
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The influence of the crystal synthesis method on the crystallographic structure of caffeine-citric acid cocrystals was analyzed thanks to the synthesis of a new polymorphic form of the cocrystal. In order to compare the new form to the already known forms, the crystal structure of the new cocrystal (C8H10N4O2·C6H8O7) was solved by powder X-ray diffraction thanks to synchrotron experiments. The structure determination was performed using `GALLOP\', a recently developed hybrid approach based on a local optimization with a particle swarm optimizer, particularly powerful when applied to the structure resolution of materials of pharmaceutical interest, compared to classical Monte-Carlo simulated annealing. The final structure was obtained through Rietveld refinement, and first-principles density functional theory (DFT) calculations were used to locate the H atoms. The symmetry is triclinic with the space group P-1 and contains one molecule of caffeine and one molecule of citric acid per asymmetric unit. The crystallographic structure of this cocrystal involves different hydrogen-bond associations compared to the already known structures. The analysis of these hydrogen bonds indicates that the cocrystal obtained here is less stable than the cocrystals already identified in the literature. This analysis is confirmed by the determination of the melting point of this cocrystal, which is lower than that of the previously known cocrystals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this paper, the limb of a goat is chosen as the research object, and according to mammalian anatomy, a bionic model called the quasi inverted pendulum with \"J\" curve spring (QIPJCS) model with nonlinear stiffness is built, and the equations of motion are derived. Based on these equations, the advantages of the QIPJCS model are illustrated from the aspect of the stable motion region by the SFA (step-to-fall analysis) numerical simulation method. These results are compared with the traditional SLIP model. Furthermore, the ARM (Apex-Return-Map) of this model is built, and the fixed points are analyzed. Finally, according to the locomotion law of goats running with gallop gaits and the analysis of the dead-point support effect, the dynamic motion mechanism of goat limbs is elucidated, and the equivalent mechanism model is built. Based on the mechanism, the dynamic mechanical analysis indicates that the joint driving torque can be minimized to conserve energy by optimizing the landing angle. The running mechanism research of quadruped mammals, which is based on the novel bionic stiffness model, provides theoretical support for the design of high-performance mechanical legs and the motion control of bionic robots.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In racehorses, the risk of musculoskeletal injury is linked to a decrease in speed and stride length (SL) over consecutive races prior to injury. Surface characteristics influence stride parameters. We hypothesized that large changes in stride parameters are found during galloping in response to dirt racetrack preparation. Harrowing of the back stretch of a half-mile dirt racetrack was altered in three individual lanes with decreasing depth from the inside to the outside. Track underlay compaction and water content were changed between days. Twelve horses (six on day 2) were sequentially galloped at a target speed of 16 ms-1 across the three lanes. Speed, stride frequency (SF), and SL were quantified with a GPS/GNSS logger. Mixed linear models with speed as covariate analyzed SF and SL, with track hardness and moisture content as fixed factors (p < 0.05). At the average speed of 16.48 ms-1, hardness (both p < 0.001) and moisture content (both p < 0.001) had significant effects on SF and SL. The largest difference in SL of 0.186 m between hardness and moisture conditions exceeded the 0.10 m longitudinal decrease over consecutive race starts previously identified as injury predictor. This suggests that detailed measurements of track conditions might be useful for refining injury prediction models.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Carnivorans are well-known for their exceptional backbone mobility, which enables them to excel in fast running and long jumping, leading to them being among the most successful predators amongst terrestrial mammals. This study presents the first large-scale analysis of mobility throughout the presacral region of the vertebral column in carnivorans. The study covers representatives of 6 families, 24 genera and 34 species. We utilized a previously developed osteometry-based method to calculate available range of motion, quantifying all three directions of intervertebral mobility: sagittal bending (SB), lateral bending (LB), and axial rotation (AR). We observed a strong phylogenetic signal in the structural basis of the vertebral column (vertebral and joint formulae, length proportions of the backbone modules) and an insignificant phylogenetic signal in most characteristics of intervertebral mobility. This indicates that within the existing structure (stabilization of which occurred rather early in different phylogenetic lineages), intervertebral mobility in carnivorans is quite flexible. Our findings reveal that hyenas and canids, which use their jaws to seize prey, are characterized by a noticeably elongated cervical region and significantly higher SB and LB mobility of the cervical joints compared to other carnivorans. In representatives of other carnivoran families, the cervical region is very short, but the flexibility of the neck (both SB and LB) is significantly higher than that of short-necked odd-toed and even-toed ungulates. The lumbar region of the backbone in carnivorans is dorsomobile in the sagittal plane, being on average ~23° more mobile than in artiodactyls and ~38° more mobile than in perissodactyls. However, despite the general dorsomobility, only some representatives of Canidae, Felidae, and Viverridae are superior in lumbar flexibility to the most dorsomobile ungulates. The most dorsomobile artiodactyls are equal or even superior to carnivorans in their ability to engage in dorsal extension during galloping. In contrast, carnivorans are far superior to ungulates in their ability to engage ventral flexion. The cumulative SB in the lumbar region in carnivorans largely depends on the mode of running and hunting. Thus, adaptation to prolonged and enduring pursuit of prey in hyenas is accompanied by markedly reduced SB flexibility in the lumbar region. A more dorsostable run is also a characteristic of the Ursidae, and the peculiar maned wolf. Representatives of Felidae and Canidae have significantly more available SB mobility in the lumbar region. However, they fully engage it only occasionally at key moments of the hunt associated with the direct capture of the prey or when running in a straight line at maximum speed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The vertebral column is a hallmark of vertebrates; it is the structural basis of their body and the locomotor apparatus in particular. Locomotion of any vertebrate animal in its typical habitat is directly associated with functional adaptations of its vertebrae. This study is the first large-scale analysis of mobility throughout the presacral region of the vertebral column covering a majority of extant odd-toed ungulates from 6 genera and 15 species. In this study, we used a previously developed osteometry-based method to calculate available range of motion. We quantified all three directions of intervertebral mobility: sagittal bending (SB), lateral bending (LB), and axial rotation (AR). The cervical region in perissodactyls was found to be the most mobile region of the presacral vertebral column in LB and SB. Rhinoceroses and tapirs are characterized by the least mobile necks in SB among odd-toed and even-toed ungulates. Equidae are characterized by very mobile necks, especially in LB. The first intrathoracic joint (T1-T2) in Equidae and Tapiridae is characterized by significantly increased mobility in the sagittal plane compared to the typical thoracic joints and is only slightly less mobile than typical cervical joints. The thoracolumbar part of the vertebral column in odd-toed ungulates is very stiff. Perissodactyls are characterized by frequent fusions of vertebrae with each other with complete loss of mobility. The posterior half of the thoracic region in perissodactyls is characterized by especially stiff intervertebral joints in the SB direction. This is probably associated with hindgut fermentation in perissodactyls: the sagittal stiffness of the posterior thoracic region of the vertebral column is able to passively support the hindgut heavily loaded with roughage. Horses are known as a prime example of a dorsostable galloper among mammals. However, based on SB in the lumbosacral part of the backbone, equids appear to be the least dorsostable among extant perissodactyls; the cumulative SB in equids and tapirs is as low as in the largest representatives of artiodactyls, while in Rhinocerotidae it is even lower representing the minimum across all odd-toed and even-toed ungulates. Morphological features of small Paleogene ancestors of rhinoceroses and equids indicate that dorsostability is a derived feature of perissodactyls and evolved convergently in the three extant families.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Changes in gallop stride parameters prior to injury have been documented previously in Thoroughbred racehorses. Validating solutions for quantification of fundamental stride parameters is important for large scale studies investigating injury related factors. This study describes a fast Fourier transformation-based method for extracting stride frequency (SF) values from speed fluctuations recorded with a standalone GPS-logger suitable for galloping horses. Limits of agreement with SF values derived from inertial measurement unit (IMU) pitch data are presented. Twelve Thoroughbred horses were instrumented with a GPS-logger (Vbox sport, Racelogic, 10 Hz samplerate) and a IMU-logger (Xsens DOT, Xsens, 120 Hz samplerate), both attached to the saddlecloth in the midline caudal to the saddle and time synchronized by minimizing root mean square error between differentiated GPS and IMU heading. Each horse performed three gallop trials with a target speed of 36miles per hour (16.1 ms-1) on a dirt racetrack. Average speed was 16.48 ms-1 ranging from 16.1 to 17.4 ms-1 between horses. Limits of agreement between GPS- and IMU-derived SF had a bias of 0.0032 Hz and a sample-by-sample precision of +/-0.027 Hz calculated over N = 2196 values. The stride length uncertainty related to the trial-by-trial SF precision of 0.0091 Hz achieved across 100 m gallop sections is smaller than the 10 cm decrease in stride length that has been associated with an increased risk of musculoskeletal injury. This suggests that the described method is suitable for calculating fundamental stride parameters in the context of injury prevention in galloping horses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The athletic performance and safety of racehorses is influenced by hoof−surface interactions. This intervention study assessed the effect of eight horseshoe−surface combinations on hoof acceleration patterns at impact and foot-off in 13 galloping Thoroughbred racehorses retired from racing. Aluminium, barefoot, GluShu (aluminium−rubber composite) and steel shoeing conditions were trialled on turf and artificial (Martin Collins Activ-Track) surfaces. Shod conditions were applied across all four hooves. Tri-axial accelerometers (SlamStickX, range ±500 g, sampling rate 5000 Hz) were attached to the dorsal hoof wall (x: medio-lateral, medial = positive; y: along dorsal hoof wall, proximal = positive; and z: perpendicular to hoof wall, dorsal = positive). Linear mixed models assessed whether surface, shoeing condition or stride time influenced maximum (most positive) or minimum (most negative) accelerations in x, y and z directions, using ≥40,691 strides (significance at p < 0.05). Day and horse−rider pair were included as random factors, and stride time was included as a covariate. Collective mean accelerations across x, y and z axes were 22−98 g at impact and 17−89 g at foot-off. The mean stride time was 0.48 ± 0.07 s (mean ±2 SD). Impact accelerations were larger on turf in all directions for forelimbs and hindlimbs (p ≤ 0.015), with the exception of the forelimb z-minimum, and in absolute terms, maximum values were typically double the minimum values. The surface type affected all foot-off accelerations (p ≤ 0.022), with the exception of the hindlimb x-maximum; for example, there was an average increase of 17% in z-maximum across limbs on the artificial track. The shoeing condition influenced all impact and foot-off accelerations in the forelimb and hindlimb datasets (p ≤ 0.024), with the exception of the hindlimb impact y-maximum. Barefoot hooves generally experienced the lowest accelerations. The stride time affected all impact and foot-off accelerations (p < 0.001). Identifying factors influencing hoof vibrations upon landing and hoof motion during propulsion bears implication for injury risk and racing outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study is the first analysis of mobility in the lumbosacral joint of even-toed ungulates covering the full range of body masses and running forms. In this study, we modified a previously developed osteometry-based method to calculate the available range of motion (aROM) in the lumbosacral joint in artiodactyls. We quantified all three directions of intervertebral mobility: sagittal bending (SB), lateral bending (LB), and axial rotation (AR). This research covers extant artiodactyls from 10 families, 57 genera, and 78 species. The lumbosacral joint in artiodactyls is on average almost twice as mobile in SB as the average intralumbar joint (aROM 15.68° vs 8.22°). In all artiodactyls, the first sacral prezygapophyses are equipped with postfacet fossae determining the available range of lumbosacral hyperextension. SB aROM in the lumbosacral joint in artiodactyls varies almost sevenfold (from 4.53° to 31.19°) and is closely related to the body mass and running form. An allometric equation was developed for the first time, for the joint angular amplitude of motion, exemplified by the artiodactyl lumbosacral SB aROMs, as a power function of body mass, the power coefficient value being close to -0.15. High SB aROM at the lumbosacral joint is characteristic of artiodactyls with at least one of the following characteristics: high cumulative and average SB aROM in the lumbar region (Pearson r = 0.467-0.617), small body mass (r = -0.531), saltatorial or saltatorial-cursorial running form (mean = 16.91-18.63°). The highest SB aROM in the lumbosacral joint is typical for small antelopes and Moschidae (mean = 20.24-20.27°). Among these artiodactyls SB aROMs in the lumbosacral joint are on par with various carnivores. Large and robust artiodactyls, adapted predominantly to mediportal and stilt (running on extremely tall limbs) running forms, have 2-3 times smaller SB aROMs in the lumbosacral joint. Adaptation to endurance galloping in open landscapes (cursorial running form) is accompanied by smaller lumbar and lumbosacral SB aROMs compared to that in saltatorial-cursorial artiodactyls of the same body mass. The wide range of species studied makes it possible to significantly expand the knowledge of relations of the mobility of the lumbosacral joint in artiodactyls to body mass and running form.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The difficulty of quantifying asymmetrical limb movements, compared with symmetrical gaits, has resulted in a dearth of information concerning the mechanics and adaptive benefits of these locomotor patterns. Further, no study has explored the evolutionary history of asymmetrical gaits using phylogenetic comparative techniques. Most foundational work suggests that symmetrical gaits are an ancestral feature and asymmetrical gaits are a more derived feature of mammals, some crocodilians, some turtles, anurans and some fish species. In this study, we searched the literature for evidence of the use of asymmetrical gaits across extant gnathostomes, and from this sample (n=308 species) modeled the evolution of asymmetrical gaits assuming four different scenarios. Our analysis shows strongest support for an evolutionary model where asymmetrical gaits are ancestral for gnathostomes during benthic walking and could be both lost and gained during subsequent gnathostome evolution. We were unable to reconstruct the presence/absence of asymmetrical gaits at the tetrapod, amniote, turtle and crocodilian nodes with certainty. The ability to adopt asymmetrical gaits was likely ancestral for Mammalia but was probably not ancestral for Amphibia and Lepidosauria. The absence of asymmetrical gaits in certain lineages may be attributable to neuromuscular and/or anatomical constraints and/or generally slow movement not associated with these gaits. This finding adds to the growing body of work showing the early gnathostomes and tetrapods may have used a diversity of gaits, including asymmetrical patterns of limb cycling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding the effect of horseshoe-surface combinations on hoof kinematics at gallop is relevant for optimising performance and minimising injury in racehorse-jockey dyads. This intervention study assessed hoof breakover duration in Thoroughbred ex-racehorses from the British Racing School galloping on turf and artificial tracks in four shoeing conditions: aluminium, barefoot, aluminium-rubber composite (GluShu) and steel. Shoe-surface combinations were tested in a randomized order and horse-jockey pairings (n = 14) remained constant. High-speed video cameras (Sony DSC-RX100M5) filmed the hoof-ground interactions at 1000 frames per second. The time taken for a hoof marker wand fixed to the lateral hoof wall to rotate through an angle of 90 degrees during 384 breakover events was quantified using Tracker software. Data were collected for leading and non-leading forelimbs and hindlimbs, at gallop speeds ranging from 23-56 km h-1. Linear mixed-models assessed whether speed, surface, shoeing condition and any interaction between these parameters (fixed factors) significantly affected breakover duration. Day and horse-jockey pair were included as random factors and speed was included as a covariate. The significance threshold was set at p < 0.05. For all limbs, breakover times decreased as gallop speed increased (p < 0.0005), although a greater relative reduction in breakover duration for hindlimbs was apparent beyond approximately 45 km h-1. Breakover duration was longer on turf compared to the artificial surface (p ≤ 0.04). In the non-leading hindlimb only, breakover duration was affected by shoeing condition (p = 0.025) and an interaction between shoeing condition and speed (p = 0.023). This work demonstrates that speed, ground surface and shoeing condition are important factors influencing the galloping gait of the Thoroughbred racehorse.





