Filter media

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vermifilter (VF) is considered sustainable for rural areas; however, filter media is the most important but has been explored less. This study evaluated the performance of vermifilters in treating domestic wastewater (DWW) using various filter media, including areca nutshell (AS), rice straw (RS), dry leaves (DL), and chicken eggshells (ES). We compared the results with four different reactors: R1 (AS), R2 (RS), R3 (DL), and R4 (ES). DWW was applied with a hydraulic loading rate (HLR) of 1 m3/m2/d with Eisenia fetida earthworm species. The results showed the removal of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) by 82%, 76%, 73%, and 87%; chemical oxygen demand (COD) by 75%, 73%, 72%, and 88%; phosphate by 36%, 25%, 27%, and 50%; sulfate by 56%, 54%, 53%, and 71% in R1, R2, R3, and R4, respectively. Simultaneously, R4 experienced a fivefold reduction in total bacteria and a sixfold reduction in total coliform. Moreover, the most exceptional filter media for vermifiltration is eggshells for the earthworm\'s growth and treatment efficacy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Current knowledge about the fate and transport behaviors of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in urban stormwater biofilter facilities is very limited. C5-14,16 perfluoroalkyl carboxylic acids [perfluorinated carboxylic acids (PFCAs)], C4,8,10 perfluoroalkanesulfonic acids (PFSAs), methyl-perfluorooctane sulfonamide acetic acid (MeFOSAA, a PFSA precursor), and unknown C6-8 PFCA and perfluorooctanesulfonic acid precursors were frequently found in bioretention media and forebay sediments at Σ35PFAS concentrations of <0.03-19 and 0.064-16 μg/kg-DW, respectively. Unknown C6-8 PFCA precursor concentrations were up to ten times higher than the corresponding PFCAs, especially at forebays and biofilters\' top layer. No significant trend could be attributed to PFAS and precursor concentrations versus depth of filter media, though PFAS concentrations were 2-3 times higher in the upper layers on average (significant difference between the upper (0-5 cm) and deepest (35-50 cm) layer). PFASs had a similar spatial concentration distribution in each filter media (no clear difference between short- and long-chain PFASs). Commercial land use and organic matter were important factors explaining the concentration variations among the biofilters and between the sampling depths, respectively. Given the comparable PFAS accumulations in deeper and superficial layers and possible increased mobility after precursor biotransformation, designing shallow-depth, nonamended sand biofilters or maintaining only the top layer may be insufficient for stormwater PFAS management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microplastics (MPs) are emerging contaminants that are attracting increasing interest from researchers, and the safety of drinking water is greatly affected by their transportation during filtration. Polystyrene (PS) was selected as a representative MPs, and three filter media (quartz sand, zeolite, and anthracite) commonly found in water plants were used. The retention patterns of PS-MPs by various filter media under various background water quality conditions were methodically investigated with the aid of DLVO theory and colloidal filtration theory. The results show that the different structures and elemental compositions of the three filter media cause them to exhibit different surface roughnesses and surface potentials. A greater surface roughness of the filter media can provide more deposition sites for PS-MPs, and the greater surface roughness of zeolite and anthracite significantly enhances their ability to inhibit the migration of PS-MPs compared with that of quartz sand. However, surface roughness is not the only factor affecting the migration of MPs. The lower absolute value of the surface potential of anthracite causes the DLVO energy between it and PS-MPs to be significantly lower than that between zeolite and PS-MPs, which results in stronger retention of PS-MPs by anthracite, which has a lower surface roughness, than zeolite, which has a higher surface roughness. The transport of PS-MPs in the medium is affected by the combination of the surface roughness of the filter media and the DLVO energy. Under the same operating conditions, the retention efficiencies of the three filter materials for PS-MPs followed the order of quartz sand < zeolite < anthracite. Additionally, the conditions of the solution markedly influenced the transport ability of PS-MPs within the simulated filter column. The transport PS-MPs in the simulated filter column decreased with increasing solution ionic strength and cation valence. Naturally, dissolved organic matter promoted the transfer of PS-MPs in the filter layer, and humic acid had a much stronger facilitating impact than fulvic acid. The study findings might offer helpful insight for improving the ability of filter units ability to retain MPs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Quantifying manganese (Mn) content in solids is critical for understanding its roles in aquatic ecosystems, soils, water treatment plants and distribution systems. No studies have yet used standard Mn oxides to compare the performance of the numerous digestion methods found in the literature. Nine digestion methods (including USEPA 3050B) were compared using four Mn oxides with varying oxidation states. The HCl concentrate (12.4 M) heated to at least at 40 °C provided quantitative digestion of all Mn oxides tested with ≈ 100 % recovery. HCl concentration is important only for MnO2 digestion, while temperature influences both MnO and MnO2 recovery. Complete recovery of various Al, Cu and Fe standard oxides using a 12.4 M HCl digestion at 95 °C. Digestion of environmental samples for Al, Ca, Fe, Mg and Mn content yielded higher metal content using the HCl method (except for Al). HCl 12.4 M digestion provided better performance than other digestion methods found in the scientific literature because of its high reducing capacity. •Most digestion methods found in the literature do not digest all Mn oxidation states.•Hydrochloric acid is shown to be essential to dissolve all oxidation state of Mn oxides.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sufficient and sustainable manganese(II) removal is a challenging task to prevent Mn-related drinking water discoloration problems. This study investigated Mn(II) removal by granular activated carbon (GAC) filtration under various conditions. The results showed that biological GAC filter columns could reduce Mn(II) from 400 μg/L to 10 μg/L after a short ripening period, while sand filter columns did not show evident Mn(II) removal function. Water quality changes, pretreatment with NaClO and chemogenic MnOx coating on GAC media surface did not influence the Mn(II) removal capacity of GAC filter columns. 16S rRNA gene sequencing showed that the abundance of potential Mn(II)-oxidizing bacteria in the GAC media was similar to that in the sand media. However, qPCR results indicated that GAC media colonized dramatically more biomass than sand media, resulting in highly effective Mn(II) removal by GAC filter columns. Under chlorinated conditions, GAC filtration underperformed sand filtration in Mn(II) removal, although activated carbon has been reported to be capable of catalyzing Mn(II) oxidation by chlorine. Fast chlorine decay in GAC filter columns made it hard to sustain chemical Mn(II) oxidation and thus led to less Mn(II) removal. This study highlighted the advantage of biological GAC filtration over sand filtration in Mn(II) removal.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The excessive concentration of phosphate in coastal areas results in environmental problems such as red tide and eutrophication. Filter media (FM) is used in wastewater treatment facilities to decrease phosphate concentration. This study aims to investigate the optimal mixing ratio for high compressive strength and phosphate fixation ability using coal bottom ash (CBA) and oyster shells (OS) -derived FM. Compressive strength experiments were conducted using mixed CBA and OS with different mixing ratios, 1:3 (GBO13), 1:1 (GBO11), and 3:1 (GBO31). The highest compressive strength of 0.93 MPa was observed in GBO11. GBO11 had similar elemental proportions with Portland cement, promoting a pozzolanic reaction and forming calcium-silicate-hydrate. The phosphate fixation capability of GBO11 was evaluated through an up-flow column filtration experiment. GBO11 fixed phosphate through precipitation and adsorption, and the maximum amount of phosphate fixation was estimated to be 1.403 mg-P/g. This study demonstrates that the combination of CBA and OS can be promising FM with high compressive strength and phosphate fixation properties.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aerosols such as PM2.5 and PM10 can have an immense impact on human health. With the outbreak of SARS-CoV-2, it is urgent to filter aerosols by media filtration technology. Electrospun nanofibers are a promising material for achieving high efficiency, low resistance, light weight, and environmentally friendly air filtration. But research on filtration theory and computer simulation of nanofiber media is still lacking. The traditional method involving computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and Maxwell\'s first-order slip boundary overestimates the slip velocity on the fiber surface. In this study, a new modified slip boundary was proposed, which introduced a slip velocity coefficient on the basis of the no-slip boundary to address the slip wall. Our simulation results were compared with the experimental pressure drop and particle capture efficiency of real polyacrylonitrile (PAN) nanofiber media. The computational accuracy on pressure drop of the modified slip boundary improved 24.6% and 11.2% compared with that of the no-slip boundary and Maxwell\'s first-order slip boundary, respectively. It was found that the particle capture efficiency near the most-penetrating particle size (MPPS) was significantly increased when slip effect occurred. This may be explained by the slip velocity on the fiber surface, which would make particles more accessible to the fiber surface and captured by interception.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Safe drinking water remains a major global challenge, especially in rural areas where, according to UNICEF, 80% of those without access to improved water systems reside. While water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH)-related diseases and deaths are common outcomes of unsafe water, there is also an economic burden associated with unsafe water. These burdens are most prominent in rural areas in less-developed nations. Slow sand filters (SSFs), or biological sand filters (BSFs), are ideal water treatment solutions for these low-resource regions. SSFs are the oldest municipal drinking water treatment systems and improve water quality by removing suspended particles, dissolved organic chemicals, and other contaminants, effectively reducing turbidity and associated taste and odor problems. The removal of turbidity and dissolved organic compounds from the water enables the use of low-cost disinfection methods, such as chlorination. While the working principles of slow sand filtration have remained the same for over two centuries, the design, sizes, and application of slow sand filters have been customized over the years. This paper reviews these adaptations and recent reports on performance regarding contaminant removal. We specifically address the removal of turbidity and microbial contaminants, which are of great concern to rural populations in developing countries.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The airliner cabin environment is very important to the health of passengers and crew members, and the use of high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters for recirculated air in the environmental control systems (ECS) is essential for the removal of airborne particles such as SARS CoV-2 aerosols. A HEPA filter should be high efficiency, low-pressure drop, high dust-holding capacity (DHC), lightweight, and strong for use in aircraft. We conducted an experimental study on 23 HEPA filters with glass fiber media that are used in different commercial airliner models. The tested filters had a median filtration efficiency of >99.97% for particles with a diameter of 0.3-0.5 μm, a pressure drop of 134-412 Pa at rated airflow rate, and a DHC of 32.2-37.0 g/m2 . The use of nanofiber media instead of glass fiber media can reduce the pressure drop by 66.4%-94.3% and significantly increase the quality factor by analysis of literature data. The disadvantages of poor fire resistance and small DHC can be overcome by the use of flame-retardant polymers and fiber structural design. As a new lightweight and environmentally friendly filter material, nanofiber media could be used as air filters in ECS in the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The increased use of bioretention facilities as a low impact development measure for treating stormwater runoff underscores the need to further understand their long-term function. Eventually, bioretention filter media must be (partly) replaced and disposed of at the end of its functional lifespan. While there are several studies of metal accumulation and distributions in bioretention media, less is known about organic pollutant pathways and accumulation in these filters. The present study considers the occurrence and accumulation of 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, 7 polychlorinated biphenyls, 13 phthalates, and two alkylphenols throughout 12 older bioretention facilities (7-13 years old) used for stormwater treatment in Michigan and Ohio, USA. These pollutant groups appear to behave similarly, with greater instances of detection and higher concentrations in the upper media layers which decrease with increased depth from the surface. The patterns of detection and concentration in the filter material may be explained by characteristics of the pollutants, such as molecular structures and solubility that affect the removal of the organic pollutants by the filter material. There is also a large variation in concentration magnitudes between the bioretention sites, most likely due to differences in pollutant sources, contributing catchment size and/or land uses.





