
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Touch DNA, which can be found at crime scenes, consists of invisible biological traces deposited through a person\'s skin\'s contact with an object or another person. Many factors influence touch DNA transfer, including the \"destination\" substrate\'s surface. The latter\'s physicochemical characteristics (wettability, roughness, surface energy, etc.) will impact touch DNA deposition and persistence on a substrate. We selected a representative panel of substrates from objects found at crime scenes (glass, polystyrene, tiles, raw wood, etc.) to investigate the impact of these characteristics on touch DNA deposition and detection. These were shown to impact cell deposition, morphology, retention, and subsequent touch DNA genetic analysis. Interestingly, cell-derived fragments found within keratinocyte cells and fingermarks using in vitro touch DNA models could be successfully detected whichever the substrates\' physicochemistry by targeting cellular proteins and carbohydrates for two months, indoors and outdoors. However, swabbing and genetic analyses of such mock traces from different substrates produced informative profiles mainly for substrates with the highest surface free energy and therefore the most hydrophilic. The substrates\' intrinsic characteristics need to be considered to better understand both the transfer and persistence of biological traces, as well as their detection and collection, which require an appropriate methodology and sampling device to get informative genetic profiles.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Most recommended methods for visualising fingermarks on paper rely on chemical developers that target and react with amino acids. Traditionally, these developers are sprayed onto paper substrates in solutions of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), but now those same PFAS chemicals are undergoing phaseout or phasedown, which threatens to undermine forensic capabilities. This situation provides an opportunity to pivot towards greener approaches to fingermark visualisation. The ideal methodology would be a water-based treatment, as these provide superior safety for practitioners, combined with environmental sustainability. A major hurdle to implementing a water-based fingermark developer targeting amino acids is that water, as a universal solvent, can dissolve the eccrine components in fingermarks, as well as any optical or luminescent dyes that are created, causing the ridge detail to run or dissolve. This work circumvents this problem by delivering the amino acid developer alloxan in a hydrogel, which enables sharp fingermark ridge details to be observed despite it being a water-based treatment. Alloxan dissolved in a viscous hydrogel is shown here to react with the amino acids in fingerprint residues to form the coloured dye murexide, supported by optimisation and characterisation studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The use of collaborative exercises (CE) and proficiency tests (PT) as part of the governance programme for any forensic science laboratory has become commonplace and recommended by several international organisations. Traditionally these have been discipline-specific exercises testing a laboratory\'s ability in a single area of forensic science. However, the \"real\" world is normally more complex and, in many instances, forensic material must be examined for a number of different evidence types. This article summarises the concepts, planning, design, preparation, implementation, co-ordination and evaluation of the 2022 Multidisciplinary Collaborative Exercise (2022-MdCE) covering a range of forensic disciplines, specifically DNA, fingerprint, documents and handwriting. The exercise consisted of a questioned letter with typescript text and a signature. In addition, the letter contained a visible bloody fingermark in the area of the signature, a visible staining in the lower left-hand corner, a latent fingermark and an indented impression. The analysis of the results showed that, in the investigation of the bloody fingermark, the priority was given to the DNA examination. Some critical issues emerged in relation to the biological (DNA)/ink sampling strategies when applied before fingermark visualisation. Another outcome of the exercise has been to demonstrate the importance of indented impressions, which have been underestimated by a significant number of participants. As setters, more in-depth studies are needed to produce consistent samples. This concerns all the disciplined involved but especially DNA and fingermarks. Based on this exercise, it is believed that this approach to testing of forensic disciplines allows the analysis of good practice within the various scientific areas, as well as scrutinising the process and sequence of events for examining the material within a forensic laboratory in the best conservative way for all kind of evidences.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fingerprints left at a crime scene are used to connect the crime to a person who may have been present there. Fingerprints can also be used as alternative material in forensic toxicology. The detection of drugs in fingerprint samples can be used to show that an individual touching an item has consumed specific drugs. The aim of this study was to check the usefulness of fingerprints in drug analyses and detection of some analytes in this material. Fingerprint samples were collected on glass slides from a volunteer who consumed separately tablets containing pseudoephedrine, codeine, dextromethorphan, and used lidocaine spray. Moreover, fingerprints of individuals receiving sertraline, hydroxyzine and trazodone as part of their long-term treatment were analysed. The detection of drugs was conducted using the liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) technique. After administration of single doses of drugs, they were detected up to 36 h (pseudoephedrine), 24 h (codeine), and less than 6 h (dextromethorphan and lidocaine) with maximum concentrations observed at 1-4 h. In fingerprints of a person who has finished treatment with hydroxyzine and sertraline it was possible to detect these drugs even 20 days after last drug administration. Cetirizine (hydroxyzine metabolite) and mCPP (trazodone metabolite) were determined in fingerprints of individuals under long-term treatment. This work has demonstrated that forensic toxicology can use fingerprints as alternative material. Drugs can be detected in fingerprints even after their single doses. Parent compounds predominate over metabolites in the fingerprints. The detection window depends on the type of drug and duration of the treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Wildlife forensics is defined as providing forensic evidence to support legal investigations involving wildlife crime, such as the trafficking and poaching of animals and/ or their goods. While wildlife forensics is an underexplored field of science, the ramifications of poaching can be catastrophic. The consequences of wildlife crime include disease spread, species and habitat loss, human injury, and cultural loss. Efforts to use forensic science to combat poaching are currently limited to DNA-based techniques. However, fingermark analysis for the identification of perpetrators of wildlife crimes has not been explored to the same extent, despite being a cost-effective, simple-to-use forensic method that is easy to deploy in-field. This review covers literature that has explored fingermark examination techniques used on wildlife-related samples, such as pangolin scales, ivory-based substances, bone, and eggs, as well as feathers and skins, among more obscure trafficked items. Useful preliminary work has been conducted in this subject area, demonstrating that commonly used fingermark analysis techniques can be applied to wildlife-based items. However, many of these studies suffer from limitations in terms of experimental design. More work should be done on creating studies with larger sample sizes and novel approaches should be validated under environmental conditions that mimic real crime scenes. Further research into determining the forensic fingermark analysis techniques that perform the most efficiently in the environmental conditions of the countries where they are needed would therefore benefit legal investigations and help to reduce instances of poaching.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While fingerprints are a highly used means of identification, not every fingerprint left behind on a potential crime scene can be used for identification purposes. In some cases, the fingerprint may be smudged, partially preserved or overlapping with other prints hence distorting the ridge pattern and may therefore be not appropriate for identification. Further, fingermark residue yields a very low abundance of genetic material for DNA analysis. In such cases, the fingermark may be used to retrieve basic donor information such as sex. The focus of this paper was to assess the possibility of differentiating between the sexes of the donor of latent fingermarks. Analytical method was GC-MS analysis of the chemical compounds of latent fingermarks using 22 male and 22 female donors. Results showed 44 identified compounds. Two alcohols, octadecanol C18 and eicosanol C20 , were found to show a difference that was statistically significant between male and female donors. There is also some evidence for the possibility of distinguishing sex of the fingermark donor based on the distribution of branched chain fatty acids, as free compounds or esterified in wax esters.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The purpose of this work is to critically analyse the aspects connected both with the measurement of error rates and with the design of proficiency tests and collaborative exercises in the fingerprint domain. All from the dual perspective of practitioners and organizers of PT\'s/CE\'s. A thorough analysis of the types of errors, of the methods to infer them through black-box studies and PT\'s/CE\'s is carried out, and the limits to the generalization of error rates are described, providing insightful indication on how to design PT\'s/CE\'s in the fingerprint domain, which are aimed to represent the complexity of casework.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite the advent of DNA profiling, fingerprints still play an important role in suspect identification. However, if single crime scene marks may be challenging to identify, overlapping fingermarks, understandably, pose an even greater challenge. In the last decade, mass spectrometry-imaging methods have provided a possible solution to the separation of fingermarks from two or more donors, based on the differential chemical composition. However, there are no studies attempting to separate overlapping marks from the same donor. This is important in relation to fingermark deposition at different times, which could be critical, for example, to ascertain legitimate access to the scene. In the work presented here, we investigate whether Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionisation Mass Spectrometry Imaging can separate the same donor\'s fingermarks deposited at different times based on intra-donor fingermark composition variability. Additionally, the hypothesis that the different times of deposition could be also determined was investigated in the view of linking the suspect at the scene at different times; the dating window of MALDI MSI within the selected molecular range was explored. Results show that it is possible to separate overlapping fingermarks from the same donor in most cases, even from natural marks. Fresh marks (0 days) could be separated from those of fourteen days of age, though the latter could not be distinguished from the set aged for seven days. Due to the use of only one donor, these are to be considered preliminary data, though findings are interesting enough to warrant further investigation of the capabilities and limitations of this approach using a larger cohort of donors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Handwritten documents may contain probative DNA, but most crime laboratories do not process this evidence. DNA recovery should not impair other evidence processing such as latent prints or indented writing. In this study, single fingermarks on paper were sampled with flocked swabs, cutting, and dry vacuuming. In addition, two extraction methods were compared for the sample type. DNA yields were low across all methods; however, this work confirms the ability to recover DNA from paper and the usefulness of the vacuum sampling method combined with the Chelex-Tween method. Stability of touch DNA deposits were compared over an 11-month period to better understand degradation that may occur over time. No significant difference in DNA recovery was observed, suggesting DNA deposits on paper are stable over an 11-month span.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In 2020, the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory organised and ran what is believed to be the first UK national collaborative exercise of its kind in the field of fingermark visualisation, on behalf of the Forensic Science Regulator. Laboratories were provided with a piece of wrapping paper, a challenging item for fingermark visualisation due to its semi-porous characteristics, both from a planning and processing perspective, and asked to treat it as a major crime exhibit. Due to the complexity of the substrate, variation in approach was anticipated. 23 laboratories from 21 organisations completed the exercise. In general, laboratories performed well, providing assurance to the Forensic Science Regulator regarding their ability to visualise fingermarks. Key learning points were identified around decision-making, planning and implementation of fingermark visualisation processes - all of which assist in raising the level of understanding around the likely success of fingermark visualisation. Lessons learnt, along with the overall findings, were shared and discussed in a workshop held in summer 2021. The exercise provided a useful insight into the current operational practices of participating laboratories. Areas of good practice were identified as well as the areas within the laboratories\' approach that could be altered or adapted.





