GATA Transcription Factors

GATA 转录因子
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mutations in GATA6 are associated with congenital heart disease, most notably conotruncal structural defects. However, how GATA6 regulates cardiac morphology during embryogenesis is undefined. We used knockout and conditional mutant zebrafish alleles to investigate the spatiotemporal role of gata6 during cardiogenesis. Loss of gata6 specifically impacts atrioventricular valve formation and recruitment of epicardium, with a prominent loss of arterial pole cardiac cells, including those of the ventricle and outflow tract. However, there are no obvious defects in cardiac progenitor cell specification, proliferation or death. Conditional loss of gata6 starting at 24 h is sufficient to disrupt the addition of late differentiating cardiomyocytes at the arterial pole, with decreased expression levels of anterior secondary heart field (SHF) markers spry4 and mef2cb. Conditional loss of gata6 in the endoderm is sufficient to phenocopy the straight knockout, resulting in a significant loss of ventricular and outflow tract tissue. Exposure to a Dusp6 inhibitor largely rescues the loss of ventricular cells in gata6-/- larvae. Thus, gata6 functions in endoderm are mediated by FGF signaling to regulate the addition of anterior SHF progenitor derivatives during heart formation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The GATA transcription factors play crucial roles in plant growth, development, and responses to environmental stress. Despite extensive studies of GATA genes in many plants, their specific functions and mechanisms in orchids remain unexplored. In our study, a total of 149 GATA genes were identified in the genomes of seven sequenced orchid species (20 PeqGATAs, 23 CgGATAs, 24 CeGATAs, 23 DcaGATAs, 20 DchGATAs, 27 DnoGATAs, and 12 GelGATAs), classified into four subfamilies. Subfamily I typically contains genes with two exons, while subfamily II contains genes with two or three exons. Most members of subfamilies III and IV have seven or eight exons, with longer introns compared to subfamilies I and II. In total, 24 pairs (CgGATAs-DchGATAs), 27 pairs (DchGATAs-DnoGATAs), and 14 pairs (DnoGATAs-GelGATAs) of collinear relationships were identified. Cis-acting elements in GATA promoters were mainly enriched in abscisic acid (ABA) response elements and methyl jasmonate (MeJA) elements. Expression patterns and RT-qPCR analysis revealed that GATAs are involved in the regulation of floral development in orchids. Furthermore, under high-temperature treatment, GL17420 showed an initial increase followed by a decrease, GL18180 and GL17341 exhibited a downregulation followed by upregulation and then a decrease, while GL30286 and GL20810 displayed an initial increase followed by slight inhibition and then another increase, indicating diverse regulatory mechanisms of different GATA genes under heat stress. This study explores the function of GATA genes in orchids, providing a theoretical basis and potential genetic resources for orchid breeding and stress resistance improvement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Protease secretion is crucial for degrading nematode cuticles using nematophagous fungus Purpureocillium lilacinum, but the secretion pattern of protease remains poorly understood. This study aimed to explore the degradation mechanism of proteases by investigating the characteristics of protease secretion under various carbon and nitrogen sources, and different carbon to nitrogen (C:N) ratios in P. lilacinum. The results showed that corn flour as a carbon source and yeast extract as a nitrogen source specifically induced protease secretion in P. lilacinum. P. lilacinum produced significant amounts of gelatinase and casein enzyme at C:N ratios of 10:1, 20:1, and 40:1, indicating that higher C:N ratios were more beneficial for secreting extracellular proteases. Proteomic analysis revealed 14 proteases, including 4 S8 serine endopeptidases and one M28 aminopeptidase. Among four S8 serine peptidases, Alp1 exhibited a high secretion level at C:N ratio less than 5:1, whereas PR1C, PR1D, and P32 displayed higher secretion levels at higher C:N ratios. In addition, the transcription levels of GATA transcription factors were investigated, revealing that Asd-4, A0A179G170, and A0A179HGL4 were more prevalent at a C:N ratio of 40:1. In contrast, the transcription levels of SREP, AreA, and NsdD were higher at lower C:N ratios. The putative regulatory profile of extracellular protease production in P. lilacinum, induced by different C:N ratios, was analyzed. The findings offered insights into the complexity of protease production and aided in the hydrolytic degradation of nematode cuticles.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Integrated human genetics and molecular/developmental biology studies have revealed that truncus arteriosus is highly associated with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome. Other congenital malformation syndromes and variants in genes encoding TBX, GATA, and NKX transcription factors and some signaling proteins have also been reported as its etiology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transcriptional mechanisms establish and maintain complex genetic and protein networks to control cell state transitions. The hematopoietic transcription factor GATA1 is a master regulator of erythropoiesis and megakaryopoiesis, and human GATA1 genetic variants cause anemia and megakaryoblastic leukemia. Multiomic analyses revealed that GATA1 controls expression of transporters and metabolic enzymes that dictate intracellular levels of endogenous small molecules, including heme, metal ions, and sphingolipids. Besides its canonical function as a hemoglobin component, heme facilitates or antagonizes GATA1 function to regulate erythropoiesis via mechanisms dependent or independent of the heme-binding transcription factor BTB domain and CNC homology 1 (BACH1). GATA1 regulates the expression of genes encoding heme biosynthetic enzymes and BACH1. GATA1 maintains homeostasis of bioactive ceramides during erythroid differentiation by regulating genes encoding sphingolipid metabolic enzymes. Disrupting ceramide homeostasis impairs critical cytokine signaling and is detrimental to erythroid cells. During erythroid maturation, GATA1 induces a zinc transporter switch that favors export versus import, thus dictating the intracellular zinc level, erythroblast survival, and differentiation. In aggregate, these studies support an emerging paradigm in which GATA factor-dependent transcriptional mechanisms control the intracellular levels of endogenous small molecules and small molecule-dependent feedback loops that serve as vital effectors of transcription factor activity, genome function, and cell state transitions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alternaria alternata is a prevalent postharvest pathogen that generates diverse mycotoxins, notably alternariol (AOH) and alternariol monomethyl ether (AME), which are recurrent severe contaminants. Nitrogen sources modulate fungal growth, development, and secondary metabolism, including mycotoxin production. The GATA transcription factor AreA regulates nitrogen source utilization. However, little is known about its involvement in the regulation of nitrogen utilization in A. alternata. To examine the regulatory mechanism of AaAreA on AOH and AME biosynthesis in A. alternata, we analyzed the impact of diverse nitrogen sources on the fungal growth, conidiation and mycotoxin production. The use of a secondary nitrogen source (NaNO3) enhanced mycelial elongation and sporulation more than the use of a primary source (NH4Cl). NaNO3 favored greater mycotoxin accumulation than did NH4Cl. The regulatory roles of AaAreA were further clarified through gene knockout. The absence of AaAreA led to an overall reduction in growth in minimal media containing any nitrogen source except NH4Cl. AaAreA positively regulates mycotoxin biosynthesis when both NH4Cl and NaNO3 are used as nitrogen sources. Subcellular localization analysis revealed abundant nuclear transport when NaNO3 was the sole nitrogen source. The regulatory pathway of AaAreA was systematically revealed through comprehensive transcriptomic analyses. The deletion of AaAreA significantly impedes the transcription of mycotoxin biosynthetic genes, including aohR, pksI and omtI. The interaction between AaAreA and aohR, a pathway-specific transcription factor gene, demonstrated that AaAreA binds to the aohR promoter sequence (5\'-GGCTATGGAAA-3\'), activating its transcription. The expressed AohR regulates the expression of downstream synthase genes in the cluster, ultimately impacting mycotoxin production. This study provides valuable information to further understand how AreA regulates AOH and AME biosynthesis in A. alternata, thereby enabling the effective design of control measures for mycotoxin contamination.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Botrytis cinerea is a typical necrotrophic plant pathogenic fungus which can deliberately acidify host tissues and trigger oxidative bursts therein to facilitate its virulence. The white collar complex (WCC), consisting of BcWCL1 and BcWCL2, is recognized as the primary light receptor in B. cinerea. Nevertheless, the specific mechanisms through which the WCC components, particularly BcWCL2 as a GATA transcription factor, control virulence are not yet fully understood. This study demonstrates that deletion of BcWCL2 results in the loss of light-sensitive phenotypic characteristics. Additionally, the Δbcwcl2 strain exhibits reduced secretion of citrate, delayed infection cushion development, weaker hyphal penetration, and decreased virulence. The application of exogenous citric acid was found to restore infection cushion formation, hyphal penetration, and virulence of the Δbcwcl2 strain. Transcriptome analysis at 48 h post-inoculation revealed that two citrate synthases, putative citrate transporters, hydrolytic enzymes, and reactive oxygen species scavenging-related genes were down-regulated in Δbcwcl2, whereas exogenous citric acid application restored the expression of the above genes involved in the early infection process of Δbcwcl2. Moreover, the expression of Bcvel1, a known regulator of citrate secretion, tissue acidification, and secondary metabolism, was down-regulated in Δbcwcl2 but not in Δbcwcl1. ChIP-qPCR and electrophoretic mobility shift assays revealed that BcWCL2 can bind to the promoter sequences of Bcvel1. Overexpressing Bcvel1 in Δbcwcl2 was found to rescue the mutant defects. Collectively, our findings indicate that BcWCL2 regulates the expression of the global regulator Bcvel1 to influence citrate secretion, tissue acidification, redox homeostasis, and virulence of B. cinerea.IMPORTANCEThis study illustrated the significance of the fungal blue light receptor component BcWCL2 protein in regulating citrate secretion in Botrytis cinerea. Unlike BcWCL1, BcWCL2 may contribute to redox homeostasis maintenance during infection cushion formation, ultimately proving to be essential for full virulence. It is also demonstrated that BcWCL2 can regulate the expression of Bcvel1 to influence host tissue acidification, citrate secretion, infection cushion development, and virulence. While the role of organic acids secreted by plant pathogenic fungi in fungus-host interactions has been recognized, this paper revealed the importance, regulatory mechanisms, and key transcription factors that control organic acid secretion. These understanding of the pathogenetic mechanism of plant pathogens can provide valuable insights for developing effective prevention and treatment strategies against fungal diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nitric oxide (˙NO) is a free radical that induces nitrosative stress, which can jeopardize cell viability. Yeasts have evolved diverse detoxification mechanisms to effectively counteract ˙NO-mediated cytotoxicity. One mechanism relies on the flavohemoglobin Yhb1, whereas a second one requires the S-nitrosoglutathione reductase Fmd2. To investigate heme-dependent activation of Yhb1 in response to ˙NO, we use hem1Δ-derivative Schizosaccharomyces pombe strains lacking the initial enzyme in heme biosynthesis, forcing cells to assimilate heme from external sources. Under these conditions, yhb1+ mRNA levels are repressed in the presence of iron through a mechanism involving the GATA-type transcriptional repressor Fep1. In contrast, when iron levels are low, the transcription of yhb1+ is derepressed and further induced in the presence of the ˙NO donor DETANONOate. Cells lacking Yhb1 or expressing inactive forms of Yhb1 fail to grow in a hemin-dependent manner when exposed to DETANONOate. Similarly, the loss of function of the heme transporter Str3 phenocopies the effects of Yhb1 disruption by causing hypersensitivity to DETANONOate under hemin-dependent culture conditions. Coimmunoprecipitation and bimolecular fluorescence complementation assays demonstrate the interaction between Yhb1 and the heme transporter Str3. Collectively, our findings unveil a novel pathway for activating Yhb1, fortifying yeast cells against nitrosative stress.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The traditional view of hematopoiesis is that myeloid cells derive from a common myeloid progenitor (CMP), whereas all lymphoid cell populations, including B, T, and natural killer (NK) cells and possibly plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs), arise from a common lymphoid progenitor (CLP). In Max41 transgenic mice, nearly all B cells seem to be diverted into the granulocyte lineage. Here, we show that these mice have an excess of myeloid progenitors, but their CLP compartment is ablated, and they have few pDCs. Nevertheless, T cell and NK cell development proceeds relatively normally. These hematopoietic abnormalities result from aberrant expression of Gata6 due to serendipitous insertion of the transgene enhancer (Eμ) in its proximity. Gata6 mis-expression in Max41 transgenic progenitors promoted the gene-regulatory networks that drive myelopoiesis through increasing expression of key transcription factors, including PU.1 and C/EBPa. Thus, mis-expression of a single key regulator like GATA6 can dramatically re-program multiple aspects of hematopoiesis.





