
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A quantity of recoverable barite exists in high-density waste drilling fluid. Based on the inefficiencies and complexities of existing recycling methods, a novel pre-treatment approach which includes clean-breaking, high-speed washing, ultrasonic dispersion, and microwave heating and a new depressant (Gellan Gum) was proposed. The floatability, separation efficiency and mechanism were discussed by SEM, adsorption capacity, zeta potential measurements and contact angle tests. The results of reverse flotation experiments results indicated that secondary water washing proves highly effective in enriching a significant quantity of barite solid phase. Subsequent microwave-ultrasonic and flotation can obtain barite of high quality with recovery and density reaching 81.5% and 4.238 g/cm3, respectively. It can be utilized directly in the preparation of drilling fluid. Mechanism studies shown that the per-treatments substantially enhances the barite grade while effectively eliminating low-density solid phases adhering to the barite surface, thus exposing additional contact points between the constituents so as to improve flotation separation. This new recovery scheme has environmental advantages and great reference value for the separation of barite within high-density waste drilling fluids.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The low-grade zinc oxide ore was sulfidized to increase the efficiency of flotation, but the effect of pre-sulfidization on the adsorption mechanism of octadecyl amine (ODA) on the smithsonite surface is currently unclear. In this study, the effect of pre-sulfidization on the adsorption mechanism of ODA and the flotation behavior was studied using smithsonite and pre-sulfidized smithsonite as the samples by zeta potential, contact angle measurement, total organic carbon analyzer (TOC), quartz microcrystalline balance (QCM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and micro-flotation tests. Micro-flotation tests showed that the pretreatment of sulfidization could improve the floatability of smithsonite. Zeta potential and contact angle measurements demonstrated that pre-sulfidization could favor the adsorption of ODA, which is further confirmed by the adsorption tests of ODA using TOC and QCM. Furthermore, FTIR and XPS analysis showed that pre-sulfidization changes the adsorption mode of ODA, changing it from physical adsorption to chemical adsorption. These results suggested that the favorable effect of pre-sulfidization on the adsorption of ODA and the flotation of smithsonite might provide important guidance for industrial application.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In order to reduce the content of sulfur and ash in coal, improve the desulfurization and deashing rates, a combined experiment method of microwave magnetic separation-flotation was proposed for raw coal. The desulfurization and deashing rates of three experiment methods, namely, single magnetic separation, microwave magnetic separation, and microwave magnetic separation-flotation, were compared. Taking the microwave magnetic separation-flotation experiment method as the main line, the effects of the microwave irradiation time, microwave power, grinding time, magnetic field intensity, plate seam width, foaming agent dosage, collector dosage, and inhibitor dosage on desulfurization and deashing were discussed, and the mechanism of microwave irradiation on magnetic separation and flotation was revealed. The results show that under the conditions of a microwave irradiation time of 60 s, a microwave power of 80% of the rated power (800 W), a grinding time of 8 min, a plate seam width (the plate seam width of a magnetic separator sorting box) of 1 mm, a magnetic field intensity of 2.32 T, a foaming agent dosage of 90 g/t, a collector dosage of 2125 g/t, and an inhibitor dosage of 1500 g/t, the desulfurization and deashing effect is the best. The desulphurization rate is 76.51%, the sulfur removal rate of pyrite is 96.50%, and the deashing rate is 61.91%. Microwaves have the characteristic of selective heating, and the thermal conductivity of organic matter in coal is greater than that of mineral. Microwave irradiation can improve the reactivity of pyrite in coal, pyrolyze pyrite into high-magnetic pyrite, improve the magnetic properties, and improve the magnetic separation effect. Therefore, microwave irradiation plays a role in promoting magnetic separation. Through microwave irradiation, the positive and negative charges in coal molecules constantly vibrate and create friction under the action of an electric field force, and the thermal action generated by this vibration and friction process affects the structural changes in oxygen-containing functional groups in coal. With the increase in the irradiation time and power, the hydrophilic functional groups of -OH and -COOH decrease and the hydrophilicity decreases. Microwave heating evaporates the water in the pores of coal samples and weakens surface hydration. At the same time, microwave irradiation destroys the structure of coal and impurity minerals, produces cracks at the junction, increases the surface area of coal to a certain extent, enhances the hydrophobicity, and then improves the effect of flotation desulfurization and deashing. Therefore, after the microwave irradiation of raw coal, the magnetic separation effect is enhanced, and the flotation desulfurization effect is also enhanced.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lead nitrate (LN) is frequently employed as an activator in the flotation of cassiterite using hydroxamic acids as the collectors. This study investigated the effect of LN on the hydrophobic aggregation of cassiterite when benzohydroxamic acid (BHA), hexyl hydroxamate (HHA), and octyl hydroxamate (OHA) were used as the collectors through micro-flotation, focused beam reflectance measurement (FBRM) and a particle video microscope (PVM), zeta potential, and the extended DLVO theory. Micro-flotation tests confirmed that LN activated the flotation of cassiterite using the hydroxamic acids as collectors. Focused beam reflectance measurement (FBRM) and a particle video microscope (PVM) were used to capture in situ data on the changes in size distribution and morphology of cassiterite aggregates during stirring. The FBRM and PVM image results indicated that the addition of LN could promote the formation of hydrophobic aggregates of fine cassiterite, when BHA or HHA was used as the collector, and reduce the dosage of OHA needed to induce the formation of hydrophobic aggregates of cassiterite. The extended DLVO theory interaction energies indicated that the presence of LN could decrease the electrostatic interaction energies (Vedl) and increase the hydrophobic interaction energies (Vhy) between cassiterite particles, resulting in the disappearance of the high energy barriers that existed between the particles in the absence of LN. Thus, cassiterite particles could aggregate in the presence of LN when BHA, HHA, or a low concentration of OHA was used as the collector.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The recycling of spent lithium ion batteries is of great significance because it contains large amounts of valuable metals. But current recovery methods exhibit limited efficiency in selectively extracting lithium from spent electrode materials and spent graphite becomes metallurgical residues. In this study, we propose a novel recycling flowchart that combines flotation with multi-stage water-leaching to enhance the recovery of graphite and lithium from black mass derived from spent lithium ion batteries. Removal of organics can be conducted by pyrolysis, at the same time, the spent ternary cathode material was decomposed into CoO, NiO, and MnO at a temperature of 600 °C for 60 min using pyrolysis product-derived reductant. The sub-microlevel migration behavior of lithium ions in electrode materials was also examined. The electrode material aggregates were broken up by water crushing, and 38.67 % lithium dissolves into water for recycling. Bubble flotation was used to recycle the excess graphite from the black mass while the residual graphite was used as reductant for the carbothermal reduction. Using the developed scheme, we were able to recover 95.51 % of lithium after carbothermal reduction with 12.31 % carbon residue. Based on basic research, a novel recycling flowchart of spent lithium-ion batteries has been proposed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The term microplastics (MPs) describes a heterogeneous mixture of particles that can vary in size, color, and shape. Once released into the environment, MPs have various toxicological and physical effects on wildlife. The Song Thrush (Turdus philomelos) is a migratory species, staying in Italy in late autumn and winter. The aim of this study is to assess, quantify, and characterize the presence of microplastics in Song Thrushes hunted in the Apulia region of Italy. The birds (n = 360) were hunted in the Bari countryside and donated for research purposes by hunters. MPs were classified in relation to their shape in fibers, films, fragments, and pellets; then, they were divided according to their color and the length of the particles was measured. Nikon image analysis software was applied to the litter size measurements. Of the total of 360 birds, MPs were detected in the stomachs of 129 birds shot in December and 128 birds shot in January. The majority of ingested MPs were fibers that were observed in all contaminated birds. Film fragments were observed in every contaminated specimen. Among all the MPs found, 31.75% were red, 30.13% were black, and 25.91% were blue, while the other colors were less represented. This study provides the first analysis of MPs bioaccumulation in Song Thrushes wintering in the Apulia region, and the high contamination of thrushes confirmed the ubiquity of MPs in terrestrial ecosystems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The robust characterization of lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) encapsulating therapeutics or vaccines is an important and multifaceted translational problem. Sedimentation velocity analytical ultracentrifugation (SV-AUC) has proven to be a powerful approach in the characterization of size-distribution, interactions, and composition of various types of nanoparticles across a large size range, including metal nanoparticles (NPs), polymeric NPs, and also nucleic acid loaded viral capsids. Similar potential of SV-AUC can be expected for the characterization of LNPs, but is hindered by the flotation of LNPs being incompatible with common sedimentation analysis models. To address this gap, we developed a high-resolution, diffusion-deconvoluted sedimentation/flotation distribution analysis approach analogous to the most widely used sedimentation analysis model c(s). The approach takes advantage of independent measurements of the average particle size or diffusion coefficient, which can be conveniently determined, for example, by dynamic light scattering (DLS). We demonstrate the application to an experimental model of extruded liposomes as well as a commercial LNP product and discuss experimental potential and limitations of SV-AUC. The method is implemented analogously to the sedimentation models in the free, widely used SEDFIT software.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Suspended solids in the marble processing wastewater (MPWW) have the potential to pollute receiving media. Likewise, detergent production wastewater (DPWW) needs treatment prior to discharge as they include surfactants and others. Flotation and its modifications are common for separation purposes in various engineering solutions. To increase flotation performance by changing the surface tension some collector and frother chemicals, surfactants are utilized. Detergents are among important surfactants and they may act as both frother and collector in flotation. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of DPWW in co-flotation with MPWW. Two effluents were mixed at varying ratios and dispersed air (DISP) and Denver (DEN) flotation co-treatment were applied to the mixtures. Volume ratio, time and air flow rate on treatment performance were investigated. Turbidity, solids, COD, phosphate removals were achieved at varying levels when the flotation was applied to the mixture. The highest treatment performance was achieved at 90%MPWW-10%DPWW mixture. 10 min flotation time and 2 L min-1 air flow rate for the DEN system, and 20 min and 6 L min-1 for the DISP system were recommended. Under these conditions turbidity, SS, COD, phosphate and alkalinity residuals (and removal efficiencies) were 2400 NTU(82%), 1720 mg.L-1(89%), 313.6 mg.L-1(10%), 20 mg.L-1(20%) and 600 mg.L-1CaCO3(92%) in the DEN system, respectively. Whereas, in the DISP system, under the same conditions, final values of 1880 NTU(86%), 1540 mg.L-1(91%), 262 mg.L-1(17%), 21 mg.L-1(20%) and 470 mg.L-1(94%) were obtained, respectively. The highest SludgeSS concentration increased up to 19300 mg.L-1 in the 90%-10% mixture. In all samples, dewaterable sludge was obtained. By this study, co-flotation of these two effluents was recommended. Within SDGs, this approach will replace frother chemical usage. The process performance can further be enhanced via flotation modifications and technology can be developed as further study.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inefficient flotation of bastnaesite remains a challenge in the production of rare earth elements. This study aimed to investigate the dissolution and adsorption behaviour of species that are commonly released into bastnaesite flotation pulp from Ca/Ba-bearing gangue minerals. The influence and corresponding mechanisms on the bastnaesite mineral surface and collectors, namely sodium oleate (NaOL), were evaluated experimentally based on micro-flotation, zeta potentials, in situ attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR), and X-Ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analyses. The flotation recovery of bastnaesite significantly decreased from ∼95% to ∼25%, ∼15%, ∼80%, ∼25% when exposed to calcite, fluorite, barite, and mixed dissolved species, respectively. The zeta potential of bastnaesite was pH sensitive, indicating that H+ and OH- determine the surface potential of bastnaesite. Solution chemistry analyses revealed that the presence of the dissolved species differed at various pH values. In situ ATR-FTIR demonstrated the different effects of the dissolved species from calcite, fluorite, and barite on collector adsorption. The former two dissolved species mainly depressed the chemisorption of the NaOL monomers (RCOO‒), whereas calcite also affected the physical adsorption of the oleic acid molecular dimer (RCOOH·RCOO‒). Moreover, the barite dissolved species only affected the physical adsorption of the NaOL species. The results of XPS analysis revealed that dissolved species from these three gangues could pre-adsorbed onto bastnaesite and affected the interaction with the collector. Density functional theory calculations were employed to provide further theoretical insights into the interactions between the dissolved species from calcite, fluorite, and barite and NaOL.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Clay minerals have different negative effects on the froth flotation process such as low adsorption of collectors on valuable minerals, increased pulp viscosity, and the reduction in recovery and grade concentrates of copper sulfides. This study aims to evaluate the use of polystyrene-based nanoparticles (NPs) for the froth flotation of chalcopyrite and their ability to mitigate the negative effect of montmorillonite on the recovery of this sulfide. The experimental stage consisted of preparing a type of polystyrene-based nanoparticle (St-CTAB-VI), which was analyzed by dynamic night scattering (DLS) to establish its hydrodynamic size. Then, the effect of NPs on chalcopyrite\'s angle\'s in the presence and absence of montmorillonite (15%) was evaluated and compared with the contact angle achieved using potassium amyl xanthate (PAX) and a mixture of PAX and NPs. In addition, zeta potential measurements were carried out to investigate the interactions between the chalcopyrite and the montmorillonite or the NPs under fixed concentrations and microflotation tests were performed employing different times to evaluate the chalcopyrite recovery in the presence of montmorillonite, using NPs and mixtures with PAX. Finally, turbidity analysis as a function of time was performed to evaluate the occurrence of sedimentation and flocculation phenomena in suspensions of 15% montmorillonite in the presence and absence of chalcopyrite, nanoparticles, and mixtures of NPs and PAX. The results indicated that the mixture of NPs and PAX contributed to increasing the contact angle of chalcopyrite in the presence of montmorillonite. This can be associated with the presence of molecular and nanometric collectors that generated a higher hydrophobicity on the chalcopyrite particles, contributing to reducing the presence of clay minerals on the mineral surface. In addition, the mixture of NPs and PAX promoted the generation of nanoparticles on the sulfide mineral surface, which helps to detach the slime and facilitate the bubble/mineral attachment step during flotation.





