Fetal pain

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In the United States, fetal development markers, including \"viability\" and the point when a fetus can \"feel pain\", have permeated the social imaginary of abortion, affecting public support and the legality and availability of care, but the extent to which they describe and orient the experience of abortion at later gestations is unclear.
    METHODS: Using interviews with 30 cisgender women in the U.S. who obtained an abortion after 24 weeks of pregnancy, we investigate whether and how notions of fetal viability and/or pain operated in their lived experiences of pregnancy and abortion.
    RESULTS: By respondents\' accounts, fetal development-based laws restricting abortion based in purported points of fetal development operated as gestational limits, privileged the viability and pain status of the fetus over that of the prospective neonate, and failed to account for the viability and pain of the pregnant person.
    CONCLUSIONS: The discursive practice of centering fetal development in regulating abortion access makes denial of abortion care because of the status of the fetus conceptually available-even at the point of fertilization-and naturalizes the erasure of the subjectivity of women and others who can become pregnant.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The concept of fetal pain results from procedures conducted without anesthesia in preterm newborns and fetuses, which indicate that it is possible to examine fetal pain based on stress hormone, metabolic, and behavioral changes. Anatomical and physiological data suggest that fetuses become capable of processing nociceptive stimuli around midgestation, although the associated changes in fetal brain development remain unclear. What constitutes fetal pain remains controversial in the light of the definition of pain adopted by the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP), which posits pain as an \"unpleasant sensory and emotional experience.\"
    CONCLUSIONS: Here, we examine the notion that human fetuses cannot \"experience\" pain and potential implications of this claim. We highlight the key scientific evidence related to fetal pain, including clinical studies on pain in fetuses and preterm newborns. We argue that consistent patterns of stress hormones, metabolic changes, body movements, hemodynamic changes, and pain-related facial expressions in fetuses exposed to invasive procedures overcome the need for subjective proof of pain as articulated in the IASP definition. No study to date has conclusively proven the absence of fetal pain beyond the age of viability.
    CONCLUSIONS: Based on the current evidence, we propose that all fetuses receive anesthesia regardless of the invasive procedures being performed to guarantee the least possible pain and physiological, behavioral, or hormonal responses without exposing the mother or her baby to unnecessary complications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Controversy exists as to when conscious pain perception in the fetus may begin. According to the hypothesis of cortical necessity, thalamocortical connections, which do not form until after 24-28 weeks gestation, are necessary for conscious pain perception. However, anesthesiologists and neonatologists treat age-matched neonates as both conscious and pain-capable due to observable and measurable behavioral, hormonal, and physiologic indicators of pain. In preterm infants, these multimodal indicators of pain are uncontroversial, and their presence, despite occurring prior to functional thalamocortical connections, has guided the use of analgesics in neonatology and fetal surgery for decades. However, some medical groups state that below 24 weeks gestation, there is no pain capacity. Thus, a paradox exists in the disparate acknowledgment of pain capability in overlapping patient populations. Brain networks vary by age. During the first and second trimesters, the cortical subplate, a unique structure that is present only during fetal and early neonatal development, forms the first cortical network. In the third trimester, the cortical plate assumes this function. According to the subplate modulation hypothesis, a network of connections to the subplate and subcortical structures is sufficient to facilitate conscious pain perception in the fetus and the preterm neonate prior to 24 weeks gestation. Therefore, similar to other fetal and neonatal systems that have a transitional phase (i.e., circulatory system), there is now strong evidence for transitional developmental phases of fetal and neonatal pain circuitry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: In the present study, the purpose was to determine the indications of pregnancy termination procedures that are performed before and after the limit of viability (between 10 and 22 weeks) in a tertiary center and to investigate the characteristics of the cases in which fetocide procedure was offered after the limit of viability (22 weeks and later). It also aimed to discuss the legal deadline for the fetocide procedure and legal aspect of pregnancy termination.
    METHODS: The present study was conducted as a result of the retrospective examination of 198 cases who underwent pregnancy termination after the 10th week of pregnancy (the legal limit for voluntary termination of pregnancy in our country) in our clinic and met the study criteria. The cases were divided into two main groups as Early Termination (10-22 weeks) and Late Termination (22 weeks and later). The characteristics of these groups (i.e. reason for termination, termination week) and the characteristics of the cases in which fetocide procedure was performed and the cases that were not (i.e. termination week, reasons for termination) were compared.
    RESULTS: A total of 171 (86%) cases were under 22 weeks and 27 (14%) were 22 weeks or more. In the cases terminated early, the gestational week was found to be highest [20 + 1 (12+3-21 + 1)] in those with preterm premature rupture of membranes, and lowest in those with fetal gastrointestinal abnormalities. No statistically significant differences were detected between the termination reason and the gestational week in the late-terminated group, and also, although the termination week of 5 patients for whom the fetocide procedure was offered [median = 23 + 1 (22+4-26 + 0] was higher than the week of 22 patients for whom the fetocide procedure was not offered [median = 22 + 4 (22+1-25 + 4], the difference was not found to be statistically significant.
    CONCLUSIONS: Since the majority of pregnancy terminations are performed before the viable period, the need for the fetocide procedure in pregnancy terminations is relatively low, and we think that this rate will decrease even more because the rate of early diagnosis of fetal anomalies increases as a result of developments in ultrasonographic imaging. Families who choose the termination of pregnancy search for other countries with appropriate legislation and the loss of time and the indecision of the family might cause the application of pregnancy termination after the viable period because of the limitations in the legal regulations of countries.






  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The anesthetic management of fetal operative procedures (FOP) is a highly debated topic. Literature on fetal pain perception and response to external stimuli is rapidly expanding. Nonetheless, there is no consensus on the fetal consciousness nor on the instruments to measure pain levels. As a result, no guidelines or clinical recommendations on anesthesia modality during FOP are available. This systematic literature review aimed to collect the available knowledge on the most common fetal interventions, and summarize the reported outcomes for each anesthetic approach. Additional aim was to provide an overall evaluation of the most commonly used anesthetic agents.
    UNASSIGNED: Two systematic literature searches were performed in Embase, Medline, Web of Science Core Collection and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials up to December 2021. To best cover the available evidence, one literature search was mostly focused on fetal surgical procedures; while anesthesia during FOP was the main target for the second search. The following fetal procedures were included: fetal transfusion, laser ablation of placental anastomosis, twin-reversed arterial perfusion treatment, fetoscopic endoluminal tracheal occlusion, thoraco-amniotic shunt, vesico-amniotic shunt, myelomeningocele repair, resection of sacrococcygeal teratoma, ligation of amniotic bands, balloon valvuloplasty/septoplasty, ex-utero intrapartum treatment, and ovarian cyst resection/aspiration. Yielded articles were screened against the same inclusion criteria. Studies reporting anesthesia details and procedures\' outcomes were considered. Descriptive statistical analysis was performed and findings were reported in a narrative manner.
    UNASSIGNED: The literature searches yielded 1,679 articles, with 429 being selected for full-text evaluation. A total of 168 articles were included. Overall, no significant differences were found among procedures performed under maternal anesthesia or maternal-fetal anesthesia. Procedures requiring invasive fetal manipulation resulted to be more effective when performed under maternal anesthesia only. Based on the available data, a wide range of anesthetic agents are currently deployed and no consistency has been found neither between centers nor procedures.
    UNASSIGNED: This systematic review shows great variance in the anesthetic management during FOP. Further studies, systematically reporting intraoperative fetal monitoring and fetal hormonal responses to external stimuli, are necessary to identify the best anesthetic approach. Additional investigations on pain pathways and fetal pain perception are advisable.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fetal pain perception has important implications for fetal surgery, as well as for abortion. Current neuroscientific evidence indicates the possibility of fetal pain perception during the first trimester (<14 weeks gestation). Evidence for this conclusion is based on the following findings: (1) the neural pathways for pain perception via the cortical subplate are present as early as 12 weeks gestation, and via the thalamus as early as 7-8 weeks gestation; (2) the cortex is not necessary for pain to be experienced; (3) consciousness is mediated by subcortical structures, such as the thalamus and brainstem, which begin to develop during the first trimester; (4) the neurochemicals in utero do not cause fetal unconsciousness; and (5) the use of fetal analgesia suppresses the hormonal, physiologic, and behavioral responses to pain, avoiding the potential for both short- and long-term sequelae. As the medical evidence has shifted in acknowledging fetal pain perception prior to viability, there has been a gradual change in the fetal pain debate, from disputing the existence of fetal pain to debating the significance of fetal pain. The presence of fetal pain creates tension in the practice of medicine with respect to beneficence and nonmaleficence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In 2020, the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act was brought to an unsuccessful Senate vote for the third time in five years. The Act seeks to prohibit abortions after 20 weeks post-conception based on the scientifically contested claim that fetuses are at that point capable of feeling pain. It thus seeks to undermine Roe v. Wade\'s viability standard by asserting that the capacity for pain perception is sufficient for \"compelling governmental interest\" in fetal life. The ability of many NICUs to offer life-sustaining interventions for periviable neonates means that, in many states, neonatologists and physicians who provide second-trimester abortion care may manage cases of the same gestational age. Given this overlap, this qualitative study examines how clinicians think about the capacity of periviable entities to feel pain and how these ideas shape clinical practice and understandings of compassionate care. Drawing on twenty semi-structured interviews conducted between June 2019 and April 2020 with clinicians providing second-trimester abortion care and NICU care in the Northeast United States, it examines how pain is \"known\" in the periviable period and how clinicians think about pain in relationship to personhood. A key finding is that the meaning of pain and implications for clinical care is shaped by the anticipated futures and personhood status of periviable entities as determined by pregnant people and families of neonates. Clinicians also stated that concerns around the alleviation of suffering, defined as long-term or chronic distress for pregnant people and/or neonates and their families, were more pressing than the potential experience of short-term physical pain. Legislative attempts to make contested ideas of \"fetal pain\" the basis for \"governmental interest\" ignores other forms of suffering that might result from denial of options, and potentially places clinicians at odds with their own conceptions of competent and compassionate care.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Although pain facial assessment is routinely performed in term and preterm newborns by the use of facial expression-based tools such as the Neonatal Facial Coding System, the assessment of pain during the intrauterine life has not been extensively explored.
    OBJECTIVE: Describe for the first time, an experimental model to assess and quantify responses due to acute pain in fetuses undergoing anaesthesia for intrauterine surgery recorded by high-resolution 4D ultrasound machines.
    UNASSIGNED: A 33-year-old pregnant woman had congenital left diaphragmatic hernia of poor prognosis diagnosed, and her fetus was treated by fetoscopic endotracheal occlusion. Later, during the removal of the fetal endotracheal balloon by ultrasound-guided puncture, we have recorded facial expressions of the foetus before and after the anaesthetic puncture by the use of 4D ultrasound recordings, which were presented to 3 blinded coders instructed to use the Neonatal Facial Coding System for acute pain facial coding. The procedure was safe and feasible.
    CONCLUSIONS: This is the first description of a recordable acute pain model in the human fetus by the use of a facial expression-based tool. The possibility to assess pain-related intrauterine behaviours would allow not only for the monitoring of the efficacy of anaesthetic procedures in the fetus but would also open the way to explore the evolution of pain-related facial responses during the fetal neurodevelopment. This method may pave the way for objective assessments of pain in fetuses, should it endure the steps of formal validation studies.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fetal pain and fetal anesthesia are still matter of debate: some authors hypothesize that several intrauterine endocrine neuroinhibitors (ENIn) anesthetize the fetus, keeping it in a constant state of sleep, and making pharmacological fetal anesthesia useless for fetal surgery, while others argue fetal pain is possible and shoud be prevented with fetal anesthesy.
    OBJECTIVE: To retrieve evidences about fetal pain, fetal arousability and about the level of sedation induced by the ENIn, in order to assess the necessity of direct fetal anesthesia during prenatal fetal surgery.
    METHODS: We performed a careful literature review (1990-2016) on fetal arousability, and on the possibility that ENIn at the average fetal blood levels induce actual anesthesia. We retrieved the papers that fulfilled the research criteria, with particular attention to the second half of pregnancy, the period when most fetal surgery is performed.
    RESULTS: Fetuses are awake about 10% of the total time in the last gestational weeks, and they can be aroused by external stimuli. ENIn have not an anesthetic effect at normal fetal values, but only when they areartificialy injected at high doses; their blood levels in the last trimester of average pregnancies are not dissimilar either in the fetus or in the mother.
    CONCLUSIONS: During the second half of the pregnancy, external stimuli can awake the fetuses, although they spend most of the time in sleeping state; the presence of ENIn is absolutely not enough to guarantee an effective anesthesia during surgery. Thus, direct fetal analgesia/anesthesia is mandatory, though further studies on its possible drawbacks are necessary.





