
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Obg, a GTPase, binds to the premature 50S ribosomal subunit and facilitates recruitment of rproteins and rRNA processing to form the mature 50S subunit. This binding depends on nucleotide-induced conformational changes (GDP/GTP). However, the mechanism by which Obg undergoes conformational changes to associate with the premature 50S subunit is unknown. Therefore, 1000 ns molecular dynamics simulations were conducted to investigate this mechanism. Visualization of the simulated trajectory showed that in GDP and GTP-bound states, the C-domain moved towards the SwI region, while in GTP-Mg2+ and ppGpp-bound states, the C-domain shifted towards the N-tails. Further, positioning these conformations of Obg on the 50S subunit suggests possible mechanisms by which the GTP-Mg2+ bound state is responsible for recruiting rprotein, as well as the impact of the absence of Mg2+ in the GTP-bound state. Furthermore, the study provides insights into the conformational changes that may lead to the dissociation of the GDP-bound state from the 50S subunit and explores the potential role of the ppGpp-bound state in inhibiting 70S ribosome formation. Additionally, RMSF and community network analyses reveal how internal dynamics and intricate connections within Obg affect C-domain motion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The contribution of Erk1/2 to endothelial barrier regulation is convoluted and differs depending on the vascular bed. We explored the effects of Erk1/2 inhibition on endothelial barrier maintenance and its relationship with cAMP-dependent barrier strengthening. Thus, myocardial endothelial cells (MyEnd) were isolated and protein expression, localization and activity of structural and signaling molecules involved in maintenance of endothelial function were investigated by Western blot, immunostainings and G-LISA, respectively. The transendothelial electrical resistance (TEER) from confluent MyEnd monolayers was measured and used as a direct indicator of barrier integrity in vitro. Miles assay was performed to evaluate vascular permeability in vivo. Erk1/2 inhibition with U0126 affected neither the structural organization of adherens or tight junctions nor the protein level of their components, However, TEER drop significantly upon U0126 application, but the effect was transitory as the barrier function recovered 30 min after treatment. Erk1/2 inhibition delayed cAMP-mediated barrier strengthening but did not prevent barrier fortification despite diminishing Rac1 activation. Moreover, Erk1/2 inhibition, induced vascular leakage that could be prevented by local cAMP elevation in vivo. Our data demonstrate that Erk1/2 is required to prevent vascular permeability but is not critical for cAMP-mediated barrier enhancement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rho GTPases are a family of highly conserved G proteins that regulate numerous cellular processes, including cytoskeleton organisation, migration, and proliferation. The 20 canonical Rho GTPases are regulated by ∼85 guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs), with the largest family being the 71 Diffuse B-cell Lymphoma (Dbl) GEFs. Dbl GEFs promote GTPase activity through the highly conserved Dbl homology domain. The specificity of GEF activity, and consequently GTPase activity, lies in the regulation and structures of the GEFs themselves. Dbl GEFs contain various accessory domains that regulate GEF activity by controlling subcellular localisation, protein interactions, and often autoinhibition. This review focuses on the two phosphatidylinositol (3,4,5)-trisphosphate (PI(3,4,5)P3)-dependent Rac exchangers (P-Rex), particularly the structural basis of P-Rex1 autoinhibition and synergistic activation. First, we discuss structures that highlight the conservation of P-Rex catalytic and phosphoinositide binding activities. We then explore recent breakthroughs in uncovering the structural basis for P-Rex1 autoinhibition and detail the proposed minimal two-step model of how PI(3,4,5)P3 and Gβγ synergistically activate P-Rex1 at the membrane. Additionally, we discuss the further layers of P-Rex regulation provided by phosphorylation and P-Rex2-PTEN coinhibitory complex formation, although these mechanisms remain incompletely understood. Finally, we leverage the available data to infer how cancer-associated mutations in P-Rex2 destabilise autoinhibition and evade PTEN coinhibitory complex formation, leading to increased P-Rex2 GEF activity and driving cancer progression and metastasis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Platelets are small anucleate blood cells supporting vascular function. They circulate in a quiescent state monitoring the vasculature for injuries. Platelets adhere to injury sites and can be rapidly activated to secrete granules and to form platelet/platelet aggregates. These responses are controlled by signalling networks that include G proteins and their regulatory guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) and GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs). Recent proteomics studies have revealed the complete spectrum of G proteins, GEFs, and GAPs present in platelets. Some of these proteins are specific for platelets and very few have been characterised in detail. GEFs and GAPs play a major role in setting local levels of active GTP-bound G proteins in response to activating and inhibitory signals encountered by platelets. Thus, GEFs and GAPs are highly regulated themselves and appear to integrate G protein regulation with other cellular processes. This review focuses on GAPs of small G proteins of the Arf, Rab, Ras, and Rho families, as well as of heterotrimeric G proteins found in platelets.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The GTPase FlhF, a signal recognition particle (SRP)-type enzyme, is pivotal for spatial-numerical control and bacterial flagella assembly across diverse species, including pathogens. This study presents the X-ray structure of FlhF in its GDP-bound state at a resolution of 2.28 Å. The structure exhibits the classical N- and G-domain fold, consistent with related SRP GTPases such as Ffh and FtsY. Comparative analysis with GTP-loaded FlhF elucidates the conformational changes associated with GTP hydrolysis. These topological reconfigurations are similarly evident in Ffh and FtsY, and play a pivotal role in regulating the functions of these hydrolases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL) is the most common type of leukemia in the Western world. Mutation in different genes, such as TP53 and ATM, and deletions at specific chromosomic regions, among which are 11q or 17p, have been described to be associated to worse disease prognosis. Recent research from our group has demonstrated that, contrary to what is the usual cancer development process through missense mutations, B-CLL is driven by the overexpression of the small GTPase RRAS2 in its wild-type form without activating mutations. Some mouse models of this disease have been developed to date and are commonly used in B-CLL research, but they present different disadvantages such as the long waiting period until the leukemia fully develops, the need to do cell engraftment or, in some cases, the fact that the model does not recapitulate the alterations found in human patients. We have recently described Rosa26-RRAS2fl/flxmb1-Cre as a new mouse model of B-CLL with a full penetrance of the disease. In this work, we have validated this mouse model as a novel tool for the development of new therapies for B-CLL, by testing two of the most broadly applied targeted agents: ibrutinib and venetoclax. This also opens the door to new targeted agents against R-RAS2 itself, an approach not yet explored in the clinic.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ras gene from rat brain (RAB) family of small GTPases is highly conserved among eukaryotes and regulates endomembrane trafficking pathways. RAB7, in particular, has been linked to various processes involved in regulating endocytic and autophagic pathways. Plants have several copies of RAB7 proteins that reflect the intricacy of their endomembrane transport systems. RAB7 activity regulates different pathways of endomembrane trafficking in plants: (1) endocytic traffic to the vacuole; (2) biosynthetic traffic to the vacuole; and (3) recycling from the late endosome to the secretory pathway. During certain developmental and stress related processes another pathway becomes activated (4) autophagic trafficking towards the vacuole that is also regulated by RAB7. RAB7s carry out these functions by interacting with various effector proteins. Current research reveals many unexplored RAB7 functions in connection with stress responses. Thus, this review describes a comprehensive summary of current knowledge of plant RAB7\'s functions, discusses unresolved challenges, and recommends prospective future research directions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Guanylate-binding proteins (GBPs) are immune GTPases that are induced in response to interferon stimulation/pathogen infection. These proteins arose early in evolution and have multiple physiological roles ranging from tumor suppression to anti-microbial functions. While several studies describe their mechanistic role in the lysis of bacteria/pathogen vacuole, and activation of the inflammasome, their functions in viral infections are only just emerging. The role of the GBPs in virus infections is multifaceted, being both dependent on and independent of GTP binding/hydrolysis and isoprenylation. Diverse antiviral roles are documented such as inhibition of viral RNA/protein synthesis, block of viral envelope glycoprotein processing, and targeting viral protein for degradation. Not surprisingly, several viral proteins bind to specific GBPs and antagonize their antiviral effects. While recruitment of GBP1, Gbp1, Gbp2 on the virus replication complex has been reported, the functional implications of this are not entirely clear. Furthermore, their role in interferon and inflammation activation during virus infection are contradictory, with reports of both positive and negative regulation. Here, we discuss the emerging functional roles of GBPs in virus infections.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mutations of Ras proteins are believed to be among the most prominent causes of cancer. There is increasing evidence that the activity of Ras may be controlled by the redox state of cysteine residues located within the NKCD motif. This redox signaling is critical to both physiological and pathological processes and occurs when C118 is oxidized in a reversible manner. In this study, we used atomistic molecular dynamics simulations and Markov state models to investigate the structural and conformational effects of C118 oxidation on the oncogenic mutant KRas(G12D). While both mutants share common features and exhibit some distinct conformational states and fluctuations, we have found that the oxidized variant KRas(G12D/C118SOH) is more dynamic than the unoxidized counterpart, particularly in the switch II region. Additionally, C118 oxidation is found to alter the structure of the nucleotide-binding site and the switch regions as well as perturb the conformational equilibrium between Ras active and inactive states. These conformational preferences may alter the affinity to different effectors, resulting in selective downstream activation. Our results are anticipated to help future drug development efforts aimed at KRAS-related anticancer treatment.Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Membranes are essential for life. They act as semi-permeable boundaries that define cells and organelles. In addition, their surfaces actively participate in biochemical reaction networks, where they confine proteins, align reaction partners, and directly control enzymatic activities. Membrane-localized reactions shape cellular membranes, define the identity of organelles, compartmentalize biochemical processes, and can even be the source of signaling gradients that originate at the plasma membrane and reach into the cytoplasm and nucleus. The membrane surface is, therefore, an essential platform upon which myriad cellular processes are scaffolded. In this review, we summarize our current understanding of the biophysics and biochemistry of membrane-localized reactions with particular focus on insights derived from reconstituted and cellular systems. We discuss how the interplay of cellular factors results in their self-organization, condensation, assembly, and activity, and the emergent properties derived from them.





