• 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: North Sea Progressive Myoclonus Epilepsy (NS-PME) is a rare genetic disorder characterized by ataxia, myoclonus and seizures with a progressive course. Although the cause of NS-PME is known, namely a homozygous mutation in the GOSR2 gene (c.430 G>T; p. Gly144Trp), sufficient treatment is lacking. Despite combinations of on average 3-5 anti-seizure medications (ASMs), debilitating myoclonus and seizures persist. Here we aimed to gain insight into the most effective anti-convulsive target in NS-PME by evaluating the individual effects of ASMs in a NS-PME Drosophila model.
    METHODS: A previously generated Drosophila model for NS-PME was used displaying progressive heat-sensitive seizures. We used this model to test 1. a first-generation ASM (sodium barbital), 2. common ASMs used in NS-PME (clonazepam, valproic acid, levetiracetam, ethosuximide) and 3. a novel third-generation ASM (ganaxolone) with similar mode of action to sodium barbital. Compounds were administered by adding them to the food in a range of concentrations. After 7 days of treatment, the percentage of heat-induced seizures was determined and compared to non-treated but affected controls.
    RESULTS: As previously reported in the NS-PME Drosophila model, sodium barbital resulted in significant seizure suppression, with increasing effect at higher dosages. Of the commonly prescribed ASMs, clonazepam and ethosuximide resulted in significant seizure suppression, whereas both valproic acid and levetiracetam did not show any changes in seizures. Interestingly, ganaxolone did result in seizure suppression as well.
    CONCLUSIONS: Of the six drugs tested, three of the four that resulted in seizure suppression (sodium barbital, clonazepam, ganaxolone) are primary known for their direct effect on GABAA receptors. This suggests that GABAA could be a potentially important target in the treatment of NS-PME. Consequently, these findings add rationale to the exploration of the clinical effect of ganaxolone in NS-PME and other progressive myoclonus epilepsies.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Postpartum depression (PPD) poses a major threat to maternal mental health and wellbeing while also adversely affecting the mother\'s relationship with her baby, leading to significant repercussions that may hinder the growth and cognitive development of the child. For decades, antidepressants have been the mainstay of treating PPD; however, recent evidence suggests that antidepressants are not as effective as they are believed to be and there is a dire need to explore new treatment options. In 2023, a breakthrough in treating PPD emerged with the recent FDA approval of zuranolone, a gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABAA) receptor selective positive allosteric modulator. The implementation of zuranolone in treating PPD can prove to be revolutionary, considering it is the first oral medication available for PPD. Our review aims to discuss the various clinical trials that have been conducted to validate the efficacy of zuranolone in mitigating the symptoms of PPD, hence, leading to better outcomes for mothers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Epilepsy is a severe neurological disorder that occurs when the communication between the neurons is disturbed. Gamma-amino butyric acid-associated protein (GABARAP) plays a key role in balancing Gamma-aminobutyric acid-A (GABA(A)) receptor functions of inhibiting the neurotransmission and controlling the seizure. In this study, we introduce the derivatives of the selected anti-epileptic drugs, namely Felbamate and Clobazam, by substituting different hydrophilic and hydrophobic groups at the specified positions. Molecular docking studies between the derivatives and GABARAP were carried out using PyRx software. The interacting residues were identified from LigPlot+. Drug-likeness, drug-related properties, and toxic endpoints of each derivative were analyzed using the SwissADME, Osiris property explorer, and ProTox-II servers. After analyzing the binding energy, drug-properties, and toxicity, the best five derivatives of Felbamate and Clobazam were selected. Molecular Dynamic simulation studies involving the target-ligand interaction were carried out for 100 nanoseconds using GROMACS 2018. The root mean square deviation, root mean square fluctuation, radius of gyration, Solvent accessible area, Energy plots and trajectories of the ten GABARAP complexes of the derivatives, and two GABARAP complexes of parent drugs were compared and critically analyzed. Among the five Felbamate derivatives, F7 formed the most stable complex with GABARAP. Among the five Clobazam derivatives, C27, C33 and C32 showed stable GABARAP interaction. In light of the above systematic computational analysis, we propose F7, C27, C33, and C32 as the potential anti-epileptic drug candidates for developing novel therapeutics. The substitution of hydrophobic groups at para position on benzene ring has promoted strong binding to GABARAP.Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In neurons, microtubules (MTs) provide routes for transport throughout the cell and structural support for dendrites and axons. Both stable and dynamic MTs are necessary for normal neuronal functions. Research in the last two decades has demonstrated that MTs play additional roles in synaptic structure and function in both pre- and postsynaptic elements. Here, we review current knowledge of the functions that MTs perform in excitatory and inhibitory synapses, as well as in the neuromuscular junction and other specialized synapses, and discuss the implications that this knowledge may have in neurological disease.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the treatment of anxiety and seizures, drugs of the benzodiazepine (BZD) class are used, which act on the Central Nervous System (CNS) through the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Flavonoids modulate GABAA receptors. The aim of this study was to evaluate the anxiolytic and anticonvulsant effects of synthetic chalcones and their mechanisms of action via the GABAergic system, using adult zebrafish (ZFa). The animals were treated with chalcones (4.0 or 20 or 40 mg/kg; 20 µL; i.p) and submitted to the open field and 96 h toxicity test. Chalcones that cause locomotor alteration were evaluated in the light and dark anxiolytic test. The same doses of chalcones were evaluated in the anticonvulsant test. The lowest effective dose was chosen to assess the possible involvement in the GABAA receptor by blocking the flumazenil (fmz) antagonist. No chalcone was toxic and altered ZFa\'s locomotion. All chalcones had anxiolytic and anticonvulsant effects, mainly chalcones 1, where all doses showed effects in both tests. These effects were blocked by Fmz (antagonist GABAA), where it shows evidence of the performance of these activities of the GABA system. Therefore, this study demonstrated in relation to structure-activity, that the position of the substituents is important in the intensity of activities and that the absence of toxicity and the action of these compounds in the CNS, shows the pharmacological potential of these molecules, and, therefore, the insights are designed for the development of new drugs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Granule cells (GCs) of the cerebellar input layer express high-affinity δ GABAA subunit-containing GABAA receptors (δGABAARs) that respond to ambient GABA levels and context-dependent neuromodulators like steroids. We find that GC-specific deletion of δGABAA (cerebellar [cb] δ knockout [KO]) decreases tonic inhibition, makes GCs hyperexcitable, and in turn, leads to differential activation of cb output regions as well as many cortical and subcortical brain areas involved in cognition, anxiety-like behaviors, and the stress response. Cb δ KO mice display deficits in many behaviors, but motor function is normal. Strikingly, δGABAA deletion alters maternal behavior as well as spontaneous, stress-related, and social behaviors specifically in females. Our findings establish that δGABAARs enable the cerebellum to control diverse behaviors not previously associated with the cerebellum in a sex-dependent manner. These insights may contribute to a better understanding of the mechanisms that underlie behavioral abnormalities in psychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders that display a gender bias.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Several compounds from a neuroscience project induced convulsions in animals, at low exposure levels via a hypothetical off-target mechanism. A set of in vitro and in vivo experiments were conducted in order to 1) identify the mechanism behind convulsions; 2) characterize the convulsions, 3) detect premonitory signs that could be monitored clinically, and 4) assess the development of tolerance after repeat dosing.
    METHODS: Patch clamp assays were conducted on 12 different ion channels (e.g. sodium, potassium, calcium, AMPA, NMDA, GABAA and purinergic receptors) known to be associated with seizures, to identify the off-target culprit. A multiphase study was conducted with UCB-A and UCB-B in Beagle dogs telemetered for video EEG/EMG monitoring to further characterize the convulsive pattern. First, both compounds were administered by intravenous constant infusion (dose: 5 mg/kg/h) over 2 h. Thereafter, the same dogs received a daily oral administration of UCB-A (8 mg/kg/day) for 7 days.
    RESULTS: Compounds inducing convulsions showed strong inhibitory activity on GABAA channels (IC50 values <10 μM), whereas compounds with partial or no inhibitory effect on these channels did not induce seizures. In EEG experiments, convulsions were preceded by premonitory clinical signs (e.g. tremors, myoclonic jerks) and morphological EEG abnormalities (e.g. sharp waves, spike and wave patterns), confirming their CNS origin. No attenuation of the seizurogenic effects was observed over the 7-day treatment period.
    CONCLUSIONS: A well-designed set of experiments including electrophysiological assays on seizure-related ion channels and EEG/EMG assessment in telemetered dogs allowed a proper seizure liability risk assessment, leading to a rapid no go decision for the two most advanced leads.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Benzodiazepines are the standard drugs for the treatment of anxiety, but their undesirable side effects make it necessary to develop new anxiolytic drugs. The objective of this study was to evaluate the possible anxiolytic-simile effect of synthetic chalcone N-{(4\'-[(E)-3-(4-fluorophenyl)-1-(phenyl) prop-2-en-1-one]} acetamide (PAAPFBA) on adult zebrafish (Danio rerio). PAAPFBA was synthesized with an 88.21% yield and its chemical structure was determined by 1H and 13C NMR. Initially, animals (n = 6/group) were treated (4 or 12 or 40 mg/kg, intraperitoneal) with PAAPFBA and were submitted to acute toxicity and open field tests. Then, other groups (n = 6/each) received PAAPFBA for the analysis of its effect on the Light & Dark Test. The participation of the GABAergic system was also assessed using the GABAA antagonist flumazenil. Molecular docking was performed using the GABAA receptor. The effect of PAAPFBA on anxiety induced by alcohol withdrawal was analyzed. PAAPFBA was non-toxic, reduced the locomotor activity, and showed an anxiolytic-like effect in both models. This effect was reduced by pre-treatment with the flumazenil. In agreement with in vivo studies, molecular docking indicated an interaction between chalcone and the GABAA receptor. The results suggest that PAAPFBA is an anxiolytic agent mediated via the GABAergic system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present study investigated the effects of the flavonoid chrysin (5,7-dihydroxyflavone) on anxiety-like behavior in rats in a model of surgical menopause and evaluated the participation of γ-aminobutyric acid-A (GABAA) receptors in these actions. At 12 weeks post-ovariectomy, the effects of different doses of chrysin (0.5, 1, 2, and 4 mg/kg) were evaluated in the elevated plus maze, light/dark test, and locomotor activity test, and comparisons were made with the clinically effective anxiolytic diazepam. The participation of GABAA receptors in the actions of chrysin was explored by pretreating the rats with the noncompetitive GABAA chloride ion channel antagonist picrotoxin (1 mg/kg). The results showed that chrysin (2 and 4 mg/kg) reduced anxiety-like behavior in both the elevated plus maze and light/dark test, and these effects were similar to diazepam. Pretreatment with picrotoxin had no effects on its own but prevented the anxiolytic-like effects of chrysin in both tests. Chrysin also increased rearing and grooming, without significantly altering the number of crossings in the locomotor activity test; these effects were also similar to diazepam. In conclusion, the flavonoid chrysin produced anxiolytic-like effects through actions on GABAA receptors in a model of surgical menopause in rats. These findings support the hypothesis that this flavonoid could be a future natural alternative for ameliorating symptoms of anxiety after surgical menopause in women.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In a screening of natural products for allosteric modulators of GABAA receptors (γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor), piperine was identified as a compound targeting a benzodiazepine-independent binding site. Given that piperine is also an activator of TRPV1 (transient receptor potential vanilloid type 1) receptors involved in pain signaling and thermoregulation, a series of piperine analogs were prepared in several cycles of structural optimization, with the aim of separating GABAA and TRPV1 activating properties. We here investigated the metabolism of piperine and selected analogs in view of further cycles of lead optimization. Metabolic stability of the compounds was evaluated by incubation with pooled human liver microsomes, and metabolites were analyzed by UHPLC-Q-TOF-MS. CYP450 isoenzymes involved in metabolism of compounds were identified by reaction phenotyping with Silensomes™. Unbound fraction in whole blood was determined by rapid equilibrium dialysis. Piperine was the metabolically most stable compound. Aliphatic hydroxylation, and N- and O-dealkylation were the major routes of oxidative metabolism. Piperine was exclusively metabolized by CYP1A2, whereas CYP2C9 contributed significantly in the oxidative metabolism of all analogs. Extensive binding to blood constituents was observed for all compounds.





