GTPase-activating protein

GTPase 激活蛋白
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Malignant cell plasticity is an important hallmark of tumor biology and crucial for metastasis and resistance. Cell plasticity lets cancer cells adapt to and escape the therapeutic strategies, which is the leading cause of cancer patient mortality. Epithelial cells acquire mobility via epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), whereas mesenchymal cells enhance their migratory ability and clonogenic potential by acquiring amoeboid characteristics through mesenchymal-amoeboid transition (MAT). Tumor formation, progression, and metastasis depend on the tumor microenvironment (TME), a complex ecosystem within and around a tumor. Through increased migration and metastasis of cancer cells, the TME also contributes to malignancy. This review underscores the distinction between invasion pattern morphological manifestations and the diverse structures found within the TME. Furthermore, the mechanisms by which amoeboid-associated characteristics promote resistance and metastasis and how these mechanisms may represent therapeutic opportunities are discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Platelets are small anucleate blood cells supporting vascular function. They circulate in a quiescent state monitoring the vasculature for injuries. Platelets adhere to injury sites and can be rapidly activated to secrete granules and to form platelet/platelet aggregates. These responses are controlled by signalling networks that include G proteins and their regulatory guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) and GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs). Recent proteomics studies have revealed the complete spectrum of G proteins, GEFs, and GAPs present in platelets. Some of these proteins are specific for platelets and very few have been characterised in detail. GEFs and GAPs play a major role in setting local levels of active GTP-bound G proteins in response to activating and inhibitory signals encountered by platelets. Thus, GEFs and GAPs are highly regulated themselves and appear to integrate G protein regulation with other cellular processes. This review focuses on GAPs of small G proteins of the Arf, Rab, Ras, and Rho families, as well as of heterotrimeric G proteins found in platelets.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    p50RhoGAP is a key protein that interacts with and downregulates the small GTPase RhoA. p50RhoGAP is a multifunctional protein containing the BNIP-2 and Cdc42GAP Homology (BCH) domain that facilitates protein-protein interactions and lipid binding and the GAP domain that regulates active RhoA population. We recently solved the structure of the BCH domain from yeast p50RhoGAP (YBCH) and showed that it maintains the adjacent GAP domain in an auto-inhibited state through the β5 strand. Our previous WT YBCH structure shows that a unique kink at position 116 thought to be made by a proline residue between alpha helices α6 and α7 is essential for the formation of intertwined dimer from asymmetric monomers. Here we sought to establish the role and impact of this Pro116. However, the kink persists in the structure of P116A mutant YBCH domain, suggesting that the scaffold is not dictated by the proline residue at this position. We further identified Tyr124 (or Tyr188 in HBCH) as a conserved residue in the crucial β5 strand. Extending to the human ortholog, when substituted to acidic residues, Tyr188D or Tyr188E, we observed an increase in RhoA binding and self-dimerization, indicative of a loss of inhibition of the GAP domain by the BCH domain. These results point to distinct roles and impact of the non-conserved and conserved amino acid positions in regulating the structural and functional complexity of the BCH domain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Rasal1 is a Ras GTPase-activating protein which contains C2 domains necessary for dynamic membrane association following intracellular calcium elevation. Membrane-bound Rasal1 inactivates Ras signaling through its RasGAP activity, and through such mechanisms has been implicated in regulating various cellular functions in the context of tumors. Although highly expressed in the brain, the contribution of Rasal1 to neuronal development and function has yet to be explored.
    RESULTS: We examined the contributions of Rasal1 to neuronal development in primary culture of hippocampal neurons through modulation of Rasal1 expression using molecular tools. Fixed and live cell imaging demonstrate diffuse expression of Rasal1 throughout the cell soma, dendrites and axon which localizes to the neuronal plasma membrane in response to intracellular calcium fluctuation. Pull-down and co-immunoprecipitation demonstrate direct interaction of Rasal1 with PKC, tubulin, and CaMKII. Consequently, Rasal1 is found to stabilize microtubules, through post-translational modification of tubulin, and accordingly inhibit dendritic outgrowth and branching. Through imaging, molecular, and electrophysiological techniques Rasal1 is shown to promote NMDA-mediated synaptic activity and CaMKII phosphorylation.
    CONCLUSIONS: Rasal1 functions in two separate roles in neuronal development; calcium regulated neurite outgrowth and the promotion of NMDA receptor-mediated postsynaptic events which may be mediated both by interaction with direct binding partners or calcium-dependent regulation of down-stream pathways. Importantly, the outlined molecular mechanisms of Rasal1 may contribute notably to normal neuronal development and synapse formation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The primary regulators of Rho GTPases are GTPase-activating protein (GAP), guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF), and GDP dissociation inhibitor (GDI), which function as signaling switches in several physiological processes involved in plant growth and development. This study compared how the Rho GTPase regulators functioned in seven Rosaceae species. Seven Rosaceae species, divided into three subgroups, had a total of 177 regulators of Rho GTPases. According to duplication analysis, the expansion of GEF, GAP, and GDI families was facilitated by whole genome duplication or a dispersed duplication event. The balance of cellulose deposition to control the growth of the pear pollen tube, as demonstrated by the expression profile and antisense oligonucleotide approach. Moreover, protein-protein interactions indicated that PbrGDI1 and PbrROP1 could directly interact, suggesting that PbrGDI1 regulated the growth of the pear pollen tube through PbrROP1 signaling downstream. These results lay the foundations for future functional characterization of the GAP, GEF, and GDI gene families in Pyrus bretschneideri.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ADP-ribosylation factor (Arf) GTPases and their regulatory proteins are implicated in cancer progression. NAV-2729 was previously identified as a specific inhibitor of Arf6 that reduced progression of uveal melanoma in an orthotopic xenograft. Here, our goal was to assess the inhibitory effects of NAV-2729 on the proliferation of additional cell types. We found NAV-2729 inhibited proliferation of multiple cell lines, but Arf6 expression did not correlate with NAV-2729 sensitivity, and knockdown of Arf6 affected neither cell viability nor sensitivity to NAV-2729. Furthermore, binding to native Arf6 was not detected; however, we determined that NAV-2729 inhibited both Arf exchange factors and Arf GTPase-activating proteins. ASAP1, a GTPase-activating protein linked to cancer progression, was further investigated. We demonstrated that NAV-2729 bound to the PH domain of ASAP1 and changed ASAP1 cellular distribution. However, ASAP1 knockdown did not fully recapitulate the cytoskeletal effects of NAV-2729 nor affect cell proliferation. Finally, our screens identified 48 other possible targets of NAV-2729. These results illustrate the complexities of defining targets of small molecules and identify NAV-2729 as a model PH domain-binding inhibitor.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rho family small GTPases, such as Rho, Rac, and Cdc42, play essential roles during brain development, by regulating cellular signaling and actin cytoskeletal reorganization. Rich2/Arhgap44, a Rac- and Cdc42-specific GTPase-activating protein, has been reported to be a key regulator for dendritic spine morphology and synaptic function. Given the essential roles of Rac and Cdc42 in brain development, Rich2 is supposed to take part in brain development. However, not only the molecular mechanism involved but also the expression profile of Rich2 during neurodevelopment has not yet been elucidated. In this study, we carried out expression analyses of Rich2 by focusing on mouse brain development. In immunoblotting, Rich2 exhibited a tissue-dependent expression profile in the young adult mouse, and the expression was increased during brain development. In immunohistochemical analyses, Rich2 was observed in the cytoplasm of cortical neurons at postnatal day (P) 0 and then came to be enriched in the nucleus with moderate distribution in neuropils at P7. Later at P30, a complex immunostaining pattern of Rich2 was observed; Rich2 was distributed in the nucleus, cytoplasm, and neuropils in many cortical neurons, whereas other neurons frequently displayed little expression. In the hippocampus at P7, Rich2 was distributed mainly in the cytoplasm of excitatory neurons in the cornu ammonis regions, while it was moderately detected in the nucleus in the dentate granule cells. Notably, Rich2 was distributed in excitatory synapses of the cornu ammonis 1 region at P30. Biochemical fractionation analyses also detected Rich2 in the postsynaptic density. Taken together, Rich2 is found to be expressed in the central nervous system in a developmental stage-dependent manner and may be involved in synapse formation/maintenance in cortical neurons.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The GTPase-activating protein (GAP) p190RhoGAP (p190A) is encoded by ARHGAP35 which is found mutated in cancers. p190A is a negative regulator of the GTPase RhoA in cells and must be targeted to RhoA-dependent actin-based structures to fulfill its roles. We previously identified a functional region of p190A called the PLS (protrusion localization sequence) required for localization of p190A to lamellipodia but also for regulating the GAP activity of p190A. Additional effects of the PLS region on p190A localization and activity need further characterization. Here, we demonstrated that the PLS is required to target p190A to invadosomes. Cellular expression of a p190A construct devoid of the PLS (p190AΔPLS) favored RhoA inactivation in a stronger manner than WT p190A, suggesting that the PLS is an autoinhibitory domain of p190A GAP activity. To decipher this mechanism, we searched for PLS-interacting proteins using a two-hybrid screen. We found that the PLS can interact with p190A itself. Coimmunoprecipitation experiments demonstrated that the PLS interacts with a region in close proximity to the GAP domain. Furthermore, we demonstrated that this interaction is abolished if the PLS harbors cancer-associated mutations: the S866F point mutation and the Δ865-870 deletion. Our results are in favor of defining PLS as an inhibitory domain responsible for masking the p190A functional GAP domain. Thus, p190A could exist in cells under two forms: an inactive closed conformation with a masked GAP domain and an open conformation allowing p190A GAP function. Altogether, our data unveil a new mechanism of p190A regulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    RABGAP1 is a GTPase-activating protein implicated in a variety of cellular and molecular processes, including mitosis, cell migration, vesicular trafficking, and mTOR signaling. There are no known Mendelian diseases caused by variants in RABGAP1.
    Through GeneMatcher, we identified 5 patients from 3 unrelated families with homozygous variants in the RABGAP1 gene found on exome sequencing. We established lymphoblastoid cells lines derived from an affected individual and her parents and performed RNA sequencing and functional studies. Rabgap1 knockout mice were generated and phenotyped.
    We report 5 patients presenting with a common constellation of features, including global developmental delay/intellectual disability, microcephaly, bilateral sensorineural hearing loss, and seizures, as well as overlapping dysmorphic features. Neuroimaging revealed common features, including delayed myelination, white matter volume loss, ventriculomegaly, and thinning of the corpus callosum. Functional analysis of patient cells revealed downregulated mTOR signaling and abnormal localization of early endosomes and lysosomes. Rabgap1 knockout mice exhibited several features in common with the patient cohort, including microcephaly, thinning of the corpus callosum, and ventriculomegaly.
    Collectively, our results provide evidence of a novel neurodevelopmental syndrome caused by biallelic loss-of-function variants in RABGAP1.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Small GTPases cycle between an inactive GDP-bound and an active GTP-bound state to control various cellular events, such as cell proliferation, cytoskeleton organization, and membrane trafficking. Clarifying the guanine nucleotide-bound states of small GTPases is vital for understanding the regulation of small GTPase functions and the subsequent cellular responses. Although several methods have been developed to analyze small GTPase activities, our knowledge of the activities for many small GTPases is limited, partly because of the lack of versatile methods to estimate small GTPase activity without unique probes and specialized equipment. In the present study, we developed a versatile and straightforward HPLC-based assay to analyze the activation status of small GTPases by directly quantifying the amounts of guanine nucleotides bound to them. This assay was validated by analyzing the RAS-subfamily GTPases, including HRAS, which showed that the ratios of GTP-bound forms were comparable with those obtained in previous studies. Furthermore, we applied this assay to the investigation of psychiatric disorder-associated mutations of RHEB (RHEB/P37L and RHEB/S68P), revealing that both mutations cause an increase in the ratio of the GTP-bound form in cells. Mechanistically, loss of sensitivity to TSC2 (a GTPase-activating protein for RHEB) for RHEB/P37L, as well as both decreased sensitivity to TSC2 and accelerated guanine-nucleotide exchange for RHEB/S68P, is involved in the increase of their GTP-bound forms, respectively. In summary, the HPLC-based assay developed in this study provides a valuable tool for analyzing small GTPases for which the activities and regulatory mechanisms are less well understood.





