Fish parasites

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The identification of the external attaching fish parasitic cymothoid, Nerocila phaiopleura Bleeker 1857, is still based on the brief description of Australian specimens provided by Bruce (1987). The present study aimed to provide a redescription and molecular characterisation of Indian specimens of N. phaiopleura.
    METHODS: Morphological identification was carried out based on microscopic examinations and taxonomic drawings. mitochondrial DNA cox1 was selected as the target gene for sequencing and molecular identification. Nucleotide genetic divergence (p-distance) and base-pair differences among the different species were determined using MEGA11.
    RESULTS: Nerocila phaiopleura can be well separated from its congeners by the following combination of characteristics: Body about 2.4 times as long as wide, cephalon broadly rounded anteriorly; coxae posteriorly directed, acute and extending beyond their corresponding pereonite; pereonite 7 posterior angle produced, extending to the pleonite 1; pleonites 1 and 2 ventrolateral process posteriorly directed; uropod exopod straight and elongate, 1.7-2.0 times longer than endopod; uropod endopod lateral margin not serrate, no notch on medial margin; pereopods with short ischium; pleotelson triangular. The p-distance among N. phaiopleura and other available Nerocila spp. ranged from 21 to 19%.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study represents the first detailed taxonomic redescription of Indian specimens of N. phaiopleura. Key taxonomic features of the life stages and molecular data are provided here to identify the species properly. Interspecific genetic divergence between N. phaiopleura and other Nerocila spp. is assessed for the first time. Studies in cymothoid life histories, genetics, and morphology are necessary to understand one of the least understood parasite families.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: In this study, 143 lutjanid fishes representing four different species from the Northeast coast off Brazil were analyzed for parasites. The aim of the present study is to provide a detailed redescription of R. (I.) vicentei, collected from lutjanid fishes in Brazil, including the first observation of the species using scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
    METHODS: Nematodes found clarified in a crescent glycerin series, were photographed and measured (in mm), and some specimens destined for SEM. The Illustrations were made using an optical microscope with a drawing tube.
    RESULTS: Nematodes found were identified as Raphidascaris (Ichthyascaris) vicentei, infecting 6.29% of the examined fish. Detailed morphological analysis revealed the following characteristics observed for the first time in this species: labial papillae, narrow lateral alae and the detailed structure of male spicules. These contributions help filling the gaps in the literature and expand the knowledge of this parasite morphology.
    CONCLUSIONS: The presence of R. (I.) vicentei in four lutjanid species may indicates low host specificity, highlighting its adaptability to different hosts. Furthermore, new host records are given. This research provides the most comprehensive morphological description of R. (I.) vicentei to date, generating crucial insights for a better understanding of the parasitic biodiversity off the Brazilian Northeastern coast of Brazil, as well as establishing foundation for future investigations on the ecology and impacts of these parasites in fish populations from this region.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fish parasitology contributes to our understanding of the potential risks posed by diverse groups of parasitic organisms on fish stocks in either wild and culture systems. This study was conducted in May 2023 and aimed at assessing the diversity of endohelminths in the invasive North African catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) obtained from two freshwater lakes, Naivasha and Ol\'Bolossat, in Kenya. Parasitological examination of 66 and 35 fish samples collected from the two lakes respectively was achieved using light and scanning electron microscopy methods. Results revealed endohelminth diversity broadly classified as four digeneans, two nematodes, and one cestode. Seven taxa of endohelminths were found in C. gariepinus samples, but only four of these taxa could be identified up to the species level. Six of the taxa (Diplostomum sp., Tylodelphys mashonense, Plagiorchioidea sp., Paracamallanus cyathopharynx, Contracaecum sp., and Tetracampos ciliotheca) were common in samples from the two lakes. Glossidium pedatum only occurred in samples from Lake Ol\'Bolossat. Parasite prevalence ranged from 8.6 (T. mashonense) to 100% (Diplostomum sp., T. ciliotheca, and Contracaecum sp.) and mean intensity from 1.4 (T. mashonense) to 16.9 (Diplostomum sp.). The diversity and richness indices were comparatively higher in fish samples from Lake Ol\'Bolossat and attributed to the occurrence of G. pedatum in the Ol\'Bolossat. However, parasitic infestation of fish samples from the two lakes depicted close similarity, both in diversity and prevalence. These findings form an important baseline data for further follow-up studies, and they suggest the need for further molecular analyses to fully describe three of the taxa only identified up to the genus level.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Protein kinases are enzymes involved in essential biological processes such as signal transduction, transcription, metabolism, and the cell cycle. Human kinases are targets for several drugs approved by the US Food and Drug Administration. Therefore, the identification and classification of kinases in other organisms, including pathogenic parasites, is an interesting subject of study. Monogeneans are platyhelminths, mainly ectoparasites, capable of causing health problems in farmed fish. Although some genomes and transcriptomes are available for monogenean species, their full repertoire of kinases is unknown. The aim of this study was to identify and classify the putative kinases in the transcriptomes of two monogeneans, Rhabdosynochus viridisi and Scutogyrus longicornis, and then to predict potential monogenean drug targets (MDTs) and selective inhibitor drugs using computational approaches. Monogenean kinases having orthologs in the lethal phenotype of C. elegans but not in fish or humans were considered MDTs. A total of 160 and 193 kinases were identified in R. viridisi and S. longicornis, respectively. Of these, 22 kinases, belonging mainly to the major groups CAMK, AGC, and TK, were classified as MDTs, five of which were evaluated further. Molecular docking analysis indicated that dihydroergotamine, ergotamine, and lomitapide have the highest affinity for the kinases BRSK and MEKK1. These well-known drugs could be evaluated in future studies for potential repurposing as anti-monogenean agents. The present study contributes valuable data for the development of new antiparasitic candidates for finfish aquaculture.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Herein, we provide a supplemental description of Caballerotrema annulatum (Diesing, 1850) Ostrowski de Núñez and Sattmann, 2002 (Digenea: Caballerotrematidae Tkach, Kudlai, and Kostadinova, 2016) based on specimens collected from the intestine of an electric eel, Electrophorus cf. varii (Gymnotiformes: Gymnotidae) captured in the Amazon River (Colombia). This caballerotrematid can be differentiated from its congeners by the following combination of morphological features: body surface spines forming contiguous transverse rows, concentric (wrapping dorso-ventrally around body), distributing into posterior body half (vs. restricted to anterior body half in Caballerotrema brasiliensePrudhoe, 1960; indeterminate for Caballerotrema aruanenseThatcher, 1980 and Caballerotrema piscicola [Stunkard, 1960] Kostadinova and Gibson, 2001); head collar lacking projections (vs. having them in C. brasiliense, C. aruanense, and C. piscicola), narrow (head collar more narrow than maximum body width vs. the head collar being obviously wider than the body in C. brasiliense, C. aruanense, and C. piscicola); corner spines clustered (vs. corner spines distributing as 2 separated pairs in C. brasiliense, C. aruanense, and C. piscicola); pharynx approximately at level of the corner spines (vs. pharynx far anterior to corner spines in C. brasiliense, C. aruanense, and C. piscicola); and testes ovoid and nonoverlapping (C. aruanense; vs. sinuous and overlapping in C. brasiliense and C. piscicola). Based on our results, we revise the diagnosis of CaballerotremaPrudhoe, 1960 to include features associated with the shape and distribution of body surface spines, orientation and position of head collar spines, cirrus sac, seminal vesicle, oviduct, Laurer\'s canal, oötype, vitellarium, and transverse vitelline ducts. We performed Bayesian inference analyses using the partial large subunit ribosomal (28S) DNA gene. Our 28S sequence of C. annulatum was recovered sister to that of Caballerotrema sp. (which is the only other caballerotrematid sequence available in GenBank) from an arapaima, Arapaima gigas (Schinz, 1822) (Osteoglossiformes: Arapaimidae) in the Peruvian Amazon. Our sequence of C. annulatum comprises the only caballerotrematid sequenced tethered to a morphological description and a voucher specimen in a lending museum. The present study is a new host record and new locality record for C. annulatum. The phylogeny comprises the most resolved and taxon-rich evolutionary hypothesis for Echinostomatoidea published to date.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Philometroides Yamaguti, 1935 is a genus of dracunculoid nematodes of the family Philometridae Baylis & Daubney, 1926 comprising tissue-infecting species worldwide. In the present study, a new species of Philometroides is described from the Tyrrhenian Sea (central-western Mediterranean Sea) using integrative approaches such as light and scanning microscopy, histopathology and 18S rRNA sequencing. Philometroides giginosantoroi n. sp. found in the skeletal muscles of the Mediterranean moray Muraena helena can be distinguished from its congeners by a combination of morphological traits and in particular by having the oral aperture with 3 large sclerotized triangular oesophageal teeth. The molecular analyses and phylogenetic reconstructions support its status as a new taxon and placed it within a clade of tissue-infecting species, although also confirmed mismatches in the generic assignment of several species. Philometroides giginosantoroi n. sp. is the second species of the genus found in the Mediterranean Sea and in general in the European marine waters and the third species of the family known to infect the family Muraenidae.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As part of a parasitological survey, several specimens of two new monopisthocotylean species, Neotetraonchus celsomanueli sp. nov. and N.peruvianus sp. nov. (Dactylogyridea, Dactylogyridae), were collected from the gill filaments of the Peruvian sea catfish Galeichthys peruvianus (Siluriformes, Ariidae) off Puerto Pizarro, Tumbes region, Peru. Neotetraonchus celsomanueli sp. nov. is characterised by an MCO with a T-shaped distal end and an accessory piece that is ribbed and expanded proximally with a worm-shaped termination. Neotetraonchus peruvianus sp. nov. is typified by its MCO, which has a sledgehammer-shaped distal end and an accessory piece with a claw-shaped distal end. Additionally, N.peruvianus sp. nov. is characterised by its jellyfish-shaped onchium. A partial 28S rDNA sequence was obtained from N.celsomanueli sp. nov., and a phylogenetic analysis was conducted. This analysis revealed the phylogenetic position of Neotetraonchus celsomanueli sp. nov. within a clade comprising monopisthocotylean parasites of diadromous and marine ariid catfishes, including Hamatopeduncularia spp., Chauhanellus spp., Thysanotohaptor Kritsky, Shameem, Kumari & Krishnaveni, , and Neocalceostomoides spinivaginalis Lim, 1995. This finding brings the number of known Neotetraonchus species to seven and represents the first described Neotetraonchus species infecting marine catfishes from Peru.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pollutants and parasites represent stressors for fish at the individual, population, or community levels. The current study outlines the seasonal infestation pattern of Oreochromis niloticus by protozoan and helminths parasites linked to some physicochemical parameters (pH, dissolved oxygen, total dissolved solids, and electrical conductivity), and metals (Cd, Pb, Fe, Zn, and Ca), at nine selected sites in River Nile (Greater Cairo area) from summer 2019 till spring 2020. Most of the studied criteria in Nile water samples showed normal levels during all seasons compared to the recommended limits of EPA. The parasitological examinations recorded three protozoan categories: Myxobolus (8 species), hemoflagellates (Trypanosoma mukasi) and Ciliates (Trichodina compacta), and three helminths; Clinostomum sp., Acanthocephala sp. and Euclinostomum ardeola. The highest incidence of infection was determined for Clinostomum sp., followed in descending order by Myxobolus sp., Acanthocephala sp., T. mukasi, E. ardeolathen, and T. compacta. Notably, this study introduces the novel identification of new species of Myxobolus in the blood of Oreochromis niloticus. The histopathological examination of gills, muscles, and kidneys reveals serious changes and the presence of encysted trematodes, metacercariae, and cysts of protozoan parasites. Additionally, the study employs cluster analysis based on site similarity in water variables and canonical correspondence analysis, explaining 98.7 % of the variables and indicating correlations between parasite infestation and environmental factors. These analytical approaches reveal the impact of land use activities on water variables and the influence of adjacent activities on fish parasite infestation patterns. In conclusion, this study provides a comprehensive perspective by considering various factors to enhance our understanding of pollutants and parasites affecting fish in the River Nile.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study describes the parasite community of non-native brown bullhead, Ameiurus nebulosus (Actinopterygii: Ictaluridae), collected at three sites in the river Vistula Basin (Lake Svitiaz, Lake Pisochne, and Lake on Plastova) and one site in the river Diester Basin (Lake Stryiska), in Ukraine. Our data represent the first comprehensive study of parasite community in this fish species in Europe. Sixteen parasite taxa were found, including species co-introduced from North America and species acquired in the European range. Maximum parasite richness (13 spp.) was recorded in Lake Svitiaz situated in a Natural Protected Area, while lowest species richness (3 spp.) was observed at Lake on Plastova, an artificial pond in the city of Lviv. Three co-introduced monogenean species, Gyrodactylus nebulosus, Ligictaluridus pricei and Ligictaluridus monticellii, are recorded in Ukraine for the first time, widening the knowledge of the European distribution of these North American parasites. Metric features for hard parts of invasive and native monogeneans showed overlap in ligictalurid parasites, but slightly smaller metrics in Ukrainian G. nebulosus, possibly reflecting water temperature during fish sampling. Though prevalence and abundance of acquired parasites was relatively low, infection parameters for metacercariae of Diplostomum spp. were relatively high at Lake Svitiaz and the natural Lake Stryiska in Lviv. In two lakes in the Vistula basin, we found high prevalence and abundance of Anguillicola crassus, an Asian nematode infecting eels, possibly supporting the invasional meltdown hypothesis. Our study confirms both further spread of non-native parasites in Europe and use of non-native fish as competent hosts for local native and introduced parasites.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A new Myxobolus species, Myxobolus nekrasovi n. sp., was found in the gill arch of the gibel carp Carassius auratus gibelio during investigation of fish myxosporean fauna of ponds of Lake Baikal basin. The parasites were studied on the basis of spore morphology, as well as with histological and molecular methods. Mature spores of M. nekrasovi n. sp. are ellipsoidal in frontal view and lemon-shaped in lateral view, measuring 13.84 ± 0.4 (12.2-15) μm in length, 9.73 ± 0.2 (8.5-10.7) μm in width, 6,75 ± 0.1 (6.0-7.6) μm in thickness. Polar capsules are unequal and pyriform, measuring: length 6.31 ± 0.1 (5.4-7.4), width 3.49 ± 0.04 (3.12-4) μm and length 2.88 ± 0.1 (2.1-3.5), width 1.4 ± 0.03 (1-1.6) μm. Phylogenetic analysis with the SSU rDNA gene shows Myxobolus nekrasovae n. sp. as a sister species of the subclade formed by Thellohanellus sinensis, Myxobolus acutus, M. zhaltsanovae that infect gibel carp Carassius auratus gibelio.





