Forensic Entomology

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Forensic entomology plays an important role in medicolegal investigations by using insects, primarily flies, to estimate the time of colonization. This estimation relies on the development of the flies found at the (death) scene and can be affected (and sometimes corrected) by external factors, such as temperature and humidity, and internal factors, such as species and sex. This study leverages infrared (IR) spectroscopy combined with machine learning models-Partial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis (PLS-DA) and eXtreme Gradient Boosting trees Discriminant Analysis (XGBDA)-to differentiate between male and female Cochliomyia macellaria larvae, commonly found on human remains. Significant vibrational differences were detected in the infrared spectra of third instar C. macellaria larvae, with distinct peaks showing variations in relative absorbance between sexes, suggesting differences in biochemical compositions such as cuticular proteins and lipids. The application of PLS-DA and XGBDA yielded high classification accuracies of about 94% and 96%, respectively, with female spectra consistently having higher sensitivity than males. This non-destructive approach offers the potential to refine supplemental post-mortem interval estimations significantly, enhancing the accuracy of forensic analyses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Diptera identification is fundamental in forensic entomology as well as in funerary archeoentomology, where the challenge is exacerbated by the presence of immature stages such as larvae and puparia. In these two developmental stages, specimens possess a very limited number of diagnostic features, and for puparia, there is also a lack of identification tools such as descriptions and identification keys. Morphological analysis, DNA-based techniques, and cuticular chemical analyses all show good potential for species identification; however, they also have some limitations. DNA-based identification is primarily hindered by the incompleteness of genetic databases and the presence of PCR inhibitors often co-extracted from the puparial cuticle. Chemical analysis of the cuticle is showing promising results, but this approach is also limited by the insufficient profile database and requires specific, expensive equipment, as well as trained personnel. Additionally, to ensure the repeatability of the analysis-a critical aspect in forensic investigations-and to preserve precious and unique specimens from museum collections, non-invasive protocols and techniques must be prioritized for species identification.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As blood-feeding insects that feed on human hosts, bed bugs could be used in forensic investigations if they are present at a crime scene with no apparent evidence. This study describes how tropical bed bugs (Cimex hemipterus) can be used as forensic tools to collect valid human DNA samples. Short Tandem Repeat (STR) analysis was performed on collected bed bug samples, whereby the results indicate that the obtained quantities of human DNA are mostly substantial to facilitate a comprehensive genetic profiling process.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Forensic entomology plays a crucial role in criminal investigations by providing vital insights into minimum postmortem interval (PMImin) and corpse relocation by identifying insect species that colonize in decomposing remains. This study aimed to identify and analyze the genetic variation of forensically significant fly species in Thailand, using DNA barcoding of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I COI gene. A total of 3,220 fly specimens were collected from 18 provinces across six regions of Thailand from October 2017 to September 2022. These specimens were classified by morphological identification into 21 species among three Dipteran families: Calliphoridae, Muscidae, and Sarcophagidae, with Chrysomya megacephala Diptera: Calliphoridae being the most abundant species. DNA barcoding confirmed the morphological identifications with 100 % accuracy, showing low intraspecific K2P distances0.0 to 1.1 %) and significant interspecific K2P distances 2.5 % to 17.2 %. A Neighbour-Joining (NJ) analysis was conducted to assess the molecular identification capabilities of the barcoding region. This analysis successfully recovered nearly all species as distinct monophyletic groups. The species groupings obtained were generally consistent with both morphological and molecular identifications. These findings underscore the effectiveness of DNA barcoding for precise species identification and contribute to a comprehensive database of forensically important flies in Thailand, thus facilitating improved forensic investigations and biodiversity studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Most blow flies (Diptera: Calliphoridae) species are sarcosaprophagous during the larval stage, primarily feeding on the soft tissues of carcasses during the early stages of decomposition, making them valuable forensic indicators for minimum post-mortem interval (minPMI) estimations. Like other insects, their developmental rates are strongly influenced by the environmental temperature. Although several studies have examined the influence of temperature on the development of different blow fly species, the impact of cold temperatures remains largely unstudied, despite its potential forensic implications. The present study investigates the effect of three cold temperatures (0, -2.5 and -5°C) on the survival of Calliphora vicina embryos of five different ages (0%, 20%, 40%, 60% and 80% of the total embryonic development) and two exposure times (6 and 24 h). Our results revealed significant differences in egg survival at the earliest embryonic stages (0% and 20% of the total embryonic development), resulting in high mortality rates. While at 20% of the total embryonic development high mortality was only observed under -5°C, at 0% of the total embryonic development high mortality rates were observed at all the temperatures tested. Although C. vicina embryos demonstrate tolerance to cold temperatures once they have completed the first 20% of the total embryonic development, potentially mitigating the impact of cold weather events, the possibility of minPMI underestimations due to the death of the first egg batches should not be disregarded. Additionally, considering that the embryonic development stages may last for several days under low temperatures, caution should be taken in the analysis of entomological evidence if a cadaver is discovered following cold weather episodes.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Only a few cases describing the activity of dermestids on human corpses have been reported in the literature. Dermestes maculatus is a cosmopolitan beetle associated with carcasses at different decomposition stages, usually colonizing skeletonized and mummified remains. In this study, we presented two forensic case reports of D. maculatus associated with human corpses in Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil. In the first case, a human corpse in an advanced stage of decomposition was found hanged in an outdoor urban area. In the other one, a mummified cadaver was found inside of a closed house. In this last case, larvae of D. maculatus were essential to estimate the minimum postmortem interval (PMI) for the first time in Scientific Police of Santa Catarina. Our records highlight the significance of necrophagous beetles in ecological succession and in estimating PMI in cases involving human remains and corpses in advanced stage of decomposition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chrysomya rufifacies (Diptera: Calliphoridae) is a blow fly species of forensic importance, documented to have a strong preference for colonisation of substrate already inhabited by heterospecific blow fly larvae, thus exhibiting secondary colonisation behaviour. Larvae exhibit predatory behaviour that may be useful to support development where food substrate is limited or high competition exists, but they may alternately be drawn to pre-colonised substrate to capitalise on the advantages of collective exodigestion by previous/current colonisers. Previous authors have suggested female Ch. rufifacies may use visual orientation to detect substrate currently colonised by heterospecific larvae, rather than chemoreception of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), that signify condition of substrate, which would infer that active colonisation is likely a more important oviposition cue for Ch. rufifacies than substrate condition. This study addressed attraction as well as oviposition, examining whether the condition of substrate (either previously colonised or never colonised) or the presence of heterospecific larvae was more important in the initial choice of food source by female Ch. rufifacies where conspecifics were not present, and whether the condition of substrate and presence of heterospecific larvae affects the number of offspring deposited by a female. Attraction was studied using a Y-olfactometer system, and oviposition using a binary-choice assay, with females responding to pairwise choice between an array of meat conditions (fresh, larval aged or aged) and presence/absence of Lucilia sericata larvae. Females displayed a hierarchy of choice of larval aged substrate > aged substrate > fresh substrate, with the active presence of heterospecific larvae a secondary factor in choice. Females produced higher offspring numbers on meat that was either currently or previously colonised by heterospecific larvae, demonstrating the importance of heterospecific indicators of previous or current colonisation as an oviposition cue. This serves as an important consideration for entomologists working with Ch. rufifacies in any capacity where other blow fly species may be present, and most importantly for forensic entomologists where time of colonisation is utilised to estimate PMI.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Necrophagous flies, particularly blowflies, serve as vital indicators in forensic entomology and ecological studies, contributing to minimum postmortem interval estimations and environmental monitoring. The study investigates variations in the predominant cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) viz. n-C25, n-C27, n-C28, and n-C29 of empty puparia of Calliphora vicina Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830, (Diptera: Calliphoridae) across diverse environmental conditions, including burial, above-ground and indoor settings, over 90 days. Notable trends include a significant decrease in n-C25 concentrations in buried and above-ground conditions over time, while n-C27 concentrations decline in buried and above-ground conditions but remain stable indoors. Burial conditions show significant declines in n-C27 and n-C29 concentrations over time, indicating environmental influences. Conversely, above-ground conditions exhibit uniform declines in all hydrocarbons. Indoor conditions remain relatively stable, with weak correlations between weathering time and CHC concentrations. Additionally, machine learning techniques, specifically Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost), are employed for age estimation of empty puparia, yielding accurate predictions across different outdoor and indoor conditions. These findings highlight the subtle responses of CHC profiles to environmental stimuli, underscoring the importance of considering environmental factors in forensic entomology and ecological research. The study advances the understanding of insect remnant degradation processes and their forensic implications. Furthermore, integrating machine learning with entomological expertise offers standardized methodologies for age determination, enhancing the reliability of entomological evidence in legal contexts and paving the way for future research and development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Estimating the age of immature blow flies is of great importance for forensic entomology. However, no gold-standard technique for an accurate determination of the intra-puparial age has yet been established. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy is a method to (bio-)chemically characterise material based on the absorbance of electromagnetic energy by functional groups of molecules. In recent years, it also has become a powerful tool in forensic and life sciences, as it is a fast and cost-effective way to characterise all kinds of material and biological traces. This study is the first to collect developmental reference data on the changes in absorption spectra during the intra-puparial period of the forensically important blow fly Calliphora vicina Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera: Calliphoridae). Calliphora vicina was reared at constant 20°C and 25°C and specimens were killed every other day throughout their intra-puparial development. In order to investigate which part yields the highest detectable differences in absorption spectra throughout the intra-puparial development, each specimen was divided into two different subsamples: the pupal body and the former cuticle of the third instar, that is, the puparium. Absorption spectra were collected with a FTIR spectrometer coupled to an attenuated total reflection (ATR) unit. Classification accuracies of different wavenumber regions with two machine learning models, i.e., random forests (RF) and support vector machines (SVMs), were tested. The best age predictions for both temperature settings and machine learning models were obtained by using the full spectral range from 3700 to 600 cm-1. While SVMs resulted in better accuracies for C. vicina reared at 20°C, RFs performed almost as good as SVMs for data obtained from 25°C. In terms of sample type, the pupal body gave smoother spectra and usually better classification accuracies than the puparia. This study shows that FTIR spectroscopy is a promising technique in forensic entomology to support the estimation of the minimum post-mortem interval (PMImin), by estimating the age of a given insect specimen.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A series of experiments were conducted on Phormia regina, a forensically important blow fly species, that met the requirements needed to create statistically valid development models. Experiments were conducted over 11 temperatures (7.5 to 32.5 °C, at 2.5 °C intervals) with a 16:8 L:D cycle. Experimental units contained 20 eggs, 10 g of beef liver, and 2.5 cm of sand. Each life stage (egg to adult) had five sampling times. Each sampling time was replicated four times for a total of 20 measurements per life stage. For each sampling time, the cups were pulled from the chambers, and the stage of each maggot was documented morphologically through posterior spiracular slits and cephalopharyngeal development. Data were normally distributed with the later larval (L3m) and pupation stages having the most variation within and transitioning between stages, particularly between 12.5 °C and 20.0 °C. The biological minimum was between 10.0 °C and 12.5 °C, with little egg development and no egg emergence at 7.5 °C and no maturation past L1 at 10.0 °C. Phormia regina did not display increased mortality associated with the upper temperature of 32.5 °C. The development data generated illustrate the advantages of large data sets in modeling blow fly development and the need for curvilinear models in describing development at environmental temperatures near the biological minima and maxima.





