Gastroepiploic Artery

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Common arterial grafts used in coronary artery bypass grafting include internal thoracic artery (ITA), radial artery (RA) and right gastroepiploic artery (RGA) grafts; of these, the ITA has the best clinical outcome. Here, by analyzing the single-cell transcriptome of different arterial grafts, we suggest optimization strategies for the RA and RGA based on the ITA as a reference. Compared with the ITA, the RA had more lipid-handling-related CD36+ endothelial cells. Vascular smooth muscle cells from the RGA were more susceptible to spasm, followed by those from the RA; comparison with the ITA suggested that potassium channel openers may counteract vasospasm. Fibroblasts from the RA and RGA highly expressed GDF10 and CREB5, respectively; both GDF10 and CREB5 are associated with extracellular matrix deposition. Cell-cell communication analysis revealed high levels of macrophage migration inhibitory factor signaling in the RA. Administration of macrophage migration inhibitory factor inhibitor to mice with partial carotid artery ligation blocked neointimal hyperplasia induced by disturbed flow. Modulation of identified targets may have protective effects on arterial grafts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Total resection of the gastric tube with lymphadenectomy for advanced gastric tube cancer is highly invasive and associated with severe complications. Other surgical option, partial gastrectomy or wedge resection, is insufficient if lymph node metastasis is suspected. Therefore, a technique balancing invasiveness and curability is required.
    METHODS: First, we laparoscopically peeled off adhesions of the gastric tube, gastric mesentery (including the right gastroepiploic artery/vein), pericardial membrane, and aorta, up to the planned resection line. Subsequently, we cut the infrapyloric and right gastric arteries at their roots and dissected No. 5 and No. 6 lymph nodes. We taped and spared the right gastroepiploic artery and vein and dissected the tissues including No. 4d lymph nodes. Finally, the gastric tube was cut using a linear stapler, and the remaining gastric tube was anastomosed to the jejunum with a circular stapler. The mean operative time for the three cases treated using this intervention was 729 min. The patients were discharged on postoperative day 8 or 9 without any complications. They all remained alive and recurrence-free.
    CONCLUSIONS: This novel approach balances invasiveness and curability by leveraging the advantages of laparoscopy. The procedure was performed safely and reproducibly in three consecutive cases, providing another viable option for the treatment of gastric tube cancer.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) using the right gastroepiploic artery (RGEA) is a well-established, safe procedure. However, problems with RGEA grafts in subsequent abdominal surgeries can lead to fatal complications. This report presents the first case of right hepatectomy for hepatocellular carcinoma after CABG using the RGEA.
    METHODS: We describe a case in which a right hepatectomy for an 81-year-old male patient with hepatocellular carcinoma was safely performed after CABG using a RGEA graft. Preoperatively, three-dimensional computed tomography (3D- CT) images were constructed to confirm the run of the RGEA graft. The operation was conducted with the standby of a cardiovascular surgeon if there was a problem with the RGEA graft. The RGEA graft had formed adhesions with the hepatic falciform ligament, necessitating meticulous dissection. After the right hepatectomy, the left hepatic lobe descended into the vacated space, exerting traction on the RGEA. However, this traction was mitigated by suturing the hepatic falciform ligament to the abdominal wall, ensuring stability of the RGEA. There were no intraoperative or postoperative complications.
    CONCLUSIONS: It is crucial to confirm the functionality and anatomy of the RGEA graft preoperatively, handle it gently intraoperatively, and collaborate with cardiovascular surgeons.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Gastroepiploic artery aneurysms and pseudoaneurysms pose diagnostic challenges due to their rarity and overlapping radiological features. This case report presents an 82-year-old woman with sudden-onset severe abdominal pain with computed tomography revealing hemoperitoneum and saccular dilations adjacent to the stomach\'s greater curvature, suggestive of vascular pathology. Selective abdominal arteriography confirmed three saccular dilatations in the gastroepiploic artery, which were managed successfully with coil embolization. The discussion emphasizes the importance of accurate diagnosis, distinguishing between aneurysms and pseudoaneurysms, and prompt intervention to mitigate the risk of hemorrhagic complications of either of them. The case underscores the significance of endovascular management in such rare and critical scenarios.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Vascularized gastroepiploic lymph node transfer (VGLNT) is a well-accepted surgical treatment for restoring physiological function in chronic lymphedema. However, the inclusion of substantial lymph nodes (LNs) in the flap remains uncertain. This study aimed to identify the anatomical basis for reliable flap harvest for VGLNT.
    METHODS: The anatomy of perigastric station 4d LNs was studied in healthy cadavers (n = 15) and patients with early gastric cancer (EGC) (n = 27). The omentum was divided into three segments: proximal, middle, and distal from the origin of the right gastroepiploic vessels. The flap dimension, number, location, size of LNs, and caliber of the vessels were reviewed. Eight patients underwent VGLNT for upper/lower limb lymphedema.
    RESULTS: The mean numbers of LNs in the proximal, middle, and distal segment were 2.5, 1.4, 0.5 in the cadavers, and 4.9, 2.7, 0.7 in the gastrectomy specimens, respectively. The proximal third included a significantly greater number of LNs than the distal third in the cadaveric (p = 0.024) and ECG (p = 0.016) specimens. A total of 95% of the LNs were located within proximal two-thirds of the flap from the vessel origin both in the cadavers (21.0 × 5.0 cm) and in the gastrectomy specimens (20 × 3.5 cm). In VGLNT, the transferred flap was 25.5 ± 6.9 × 4.1 + 0.7 cm in dimension, containing a mean number of 6.5 ± 1.9 LNs. At postoperative 6 months, the volumetric difference was significantly reduced by 22.8 ± 9.2% (p < 0.001).
    CONCLUSIONS: This study provides a distinct distribution pattern of station 4d LNs. Inclusion of the proximal two-thirds of the flap, which carries majority of the LNs, is recommended for VGLNT.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: This prospective cohort study, conducted at a high-volume esophageal cancer center from July 2019 to July 2022, aimed to investigate the link between the right gastroepiploic artery (RGEA) length and anastomotic leakage (AL) rates following minimally invasive esophagectomy (MIE). Real-world data on stomach blood supply in the Chinese population were examined.
    METHODS: A total of 516 cases were enrolled, categorized into two groups based on the Youden index-determined optimal cut-off value for the relative length of RGEA (length of RGEA/length of gastric conduit, 64.69%) through ROC analysis: Group SR (short RGEA) and Group LR (long RGEA). The primary observation parameter was the relationship between AL incidence and the ratio of direct blood supply from RGEA. Secondary parameters included the mean length of the right gastroepiploic artery, greater curvature, and the connection type between right and left gastroepiploic vessels. Patient data were prospectively recorded in electronic case report forms.
    RESULTS: The study revealed median lengths of 43.60 cm for greater curvature, 43.16 cm for the gastric conduit, and 26.75 cm for RGEA. AL, the most common postoperative complication, showed a significant difference between groups (16.88 vs. 8.84%, P =0.01). Multivariable binary logistic regression identified Group SR and LR (odds ratio: 2.651, 95% CI: 1.124-6.250, P =0.03) and Neoadjuvant therapy (odds ratio: 2.479, 95% CI: 1.374-4.473, P =0.00) as independent predictors of AL.
    CONCLUSIONS: The study emphasizes the crucial role of RGEA length in determining AL incidence in MIE for esophageal cancer. Preserving RGEA and fostering capillary arches between RGEA and LGEA are recommended strategies to mitigate AL risk.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    OBJECTIVE: To study functional anatomy of the right gastroepiploic artery (RGEA), its gastric and omental branches and practical significance of these anatomical features.
    METHODS: We analyzed 20 cadaveric organ complexes (11 men and 9 women, aged 49-85 years) between 2018 and 2019. The organ complexes consisted of the stomach, proximal duodenum and large omentum. RGEA catheterization at the level of pylorus was followed by selective real time angiography. We assessed the following parameters of RGEA: total length, diameter at the level of pylorus, number and diameter of gastric and omental branches. To objectify the study, we visually divided RGEA into 5 equal segments between pylorus and the last branch arising from this artery.
    RESULTS: The RGEA looks like a gradually and evenly narrowing tube. Mean diameter of the artery at the level of pylorus was 2.2±0.68 mm, mean length - 23.6±3.7 cm. Mean number of gastric and omental branches was 16.2±4.8 and 8.6±2.6, respectively. The number of gastric branches in the distal part of the RGEA increased, while the diameters of the gastric branches did not significantly differ. The number of gastric branches in distal RGEA increased, while diameters of gastric branches were similar. The greatest number of omental branches with the largest diameter was observed in the 2nd and 3rd segments of the artery. Considering these data, we formulated the equation for RGEA hemodynamics and developed the technique for optimal blood supply to proximal part of the gastric transplant during esophagogastroplasty.
    CONCLUSIONS: Anatomical features of the right gastroepiploic artery can be used in reconstructive surgery of abdominal cavity and chest.
    UNASSIGNED: Изучение функциональной анатомии правой желудочно-сальниковой артерии (ПЖСА), ее желудочных и сальниковых ветвей и практическое использование особенностей данной артерии.
    UNASSIGNED: В работе исследованы 20 трупных органокомплексов (11 мужчин и 9 женщин, возрасте от 49 до 85 лет). Органокомплексы состояли из желудка, проксимального отдела двенадцатиперстной кишки и большого сальника. Катетеризацию ПЖСА производили на уровне привратника с последующим проведением селективной ангиографии в режиме реального времени путем введения рентгеноконтрастного препарата. Исследовали следующие параметры ПЖСА: общую длину, диаметр ее просвета на уровне привратника, количество и диаметр желудочных и сальниковых ветвей. Для объективизации исследования ПЖСА визуально разделена на 5 равных сегментов на протяжении от привратника до последней ветви, отходящей от данной артерии.
    UNASSIGNED: ПЖСА имеет вид постепенно и равномерно суживающейся трубки. Средний диаметр просвета ПЖСА на уровне привратника составил 2,2±0,68 мм. Средняя длина ПЖСА 23,6±3,7 см. Среднее количество желудочных ветвей ПЖСА 16,2±4,83, их было больше, чем сальниковых ветвей (8,6±2,64). Количество желудочных ветвей в дистальном отделе ПЖСА увеличивалось, при этом диаметры желудочных ветвей достоверно не различались. Наибольшее количество сальниковых ветвей ПЖСА с наибольшим диаметром находились во 2-м и 3-м сегментах артерии. На основании полученных данных предложена формула гемодинамики ПЖСА и с ее помощью разработана методика обеспечения адекватного кровоснабжения проксимального отдела желудочного трансплантата при эзофагогастропластике. Эффективность предлагаемой методики изучена на клиническом опыте.
    UNASSIGNED: Выявленные особенности строения ПЖСА могут быть использованы в реконструктивной хирургии органов брюшной полости и грудной клетки.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Grafting the right gastroepiploic artery (GEA) to the right coronary artery (RCA) is effective, but preoperative evaluation of arterial conduit availability has not been established. By comparing the midterm graft results, we aimed to assess the efficacy of preoperative evaluation of the GEA using computed tomography (CT).
    We retrospectively examined patients who underwent isolated coronary artery bypass grafting surgery between April 2010 and December 2020, and those whose GEA was grafted to the RCA were selected: 55 patients were included in the study analysis. Postoperative evaluations were performed during the early phase, 1 year postoperatively, and at follow-up evaluations. The outer diameter of the proximal GEA was compared with the midterm graft patency grade on CT and patients were classified as Functional (Grade A) or Dysfunctional (Grades O or B). The proximal GEA outer diameters were significantly different between the Functional and Dysfunctional groups (P<0.001). Furthermore, multivariate Cox regression analysis revealed that this diameter was an independent predictor of graft functionality (P<0.001). Patients with outer proximal diameters larger than the cutoff value had superior graft results at 3 years postoperatively. The rate of freedom from a dysfunctional graft at 3 years postoperatively was 95.5% and 45.5% for the Larger and Smaller diameter subgroups, respectively (P<0.001).
    Preoperative evaluation of the outer diameter of the proximal GEA, excluding calcified GEA, using CT is a minimally invasive and useful method, and may improve midterm results of in-situ GEA grafting, even in severe stenotic lesions.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Although hepatic artery aneurysms (HAAs) are uncommon, they are associated with risk of rupture. HAAs >2 cm in diameter require endovascular or open surgical repairs. For HAAs involving the proper hepatic artery or gastroduodenal artery, which is a collateral artery from the superior mesenteric artery, hepatic arterial reconstruction is especially important to avoid ischemic liver injury. In this study, right gastroepiploic artery transposition was performed in a 53-year-old man after a 4 cm common hepatic artery and proper hepatic artery aneurysm was identified. The patient was discharged without any complications on postoperative day 8.





