
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Migrant patients share the same diseases as natives, but biological or environmental differences may lead to distinct prevalence and manifestations of certain syndromes. Some common conditions in Primary Care stand out, such as fever, diarrhea, anemia, eosinophilia, and chronic cough, where it is important to have a special consideration. Fever may indicate a serious imported illness, and malaria should always be ruled out. Diarrhea is generally of infectious origin, and in most cases, management is outpatient. Anemia may indicate malnutrition or malabsorption, while eosinophilia may indicate a parasitic infection. Lastly, chronic cough may be a sign of tuberculosis, especially in immigrants from endemic areas. Family medicine holds a privileged position for the comprehensive, culturally sensitive, and person-centered approach to these conditions.






  • 文章类型: Observational Study
    BACKGROUND: Inflammatory biomarkers have been used for the diagnosis and management of multisystemic inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C). We aimed to compare the clinical and laboratory findings of MIS-C cases versus other febrile cases cataloged as potentially suspected bacterial infection (non-MIS-C).
    METHODS: Unicentric ambispective observational cohort study (June 2020-February 2022). We analyzed demographics, clinical symptoms and laboratory findings in MIS-C cases and in non-MIS-C cases with febrile processes of patients under 15 years of age admitted to hospital.
    RESULTS: We enrolled 54 patients with potential suspected bacterial infection and 20 patients with MIS-C for analysis. Fever (100%), gastrointestinal (80%) and mucocutaneous findings (35%) were common in MIS-C patients, also hypotension (36.8%) and tachycardia (55%). Laboratory findings showed significantly elevated proBNP (70%), ferritin (35%), D-dimer (80%) and lymphopenia (55%) and thrombocytopenia (27.8%) in MIS-C cases. IL-6 values were high in non-MIS-C patients (92.6%).
    CONCLUSIONS: In the management of MIS-C patients, the dynamic monitoring of proBNP, ferritin, D-dimer, lymphocytes and platelets could be helpful to pediatricians to effectively evaluate the progress of MIS-C in the early phases, not IL-6 values. The applicability of the IL-6 level as a prognostic biomarker in MIS-C patients may require closer discussion. In addition, the optimal laboratory markers, as stated in our study, can help establish a biomarkers model to early distinguish the MIS-C versus non-MIS-C in patients who are admitted to febrile syndrome.






  • 文章类型: Observational Study
    BACKGROUND: In Western Europe, 20%-40% of children with fever request health care. Most of them present trivial viral infections, however, it is essential in pediatrics to distinguish patients who present a severe infection. This process begins with the recognition of the seriousness and the subsequent search for medical attention by the parents.
    METHODS: Analytical and cross-sectional observational study. One hundred patients were selected in two health centers. Sociodemographic data were collected, together with the responses to a checklist containing the signs and symptoms to request health care in case of fever. Subsequently, the checklist was filled out by the pediatrician.
    RESULTS: The mean age of the patients was 5.41 years. 50% consulted in the first 48h of fever evolution. In 42%, the response to all the items on the checklist was exactly the same between the companion and the pediatrician. There were no significant differences according to variables: first episode of fever (P=.262), age of the patient (P=.859), having a sibling (P=.880), family relationship of the companion (P=.648) or educational level of the companion (P=.828).
    CONCLUSIONS: Medical consultations for fever in pediatrics are carried out very early. A high percentage do not present alarm signs when they consult. There is a need to expand training on the alarm signs of fever in all parents, regardless of the number of children, age or educational level. The checklist as a tool for home assessment of fever has received high marks for its usefulness.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Urinary tract infection (UTI) is infants\' most common serious bacterial infection. This study aimed to investigate the reliability of urianalysis (UA) to predict UTI, to specify the colony forming units (CFU)/ml threshold for diagnosis, and to identify variables that help suspect bacteremia in infants under 3 months with UTI.
    We reviewed clinical records of children under 3 months hospitalized for a fever without source and recorded age, sex, days of fever pre-consultation, temperature and severity at admission, discharge diagnoses, laboratory tests, and treatments. According to the discharge diagnosis, we divided them into UTIs (-) and (+) with or without bacteremia.
    A total of 467 infants were admitted: 334 with UTI and 133 without UTI. In UTIs (+), the pyuria had a sensitivity of 95.8% and bacteria (+) 88.3%; specificity was high, especially for nitrites (96.2%) and bacteria (+) (92.5%). Positive predictive value (PPV) for nitrites was 95.9%, for bacteria 96.7%, and oyuria 92.5%. Escherichia coli was present in 83.8% of urine and 87% of blood cultures. UTIs with bacteremia had inflammatory urinalysis, urine culture > 100,000 CFU/ml, and higher percentage of C reactive protein (CRP) > 50 mg (p= 0.002); 94.6% of the urine culture had > 50,000 CFU.
    The pyuria and bacteria (+) in urine obtained by catheterization predict UTI. The cut-off point for diagnosis was ≥ 50,000 CFU/ml. No variables to suspect bacteremia were identified in this study.
    La infección del tracto urinario (ITU) es una infección bacteriana grave frecuente en lactantes. El objetivo de este trabajo fue investigar la fiabilidad del análisis de orina (AO) para predecirla, precisar el umbral de unidades formadoras de colonias (UFC)/ml para el diagnóstico y buscar variables que ayuden a sospechar de bacteriemia en lactantes menores de 3 meses con ITU.
    Se revisaron fichas clínicas de lactantes menores de 3 meses hospitalizados por fiebre sin foco evidente, registrando edad, sexo, días de fiebre preconsulta, temperatura y gravedad al ingreso, diagnósticos de egreso, exámenes de laboratorio y tratamientos. Según diagnóstico de egreso, se separaron en ITU (-) y (+), con o sin bacteriemia.
    Ingresaron 467 lactantes: 334 con ITU y 133 sin ITU. En ITU (+), la sensibilidad de la piuria fue de 95.8% y bacterias (+) 88.3%; la especificidad fue alta para nitritos (96.2%) y bacterias (+) (92.5%). El valor predictivo positivo (VPP) fue de 95.9% para nitritos, 96.7% para bacterias y 92.5% para piuria. Escherichia coli se encontró en el 83.8% de los urocultivos (UC) (+) y en el 87% de los hemocultivos (+). Las ITU con bacteriemia presentaron elementos inflamatorios, UC con ≥ 100,000 UFC/ml y mayor porcentaje de proteína C reactiva (PCR) > 50 mg/l (p= 0.002); el 94.6% de los UC (+) tuvo ≥ 50,000 UFC/ml.
    La piuria y bacterias (+) en el AO son excelentes para pronosticar ITU en orina obtenida con sonda vesical y el punto de corte para el diagnóstico debe ser ≥ 50,000 UFC/ml. No encontramos señales que ayudaran a sospechar ITU con bacteriemia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Sickle cell disease is an emerging anemia in Europe leading to high morbidity with severe acute complications requiring hospital admission and chronic consequences. The management of these patients is complex and needs interdisciplinary care. The objective is to analyze clinical characteristics and management of patients with sickle cell disease admitted for acute complications.
    METHODS: Retrospective descriptive study of admissions for acute complications of patients with sickle cell disease under 16 years of age in a tertiary hospital between 2010 and 2020. Clinical, laboratory and radiological data were reviewed.
    RESULTS: We included 71 admissions corresponding to 25 patients, 40% diagnosed by neonatal screening. Admissions increased during this period. The most frequent diagnoses were vaso-occlusive crisis (35.2%), febrile syndrome (33.8%) and acute chest syndrome (32.3%). Nine patients required critical care at PICU. Positive microbiological results were confirmed in 20 cases, bacterial in 60%. Antibiotic therapy was administered in 86% of cases and the vaccination schedule of asplenia was adequately fulfilled by 89%. Opioid analgesia was required in 28%. Chronic therapy with hydroxyurea prior to admission was used in 41%.
    CONCLUSIONS: Acute complications requiring hospital admission are frequent in patients with sickle cell disease, being vaso-occlusive crisis and febrile syndrome the most common. These patients need a high use of antibiotics and opioid analgesia. Prior diagnosis facilitates the recognition of life-threatening complications such as acute chest syndrome and splenic sequestration. Despite the prophylactic and therapeutic measures currently provided to these patients, many patients suffer acute complications that require hospital management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Whether fever and antipyretic treatment are related to progression of organ dysfunction (POD) in sepsis is currently not known.
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the association of fever and antipyretic treatment with POD in sepsis.
    METHODS: Prospective cohort study of patients with sepsis. Maximum axillary temperature (T° Max), antipyretic drugs total dose and daily SOFA score were recorded. POD was defined as an increase ≥ 1 point on the SOFA score. A multivariate logistic regression model was used to evaluate the studied association.
    RESULTS: 305 patients were included: 163 were women (53.4%), with a SOFA score of 8 points (6-11); 130 participants (42.62%) had T° Max ≥ 38°C, and 76 (24.9%), POD. Mortality in patients with fever was 26.2% vs. 20% (p = 0.21), and with POD, 73.7% vs. 5.7% (p = 0.01). T° Max ≥ 39°C had an OR of 4.96 (95% CI = 1.97-12.47, p = 0.01); and the use of antipyretics, an OR of 1.04 (95% CI: 0.58-1.86, p = 0.88).
    CONCLUSIONS: An axillary T° Max ≥ 39°C is a risk factor for POD in sepsis. The use of antipyretics was not associated with POD.
    UNASSIGNED: No se conoce si la fiebre y el tratamiento antipirético se relacionan con progresión de la disfunción orgánica (PDO) en sepsis.
    OBJECTIVE: Evaluar la asociación de la fiebre y el tratamiento antipirético con la PDO en sepsis.
    UNASSIGNED: Estudio de cohorte prospectiva de pacientes con sepsis. Se registró temperatura axilar máxima (T° máx.), dosis total de fármacos antipiréticos y puntuación diaria de la escala SOFA. La PDO se definió como el incremento de SOFA ≥ 1 punto. Se utilizó un modelo de regresión logística multivariado para evaluar la asociación estudiada.
    RESULTS: Se incluyeron 305 pacientes: 163 mujeres (53.4 %) con puntuación SOFA de ocho puntos (6-11); 130 participantes (42.62 %) presentaron T° máx. ≥ 38 °C y 76 (24.9 %), PDO. La mortalidad en los pacientes con fiebre fue de 26.2 % versus 20 % sin fiebre (p = 0.21) y con PDO, de 73.7 % versus 5.7 % (p = 0.01). La T° máx. ≥ 39°C tuvo RM = 4.96 (IC 95 % = 1.97-12.47, p = 0.01) y el uso de antipiréticos, RM = 1.04 (IC 95 % = 0.58-1.86, p = 0.88).
    CONCLUSIONS: La T° máx. axilar ≥ 39°C es un factor de riesgo para PDO en sepsis. El uso de antipiréticos no se asoció a PDO.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: International travelers have grown significantly over last years, as well as imported diseases from tropical areas. Information in pediatric population is scarce. We describe demographic and clinical characteristics of febrile children coming from the tropics.
    METHODS: Retrospective review of patients under 18 years old, presenting at a tertiary hospital and surrounding primary health care centers between July 2002 and July 2018 with a stay in a tropical region during the previous year. Patients were selected from microbiological charts of thick smears for malaria or dengue serologies.
    RESULTS: 188 patients were studied: 52.7% were born in Spain with a median age of 3.0 years old (IQR 1.5-8.0). Main regions of stay were Sub-Saharan Africa (54.8%) and Latin America (29.8%), mostly for visiting their friends and relatives (56.3%), followed by recent arrival migrants (32.4%). Only 34% of travelers attended pre-travel consultation. More than 80% of these febrile children attended directly the Emergency Room. The most frequent diagnoses were febrile syndrome without source (56.4%), respiratory condition (15.4%) and acute diarrhea (11.7%). Around a half (52.1%) were managed as outpatients, but 46.2% were hospitalized and 7.4% were admitted to Intensive Care Unit. No specific diagnosis was achieved in 24% of cases. However, 29.7% were diagnosed with malaria.
    CONCLUSIONS: Children with fever coming from tropical areas were at risk of severe infectious diseases. Malaria was diagnosed in one out of four and 7% required admission in PICU. This information emphasizes the need of reinforcing training about tropical diseases among first line physicians.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Cuando inicia en el adulto, la enfermedad de Still es de mayor prevalencia en caucásicos y entre los 16 y 35 años. De etiología desconocida, se asocia a HLA-II, DR2, 4 y 7, y Bw35. El comienzo de los síntomas es agudo, con fiebre en agujas, asociada a exantema en las extremidades y el tronco, maculopapular, eritematoso y evanescente, pruriginoso, con fenómeno de Koebner. Presenta artralgias y artritis con un patrón poliarticular, simétrico y migratorio, mialgias y adenopatías. El 90% de los pacientes presentan anemia, leucocitosis con neutrofilia y trombocitosis asociada a la actividad, así como elevación de transaminasas y ferritina > 2000. El factor reumatoide y los anticuerpos antinucleares son negativos. El objetivo del presente trabajo es presentar un caso de enfermedad de Still que se sale del patrón habitual de manifestación.
    UNASSIGNED: Mujer de 56 años, inicia con exantema -maculopapular, eritematoso, pruriginoso, en zona periorbitaria -bilateral, tórax anterior, región glútea bilateral y zonas de extensión de codos y rodillas, que respetan el abdomen. Fiebre vespertina de 39 °C, con artralgias de codos, muñecas y rodillas, y mialgias, con faringe hiperémica. Después de descartar procesos infecciosos, neoplásicos y autoinmunitarios, y de acuerdo con los criterios de Yamaguchi y Fautrel, se diagnosticó enfermedad de Still.
    UNASSIGNED: Este caso se presenta por la baja prevalencia de la enfermedad de Still y porque en el grupo etario de nuestra paciente no es habitual su presentación. Los -antecedentes familiares y el cuadro clínico sugestivo obligaron a descartar la presencia de otros procesos mórbidos, toda vez que el diagnóstico de enfermedad de Still es de exclusión.
    BACKGROUND: Adult-onset on Still’s disease is common in Caucasians, between 16 and 35 years. Its cause is unknown, but it is associated with HLA-II, DR2, 4, 7 and Bw35. First symptoms are acute; fever in needles associated with exanthema in extremities and maculopapular trunk, erythematous and evanescent, pruritic with Koebner phenomenon. Patients present arthralgias and arthritis with a polyarticular, symmetrical and migratory pattern; myalgias and adenopathies. 90% of patients have anemia, leukocytosis with neutrophilia and thrombocytosis associated with the activity. Elevation of transaminases and ferritin greater than 2000. The rheumatoid factor and antinuclear antibodies are negative. The aim of this article is to present a case report of Still’s Disease whose pattern of appearance is uncommon.
    METHODS: A 56-year-old woman presented papular macular, erythematous, pruritic exanthema, in the bilateral peri-orbital area, anterior thorax, bilateral gluteal region, and elbow and knee extensions, while respecting abdomen. In addition, evening fever of 39 °C with arthralgias in elbows, wrists, and knees, myalgias, and hyperemic pharynx were manifested. According to the criteria of Yamaguchi and Fautrel, and after ruling out infectious, neoplastic, autoimmune processes, Still’s disease was concluded.
    CONCLUSIONS: This case is presented due to the low prevalence of Still’s disease and its presentation is not usual in the age group of our patient. The family history and very ­indicative clinical pictures forced us to rule out the presence of other morbid processes, while reinforcing the diagnosis of Still’s disease, since it is by exclusion.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: Journal Article
    To determine the efficacy of emergency medical center physicians\' use of a protocol to guide their management of telephone consultations for fever and gastroenteritis.
    Cluster randomized controlled trial. Participating centers were randomized to use the telephone protocol or provide usual telephone assistance. Six emergency centers in France included calls from patients needing advice on fever or gastroenteritis. Centers assigned to the protocol followed specific guidelines on managing the call and giving advice on treatment. Primary endpoints were the number of in-person visits and hospital admissions required within 15 days of the call. Secondary endpoints were patient satisfaction and costs.
    A total of 2498 calls were included. Use of the assigned protocol while attending 1234 calls was associated with a relative risk for hospitalization or an unscheduled in-person visit for care of 0.70 (95% CI, 0.58-0.85) versus usual practice. Ambulance use, admission to an intensive care unit, mortality, morbidity, and symptom improvement did not differ significantly between centers using the protocol and those following usual practice. Ninety percent of the patients were satisfied. The cost of care was €91 in centers applying the protocol and €150 in the other centers (P .01).
    Use of the protocol was associated with fewer unscheduled in-person visits for care and fewer hospital admissions. The protocol is safe and less costly than the centers\' usual approaches to giving telephone advice.
    Determinar la eficacia de un protocolo de asesoramiento médico telefónico formalizado (AMTF), realizado por un médico para consultas, para fiebre o gastroenteritis en centros de comunicación médica de emergencia.
    Ensayo clínico por conglomerado, controlado. Los pacientes fueron aleatorizados al grupo AMTF o al grupo de atención habitual. Participaron 6 centros de comunicación médica de emergencia franceses. Se incluyeron pacientes que solicitaban asistencia telefónica por fiebre o gastroenteritis. El grupo ATMF realizó recomendaciones protocolizadas sobre el manejo terapéutico. Se valoró el número de consultas presenciales o ingreso hospitalario durante los 15 días siguientes a la consulta. También se evaluó la satisfacción del paciente y el coste económico.
    Se incluyeron 2.498 llamadas. El grupo ATMF (n = 1.234) tuvo un riesgo relativo de 0,70 (CI 95% 0,58 a 0,85) de requerir un ingreso hospitalario o de realizar una consulta no programada durante el seguimiento. No hubo diferencias entre los dos grupos en cuanto al uso de ambulancia, el ingreso en cuidados intensivos, la mortalidad o morbilidad y la mejoría de los síntomas. La satisfacción de los pacientes fue del 90%. El coste total fue de 91 euros en el grupo de la ATMF y de 150 euros en el grupo de atención habitual (p 0,01).
    El grupo ATMF se asoció con una disminución de las consultas presenciales no programadas o del ingreso en el hospital. Este procedimiento es seguro y comporta un menor coste que la atención que se realiza habitualmente en la actualidad.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports






