Forensic assessment

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human trafficking or contemporary slavery is the recruitment and transfer of people by force or deception for sexual, labour or other types of exploitation. Although the violence, abuse and deprivation that trafficking entails are a threat to the health of its victims, in Spain the clinical or forensic data available in this regard is scarce. At the Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences of Catalonia (IMLCFC), a unit specialized in the forensic assessment of these victims was created. The objective of this work was to describe a series of forensic cases of trafficking victims.
    Retrospective study of victims in judicial cases opened for an alleged crime of human trafficking registered in the IMLCFC until 06/30/2023.
    57 different victims were registered. The majority were women (71.9%). The average age was 30.5 years (s.d. 10.31). All the victims were foreigners, mostly from Latin America (45.5%). The exploitation was mainly sexual (61.4%). There were some sociodemographic differences and in the conditions and consequences of trafficking between victims of sexual exploitation and the rest. Mental health problems were very common in all victims at the time of the assessment (87.5%).
    The consequences of trafficking on health, especially mental health, are notable and the forensic assessment of victims is valuable in judicial proceedings. It is necessary to deepen our knowledge of the phenomenon in our environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Criminal defendants found incompetent to stand trial (IST) may only be committed for competency restoration if their restoration success is considered likely and when this aim can be met within a \"reasonable\" period of time. In this study, we evaluated the predictive validity and test accuracy of standardized intelligence testing on the classification of nonrestorability in a sample of 293 male patients adjudicated IST and committed for inpatient restoration. At 90 days, 17.0% of cases with FSIQ scores within one standard deviation of the mean were unrestored, and nonrestoration rates increased with each additional FSIQ standard deviation decrement to 29.5%, 38.8%, and 59.5%. Time-to-event analyses found that whereas half of patients with FSIQ scores of 56 or higher would be predicted to be restored within 64 days, the median restoration timeline was 145 days for patients with FSIQ scores of 55 or below. Positive predictive values associated with the range of possible FSIQ scores were uniformly low at modeled nonrestoration prevalence rates of 5%, 15%, and 25%, rarely exceeding chance levels. We conclude that although FSIQ scores are relevant to predictions of nonrestorability, particularly when scores are at least three standard deviations below average, the accuracy of individual FSIQ-based predictions of nonrestorability are limited.






  • 神经科学对犯罪行为的关注正在迅速增长,研究表明,神经生物学因素对解释犯罪的心理和社会因素的理解具有附加价值。有证据表明,神经技术可用于刑事司法,可能与法医精神病学和心理学评估有关。然而,问题是神经生物学因素的科学知识是否适用于法医评估的日常实践。基础技术的整合,例如,心理生理学(心率,皮肤电导,可穿戴设备),荷尔蒙措施(皮质醇,睾酮),神经心理学测试可能很明显,因为它们可以相对容易地应用。此外,大量研究表明,这些技术在这一领域具有附加价值。此外,第一步是将这些技术应用于个人诊断,治疗,和风险评估。复杂的神经技术,如功能磁共振成像(例如,大脑阅读)和脑电图显示出适用于刑事司法的潜力,一旦知道这些指数为个别病例提供了哪些额外信息。
    The attention for neuroscience in relation to criminal behavior is growing rapidly, and research shows that neurobiological factors have added value to the understanding of psychological and social factors in explaining delinquency. There is evidence that neurotechnology can be used in criminal justice and may be of relevance for forensic psychiatric and psychological assessment. However, the question is whether scientific knowledge of neurobiological factors is applicable in daily practice of forensic assessment. Incorporation of basic technologies, e.g., psychophysiology (heart rate, skin conductance, wearables), hormonal measures (cortisol, testosterone), and neuropsychological testing might be evident, since they can be applied relatively easy. Moreover, a body of research shows the additive value of these technologies in this field. In addition, first steps are taken to apply these technologies in individual diagnostics, treatment, and risk assessment. Complex neurotechnologies like functional MRI (e.g., brain reading) and EEG show potential to be applicable in criminal justice, once it is known what additional information these indices offer for individual cases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper details my psychoanalytic process evaluating refugees as part of their application for asylum. It focuses on the emergence of unrepresented content and abject states within the intersubjective matrix that lead to collaborative creation of a story of trauma. Such intra- and inter-personal encounters are structured by the larger social, political, and cultural contexts that support, limit, structure, erase, and determine what can be known and told. Knowledge of traumatic inscription necessitates attunement to nonverbal affective states in both survivor and witness as well a receptive society that is able to tolerate grief, acknowledge the degradation and depravity unleashed in victim and victimizer during violence, and absorb survivors\' mournful morality tales.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Across the United States, court orders for competence to stand trial (CST) evaluations and competence restoration services have been increasing much more rapidly than states can provide these services, prompting what has been called a national \"competency crisis.\" The challenge in providing timely competence restoration services has, in several jurisdictions, prompted a change in competence evaluations. Evaluators are more often required to address broader clinical issues-such as recommending placement or addressing the urgency of hospitalization-rather than addressing only CST. This marks an evolving practice in forensic evaluation, which moves evaluators beyond the very narrow forensic question of competence and into more traditionally clinical recommendations. We describe several state examples of changing practice in order to highlight the initial barriers, and potential benefits, to addressing additional clinical issues in competence evaluations, amid a national competence crisis.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Psychological Autopsy (PA) has become widespread to the point of being applied in many diverse fields. However, it is difficult to identify a standard model. In this systematic review, we focused on PA studies assessing mental illness as a major risk factor for suicide. The research, performed on Scopus, Embase, and Pubmed to cover the last 20 years led to 321 reports of which 15 met the inclusion criteria. Results confirmed mental illness as the main risk factor for suicide, followed by specific socio-demographic factors and life events. The analysis of methodologies depicted a still highly heterogeneous scenario, especially regarding data collection and variables included. However, concerning psychiatric evaluations, an initial standardization process of PA models emerged. In conclusion, the approach is in evolution, and novel guidelines are needed to promote the application of PA as a fundamental tool to inform suicide prevention efforts and to assist forensic examiners in court.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study sought to delineate the neuropsychological processes that undergird the psycho-legal concept of competency to stand trial (CST). Accordingly, we retrospectively examined the relationship between clinical judgments of competence or incompetence of defendants committed to a maximum-security psychiatric facility and neuropsychological measures of cognitive and social intelligence and declarative memory. Results indicated that both groups (competent and incompetent) showed similar levels of depressed cognitive intelligence with Wechsler full-scale IQ levels falling in the upper end of the borderline range. Compared with defendants clinically judged as incompetent, defendants recommended as competent scored significantly higher on measures of social intelligence and episodic memory, with the most pronounced advantage occurring on tests of verbal memory that place heavy demands on encoding, consolidation, and retrieval of aurally presented narrative material. Cognitive capacities in areas of social intelligence and episodic memory may play critical roles in developing a heuristic neuropsychological model of CST. The evaluation of these domains offers implications for the assessment, restoration, and understanding of CST.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this paper we describe a novel, integrated conceptual model that brings together core elements across structured tools assessing risk for future violence, protective factors, and progress in treatment and recovery in forensic mental health settings. We argue that the value of such a model lies in its ability to improve clinical efficiencies and streamline assessment protocols, facilitate meaningful participation of patients in assessment and treatment planning activities and increase the accessibility of clinical assessments to principal users of this information. The four domains appearing in the model (treatment engagement, stability of illness and behavior, insight, and professional and personal support) are described, and common clinical manifestations of each domain within a forensic context are illustrated. We conclude with a discussion of the types of research that would be needed to validate a concept model such as the one presented here as well as implications for clinical practice and implementation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Custodial suspects must be informed of their Miranda rights (Miranda v. Arizona, 1966) prior to police questioning. Since this landmark decision, scholars have rigorously studied Miranda comprehension and reasoning among vulnerable groups including those with intellectual disabilities (ID). However, the focus on ID has left arrestees with limited cognitive capacities (i.e., LCCs with IQs between 70 and 85) entirely overlooked. The current dataset addressed this oversight using a large (N = 820) sample of pretrial defendants who had completed the Standardized Assessment of Miranda Abilities (SAMA). Traditional (i.e., ID and no-ID) criterion groups were first analyzed with the standard error of measurement (SEM) removed. Second, a nuanced three-group framework included defendants with LCCs. Results indicate that LCC defendants are vulnerable to impaired Miranda comprehension (i.e., limited recall of the Miranda warning and deficits in Miranda-related vocabulary knowledge). Not surprisingly, their waiver decisions were often impaired by crucial misconceptions (e.g., seeing the investigating officers as beneficently on their side). The practical implications of these findings were underscored with respect to Constitutional safeguards for this critically important group, who have appeared to fall through the cracks in the criminal justice system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The use of videoconferencing technology to conduct forensic psychiatric and forensic psychological evaluations remotely has grown considerably in the last decade. This commentary addresses a number of points made by Recupero regarding the use of remote technology to conduct forensic psychiatric evaluations. These points include the research supporting telepsychiatry and its generalizability to forensic assessment, the error rate associated with remote forensic assessment, and its general acceptance in the field. The commentary also considers the inclusion of psychological testing and specialized forensic measures in forensic assessment and describes criteria for considering tests and measures that can reasonably be included in a remotely conducted forensic assessment.





