Fushi Tarazu Transcription Factors

Fushi Tarazu 转录因子
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The regulation of gene expression in precise, rapidly changing spatial patterns is essential for embryonic development. Multiple enhancers have been identified for the evolving expression patterns of the cascade of Drosophila segmentation genes that establish the basic body plan of the fly. Classic reporter transgene experiments identified multiple cis-regulatory elements (CREs) that are sufficient to direct various aspects of the evolving expression pattern of the pair-rule gene fushi tarazu (ftz). These include enhancers that coordinately activate expression in all seven stripes and stripe-specific elements that activate expression in one or more ftz stripes. Of the two 7-stripe enhancers, analysis of reporter transgenes demonstrated that the upstream element (UPS) is autoregulatory, requiring direct binding of Ftz protein to direct striped expression. Here, we asked about the endogenous role of the UPS by precisely deleting this 7-stripe enhancer. In ftzΔUPS7S homozygotes, ftz stripes appear in the same order as wildtype, and all but stripe 4 are expressed at wildtype levels by the end of the cellular blastoderm stage. This suggests that the zebra element and UPS harbor information to direct stripe 4 expression, although previous deletion analyses failed to identify a stripe-specific CRE within these two 7-stripe enhancers. However, the UPS is necessary for late ftz stripe expression, with all 7 stripes decaying earlier than wildtype in ftzΔUPS7S homozygotes. Despite this premature loss of ftz expression, downstream target gene regulation proceeds as in wildtype, and segmentation is unperturbed in the overwhelming majority of animals. We propose that this late-acting enhancer provides a buffer against perturbations in gene expression but is not required for establishment of Ftz cell fates. Overall, our results demonstrate that multiple enhancers, each directing distinct aspects of an overall gene expression pattern, contribute to fine-tuning the complex patterns necessary for embryonic development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bistable autoactivation has been proposed as a mechanism for cells to adopt binary fates during embryonic development. However, it is unclear whether the autoactivating modules found within developmental gene regulatory networks are bistable, unless their parameters are quantitatively determined. Here, we combine in vivo live imaging with mathematical modeling to dissect the binary cell fate dynamics of the fruit fly pair-rule gene fushi tarazu (ftz), which is regulated by two known enhancers: the early (non-autoregulating) element and the autoregulatory element. Live imaging of transcription and protein concentration in the blastoderm revealed that binary Ftz fates are achieved as Ftz expression rapidly transitions from being dictated by the early element to the autoregulatory element. Moreover, we discovered that Ftz concentration alone is insufficient to activate the autoregulatory element, and that this element only becomes responsive to Ftz at a prescribed developmental time. Based on these observations, we developed a dynamical systems model and quantitated its kinetic parameters directly from experimental measurements. Our model demonstrated that the ftz autoregulatory module is indeed bistable and that the early element transiently establishes the content of the binary cell fate decision to which the autoregulatory module then commits. Further in silico analysis revealed that the autoregulatory element locks the Ftz fate quickly, within 35 min of exposure to the transient signal of the early element. Overall, our work confirms the widely held hypothesis that autoregulation can establish developmental fates through bistability and, most importantly, provides a framework for the quantitative dissection of cellular decision-making.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Steroidogenic factor-1 (SF-1, also termed Ad4BP; NR5A1 in the official nomenclature) is a nuclear receptor transcription factor that plays a crucial role in the regulation of adrenal and gonadal development, function and maintenance. In addition to its classical role in regulating the expression of P450 steroid hydroxylases and other steroidogenic genes, involvement in other key processes such as cell survival/proliferation and cytoskeleton dynamics have also been highlighted for SF-1. SF-1 has a restricted pattern of expression, being expressed along the hypothalamic-pituitary axis and in steroidogenic organs since the time of their establishment. Reduced SF-1 expression affects proper gonadal and adrenal organogenesis and function. On the other hand, SF-1 overexpression is found in adrenocortical carcinoma and represents a prognostic marker for patients\' survival. This review is focused on the current knowledge about SF-1 and the crucial importance of its dosage for adrenal gland development and function, from its involvement in adrenal cortex formation to tumorigenesis. Overall, data converge towards SF-1 being a key player in the complex network of transcriptional regulation within the adrenal gland in a dosage-dependent manner.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While many developmentally relevant enhancers act in a modular fashion, there is growing evidence for nonadditive interactions between distinct cis-regulatory enhancers. We investigated if nonautonomous enhancer interactions underlie transcription regulation of the Drosophila segment polarity gene, wingless.
    We identified two wg enhancers active at the blastoderm stage: wg 3613u, located from -3.6 to -1.3 kb upstream of the wg transcription start site (TSS) and 3046d, located in intron two of the wg gene, from 3.0 to 4.6 kb downstream of the TSS. Genetic experiments confirm that Even Skipped (Eve), Fushi-tarazu (Ftz), Runt, Odd-paired (Opa), Odd-skipped (Odd), and Paired (Prd) contribute to spatially regulated wg expression. Interestingly, there are enhancer specific differences in response to the gain or loss of function of pair-rule gene activity. Although each element recapitulates aspects of wg expression, a composite reporter containing both enhancers more faithfully recapitulates wg regulation than would be predicted from the sum of their individual responses.
    These results suggest that the regulation of wg by pair-rule genes involves nonadditive interactions between distinct cis-regulatory enhancers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Repression of somatic gene expression in germline progenitors is one of the critical mechanisms involved in establishing the germ/soma dichotomy. In Drosophila, the maternal Nanos (Nos) and Polar granule component (Pgc) proteins are required for repression of somatic gene expression in the primordial germ cells, or pole cells. Pgc suppresses RNA polymerase II-dependent global transcription in pole cells, but it remains unclear how Nos represses somatic gene expression. Here, we show that Nos represses somatic gene expression by inhibiting translation of maternal importin-α2 (impα2) mRNA. Mis-expression of Impα2 caused aberrant nuclear import of a transcriptional activator, Ftz-F1, which in turn activated a somatic gene, fushi tarazu (ftz), in pole cells when Pgc-dependent transcriptional repression was impaired. Because ftz expression was not fully activated in pole cells in the absence of either Nos or Pgc, we propose that Nos-dependent repression of nuclear import of transcriptional activator(s) and Pgc-dependent suppression of global transcription act as a \'double-lock\' mechanism to inhibit somatic gene expression in germline progenitors.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The regulation of transcription initiation is critical for developmental and cellular processes. RNA polymerase II (Pol II) is recruited by the basal transcription machinery to the core promoter where Pol II initiates transcription. The core promoter encompasses the region from -40 to +40 bp relative to the +1 transcription start site (TSS). Core promoters may contain one or more core promoter motifs that confer specific properties to the core promoter, such as the TATA box, initiator (Inr) and motifs that are located downstream of the TSS, namely, motif 10 element (MTE), the downstream core promoter element (DPE) and the Bridge, a bipartite core promoter element. We had previously shown that Caudal, an enhancer-binding homeodomain transcription factor and a key regulator of the Hox gene network, is a DPE-specific activator. Interestingly, pair-rule proteins have been implicated in enhancer-promoter communication at the engrailed locus. Fushi tarazu (Ftz) is an enhancer-binding homeodomain transcription factor encoded by the ftz pair-rule gene. Ftz works in concert with its co-factor, Ftz-F1, to activate transcription. Here, we examined whether Ftz and Ftz-F1 activate transcription with a preference for a specific core promoter motif. Our analysis revealed that similarly to Caudal, Ftz and Ftz-F1 activate the promoter containing a TATA box mutation to significantly higher levels than the promoter containing a DPE mutation, thus demonstrating a preference for the DPE motif. We further discovered that Ftz target genes are enriched for a combination of functional downstream core promoter elements that are conserved among Drosophila species. Thus, the unique combination (Inr, Bridge and DPE) of functional downstream core promoter elements within Ftz target genes highlights the complexity of transcriptional regulation via the core promoter in the transcription of different developmental gene regulatory networks.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ftz-f1 is an orphan member of the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily. A 20-hydroxyecdysone pulse allows ftz-f1 gene expression, which then regulates the activity of downstream genes involved in major developmental progression events. In honeybees, the expression of genes like vitellogenin (vg), prophenoloxidase and juvenile hormone-esterase during late pharate-adult development is known to be hormonally controlled in both queens and workers by increasing juvenile hormone (JH) titres in the presence of declining levels of ecdysteroids. Since Ftz-f1 is known for mediating intracellular JH signalling, we hypothesized that ftz-f1 could mediate JH action during the pharate-adult development of honeybees, thus controlling the expression of these genes. Here, we show that ftz-f1 has caste-specific transcription profiles during this developmental period, with a peak coinciding with the increase in JH titre, and that its expression is upregulated by JH and downregulated by ecdysteroids. RNAi-mediated knock down of ftz-f1 showed that the expression of genes essential for adult development (e.g. vg and cuticular genes) depends on ftz-f1 expression. Finally, a double-repressor hypothesis-inspired vg gene knock-down experiment suggests the existence of a positive molecular loop between JH, ftz-f1 and vg.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Like 41 other calanoid copepods, Acartia tonsa, are capable of inducing embryonic quiescence when experiencing unfavorable environmental conditions. The ecdysone-signaling cascade is known to have a key function in developmental processes like embryogenesis and molting of arthropods, including copepods. We examined the role of ecdysteroid-phosphate phosphatase (EPPase), ecdysone receptor (EcR), ß fushi tarazu transcription factor 1 (ßFTZ-F1), and the ecdysteroid-regulated early gene E74 (E74), which represent different levels of the ecdysone-signaling cascade in our calanoid model organism. Progression of embryogenesis was monitored and hatching success determined to evaluate viability. Embryos that were induced quiescence before the gastrulation stage would stay in gastrulation during the rest of quiescence and exhibited a slower pace of hatching as compared to subitaneous embryos. In contrast, embryos developed further than gastrulation would stay in gastrulation or later stages during quiescence and showed a rapid pace in hatching after quiescence termination. Expression patterns suggested two peaks of the biological active ecdysteroids, 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E). The first peak of 20E was expressed in concert with the beginning of embryogenesis originating from yolk-conjugated ecdysteroids, based on EPPase expression. The second peak is suggested to originate from de novo synthesized 20E around the limb bud stage. During quiescence, the expression patterns of EPPase, EcR, ßFTZ-F1, and E74 were either decreasing or not changing over time. This suggests that the ecdysone-signaling pathway play a key role in the subitaneous development of A. tonsa embryogenesis, but not during quiescence. The observation is of profound ecological and practical relevance for the dynamics of egg banks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Regulation of nuclear receptors by their coactivators involves the recognition and binding of a specific sequence motif contained in the coactivator sequence. This motif is known as the nuclear receptor (NR) box and contains a conserved LxxLL subsequence, where L is leucine and x is any amino acid residue. Crystallographic studies have shown that the LxxLL motifs adopt an α-helical conformation when bound to their cognate nuclear receptors. Here we use an extensive set of folding molecular dynamics simulations to examine whether the α-helical conformation demonstrated by the LxxLL motifs in the bound state may represent a persistent structural preference of these peptides even in the absence of their cognate receptors. To this end, we have performed a grand total of 35 μs of adaptive tempering folding simulations of an NR-box-containing peptide derived from Drosophila\'s fushi tarazu segmentation gene product. Our simulations-performed using full electrostatics and an explicit representation of two different solvents (water and a TFE/water mixture)-clearly indicate the presence of a persistent helical preference of the LxxLL motif with a concomitant native-like structure and contacts between the motif\'s leucine residues. To lend further support to our findings, we compare the simulation-derived peptide dynamics with experimental NMR-derived nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) measurements that had been previously obtained for the same peptide in the same two solvents. The comparison demonstrates a quantitative agreement between simulation and experiment with average upper bound NOE violations of less than 0.084 Å, thus independently validating our main conclusion concerning the intrinsic preference of NR-box motifs to form helical structures even in the absence of their cognate receptors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A set of pair-rule (PR) segmentation genes (PRGs) promotes the formation of alternate body segments in Drosophila melanogaster Whereas Drosophila embryos are long-germ, with segments specified more or less simultaneously, most insects add segments sequentially as the germband elongates. The hide beetle Dermestes maculatus represents an intermediate between short- and long-germ development, ideal for comparative study of PRGs. We show that eight of nine Drosophila PRG orthologs are expressed in stripes in Dermestes Functional results parse these genes into three groups: Dmac-eve, -odd and -run play roles in both germband elongation and PR patterning; Dmac-slp and -prd function exclusively as complementary, classic PRGs, supporting functional decoupling of elongation and segment formation; and orthologs of ftz, ftz-f1, h and opa show more variable function in Dermestes and other species. While extensive cell death generally prefigured Dermestes PRG RNAi-mediated cuticle defects, an organized region with high mitotic activity near the margin of the segment addition zone is likely to have contributed to truncation of eveRNAi embryos. Our results suggest general conservation of clock-like regulation of PR stripe addition in sequentially segmenting species while highlighting regulatory rewiring involving a subset of PRG orthologs.





