Fission–fusion dynamics

裂变 - 融合动力学
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this article, we argue that social systems with fission-fusion (FF) dynamics are best characterized within a complex adaptive systems (CAS) framework. We discuss how different endogenous and exogenous factors drive scale-dependent network properties across temporal, spatial and social domains. Importantly, this view treats the dynamics themselves as objects of study, rather than variously defined notions of static \'social groups\' that have hitherto dominated thinking in behavioural ecology. CAS approaches allow us to interrogate FF dynamics in taxa that do not conform to more traditional conceptualizations of sociality and encourage us to pose new types of questions regarding the sources of stability and change in social systems, distinguishing regular variations from those that would lead to system-level reorganization. This article is part of the theme issue \'Connected interactions: enriching food web research by spatial and social interactions\'.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and bonobos (Pan paniscus) share a multi-male/multi-female societal organization and form male-philopatric groups, disparities in terms of male aggression and stability of temporary parties are thought to exist among them. However, existing research in bonobos has mainly focused on the high social status, prolonged receptivity, and characteristic sexual behaviors of females, leaving the behaviors of males understudied. Moreover, prior comparative studies on Pan suffer from methodological inconsistencies. This study addresses these gaps by employing a uniform observation method to explore party attendance and aggressive interactions among male bonobos in Wamba and male chimpanzees in Kalinzu. Unlike male chimpanzees, which exhibit dispersion in the absence of receptive females in the group, male bonobos showed a lesser degree of such dispersion. Although the overall frequency of aggressive interactions per observation unit did not significantly differ between the two species, the nature of these interactions varied. Notably, severe aggressive behaviors such as physical confrontations among adult males were absent in bonobos, with most aggression occurring between the sons of the two highest-ranking females. Additionally, in bonobos, females actively engaged in polyadic aggressive behavior as aggressors, while all instances of coalitionary aggression in chimpanzees originated from male aggressors. These findings underscore the substantial impact of female behaviors on the observed distinctions in male aggressive interactions between the two species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Because of the diverging needs of individuals, group life can lead to disputes and competition, but it also has many advantages, such as reduced predation risk, information sharing and increased hunting success. Social animals have to maintain group cohesion and need to synchronize activities, such as foraging, resting, social interactions and movements, in order to thrive in groups. Acoustic signals are highly relevant for social dynamics, some because they are long-ranging and others because they are short-ranging, which may serve important within-group functions. However, although there has been an increase in studies concentrating on acoustic communication within groups in the past decade, many aspects of how vocalizations relate to group dynamics are still poorly understood. The aim of this review is to present an overview of our current knowledge on the role of vocalizations in regulating social group dynamics, identify knowledge gaps and recommend potential future research directions. We review the role that vocalizations play in (i) collective movement, (ii) separation risk and cohesion maintenance, (iii) fission-fusion dynamics, and (iv) social networks. We recommend that future studies aim to increase the diversity of studied species and strengthen the integration of state-of-the-art tools to study social dynamics and acoustic signals. This article is part of the theme issue \'The power of sound: unravelling how acoustic communication shapes group dynamics\'.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The social complexity hypothesis for the evolution of communication posits that complex social environments require greater communication complexity for individuals to effectively manage their relationships. We examined how different socially uncertain contexts, reflecting an increased level of social complexity, relate to variation in signalling within and between two species, which display varying levels of fission-fusion dynamics (sympatric-living chimpanzees and sooty mangabeys, Taï National Park, Ivory Coast). Combined signalling may improve message efficacy, notably when involving different perception channels, thus may increase in moments of high social uncertainty. We examined the probability of individuals to emit no signal, single or multisensory or combined (complex) signals, during social approaches which resulted in non-agonistic outcomes. In both species, individuals were more likely to use more combined and multisensory signals in post-conflict approaches with an opponent than in other contexts. The clearest impact of social uncertainty on signalling complexity was observed during chimpanzee fusions, where the likelihood of using complex signals tripled relative to other contexts. Overall, chimpanzees used more multisensory signals than mangabeys. Social uncertainty may shape detected species differences in variation in signalling complexity, thereby supporting the hypothesis that social complexity, particularly associated with high fission-fusion dynamics, promotes signalling complexity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Communicative complexity relates to social complexity, as individuals in more complex social systems either use more signals or more complex signals than individuals living in less complex ones. Taking the individual group member\'s perspective, here we examine communicative complexity in relation to social complexity, which arises from two components of social systems: social structure and social organization. We review the concepts of social relationships and social complexity and evaluate their implications for communicative and cognitive complexity using examples from primate species. We focus on spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi), as their social organization is characterized by flexibility in grouping dynamics and they use a variety of communicative signals. We conclude that no simple relationship exists among social complexity, communicative complexity and cognitive complexity, with social complexity not necessarily implying cognitive complexity, and communicative and cognitive complexity being independently linked to social complexity. To better understand the commonly implied link between social complexity and cognitive complexity it is crucial to recognize the complementary role of communicative complexity. A more elaborated communicative toolkit provides the needed flexibility to deal with dynamic and multifaceted social relationships and high variation in fission-fusion dynamics. This article is part of the theme issue \'Cognition, communication and social bonds in primates\'.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Communal roosting in Bechstein\'s bat colonies is characterized by the formation of several groups that use different day roosts and that regularly dissolve and re-merge (fission-fusion dynamics). Analysing data from two colonies of different sizes over many years, we find that (i) the number of days that bats stay in the same roost before changing follows an exponential distribution that is independent of the colony size and (ii) the number and size of groups that bats formed for roosting depend on the size of the colony, such that above a critical colony size two to six groups of different sizes are formed. To model these two observations, we propose an agent-based model in which agents make their decisions about roosts based on both random and social influences. For the latter, they copy the roost preference of another agent which models the transfer of the respective information. Our model is able to reproduce both the distribution of stay length in the same roost and the emergence of groups of different sizes dependent on the colony size. Moreover, we are able to predict the critical system size at which the formation of different groups emerges without global coordination. We further comment on dynamics that bridge the roosting decisions on short time scales (less than 1 day) with the social structures observed at long time scales (more than 1 year).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Group-living animals need to deal with conflicting interests to maintain cohesion. When the costs of doing so outweigh the benefits, the group may (temporarily) split into two or more subgroups. Conflicting interests can concern what activity to pursue or the direction of travel. Temporary group separation is a common feature in species with a high degree of fission-fusion dynamics. We investigated the role activity synchronization played in fission decisions in a spider monkey group living in the Otoch Ma\'ax Yetel Kooh Nature Reserve, Yucatan, Mexico. For 21 months, we recorded every fission event occurring in the followed subgroup, as well as the subgroup activity. We classified the activity as \'synchronized\' when at least 75% of subgroup members performed the same activity (resting, foraging, socializing or travelling); otherwise, we classified it as \'non-synchronized\'. We found that fission events occurred more often when the activity was non-synchronized. In addition, when the activity was synchronized, fission events occurred more often when spider monkeys were travelling than when they were engaged in other subgroup activities. Our findings highlight the role of conflicting interests over the activity to pursue and travel direction in fission decisions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The cellular mitochondrial population undergoes repeated cycles of fission and fusion to maintain its integrity, as well as overall cellular homeostasis. While equilibrium usually exists between the fission-fusion dynamics, their rates are influenced by organellar and cellular metabolic and pathogenic conditions. Under conditions of cellular stress, there is a disruption of this fission and fusion balance and mitochondria undergo either increased fusion, forming a hyperfused meshwork or excessive fission to counteract stress and remove damaged mitochondria via mitophagy. While some previous reports suggest that hyperfusion is initiated to ameliorate cellular stress, recent studies show its negative impact on cellular health in disease conditions. The exact mechanism of mitochondrial hyperfusion and its role in maintaining cellular health and homeostasis, however, remain unclear. In this review, we aim to highlight the different aspects of mitochondrial hyperfusion in either promoting or mitigating stress and also its role in immunity and diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spider monkeys (Ateles sp.) are characterized by high fission-fusion dynamics, meaning their social grouping pattern is fluid and consists of subgroups that vary in size, composition, and spatial cohesion over time. In this study, we quantify the fission-fusion dynamics of a group of spider monkeys at Runaway Creek Nature Reserve in Belize by measuring subgroup size, spatial cohesion, and stability using data spanning 5 years. We then test whether variation in these three subgroup measures differ according to season, subgroup sex composition, and the reproductive status of female subgroup members. Our results show that subgroups were larger in size and less stable in membership during the wet season compared to the dry season. All-female subgroups were less spatially cohesive but more stable in membership than all-male subgroups. Finally, we report that subgroups with one or more non-lactating females (i.e., without nursing young) were smaller on average than subgroups containing lactating females with nursing young. These data contribute to a growing body of research documenting the ecological and social dimensions along which grouping patterns might vary.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Groups of animals (including humans) may show flexible grouping patterns, in which temporary aggregations or subgroups come together and split, changing composition over short temporal scales, (i.e. fission and fusion). A high degree of fission-fusion dynamics may constrain the regulation of social relationships, introducing uncertainty in interactions between group members. Here we use Shannon\'s entropy to quantify the predictability of subgroup composition for three species known to differ in the way their subgroups come together and split over time: spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi), chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and geladas (Theropithecus gelada). We formulate a random expectation of entropy that considers subgroup size variation and sample size, against which the observed entropy in subgroup composition can be compared. Using the theory of set partitioning, we also develop a method to estimate the number of subgroups that the group is likely to be divided into, based on the composition and size of single focal subgroups. Our results indicate that Shannon\'s entropy and the estimated number of subgroups present at a given time provide quantitative metrics of uncertainty in the social environment (within which social relationships must be regulated) for groups with different degrees of fission-fusion dynamics. These metrics also represent an indirect quantification of the cognitive challenges posed by socially dynamic environments. Overall, our novel methodological approach provides new insight for understanding the evolution of social complexity and the mechanisms to cope with the uncertainty that results from fission-fusion dynamics.





