
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cyrtosia septentrionalis, an orchid species, is notable for its sausage-shaped red fleshy fruits, which can reach up to 10 cm in length. Previous research identified frugivorous and omnivorous birds, especially the brown-eared bulbul Hypsipetes amaurotis (Pycnonotidae, Passeriformes), as key seed dispersers of C. septentrionalis in natural habitats. This finding challenges conventional belief that orchid seeds are primarily wind-dispersed. Moreover, given the rarity of specialized co-evolutionary relationships between fruits and frugivores, C. septentrionalis may also rely on mammals for seed dispersal in certain regions. We aimed to explore the fruit consumption habits of animals other than birds. Motion sensor-equipped cameras were used to observe interactions with the fruits of C. septentrionalis and assess the viability of seeds post-consumption. The observations revealed three animal species consuming the fruits, with the masked palm civet Paguma larvata (Viverridae, Carnivora) identified as a dominant consumer in the investigated population. Microscopy analysis of seeds retrieved from P. larvata faeces indicated that the seeds remained intact and viable after passing through the digestive system of this carnivorous mammal. The above discovery suggests a potential role for carnivorous mammals in seed dispersal of C. septentrionalis, alongside birds, thus broadening our understanding of the complex seed dispersal strategies employed by orchids.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plants interact with both antagonistic and mutualistic animals during reproduction, with the outcomes of these interactions significantly influencing plant reproductive success, population dynamics, and the evolution of plant traits. Here, we investigated the spatial and temporal variations in the interactions between Juniperus thurifera, its seed-dispersing birds, and three specific arthropod species that attack the fleshy cones during the predispersal period. We assessed how plant traits affect levels of cone damage by arthropods and seed dispersal by birds, the occurrence of competition among arthropod species, and the impact of seed predators on the activity of frugivores. Plant traits, cone damage by arthropods, and seed dispersal by birds showed spatiotemporal variability. Fluctuation in cone abundance was the leading factor determining damage by arthropods and bird dispersal with a secondary role of cone traits. Large crops satiated predispersal seed predators, although the amount of frugivory did not increase significantly, suggesting a potential satiation of bird dispersers. Crop size and cone traits at individual trees determined preferences by seed predator species and the foraging activity of bird dispersers. Competition among arthropods increased during years of low cone production, and seed predators sometimes negatively affected bird frugivory. High supra-annual variations in cone production appear to be a key evolutionary mechanism enhancing J. thurifera reproductive success. This strategy reduces the impact of specialized seed predators during years of high seed production, despite the potential drawback of satiating seed dispersers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Biotic interactions, such as plant-animal seed dispersal mutualisms, are essential for ecosystem function. Such interactions are threatened by the possible extinction of the animal partners. Using a data set that includes plant-lemur interactions across Madagascar, we studied the current state of knowledge of these interactions and their structure to determine which plant species are most at risk of losing dispersal services due to the loss of lemurs. We found substantial gaps in understanding of plant-lemur interactions; data were substantially skewed toward a few lemur species and locations. There was also a large gap in knowledge on the interactions of plants and small-bodied or nocturnal lemurs and lemurs outside a few highly studied locations. Of the recorded interactions, a significant portion occurred between lemurs and endemic plants, rather than native or introduced plants. We also found that lemur species tended to primarily consume closely related plant species. Such interaction patterns may indicate the threats to Malagasy endemic plants and highlight how lemur population loss or reductions could affect plant phylogenetic diversity. When examining the impacts of lemur extinction, losing critically endangered species left 164 plant species with no known lemur frugivore partners. Despite phylogenetic patterns in lemur diet, plants for which the only known lemur frugivore is critically endangered were not closely related. These results emphasize the need for further studies to complete our knowledge on these essential interactions and to inform conservation priorities.
    Análisis de la estructura de las interacciones entre lémures y plantas de cara al conocimiento incompleto Resumen Las interacciones bióticas, como el mutualismo entre plantas y animales para la dispersión de semillas, son esenciales para que el ecosistema funcione. Dichas interacciones se encuentran amenazadas por la posible extinción del animal que participa en ellas. Usamos un conjunto de datos que incluye las interacciones entre lémures y plantas en Madagascar para estudiar el estado actual del conocimiento de estas interacciones y su estructura. Con lo anterior determinamos cuáles especies botánicas tienen mayor riesgo de perder la dispersión de semillas debido a la extinción de los lémures. Encontramos vacíos sustanciales en el entendimiento de las interacciones entre lémures y plantas; los datos estaban sesgados para unas cuantas especies de lémures y localidades. Hubo un gran vacío de conocimiento para las interacciones entre las plantas y los lémures pequeños o nocturnos y aquellos fuera de unas cuantas localidades estudiadas. De las interacciones registradas, una porción importante ocurrió entre los lémures y plantas endémicas, en lugar de plantas nativas o introducidas. También encontramos que las especies de lémures tienden a consumir especies botánicas con filogenia cercana. Dichos patrones de interacción podrían indicar las amenazas para las plantas endémicas de Madagascar y enfatizar cómo la pérdida o reducción de las poblaciones de lémures podrían afectar la diversidad filogenética de las plantas. Cuando examinamos el impacto de la extinción de los lémures, la pérdida de especies en peligro crítico dejó a 164 especies de plantas sin un lémur frugívoro mutualista. A pesar de los patrones filogenéticos en la dieta de los lémures, las plantas cuyo único lémur frugívoro se encuentra en peligro crítico no tienen una filogenia cercana. Estos resultados resaltan la necesidad de más estudios para completar nuestro conocimiento sobre estas interacciones esenciales y para guiar las prioridades de conservación.
    【摘要】生物相互作用(如植物‐动物种子传播的互惠过程)对生态系统功能至关重要, 而动物潜在的灭绝风险会对这些相互作用造成威胁。本研究利用马达加斯加各地植物与狐猴之间相互作用的数据集, 分析了这些相互作用及其结构的知识现状, 以确定哪些植物物种最有可能因狐猴灭绝而失去种子传播服务。我们发现在理解植物‐狐猴相互作用方面仍存在巨大空缺, 已有数据严重偏向于少数狐猴物种和地点, 而在植物与小体型狐猴、夜行性狐猴以及在少数研究较多地点以外的狐猴之间的相互作用方面, 仍有明显的知识空缺。已有记载的相互作用很大一部分发生在狐猴与特有植物之间, 而非本地或外来引进的植物。此外, 狐猴物种往往主要食用系统发育关系相近的植物物种。这种相互作用格局表明马达加斯加的特有植物可能面临威胁, 并突出了狐猴种群灭绝或数量下降对植物系统发育多样性的影响。在研究狐猴灭绝的影响时, 我们还发现, 当极度濒危的狐猴物种灭绝后, 有164种植物物种会失去所有已知的果食性狐猴伙伴。尽管狐猴的食性存在系统发育相似性, 但唯一已知的果食性狐猴伙伴已极度濒危的植物物种却并不相近。以上结果强调了通过深入研究来增进对这些重要相互作用的认识以指导优先保护的必要性。【翻译:胡怡思;审校:聂永刚】.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fruit traits mediate animal-plant interactions and have to a large degree evolved to match the sensory capacities and morphology of their respective dispersers. At the same time, fruit traits are affected by local environmental factors, which may affect frugivore-plant trait match. Temperature has been identified as a major factor with a strong effect on the development of fruits, which is of serious concern because of the rising threat of global warming. Nonetheless, this primarily originates from studies on domesticated cultivars in often controlled environments. Little is known on the effect of rising temperatures on fruit traits of wild species and the implications this could have to seed dispersal networks, including downstream consequences to biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. In a case study of five plant species from eastern Madagascar, we addressed this using the elevation-for-temperature approach and examined whether a temperature gradient is systematically associated with variation in fruit traits relevant for animal foraging and fruit selection. We sampled across a gradient representing a temperature gradient of 1.5-2.6 °C, corresponding to IPCC projections. The results showed that in most cases there was no significant effect of temperature on the traits evaluated, although some species showed different effects, particularly fruit chemical profiles. This suggests that in these species warming within this range alone is not likely to drive substantial changes in dispersal networks. While no systemic effects were found, the results also indicate that the effect of temperature on fruit traits differs across species and may lead to mismatches in specific animal-plant interactions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Negative density dependence (NDD) in biotic interactions of interference such as plant-plant competition, granivory and herbivory are well-documented mechanisms that promote species\' coexistence in diverse plant communities worldwide. Here, we investigated the generality of a novel type of NDD mechanism that operates through the mutualistic interactions of frugivory and seed dispersal among fruit-eating birds and plants. By sampling community-wide frugivory interactions at high spatial and temporal resolution in Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Peru, Brazil and Argentina, we evaluated whether interaction frequencies between birds and fruit resources occurred more often (selection), as expected, or below expectations (under-utilization) set by the relative fruit abundance of the fruit resources of each plant species. Our models considered the influence of temporal scales of fruit availability and bird phylogeny and diets, revealing that NDD characterizes frugivory across communities. Irrespective of taxa or dietary guild, birds tended to select fruits of plant species that were proportionally rare in their communities, or that became rare following phenological fluctuations, while they mostly under-utilized abundant fruit resources. Our results demonstrate that negative density-dependence in frugivore-plant interactions provides a strong equalizing mechanism for the dispersal processes of fleshy-fruited plant species in temperate and tropical communities, likely contributing to building and sustaining plant diversity. This article is part of the theme issue \'Diversitydependence of dispersal: interspecific interactions determine spatial dynamics\'.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding how human-modified landscapes maintain biodiversity and provide ecosystem services is crucial for establishing conservation practices. Given that responses to land-use are species-specific, it is crucial to understand how land-use changes may shape patterns of species diversity and persistence in human-modified landscapes. Here, we used a comprehensive data set on bird distribution from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest to understand how species richness and individual occurrences of frugivorous bird species responded to land-use spatial predictors and, subsequently, assess how ecological traits and phylogeny modulated these responses. Using Bayesian hierarchical modeling, we reveal that the richness of frugivorous birds was positively associated with the amount of native forest and negatively with both agriculture and pasture amount at the landscape scale. Conversely, the effect of these predictors on species occurrence and ecological traits was highly variable and presented a weak phylogenetic signal. Furthermore, land-use homogenization (i.e., the conversion of forest to pasture or agriculture) led to pervasive consequences for forest-dependent bird species, whereas several generalist species thrived in deforested areas, replacing those sensitive to habitat disturbances.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Constraints on phenotypic evolution can lead to patterns of convergent evolution, by limiting the \'pool\' of potential phenotypes in the face of endogenous (functional, developmental) or exogenous (competition, predation) selective pressures. Evaluation of convergence depends on integrating ecological and morphological data within a robust, comparative phylogenetic context. The staggering diversity of teleost fishes offers a multitude of lineages adapted for similar ecological roles, and therefore, offers numerous replicated evolutionary experiments for exploring phenotypic convergence. However, our understanding of fish feeding systems has been primarily shaped by marine species, with the monolithic exception of freshwater cichlids. Here we use piranhas and pacus (Serrasalmidae) to explore the evolution of different feeding ecologies and their morphological proxies in Neotropical freshwater environments. Specifically, we explore whether convergence is more widespread among plant-eating fishes, arising from strong constraints on phenotypic evolution in herbivores. Using osteological micro-computed tomographic imaging (μCT), we describe the major axes of morphological variation in pacus and piranhas, regarding their diet and feeding behaviors. Next, we evaluated whether herbivorous niches are less labile than other dietary guilds and whether herbivorous species\' phenotypes evolve at a slower evolutionary rate than other taxa. We then assess how convergent herbivorous taxa are, using three different suites of morphological characters (dental, jaw, and abdominal morphometrics). Ecologically, herbivory is not a dead end, exhibiting similar observed transition rates as those between carnivores and omnivores. However, we documented widespread convergence in herbivores and that herbivores have slower rates of phenotypic evolution than carnivores. Most instances of convergence are found in herbivorous taxa, specifically in frugivores and folivores. Moreover, instances of \'complete\' convergence, indicated by positive convergence metrics observed in more than one morphometric dataset, were only found in herbivores. Herbivores do appear to evolve under constrained circumstances, but this has not limited their ecological lability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Seed production and dispersal are crucial ecological processes impacting plant demography, species distributions and community assembly. Plant-animal interactions commonly mediate both seed production and seed dispersal, but current research often examines pollination and seed dispersal separately, which hinders our understanding of how pollination services affect downstream dispersal services. To fill this gap, we propose a conceptual framework exploring how pollen limitation can impact the effectiveness of seed dispersal for endozoochorous and myrmecochorous plant species. We summarize the quantitative and qualitative effects of pollen limitation on plant reproduction and use Optimal Foraging Theory to predict its impact on the foraging behaviour of seed dispersers. In doing so, we offer a new framework that poses numerous hypotheses and empirical tests to investigate links between pollen limitation and seed dispersal effectiveness and, consequently, post-dispersal ecological processes occurring at different levels of biological organization. Finally, considering the importance of pollination and seed dispersal outcomes to plant eco-evolutionary dynamics, we discussed the implications of our framework for future studies exploring the demographic and evolutionary impacts of pollen limitation for animal-dispersed plants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Seed dispersal is widely considered an important mechanism for the conservation of plant diversity. In tropical regions, over 80% of woody plant species are dispersed by vertebrates, often through the consumption of fruits. Our understanding of what drives interactions between vertebrates and fruits is limited. Through a systematic literature search, we compiled a database of fruit and seed traits and vertebrate-fruit interactions for tree and vertebrate species occurring in the Guianas, with the aim of facilitating research into seed dispersal and seed predation of tree species in the Guianas. The database was compiled by extracting data from 264 published sources. It consists of 21,082 records, of which 19,039 records contain information about 19 different fruit and seed traits belonging to 1622 different tree species. The other 2043 records contain information on vertebrate-fruit interactions between 161 vertebrate species and 464 tree species. Our analyses showed a taxonomic bias, particularly in the interaction data, toward large-bodied vertebrates, with most interactions recorded for the bearded saki (Chiropotes chiropotes), followed by the lowland tapir (Tapirus terrestris). For plants we found an overrepresentation of the Sapotaceae and Moraceae families and an underrepresentation of the Rubiaceae, Myrtaceae, and Lauraceae families in the interactions. There are no copyright restrictions on the data set; please cite this publication when using these data.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Seed dispersal is a critical phase in plant reproduction and forest regeneration. In many systems, the vast majority of woody species rely on seed dispersal by fruit-eating animals. Animals differ in their size, movement patterns, seed handling, gut physiology, and many other factors that affect the number of seeds they disperse, the quality of treatment each individual seed receives, and consequently their relative contribution to plant fitness. The seed dispersal effectiveness framework (SDE) was developed to allow systematic and standardized quantification of these processes, offering a potential for understanding the large-scale dynamics of animal-plant interactions and the ecological and evolutionary consequences of animal behavior for plant reproductive success. Yet, despite its wide acceptance, the SDE framework has primarily been employed descriptively, almost always in the context of local systems. As such, the drivers of variation in SDE across systems and the relationship between its components remain unknown. We systematically searched studies that quantified endozoochorous SDE for multiple animal species dispersing one or more plant species in a given system and offered an integrative examination of the factors driving variation in SDE. Specifically, we addressed three main questions: (a) Is there a tradeoff between high dispersal quality and quantity? (b) Does animal body mass affect SDE or its main components? and (c) What drives more variation in SDE, seed dispersal quality, or quantity? We found that: (a) the relationship between quality and quantity is mediated by body size; (b) this is the result of differential relationships between body mass and the two components, while total SDE is unaffected by body mass; (c)neither quality nor quantity explain more variance in SDE globally. Our results also highlight the need for more standardized data to assess large-scale patterns in SDE.





