Folliculo-stellate cell

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It is well-established that anterior pituitary contains multiple endocrine cell populations, and each of them can secrete one/two hormone(s) to regulate vital physiological processes of vertebrates. However, the gene expression profiles of each pituitary cell population remains poorly characterized in most vertebrate groups. Here we analyzed the transcriptome of each cell population in adult chicken anterior pituitaries using single-cell RNA sequencing technology. The results showed that: (1) four out of five known endocrine cell clusters have been identified and designated as the lactotrophs, thyrotrophs, corticotrophs, and gonadotrophs, respectively. Somatotrophs were not analyzed in the current study. Each cell cluster can express at least one known endocrine hormone, and novel marker genes (e.g., CD24 and HSPB1 in lactotrophs, NPBWR2 and NDRG1 in corticotrophs; DIO2 and SOUL in thyrotrophs, C5H11ORF96 and HPGDS in gonadotrophs) are identified. Interestingly, gonadotrophs were shown to abundantly express five peptide hormones: FSH, LH, GRP, CART and RLN3; (2) four non-endocrine/secretory cell types, including endothelial cells (expressing IGFBP7 and CFD) and folliculo-stellate cells (FS-cells, expressing S100A6 and S100A10), were identified in chicken anterior pituitaries. Among them, FS-cells can express many growth factors, peptides (e.g., WNT5A, HBEGF, Activins, VEGFC, NPY, and BMP4), and progenitor/stem cell-associated genes (e.g., Notch signaling components, CDH1), implying that the FS-cell cluster may act as a paracrine/autocrine signaling center and enrich pituitary progenitor/stem cells; (3) sexually dimorphic expression of many genes were identified in most cell clusters, including gonadotrophs and lactotrophs. Taken together, our data provides a bird\'s-eye view on the diverse aspects of anterior pituitaries, including cell composition, heterogeneity, cell-to-cell communication, and gene expression profiles, which facilitates our comprehensive understanding of vertebrate pituitary biology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The anterior pituitary gland is composed of five types of hormone-producing cells and folliculo-stellate cells. Folliculo-stellate cells do not produce anterior pituitary hormones but they are thought to play important roles as stem cells, phagocytes, or supporting cells of hormone-producing cells in the anterior pituitary. S100β protein has been used as a folliculo-stellate cell marker in some animals, including rats. However, since no reliable molecular marker for folliculo-stellate cells has been reported in mice, genetic approaches for the investigation of folliculo-stellate cells in mice are not yet available. Aldolase C/Zebrin II is a brain-type isozyme and is a fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase. In the present study, we first used immunohistochemistry to verify that aldolase C was produced in the anterior pituitary of rats. Moreover, using transgenic rats expressing green fluorescent protein under the control of the S100β gene promoter, we identified aldolase C-immunoreactive signals in folliculo-stellate cells and marginal cells located in the parenchyma of the anterior pituitary and around Rathke\'s cleft, respectively. We also identified aldolase C-expressing cells in the mouse pituitary using immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization. Aldolase C was not produced in any pituitary hormone-producing cells, while aldolase C-immunopositive signal co-localized with E-cadherin- and SOX2-positive cells. Using post-embedding immunoelectron microscopy, aldolase C-immunoreactive products were observed in the cytoplasm of marginal cells and folliculo-stellate cells of the mouse pituitary. Taken together, aldolase C is a common folliculo-stellate cell marker in the anterior pituitary gland of rodents.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Spindle cell oncocytoma (SCO) is a newly described rare entity simulating clinicoradiological features of a nonfunctional pituitary adenoma and is corresponding to the category of World Health Organization grade I tumor. However, because of the reported incidence of recurrence and invasive presentation in some cases, its categorization as a low grade tumor is questionable. Earlier, it was thought to arise from the folliculostellate cells of adenohypophysis. Recently, few reports have described expression of thyroid transcription factor-1 [TTF-1], which is a specific marker for pituicytes of neurohypophysis, suggesting this tumor to be a variant of pituicytoma. We describe a case of SCO in a 28-year-old young female patient with TTF-1 immunopositivity, and ultra-structurally showing abundant mitochondria along with few neurosecretory granules.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study reveals the presence of dendritic cells (DCs) in the pituitary gland, which play a role in communicating immune activation to the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis. Using enhanced yellow fluorescent protein (eyfp) expression as a reporter for CD11c, a marker of DCs, we demonstrate anatomically the presence of CD11c/eyfp+ cells throughout the pituitary. Flow cytometric analysis shows that the predominant cellular phenotype of pituitary CD11c/eyfp+ cells resembles that of non-lymphoid DCs. In vivo and in vitro immune challenge with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) stimulates these pituitary CD11c/eyfp+ DCs, but not eyfp(neg) cells, to increase levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, IL-6, IL-1β, and TNF-α. In vivo analysis of plasma glucocorticoid (GC) and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) levels at this early phase of the immune response to LPS suggest that pro-inflammatory cytokine production by DCs within the pituitary may activate the release of GCs from the adrenals via ACTH. Pituitary CD11c/eyfp+ cells also express annexin A1 (ANXA1), indicating a role in GC signal attenuation. In summary, our data demonstrate that a resident DC population of the pituitary gland coordinates GC release in the early phase of systemic immune activation, thereby providing an essential immune signaling sentinel for the initial shaping of the systemic immune response to LPS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In seasonal mammals living in temperate zones, photoperiod regulates prolactin secretion, such that prolactin plasma concentrations peak during the summer months and are lowest during the winter. In sheep, a short-day breeder, circulating prolactin has important modulatory effects on the reproductive system via inhibitory actions on pituitary gonadotrophs and hypothalamic gonadotrophin-releasing hormone release. The exact cellular mechanisms that account for the chronic hypersecretion of prolactin during the summer is not known, although evidence supports an intrapituitary mechanism regulated by melatonin. Folliculo-stellate (FS) cells are non-endocrine cells that play a crucial role in paracrine communication within the pituitary and produce factors controlling prolactin and gonadotrophin release. The present study examined the morphology of the FS and lactotroph cell populations and their distribution in the sheep pituitary during the annual reproductive cycle. Ovine pituitary glands were collected in the winter (breeding season; BS) and summer (nonbreeding season; NBS) and were prepared for quantitative electron microscopy to assess the effects of season on FS and lactotroph cell density, morphology and distribution, as well as on junctional contacts between cells. It was found that lactotrophs in the NBS are larger in size and contain more numerous PRL granules than lactotrophs in the BS. FS cells were also larger in the NBS compared to BS and showed altered morphology such that, in the BS, long cell processes surrounded clusters of adjacent secretory cells. Although no significant change in the number of junctions was observed between lactotrophs and FS cells, or lactotrophs and gonadotrophs, there was a significant increase in the number of adherens junctions between lactotrophs and between FS cells. These findings demonstrate seasonal plasticity in the morphology of lactotrophs and FS cells that reflect changes in PRL secretion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The architecture of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LH-RH) nerve ends and the S-100 protein containing folliculo-stellate cells forming gap junctions in the pars tuberalis is basically important in understanding the regulation of the hormone producing mechanism of anterior pituitary glands. In this study, intact male rats 5-60 days old were prepared for immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy. From immunostained sections, the S-100 containing cells in pars tuberalis were first detected on day 30 and increased in number to day 60; this was parallel to the immunohistochemical staining of gap junction protein, connexin 43. LH-RH positive sites were clearly observed on just behind the optic chiasm and on the root of pituitary stalk on day 30. On day 60, the width of layer increased, while follicles and gap junctions were frequently observed between agranular cells in 10 or more layers of pars tuberalis. In the present study, we investigated the sexual maturation of the anterior pituitary glands through the postnatal development of S-100 positive cells, connexin 43 and LH-RH nerves. It is suggested that the folliculo-stellate cell system including the LH-RH neurons in the pars tuberalis participates in the control of LH secretion along with the portal vein system.





