Fin-to-limb transition

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Major changes in the vertebrate anatomy have preceded the conquest of land by the members of this taxon, and continuous changes in limb shape and use have occurred during the later radiation of tetrapods. While the main, conserved mechanisms of limb development have been discerned over the past century using a combination of classical embryological and molecular methods, only recent advances made it possible to identify and study the regulatory changes that have contributed to the evolution of the tetrapod appendage. These advances include the expansion of the model repertoire from traditional genetic model species to non-conventional ones, a proliferation of predictive mathematical models that describe gene interactions, an explosion in genomic data and the development of high-throughput methodologies. These revolutionary innovations make it possible to identify specific mutations that are behind specific transitions in limb evolution. Also, as we continue to apply them to more and more extant species, we can expect to gain a fine-grained view of this evolutionary transition that has been so consequential for our species as well.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The 5\'Hox genes play crucial roles in limb development and specify regions in the proximal-distal axis of limbs. However, there is no direct genetic evidence that Hox genes are essential for limb development in non-mammalian tetrapods or for limb regeneration. Here, we produced single to quadruple Hox13 paralog mutants using the CRISPR/Cas9 system in newts (Pleurodeles waltl), which have strong regenerative capacities, and also produced germline mutants. We show that Hox13 genes are essential for digit formation in development, as in mice. In addition, Hoxa13 has a predominant role in digit formation, unlike in mice. The predominance is probably due to the restricted expression pattern of Hoxd13 in limb buds and the strong dependence of Hoxd13 expression on Hoxa13. Finally, we demonstrate that Hox13 genes are also necessary for digit formation in limb regeneration. Our findings reveal that the general function of Hox13 genes is conserved between limb development and regeneration, and across taxa. The predominance of Hoxa13 function both in newt limbs and fish fins, but not in mouse limbs, suggests a potential contribution of Hoxa13 function in fin-to-limb transition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    One of the central problems of vertebrate evolution is understanding the relationship among the distal portions of fins and limbs. Lacking comparable morphological markers of these regions in fish and tetrapods, these relationships have remained uncertain for the past century and a half. Here we show that Gli3 functions in controlling the proliferative expansion of distal progenitors are shared among dorsal and paired fins as well as tetrapod limbs. Mutant knockout gli3 fins in medaka (Oryzias latipes) form multiple radials and rays, in a pattern reminiscent of the polydactyly observed in Gli3-null mutant mice. In limbs, Gli3 controls both anterior-posterior patterning and cell proliferation, two processes that can be genetically uncoupled. In situ hybridization, quantification of proliferation markers, and analysis of regulatory regions reveal that in paired and dorsal fins, gli3 plays a main role in controlling proliferation but not in patterning. Moreover, gli3 down-regulation in shh mutant fins rescues fin loss in a manner similar to how Gli3 deficiency restores digits in the limbs of Shh mutant mouse embryos. We hypothesize that the Gli3/Shh gene pathway preceded the origin of paired appendages and was originally involved in modulating cell proliferation. Accordingly, the distal regions of dorsal fins, paired fins, and limbs retain a deep regulatory and functional homology that predates the origin of paired appendages.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Changes in appendage structure underlie key transitions in vertebrate evolution. Addition of skeletal elements along the proximal-distal axis facilitated critical transformations, including the fin-to-limb transition that permitted generation of diverse modes of locomotion. Here, we identify zebrafish mutants that form supernumerary long bones in their pectoral fins. These new bones integrate into musculature, form joints, and articulate with neighboring elements. This phenotype is caused by activating mutations in previously unrecognized regulators of appendage patterning, vav2 and waslb, that function in a common pathway. This pathway is required for appendage development across vertebrates, and loss of Wasl in mice causes defects similar to those seen in murine Hox mutants. Concordantly, formation of supernumerary bones requires Hox11 function, and mutations in the vav2/wasl pathway drive enhanced expression of hoxa11b, indicating developmental homology with the forearm. Our findings reveal a latent, limb-like pattern ability in fins that is activated by simple genetic perturbation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The fin-to-limb transition was marked by the origin of digits and the loss of dermal fin rays. Paleontological research into this transformation has focused on the evolution of the endoskeleton, with little attention paid to fin ray structure and function. To address this knowledge gap, we study the dermal rays of the pectoral fins of 3 key tetrapodomorph taxa-Sauripterus taylori (Rhizodontida), Eusthenopteron foordi (Tristichopteridae), and Tiktaalik roseae (Elpistostegalia)-using computed tomography. These data show several trends in the lineage leading to digited forms, including the consolidation of fin rays (e.g., reduced segmentation and branching), reduction of the fin web, and unexpectedly, the evolution of asymmetry between dorsal and ventral hemitrichia. In Eusthenopteron, dorsal rays cover the preaxial endoskeleton slightly more than ventral rays. In Tiktaalik, dorsal rays fully cover the third and fourth mesomeres, while ventral rays are restricted distal to these elements, suggesting the presence of ventralized musculature at the fin tip analogous to a fleshy \"palm.\" Asymmetry is also observed in cross-sectional areas of dorsal and ventral rays. Eusthenopteron dorsal rays are slightly larger than ventral rays; by contrast, Tiktaalik dorsal rays can be several times larger than ventral rays, and degree of asymmetry appears to be greater at larger sizes. Analysis of extant osteichthyans suggests that cross-sectional asymmetry in the dermal rays of paired fins is plesiomorphic to crown group osteichthyans. The evolution of dermal rays in crownward stem tetrapods reflects adaptation for a fin-supported elevated posture and resistance to substrate-based loading prior to the origin of digits.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The concerted activity of Meis and Hoxa11 transcription factors is essential for the subdivision of tetrapod limbs into proximo-distal (PD) domains; however, little is know about the evolution of this patterning mechanism. Here, we aim to study the expression of meis and hoxa11 orthologues in the median and paired rayed fins of zebrafish and in the lobed fins of the Australian lungfish.
    RESULTS: First, a late phase of expression of meis1.1 and hoxa11b in zebrafish dorsal and anal fins relates with segmentation of endochondral elements in proximal and distal radials. Second, our zebrafish in situ hybridization results reveal spatial and temporal changes between pectoral and pelvic fins. Third, in situ analysis of meis1, meis3 and hoxa11 genes in Neoceratodus pectoral fins identifies decoupled domains of expression along the PD axis.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our data raise the possibility that the origin of stylopod and zeugopod lies much deeper in gnathostome evolution and that variation in meis and hoxa11 expression has played a substantial role in the transformation of appendage anatomy. Moreover, these observations provide evidence that the Meis/Hoxa11 profile considered a hallmark of stylopod/zeugopod patterning is present in Neoceratodus.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The evolution from fins to limbs was one of the most successful innovations for vertebrates, allowing them to vastly expand their behaviors and habitats. Fossil records suggest that morphological changes occurred not only along the proximal-distal axis included appearance of the autopod, but also occurred along the anterior-posterior axis included reductions in the size and number of basal bones and digits. This review focuses on recent progress in developmental and genetic studies aimed at elucidating the mechanisms underlying alteration of anterior-posterior patterning and its accompanying changes along the proximal-distal axis during the fin-to-limb transition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To investigate the morphology and evolutionary origin of muscles in vertebrate limbs, we conducted anatomical dissections, computed tomography and kinematic analyses on the pectoral fin of the African coelacanth, Latimeria chalumnae. We discovered nine antagonistic pairs of pronators and supinators that are anatomically and functionally distinct from the abductor and adductor superficiales and profundi. In particular, the first pronator and supinator pair represents mono- and biarticular muscles; a portion of the muscle fibers is attached to ridges on the humerus and is separated into two monoarticular muscles, whereas, as a biarticular muscle, the main body is inserted into the radius by crossing two joints from the shoulder girdle. This pair, consisting of a pronator and supinator, constitutes a muscle arrangement equivalent to two human antagonistic pairs of monoarticular muscles and one antagonistic pair of biarticular muscles in the stylopod between the shoulder and elbow joints. Our recent kinesiological and biomechanical engineering studies on human limbs have demonstrated that two antagonistic pairs of monoarticular muscles and one antagonistic pair of biarticular muscles in the stylopod (1) coordinately control output force and force direction at the wrist and ankle and (2) achieve a contact task to carry out weight-bearing motion and maintain stable posture. Therefore, along with dissections of the pectoral fins in two lungfish species, Neoceratodus forsteri and Protopterus aethiopicus, we discuss the functional and evolutionary implications for the fin-to-limb transition and subsequent evolution of tetrapods. Anat Rec, 299:1203-1223, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Two major morphological changes occurred during the fin-to-limb transition: the appearance of the autopod, and the reduction of anterior skeletal elements. In the past decades, numerous approaches to the study of genetic developmental systems involved in patterning of fins/limbs among different taxa have provided clues to better understand the mechanism of the fin-to-limb transition. In this article, I discuss recent progress toward elucidating the evolutionary origin of the autopod and the mechanism through which the multiple-basal bones of ancestral fins were reduced into a single bone (humerus/femur). A particular focus of this article is the patterning mechanism of the tetrapod limb and chondrichthyan fin controlled by gene networks involving the 5\'Hox genes, Gli3 and Shh. These recent data provide possible scenarios that could have led to the transformation of fins into limbs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The pectoral fins of ancestral fishes had multiple proximal elements connected to their pectoral girdles. During the fin-to-limb transition, anterior proximal elements were lost and only the most posterior one remained as the humerus. Thus, we hypothesised that an evolutionary alteration occurred in the anterior-posterior (AP) patterning system of limb buds. In this study, we examined the pectoral fin development of catshark (Scyliorhinus canicula) and revealed that the AP positional values in fin buds are shifted more posteriorly than mouse limb buds. Furthermore, examination of Gli3 function and regulation shows that catshark fins lack a specific AP patterning mechanism, which restricts its expression to an anterior domain in tetrapods. Finally, experimental perturbation of AP patterning in catshark fin buds results in an expansion of posterior values and loss of anterior skeletal elements. Together, these results suggest that a key genetic event of the fin-to-limb transformation was alteration of the AP patterning network.





