Flexible fiberoptic laryngoscope

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Pediatric difficult airway management is more challenging for an anesthesiologist due to anatomical and physiological differences as compared to adults. Moreover, the familiarity with the use of difficult airway equipment in adults does not equate to proficiency for the same in children. So, here we are presenting the management of a unique case of a difficult airway due to postburn neck contracture in a 4-year-old child, which was managed successfully with the help of a video laryngoscope after the failure attempt with a flexible fiberoptic bronchoscope.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To compare the effectiveness of disinfection protocols utilizing a ultraviolet (UV) Smart D60 light system with Impelux™ technology with a standard Cidex ortho-phthalaldehyde (OPA) disinfection protocol for cleaning flexible fiberoptic laryngoscopes (FFLs).
    Two hundred FFLs were tested for bacterial contamination after routine use, and another 200 FFLs were tested after disinfection with one of four methods: enzymatic detergent plus Cidex OPA (standard), enzymatic detergent plus UV Smart D60, microfiber cloth plus UV Smart D60, and nonsterile wipe plus UV Smart D60. Pre- and post-disinfection microbial burden levels and positive culture rates were compared using Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA and Fisher\'s two-sided exact, respectively.
    After routine use, approximately 56% (112/200) of FFLs were contaminated, with an average contamination level of 9,973.7 ± 70,136.3 CFU/mL. The standard reprocessing method showed no positive cultures. The enzymatic plus UV, microfiber plus UV, and nonsterile wipe plus UV methods yielded contamination rates of 4% (2/50), 6% (3/50), and 12% (6/50), respectively, with no significant differences among the treatment groups (p > 0.05). The pre-disinfection microbial burden levels decreased significantly after each disinfection technique (p < 0.001). The average microbial burden recovered after enzymatic plus UV, microfiber plus UV, and nonsterile wipe plus UV were 0.40 CFU/mL ± 2, 0.60 CFU/mL ± 2.4, and 12.2 CFU/mL ± 69.5, respectively, with no significant difference among the treatment groups (p > 0.05). Micrococcus species (53.8%) were most frequently isolated, and no high-concern organisms were recovered.
    Disinfection protocols utilizing UV Smart D60 were as effective as the standard chemical disinfection protocol using Cidex OPA.
    NA Laryngoscope, 133:3512-3519, 2023.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    Disinfection and sterilization are needed for guaranteeing that medical and surgical instruments do not spread contagious microorganisms to patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of a simple manual technique of high-level disinfection (HLD) of flexible fiberoptic nasofibroscopes (FFNs) with wipes impregnated with a chlorine dioxide solution (Tristel Trio Wipes System-TTW) against a conventional automated washer machine (Soluscope ENT, Cimrex 12-AW). FFNs used in 62 patients undergoing endoscopy at an ENT clinic were sampled according to an aseptic procedure. For each nasoendoscopy, microbiological samples were taken at two times: (1) after a patient\'s nasoendoscopy and (2) immediately after high-level disinfection. Ten microliters of each prepared sample were inoculated onto specific culture media for the detection of nasopharyngeal flora microorganisms. The microbiological results obtained from 62 post-disinfection samples revealed bacterial growth on two FFNs disinfected with AW, and five FFNs disinfected with TTW, but this difference is not statistically significant. None of the isolates were pathogenic bacteria. Our results are different than the results obtained by two previously published studies on the TTW system. In both studies, sampling was carried out by swabbing the tip and the handle surface of FFNs. This sampling method was the least effective method means of detecting bacteria on a surface. It can be concluded that the two disinfection systems allow providers to obtain a reduction of the saprophytic and pathogenic microbial load.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The microbiological surveillance of endoscopes and automated flexible endoscope reprocessing have been proven to be two of the most difficult and controversial areas of infection control in endoscopy. The purpose of this study was to standardize a sampling method for assessing the effectiveness of standard reprocessing operating procedures for flexible fiberoptic laryngoscopes (FFLs).
    METHODS: First, the sampling devices were directly inoculated with Bacillus atrophaeus spores; second, tissue non tissue (TNT) wipes were tested on artificially contaminated surfaces and on FFLs.
    RESULTS: Comparison of the sponges, cellulose, and TNT wipes indicated that the TNT wipes were more effective in releasing spores (93%) than the sponges (49%) and cellulose wipes (52%). The developed protocol provides a high efficiency for both collection and extraction from the stainless steel surface (87% of the spores were removed and released) and from the FFL (85% of the spores were removed and released), with relatively low standard deviations for recovery efficiency, particularly for the analysis of the FFL.
    CONCLUSIONS: TNT wipes are more efficient for sampling surface areas, thereby aiding in the accuracy and reproducibility of environmental surveillance.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To compare hemodynamic stress response (HDSR) to ET intubation using Glidescope (GLS) and Flexible fiberoptic laryngoscope (FFB).
    METHODS: This prospective randomized comparative study was conducted at King Khalid University Hospital, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia from June 2011 - November 2013. Eighty ASA 1 & 2 patients with normal airway undergoing elective surgical procedure requiring ET intubation were included in the study. Patients were randomly assigned in two groups GLS or FFB. General anesthesia was induced with propofol and fentanyl. Muscle relaxation was achieved with cisatracurium and ET intubation was performed using either GLS or FFB. Noninvasive hemodynamic data was recorded (HR, systolic, diastolic and mean blood pressure) as pre-induction, baseline and after ET intubation at one minute intervals for successive five minutes. End tidal Sevoflurane and CO2 at the time of intubation, need of external neck pressure, time to successful intubation and number of attempts were recorded; and rate pressure product was calculated.
    RESULTS: Induction of anesthesia resulted in significant fall in blood pressure in both the groups. ET intubation resulted in similar rise of BP in both groups (for 3-4 minutes) from their baseline values; however the rise was not significantly different from their respective pre-induction values. Time to intubation was longer with FFB compared to GLS however, need for external neck manipulation was more with GLS.
    CONCLUSIONS: There was no difference in HDSR due to ET intubation using either GLS or FFB in healthy adult patients with normal airway. Rate pressure product remained within the acceptable range.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    OBJECTIVE: The use of flexible fiberoptic laryngoscopes (FFLs) is ubiquitous in otolaryngology practices. As with any medical device, there exists a small risk for transmission of pathogenic microorganisms between patients, necessitating high-level decontamination between uses. Most of the literature to date has studied channeled scopes such as those used in esophagogastroduodenoscopy and colonoscopy. A recent study of nonchanneled flexible laryngoscopes suggested that current high-level decontamination practices in use at some institutions, including ours, may be overly aggressive. We sought to evaluate and compare the efficacy of varying techniques of high-level disinfection of FFLs.
    METHODS: FFLs were used in routine clinical encounters and then disinfected with a variety of techniques. The FFLs were then cultured for bacteria and fungi, and the rates of positive cultures were compared between the techniques and the controls.
    METHODS: In this study, we took FFLs following use in routine clinical practice and disinfected them using one of eight decontamination protocols. We compared the bacterial and fungal culture results to positive and negative controls.
    RESULTS: We demonstrated that each of the eight cleaning protocols was statistically efficacious at removing bacterial contamination. Our results for fungal cultures did not reach statistical significance.
    CONCLUSIONS: Using in vitro inoculation of FFLs, this study demonstrated that quicker and more cost-effective practices are equally efficacious to more time-consuming and expensive techniques with regard to bacterial contamination of FFLs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The effectiveness of a Cidex-based decontamination protocol was analyzed for its effectiveness in cleaning various components of a flexible fiberoptic laryngoscope (FFL), including the handle, eyepiece, and detachable light cable. A random microbiological sampling and aerobic bacterial culture analysis of 6 FFL eyepieces, 6 FFL driver handles, and 5 light cables prior to patient use was performed. Of 17 samples collected, 7 (41%) were contaminated with bacterial organisms. Organisms recovered represented both environmental organisms from skin and oral flora origin. This study demonstrates that potential contaminants may be present on FFL eyepieces and light cables, which are commonly overlooked in the cleaning protocols of a standard otolaryngology clinic.





