GUI, Graphical User Interface

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The use of computer-aided methods have continued to propel accelerated drug discovery across various disease models, interestingly allowing the specific inhibition of pathogenic targets. Chloride Intracellular Channel Protein 4 (CLIC4) is a novel class of intracellular ion channel highly implicated in tumor and vascular biology. It regulates cell proliferation, apoptosis and angiogenesis; and is involved in multiple pathologic signaling pathways. Absence of specific inhibitors however impedes its advancement to translational research. Here, we integrate structural bioinformatics and experimental research approaches for the discovery and validation of small-molecule inhibitors of CLIC4. High-affinity allosteric binders were identified from a library of 1615 Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved drugs via a high-performance computing-powered blind-docking approach, resulting in the selection of amphotericin B and rapamycin. NMR assays confirmed the binding and conformational disruptive effects of both drugs while they also reversed stress-induced membrane translocation of CLIC4 and inhibited endothelial cell migration. Structural and dynamics simulation studies further revealed that the inhibitory mechanisms of these compounds were hinged on the allosteric modulation of the catalytic glutathione (GSH)-like site loop and the extended catalytic β loop which may elicit interference with the catalytic activities of CLIC4. Structure-based insights from this study provide the basis for the selective targeting of CLIC4 to treat the associated pathologies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Since the 1990s, Veterans Health Administration (VHA) has maintained a registry of Veterans with Spinal Cord Injuries and Disorders (SCI/Ds) to guide clinical care, policy, and research. Historically, methods for collecting and recording data for the VHA SCI/D Registry (VSR) have required significant time, cost, and staffing to maintain, were susceptible to missing data, and caused delays in aggregation and reporting. Each subsequent data collection method was aimed at improving these issues over the last several decades. This paper describes the development and validation of a case-finding and data-capture algorithm that uses primary clinical data, including diagnoses and utilization across 9 million VHA electronic medical records, to create a comprehensive registry of living and deceased Veterans seen for SCI/D services since 2012. A multi-step process was used to develop and validate a computer algorithm to create a comprehensive registry of Veterans with SCI/D whose records are maintained in the enterprise wide VHA Corporate Data Warehouse. Chart reviews and validity checks were used to validate the accuracy of cases that were identified using the new algorithm. An initial cohort of 28,202 living and deceased Veterans with SCI/D who were enrolled in VHA care from 10/1/2012 through 9/30/2017 was validated. Tables, reports, and charts using VSR data were developed to provide operational tools to study, predict, and improve targeted management and care for Veterans with SCI/Ds. The modernized VSR includes data on diagnoses, qualifying fiscal year, recent utilization, demographics, injury, and impairment for 38,022 Veterans as of 11/2/2022. This establishes the VSR as one of the largest ongoing longitudinal SCI/D datasets in North America and provides operational reports for VHA population health management and evidence-based rehabilitation. The VSR also comprises one of the only registries for individuals with non-traumatic SCI/Ds and holds potential to advance research and treatment for multiple sclerosis (MS), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and other motor neuron disorders with spinal cord involvement. Selected trends in VSR data indicate possible differences in the future lifelong care needs of Veterans with SCI/Ds. Future collaborative research using the VSR offers opportunities to contribute to knowledge and improve health care for people living with SCI/Ds.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intrinsic protein flexibility is of overwhelming relevance for intermolecular recognition and adaptability of highly dynamic ensemble of complexes, and the phenomenon is essential for the understanding of numerous biological processes. These conformational ensembles-encounter complexes-lack a unique organization, which prevents the determination of well-defined high resolution structures. This is the case for complexes involving the oncoprotein SET/template-activating factor-Iβ (SET/TAF-Iβ), a histone chaperone whose functions and interactions are significantly affected by its intrinsic structural plasticity. Besides its role in chromatin remodeling, SET/TAF-Iβ is an inhibitor of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A), which is a key phosphatase counteracting transcription and signaling events controlling the activity of DNA damage response (DDR) mediators. During DDR, SET/TAF-Iβ is sequestered by cytochrome c (Cc) upon migration of the hemeprotein from mitochondria to the cell nucleus. Here, we report that the nuclear SET/TAF-Iβ:Cc polyconformational ensemble is able to activate PP2A. In particular, the N-end folded, globular region of SET/TAF-Iβ (a.k.a. SET/TAF-Iβ ΔC)-which exhibits an unexpected, intrinsically highly dynamic behavior-is sufficient to be recognized by Cc in a diffuse encounter manner. Cc-mediated blocking of PP2A inhibition is deciphered using an integrated structural and computational approach, combining small-angle X-ray scattering, electron paramagnetic resonance, nuclear magnetic resonance, calorimetry and molecular dynamics simulations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although multispectral optoacoustic tomography (MSOT) significantly evolved over the last several years, there is a lack of quantitative methods for analysing this type of image data. Current analytical methods characterise the MSOT signal in manually defined regions of interest outlining selected tissue areas. These methods demand expert knowledge of the sample anatomy, are time consuming, highly subjective and prone to user bias. Here we present our fully automated open-source MSOT cluster analysis toolkit Mcat that was designed to overcome these shortcomings. It employs a deep learning-based approach for initial image segmentation followed by unsupervised machine learning to identify regions of similar signal kinetics. It provides an objective and automated approach to quantify the pharmacokinetics and extract the biodistribution of biomarkers from MSOT data. We exemplify our generally applicable analysis method by quantifying liver function in a preclinical sepsis model whilst highlighting the advantages of our new approach compared to the severe limitations of existing analysis procedures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), marked by ionizing radiation-induced (repair) foci (IRIFs), are the most serious DNA lesions and are dangerous to human health. IRIF quantification based on confocal microscopy represents the most sensitive and gold-standard method in radiation biodosimetry and allows research on DSB induction and repair at the molecular and single-cell levels. In this study, we introduce DeepFoci - a deep learning-based fully automatic method for IRIF counting and morphometric analysis. DeepFoci is designed to work with 3D multichannel data (trained for 53BP1 and γH2AX) and uses U-Net for nucleus segmentation and IRIF detection, together with maximally stable extremal region-based IRIF segmentation. The proposed method was trained and tested on challenging datasets consisting of mixtures of nonirradiated and irradiated cells of different types and IRIF characteristics - permanent cell lines (NHDFs, U-87) and primary cell cultures prepared from tumors and adjacent normal tissues of head and neck cancer patients. The cells were dosed with 0.5-8 Gy γ-rays and fixed at multiple (0-24 h) postirradiation times. Under all circumstances, DeepFoci quantified the number of IRIFs with the highest accuracy among current advanced algorithms. Moreover, while the detection error of DeepFoci remained comparable to the variability between two experienced experts, the software maintained its sensitivity and fidelity across dramatically different IRIF counts per nucleus. In addition, information was extracted on IRIF 3D morphometric features and repair protein colocalization within IRIFs. This approach allowed multiparameter IRIF categorization of single- or multichannel data, thereby refining the analysis of DSB repair processes and classification of patient tumors, with the potential to identify specific cell subclones. The developed software improves IRIF quantification for various practical applications (radiotherapy monitoring, biodosimetry, etc.) and opens the door to advanced DSB focus analysis and, in turn, a better understanding of (radiation-induced) DNA damage and repair.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Interest in brown adipose tissue remains high a decade after it was determined to be present outside of the neonatal period. In vivo imaging, however, has remained a challenge due to the lack of a imaging modality suitable for large healthy-volunteer studies, post-prandial investigations and vulnerable groups, such as children. Infrared thermography is increasingly accepted as a valid, non-invasive and flexible alternative but there is a wide approach to analysis between different groups. Defining the region of interest with anatomical borders rather than using a simple polygon may have advantages in terms of consistency but makes image analysis slower, limiting some applications. Our novel semi-automated method, using a custom-built graphical user interface, allows an 86% improvement in speed of image analysis (54.9 (38.3-71.4) seconds/image) without increases in variation between analysers or with repeated analysis. The improved efficiency demonstrated makes feasible larger studies, longer imaging periods or increased image acquisition frequency, providing an opportunity to study novel features of brown adipose tissue function.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The growth of digital pathology over the past decade has opened new research pathways and insights in cancer prediction and prognosis. In particular, there has been a surge in deep learning and computer vision techniques to analyse digital images. Common practice in this area is to use image pre-processing and augmentation to prevent bias and overfitting, creating a more robust deep learning model. This generally requires consultation of documentation for multiple coding libraries, as well as trial and error to ensure that the techniques used on the images are appropriate. Herein we introduce HistoClean; a user-friendly, graphical user interface that brings together multiple image processing modules into one easy to use toolkit. HistoClean is an application that aims to help bridge the knowledge gap between pathologists, biomedical scientists and computer scientists by providing transparent image augmentation and pre-processing techniques which can be applied without prior coding knowledge. In this study, we utilise HistoClean to pre-process images for a simple convolutional neural network used to detect stromal maturity, improving the accuracy of the model at a tile, region of interest, and patient level. This study demonstrates how HistoClean can be used to improve a standard deep learning workflow via classical image augmentation and pre-processing techniques, even with a relatively simple convolutional neural network architecture. HistoClean is free and open-source and can be downloaded from the Github repository here:







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), which emerged in December 2019, continues to be a serious health concern worldwide. There is an urgent need to develop effective drugs and vaccines to control the spread of this disease. In the current study, the main phytochemical compounds of Nigella sativa were screened for their binding affinity for the active site of the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) enzyme of the severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2). The binding affinity was investigated using molecular docking methods, and the interaction of phytochemicals with the RdRp active site was analyzed and visualized using suitable software. Out of the nine phytochemicals of N. sativa screened in this study, a significant docking score was observed for four compounds, namely α-hederin, dithymoquinone, nigellicine, and nigellidine. Based on the findings of our study, we report that α-hederin, which was found to possess the lowest binding energy (-8.6 kcal/mol) and hence the best binding affinity, is the best inhibitor of RdRp of SARS-CoV-2, among all the compounds screened here. Our results prove that the top four potential phytochemical molecules of N. sativa, especially α-hederin, could be considered for ongoing drug development strategies against SARS-CoV-2. However, further in vitro and in vivo testing are required to confirm the findings of this study.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aggregation is a critical parameter for protein-based therapeutics, due to its impact on the immunogenicity of the product. The traditional approach towards characterization of such products is to use a collection of orthogonal tools. However, the fact that none of these tools is able to completely classify the distribution and physical characteristics of aggregates, implies that there exists a need for additional analytical methods. We report one such method for characterization of heterogeneous population of proteins using transmission electron microscopy. The method involves semi-automated, size-based clustering of different protein species from micrographs. This method can be utilized for quantitative characterization of heterogeneous populations of antibody/protein aggregates from TEM images of proteins, and may also be applicable towards other instances of protein aggregation.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A new Solid Waste and Wastewater (SWW) management software is presented for optimizing the life-cycle of emissions with carbon credit cost considerations. The software is the first to combine integrated solid waste and wastewater management systems under a single framework when introducing a food waste disposer (FWD) policy. The model/software offers a platform encompassing several tools for life cycle emissions accounting, optimization, as well as economic, policy, and sensitivity analysis. It provides the flexibility of selecting processes or modifying input parameters, as well as disaggregating emissions depending on the scope of accounting. The graphical user interface is applicable in the context of developed and developing economies with the ultimate objective to assist decision makers to allocate expenditures for emissions mitigation measures.






