
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The RNA-binding protein TRIM71/LIN-41 is a phylogenetically conserved developmental regulator that functions in mammalian stem cell reprogramming, brain development, and cancer. TRIM71 recognizes target mRNAs through hairpin motifs and silences them through molecular mechanisms that await identification. Here, we uncover that TRIM71 represses its targets through RNA-supported interaction with TNRC6/GW182, a core component of the miRNA-induced silencing complex (miRISC). We demonstrate that AGO2, TRIM71, and UPF1 each recruit TNRC6 to specific sets of transcripts to silence them. As cellular TNRC6 levels are limiting, competition occurs among the silencing pathways, such that the loss of AGO proteins or of AGO binding to TNRC6 enhances the activities of the other pathways. We conclude that a miRNA-like silencing activity is shared among different mRNA silencing pathways and that the use of TNRC6 as a central hub provides a means to integrate their activities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    RNA interference is almost always associated with post-transcriptional silencing in the cytoplasm. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) and critical RNAi protein factors like argonaute (AGO) and trinucleotide repeat binding containing 6 protein (TNRC6), however, are also found in cell nuclei, suggesting that nuclear miRNAs may be targets for gene regulation. Designed small duplex RNAs (dsRNAs) can modulate nuclear processes such as transcription and splicing, suggesting that they can also provide leads for therapeutic discovery. The goal of this Perspective is to provide the background on nuclear RNAi necessary to guide discussions on whether nuclear RNAi can play a role in therapeutic development programs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    GW182 family proteins are a key component of microRNA-protein complex eliciting translational repression and/or degradation of microRNA-targets. The microRNAs in complex with Argonaute proteins bind to target mRNAs, and GW182 proteins are recruited by association with Argonaute proteins. The GW182 protein acts as a scaffold that links the Argonaute protein to silencing machineries including the CCR4-NOT complex which accelerates deadenylation and inhibits translation. The carboxyl-terminal effector domain of GW182 protein, also called the silencing domain, has been shown to bind to the subunits of the CCR4-NOT complex, the CNOT1 and the CNOT9. Here we show that a small region within the amino-terminal Argonaute-binding domain of human GW182/TNRC6A can associate with the CCR4-NOT complex. This region resides between the two Argonaute-binding sites and contains reiterated GW/WG-motifs. Alanine mutation experiments showed that multiple tryptophan residues are required for the association with the CCR4-NOT complex. Furthermore, co-expression and immunoprecipitation assays suggested that the CNOT9 subunit of the CCR4-NOT complex is a possible binding partner of this region. Our work, taken together with previous studies, indicates that the human GW182 protein contains multiple binding interfaces to the CCR4-NOT complex.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Precise development of the dendritic architecture is a critical determinant of mature neuronal circuitry. MicroRNA (miRNA)-mediated regulation of protein synthesis plays a crucial role in dendritic morphogenesis, but the role of miRNA-induced silencing complex (miRISC) protein components in this process is less studied. Here, we show an important role of a key miRISC protein, the GW182 paralog TNRC6A, in the regulation of dendritic growth. We identified a distinct brain region-specific spatiotemporal expression pattern of GW182 during rat postnatal development. We found that the window of peak GW182 expression coincides with the period of extensive dendritic growth, both in the hippocampus and cerebellum. Perturbation of GW182 function during a specific temporal window resulted in reduced dendritic growth of cultured hippocampal neurons. Mechanistically, we show that GW182 modulates dendritic growth by regulating global somatodendritic translation and actin cytoskeletal dynamics of developing neurons. Furthermore, we found that GW182 affects dendritic architecture by regulating the expression of actin modulator LIMK1. Taken together, our data reveal a previously undescribed neurodevelopmental expression pattern of GW182 and its role in dendritic morphogenesis, which involves both translational control and actin cytoskeletal rearrangement. This article has an associated First Person interview with the first author of the paper.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    TNRC6 is a scaffolding protein that bridges interactions between small RNAs, argonaute (AGO) protein, and effector proteins to control gene expression. There are three paralogs in mammalian cells, TNRC6A, TNRC6B, and TNRC6C These paralogs have ∼40% amino acid sequence identity and the extent of their unique or redundant functions is unclear. Here, we use knockout cell lines, enhanced crosslinking immunoprecipitation (eCLIP), and high-throughput RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) to explore the roles of TNRC6 paralogs in RNA-mediated control of gene expression. We find that the paralogs are largely functionally redundant and changes in levels of gene expression are well-correlated with those observed in AGO knockout cell lines. Splicing changes observed in AGO knockout cell lines are also observed in TNRC6 knockout cells. These data further define the roles of the TNRC6 isoforms as part of the RNA interference (RNAi) machinery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small regulatory RNAs of relatively long half-life in non-proliferative human cells. However, in cancer cells the half-lives of miRNAs are comparatively short. To understand the mechanism of rapid miRNA turnover in cancer cells, we explored the effect of target mRNAs on the abundance of the miRNAs that repress them. We have noted an accelerated extracellular vesicle (EV)-mediated export of miRNAs in presence of their target mRNAs in mammalian cells, and this target-driven miRNA-export process is retarded by Ago2-interacting protein GW182B. The GW182 group of proteins are localized to GW182 bodies or RNA processing bodies in mammalian cells, and GW182B-dependent retardation of miRNA export depends on GW body integrity and is independent of the HuR protein-mediated auxiliary pathway of miRNA export. Our data thus support the existence of a HuR-independent pathway of miRNA export in human cells that can be targeted in MDA-MB-231 cancer cells, to increase the level of cellular let-7a, a known negative regulator of cancer growth.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The RNA interference (RNAi) machinery is an essential component of the cell, regulating miRNA biogenesis and function. RNAi complexes were thought to localize either in the nucleus, such as the microprocessor, or in the cytoplasm, such as the RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC). We recently revealed that the core microprocessor components DROSHA and DGCR8, as well as the main components of RISC, including Ago2, also associate with the apical adherens junctions of well-differentiated cultured epithelial cells. Here, we demonstrate that the localization of the core RNAi components is specific and predominant at apical areas of cell-cell contact of human normal colon epithelial tissues and normal primary colon epithelial cells. Importantly, the apical junctional localization of RNAi proteins is disrupted or lost in human colon tumors and in poorly differentiated colon cancer cell lines, correlating with the dysregulation of the adherens junction component PLEKHA7. We show that the restoration of PLEKHA7 expression at adherens junctions of aggressively tumorigenic colon cancer cells restores the junctional localization of RNAi components and suppresses cancer cell growth in vitro and in vivo. In summary, this work identifies the apical junctional localization of the RNAi machinery as a key feature of the differentiated colonic epithelium, with a putative tumor suppressing function.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Animal germ cells possess a specific post-transcriptional regulatory context allowing the storage of maternal transcripts in the oocyte until their translation at a specific point in early development. As key regulators of gene expression, miRNAs repress translation mainly through mRNA destabilization. Thus, germline miRNAs likely use distinct ways to regulate their targets. Here, we use C. elegans to compare miRNA function within germline and somatic tissues. We show that the same miRNA displays tissue-specific gene regulatory mechanisms. While translational repression occurs in both tissues, targeted mRNAs are instead stabilized in the germline. Comparative analyses of miRNA silencing complexes (miRISC) demonstrate that their composition differs from germline to soma. We show that germline miRNA targets preferentially localize to perinuclear regions adjacent to P granules, and their repression is dependent on the core P granule component GLH-1. Together, our findings reveal the existence of different miRISC in animals that affect targeted mRNAs distinctively.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    GW182 proteins interact directly with the argonaute proteins and constitute key components of miRNA repressor complexes (miRISC) in metazoans. As argonautes are insufficient for silencing they recruit the GW182 s that act as scaffold proteins inducing downstream translational repression, target mRNA deadenylation and exonucleolytic mRNA degradation. Besides their role as part of repressor complexes inside the cell, they function in wide variety of cellular processes as highlighted in this review. The present review summarises and discusses in detail our current knowledge of the GW182 s and their role inside the cell.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    MicroRNAs are small noncoding RNAs that regulate translation and mRNA stability by binding target mRNAs in complex with Argonaute (AGO) proteins. AGO interacts with a member of the TNRC6 family proteins to form a microRNP complex, which recruits the CCR4-NOT complex to accelerate deadenylation and inhibits translation. MicroRNAs primarily repress translation of target mRNAs but have been shown to enhance translation of a specific type of target reporter mRNAs in various experimental systems: G0 quiescent mammalian cells, Xenopus laevis oocytes, Drosophila embryo extracts, and HeLa cells. In all of the cases mentioned, a common feature of the activated target mRNAs is the lack of a poly(A) tail. Here, we show let-7-microRNP-mediated translational activation of nonadenylated target mRNAs in a mammalian cell-free system, which contains over-expressed AGO2, TNRC6B, and PAPD7 (TUTase5, TRF4-1). Importantly, translation of nonadenylated mRNAs was activated also by tethered TNRC6B silencing domain (SD), in the presence of PAPD7. Deletion of the poly(A)-binding protein (PABP) interacting motif (PAM2) from the TNRC6B-SD abolished the translational activation, suggesting the involvement of PABP in the process. Similar results were also obtained in cultured HEK293T cells. This work may provide novel insights into microRNP-mediated mRNA regulation.





