GC, germinal center

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Thyroid cancer, as one of the most common endocrine cancers, has seen a surge in incidence in recent years. This is most likely due to the lack of specificity and accuracy of its traditional diagnostic modalities, leading to the overdiagnosis of thyroid nodules. Although there are several treatment options available, they are limited to surgery and 131I radiation therapy that come with significant side effects and hence cannot meet the treatment needs of anaplastic thyroid carcinoma with very high malignancy. Optical imaging that utilizes optical absorption, refraction and scattering properties, not only observes the structure and function of cells, tissues, organs, or even the whole organism to assist in diagnosis, but can also be used to perform optical therapy to achieve targeted non-invasive and precise treatment of thyroid cancer. These applications of screening, diagnosis, and treatment, lend to optical imaging\'s promising potential within the realm of thyroid cancer surgical navigation. Over the past decade, research on optical imaging in the diagnosis and treatment of thyroid cancer has been growing year by year, but no comprehensive review on this topic has been published. Here, we review key advances in the application of optical imaging in the diagnosis and treatment of thyroid cancer and discuss the challenges and potential for clinical translation of this technology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sleep is known to improve immune function ranging from cell distribution in the naïve state to elevated antibody titers after an immune challenge. The underlying mechanisms still remain unclear, partially because most studies have focused on the analysis of blood only. Hence, we investigated the effects of sleep within the spleen in female C57BL/6J mice with normal sleep compared to short-term sleep-deprived animals both in the naïve state and after an antigen challenge. Lack of sleep decreased the expression of genes associated with immune cell recruitment into and antigen presentation within the spleen both in the naïve state and during a T cell dependent B cell response directed against sheep red blood cells (SRBC). However, neither T cell proliferation nor formation of SRBC-specific antibodies was affected. In addition, the T cell receptor repertoire recruited into the immune response within seven days was not influenced by sleep deprivation. Thus, sleep modulated the molecular milieu within the spleen whereas we could not detect corresponding changes in the primary immune response against SRBC. Further studies will show whether sleep influences the secondary immune response against SRBC or the development of the B cell receptor repertoire, and how this can be compared to other antigens.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It is well known that sleep promotes immune functions. In line with this, a variety of studies in animal models and humans have shown that sleep restriction following an antigen challenge dampens the immune response on several levels which leads to e.g. worsening of disease outcome and reduction of vaccination efficiency, respectively. However, the inverse scenario with sleep restriction preceding an antigen challenge is only investigated in a few animal models where it has been shown to reduce antigen uptake and presentation as well as pathogen clearance and survival rates. Here, we use injection of sheep red blood cells to investigate the yet unknown effect on a T cell-dependent B cell response in a well-established mouse model. We found that 6 ​h of sleep restriction prior to the antigen challenge does not impact the T cell reaction including the T cell receptor repertoire but dampens the development of germinal centers which correlates with reduced antigen-specific antibody titer indicating an impaired B cell response. These changes concerned a functionally more relevant level than those found in the same experimental model with the inverse scenario when sleep restriction followed the antigen challenge. Taken together, our findings showed that the outcome of the T cell-dependent B cell response is indeed impacted by sleep restriction prior to the antigen challenge which highlights the clinical significance of this scenario and the need for further investigations in humans, for example concerning the effect of sleep restriction preceding a vaccination.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Because atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease is a leading cause of death worldwide, understanding inflammatory processes underpinning its pathology is critical. B cells have been implicated as a key immune cell type in regulating atherosclerosis. B-cell effects, mediated by antibodies and cytokines, are subset specific. In this review, we focus on elaborating mechanisms underlying subtype-specific roles of B cells in atherosclerosis and discuss available human data implicating B cells in atherosclerosis. We further discuss potential B cell-linked therapeutic approaches, including immunization and B cell-targeted biologics. Given recent evidence strongly supporting a role for B cells in human atherosclerosis and the expansion of immunomodulatory agents that affect B-cell biology in clinical use and clinical trials for other disorders, it is important that the cardiovascular field be cognizant of potential beneficial or untoward effects of modulating B-cell activity on atherosclerosis.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The intestinal mucosa harbors the largest population of antibody (Ab)-secreting plasma cells (PC) in the human body, producing daily several grams of immunoglobulin A (IgA). IgA has many functions, serving as a first-line barrier that protects the mucosal epithelium from pathogens, toxins and food antigens (Ag), shaping the intestinal microbiota, and regulating host-commensal homeostasis. Signals induced by commensal colonization are central for regulating IgA induction, maintenance, positioning and function and the number of IgA(+) PC is dramatically reduced in neonates and germ-free (GF) animals. Recent evidence demonstrates that the innate immune effector molecules tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) are required for IgA(+) PC homeostasis during the steady state and infection. Moreover, new functions ascribed to PC independent of Ab secretion continue to emerge, suggesting that PC, including IgA(+) PC, should be re-examined in the context of inflammation and infection. Here, we outline mechanisms of IgA(+) PC generation and survival, reviewing their functions in health and disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The germinal center (GC) is a dynamic microenvironment where antigen (Ag)-activated B cells rapidly expand and differentiate, generating plasma cells (PC) that produce high-affinity antibodies. Precise regulation of survival and proliferation of Ag-activated B cells within the GC is crucial for humoral immune responses. The follicular dendritic cells (FDC) are the specialized stromal cells in the GC that prevent apoptosis of GC-B cells. Recently, we reported that human GC-B cells consist of CD9+ and CD9- populations and that it is the CD9+ cells that are committed to the PC lineage. In this study, we investigated the functional role of CD9 on GC-B cells. Tonsillar tissue section staining revealed that in vivo CD9+ GC-B cells localized in the light zone FDC area. Consistent this, in vitro CD9+ GC-B cells survived better than CD9- GC-B cells in the presence of HK cells, an FDC line, in a cell-cell contact-dependent manner. The frozen tonsillar tissue section binding assay showed that CD9+ GC-B cells bound to the GC area of tonsillar tissues significantly more than the CD9- GC-B cells did and that the binding was significantly inhibited by neutralizing anti-integrin β1 antibody. Furthermore, CD9+ cells bound to soluble VCAM-1 more than CD9- cells did, resulting in activation and stabilization of the active epitope of integrin β1. All together, our data suggest that CD9 on GC-B cells contributes to survival by strengthening their binding to FDC through the VLA4/VCAM-1 axis.





