antigene therapies. Using model sequences with a single pyrimidine interruption, triplex forming oligonucleotides containing locked nucleic acid base modifications were shown to have a higher triplex binding propensity than DNA-only and dSpacer-containing TFOs. However, the triplex forming ability of these systems was limited by the competitive formation of multiple higher order assemblies. Triplex forming sequences that correspond to specific gene targets from the Pseudomonas aeruginosa genome were also investigated, with LNA-containing TFOs the only variant able to form triplex using these sequences. This work indicates the advantages of utilizing synthetically modified TFOs to form triplex assemblies in vivo for potential therapeutic applications and highlights the advantages of native mass spectrometry for the study of their formation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Achaete-Scute Complex Homolog 1 (ASCL1) is a key regulator in the development and function of the nervous system, particularly in the process of neuronal and neuroendocrine cell differentiation. By employing the CRISPR/Cas9 system, we successfully established an ASCL1-mCherry knock-in human embryonic stem cell (hESC) line by inserting a P2A-mCherry fragment at the ASCL1 locus. The mCherry reporter effectively demonstrated the expression level of endogenous ASCL1 during the process of inducing pulmonary neuroendocrine cells (PNECs) from hESC. This reporter cell line holds significant value as a research tool for investigating the process of lung neuroendocrine cell differentiation, conducting drug screening, and exploring the underlying mechanisms of lung diseases associated with PNECs dysfunction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Filamentous fungi are prolific producers of bioactive natural products and play a vital role in drug discovery. Yet, their potential cannot be fully exploited since many biosynthetic genes are silent or cryptic under laboratory culture conditions. Several strategies have been applied to activate these genes, with heterologous expression as one of the most promising approaches. However, successful expression and identification of new products are often hindered by host-dependent factors, such as low gene targeting efficiencies, a high metabolite background, or a lack of selection markers. To overcome these challenges, we have constructed a Penicillium crustosum expression host in a pyrG deficient strain by combining the split-marker strategy and CRISPR-Cas9 technology. Deletion of ligD and pcribo improved gene targeting efficiencies and enabled the use of an additional selection marker in P. crustosum. Furthermore, we reduced the secondary metabolite background by inactivation of two highly expressed gene clusters and abolished the formation of the reactive ortho-quinone methide. Finally, we replaced the P. crustosum pigment gene pcr4401 with the commonly used Aspergillus nidulans wA expression site for convenient use of constructs originally designed for A. nidulans in our P. crustosum host strain. As proof of concept, we successfully expressed a single polyketide synthase gene and an entire gene cluster at the P. crustosum wA locus. Resulting transformants were easily detected by their albino phenotype. With this study, we provide a highly efficient platform for heterologous expression of fungal genes. KEY POINTS: Construction of a highly efficient Penicillium crustosum heterologous expression host Reduction of secondary metabolite background by genetic dereplication strategy Integration of wA site to provide an alternative host besides Aspergillus nidulans.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microglia play a crucial role in maintaining homeostasis of the central nervous system and they are actively involved in shaping the brain\'s inflammatory response to stress. Among the multitude of involved molecules, purinergic receptors and enzymes are of special importance due to their ability to regulate microglia activation. By investigating the mechanisms underlying microglial responses and dysregulation, researchers can develop more precise interventions to modulate microglial behavior and alleviate neuroinflammatory processes. Studying gene function selectively in microglia, however, remains technically challenging. This review article provides an overview of adeno-associated virus (AAV)-based microglia targeting approaches, discussing potential prospects for refining these approaches to improve both specificity and effectiveness and encouraging future investigations aimed at connecting the potential of AAV-mediated microglial targeting for therapeutic benefit in neurological disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Penicillium digitatum is a fungal plant pathogen that causes the green mold disease in harvested citrus fruits. Due to its economical relevance, many efforts have focused on the development of genetic engineering tools for this fungus. Adaptation of the CRISPR/Cas9 technology was previously accomplished with self-replicative AMA1-based plasmids for marker-free gene editing, but the resulting efficiency (10%) limited its practical implementation. In this study, we aimed to enhance the efficiency of the CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene editing in P. digitatum to facilitate its practical use.
    RESULTS: Increasing the culture time by performing additional culture streaks under selection conditions in a medium that promotes slower growth rates significantly improved the gene editing efficiency in P. digitatum up to 54-83%. To prove this, we disrupted five candidate genes that were chosen based on our previous high-throughput gene expression studies aimed at elucidating the transcriptomic response of P. digitatum to the antifungal protein PdAfpB. Two of these genes lead to visual phenotypic changes (PDIG_53730/pksP, and PDIG_54100/arp2) and allowed to start the protocol optimization. The other three candidates (PDIG_56860, PDIG_33760/rodA and PDIG_68680/dfg5) had no visually associated phenotype and were targeted to confirm the high efficiency of the protocol.
    CONCLUSIONS: Genome editing efficiency of P. digitatum was significantly increased from 10% to up to 83% through the modification of the selection methodology, which demonstrates the feasibility of the CRISPR/Cas9 system for gene disruption in this phytopathogenic fungus. Moreover, the approach described in this study might help increase CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing efficiencies in other economically relevant fungal species for which editing efficiency via CRISPR/Cas9 is still low.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gene targeting (GT) allows precise manipulation of genome sequences, such as knock-ins and sequence substitutions, but GT in seed plants remains a challenging task. Engineered sequence-specific nucleases (SSNs) are known to facilitate GT via homology-directed repair (HDR) in organisms. Here, we demonstrate that Cas12a and a temperature-tolerant Cas12a variant (ttCas12a) can efficiently establish precise and heritable GT at two loci in Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis) through a sequential transformation strategy. As a result, ttCas12a showed higher GT efficiency than unmodified Cas12a. In addition, the efficiency of transcriptional and translational enhancers for GT via sequential transformation strategy was also investigated. These enhancers and their combinations were expected to show an increase in GT efficiency in the sequential transformation strategy, similar to previous reports of all-in-one strategies, but only a maximum twofold increase was observed. These results indicate that the frequency of double strand breaks (DSBs) at the target site is one of the most important factors determining the efficiency of genetic GT in plants. On the other hand, a higher frequency of DSBs does not always lead to higher efficiency of GT, suggesting that some additional factors are required for GT via HDR. Therefore, the increase in DSB can no longer be expected to improve GT efficiency, and a new strategy needs to be established in the future. This research opens up a wide range of applications for precise and heritable GT technology in plants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aspergillus niger is a well-known workhorse for the industrial production of enzymes and organic acids. This fungus can also cause postharvest diseases in fruits. Although Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation (ATMT) based on antibiotic resistance markers has been effectively exploited for inspecting functions of target genes in wild-type fungi, it still needs to be further improved in A. niger. In the present study, we re-examined the ATMT in the wild-type A. niger strains using the hygromycin resistance marker and introduced the nourseothricin resistance gene as a new selection marker for this fungus. Unexpectedly, our results revealed that the ATMT method using the resistance markers in A. niger led to numerous small colonies as false-positive transformants on transformation plates. Using the top agar overlay technique to restrict false positive colonies, a transformation efficiency of 87 ± 18 true transformants could be achieved for 106 conidia. With two different selection markers, we could perform both the deletion and complementation of a target gene in a single wild-type A. niger strain. Our results also indicated that two key regulatory genes (laeA and veA) of the velvet complex are required for A. niger to infect apple fruits. Notably, we demonstrated for the first time that a laeA homologous gene from the citrus postharvest pathogen Penicillium digitatum was able to restore the acidification ability and pathogenicity of the A. niger ΔlaeA mutant. The dual resistance marker ATMT system from our work represents an improved genetic tool for gene function characterization in A. niger.





