
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: To investigate the hypotheses that in patients with SSc, the temperature gradient between the dorsum of the foot and toes (distal-dorsal difference [DDD]) is \'more negative\' (toes cooler) than in healthy controls, is greatest along the first (great) toe and that the severities of thermographic abnormalities in the feet and hands are correlated.
    UNASSIGNED: Thermographic images of the dorsum of each hand and foot were captured using a thermal camera attached to an iPhone in 40 patients with SSc and 20 healthy controls. DDDs along the fingers (index, middle, ring and little) and toes (great toe and \'others\') were measured.
    UNASSIGNED: There was a non-significant trend for the great toes to be colder in patients with SSc than in controls. The mean great toe DDD was more negative in patients (right: -2.89°C, left: -2.91°C, mean: -2.90°C) than in controls (right: -2.36°C, left: -2.42°C, mean: -2.39°C) (P = 0.37 for mean values). Patients\' great toes were colder than \'other\' (lesser) toes (right: -2.58°C, left: -2.63°C), although not significantly. In patients with SSc, finger and great toe temperature gradients were correlated (r = 0.406, ρ = 0.01).
    UNASSIGNED: Our findings suggest that the great toe is the coldest in patients with SSc and that patients with the coldest fingers tend to have the coldest toes. Severe RP symptoms in the hands should prompt podiatry assessment and foot care education. Mobile phone thermography is a convenient tool for assessing the digital vasculature but first requires validation in larger studies with a longitudinal component.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To understand conditions such as body dysmorphic disorder, we need to understand healthy individuals\' perceptual, conceptual, and emotional representations of their bodies. Not much is known about the differences in these representations across body districts, for example, hands, feet, and whole-body, despite their differences at sensory and functional levels. To understand this, we developed more implicit and explicit measures of body satisfaction for these body districts. Sixty-seven participants (age M = 30.66, SD = 11.19) completed a series of online Implicit Association Tests (IAT) and a Body Image Satisfaction Visual Analogue Scale (BISVAS; explicit) for each body district (hands/feet/whole body). The results show no differences in the more implicit level of awareness in hands, feet and whole body, while differences are apparent at a more explicit level of awareness, with higher scores for body image satisfaction for the hands than the whole body and marginally significant lower scores for feet than hands. Those findings suggest that visual attention, level of concern attributed to a body district, and disgust drivers are possible factors affecting the experience of attitudinal body image satisfaction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We must better understand the foot type classifications of netball players to develop sex and size-specific shoe lasts. Five hundred and two representative-level netball players (n = 251 male; n = 251 female) had their feet three-dimensionally scanned. A validated MATLAB code was used to extract six different foot measurements from these scans automatically. We then used a two-step cluster analysis and chi-squared tests to classify foot types and determine the effect of sex on each cluster, respectively. Five foot types were identified (Extra long-and-wide, Long-and-wide, Flat, Tapered and Short-and-narrow), with sex significantly affecting foot type classification. The feet of players wearing smaller shoe sizes were often Short-and-narrow and Tapered, whereas the feet of players wearing larger sizes tended to be more Extra long-and-wide and Long-and-wide. These results highlight that netball players have a wide variety of foot types; manufacturers should use these data to develop future grading systems to improve the fit and functionality of netball-specific footwear.
    This study aimed to investigate the foot types of netball players. The results demonstrated that five main foot types should be used to inform future shoe last designs and size grading systems. These findings have implications for improving the fit and functionality of netball shoes, particularly for men.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A large proportion of netball players suffer foot-related problems and pain and are dissatisfied with current netball-specific footwear. To improve the fit and functionality of netball-specific shoes, we must understand the shape of these players\' feet and determine whether any sex differences exist. Five hundred and two representative-level netball players (n = 251 male; n = 251 female) had their feet three-dimensionally scanned. We then used a validated MATLAB code to automatically extract 10 measurements to characterise each participant\'s foot shape. Differences between men and women for the absolute values and those normalised to foot length and stature were identified using independent samples t-tests with a Bonferroni adjusted alpha level. The size and shape of male netball players\' feet differed significantly from their female counterparts. Males had significantly larger absolute and normalised foot measurements than females, notably at the ball of the foot, heel and instep (p < 0.001). Netball shoe manufacturers should develop unique lasts for each sex and foot size and should offer a more extensive range of shoe lengths and widths to netball players. Such considerations will help optimise shoe fit and comfort and, in turn, reduce foot-related problems and pain associated with ill-fitting footwear.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Fractures of hands and feet are common in children, but relevant epidemiological studies are currently lacking. We aim to study the epidemiological characteristics of hand and foot fractures and growth plate injuries in children and provide a theoretical basis for their prevention, diagnosis, and treatment.
    METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed the data of children with hand and foot fractures who were hospitalized at Shenzhen Children\'s Hospital between July 2015 and December 2020. Data on demographic characteristics, fracture site, treatment method, etiology of injury, and accompanying injuries were collected. The children were divided into four age groups: infants, preschool children, school children, and adolescents. The fracture sites were classified as first-level (the first-fifth finger/toe, metacarpal, metatarsal, carpal, and tarsal) and second-level (the first-fifth: proximal phalanx, middle phalanx, distal phalanx, metacarpal, and metatarsal) sites. The changing trends in fracture locations and injury causes among children in each age group were analyzed.
    RESULTS: Overall, 1301 children (1561 fractures; 835 boys and 466 girls) were included. The largest number of fractures occurred in preschool children (n = 549, 42.20%), with the distal phalanx of the third finger being the most common site (n = 73, 15.57%). The number of fractures in adolescents was the lowest (n = 158, 12.14%), and the most common fracture site was the proximal phalanx of the fifth finger (n = 45, 29.61%). Of the 1561 fractures, 1143 occurred in the hands and 418 in the feet. The most and least common first-level fracture sites among hand fractures were the fifth (n = 300, 26.25%) and first (n = 138, 12.07%) fingers, respectively. The most and least common first-level foot fracture locations were the first (n = 83, 19.86%) and fourth (n = 26, 6.22%) toes, respectively. The most common first-level and second level etiologies were life related injuries (n = 1128, 86.70%) and clipping injuries (n = 428, 32.90%), respectively. The incidence of sports injuries gradually increased with age, accounting for the highest proportion in adolescents (26.58%). Hand and foot fractures had many accompanying injuries, with the top three being nail bed injuries (570 cases, 36.52%), growth plate injuries (296 cases, 18.96%), and distal severed fracture (167 cases, 10.70%). Among the 296 growth plate injuries, 246 occurred on the hands and 50 on the feet.
    CONCLUSIONS: In contrast to previous epidemiological studies on pediatric hand and foot fractures, we mapped the locations of these fractures, including proximal, shaft, distal, and epiphyseal plate injuries. We analyzed the changing trends in fracture sites and injury etiologies with age. Hand and foot fractures have many accompanying injuries that require attention during diagnosis and treatment. Doctors should formulate accident protection measures for children of different ages, strengthen safety education, and reduce the occurrence of accidental injuries.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Here, we provide a complete, updated, and illustrated inventory, as well as a comprehensive study, of the tarsals (rearfoot) recovered from the Middle Pleistocene site of Sima de los Huesos (SH, Atapuerca, Spain) in comparison to other Homo comparative samples, both extant and fossil. The minimum number of individuals (MNI) estimated from the tarsals has been established as 15, which represents 51.7% of the 29 dental individuals identified within the SH sample. Within the SH hominin foot sample, an exclusive combination of primitive or plesiomorphic and derived or autapomorphic traits can be observed when compared with other Homo individuals/populations. Other characters are shared among SH hominins and Neandertals that might represent shared derived or autapomorphic traits for this evolutionary line, and most are likely related to robusticity (e.g., rectangular-like trochlea of the talus, broad calcanei, broad naviculars, and short lateral cuneiforms). Additionally, we observed some exclusive autapomorphic traits in the SH tarsal sample (e.g., narrow head of the talus and short intermediate cuneiforms). A few exclusive traits in SH tarsal remains are even more robust than in Neandertals (e.g., broad lateral malleolar facet in talus, more projected sustentaculum tali, and broad medial cuneiform). These traits could suggest a slightly higher level of gracilization in the tarsal bones of Neandertals compared to the SH sample that is also supported by other anatomical postcranial skeleton elements. Additionally, some paleobiological inferences are made in relation to body size (stature and body mass) and some associations are proposed within the SH sample. In conclusion, the morphology of the SH tarsi confirms an evolutionary relationship of sister groups between this population and Neandertals, probably representing a morphotype similar to the Neandertal ancestors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study provides a complete, updated and illustrated inventory, as well as a comprehensive study, of the metatarsals and foot phalanges (forefoot) recovered from the Middle Pleistocene site of Sima de los Huesos (SH, Atapuerca, Spain) in comparison to other Homo comparative samples, both extant and fossils. This current updated review has established a minimum number of individuals (MNI) of 17, which represent 58.6% of the 29 dental individuals identified within the SH sample. An exclusive or autoapomorphic combination of traits can be recognized within the SH hominin foot sample. A few traits appear primitive or plesiomorphic when compared with earlier Homo individuals and other recent modern humans. There are other metrical and morphological traits that SH hominins and Neandertals have in common that sometimes represent shared derived traits in this evolutionary line, most of which are probably related to robusticity. Furthermore, some exclusive autoapomorphic traits are observed in the SH sample: a very broad first metatarsal, long and broad hallucal proximal foot phalanges and possibly extremely robust lateral distal foot phalanges compared to those of Neandertals and modern humans. In these last traits, the SH metatarsals and pedal phalanges are even more robust than in Neandertals. They are herein named as \"hyper-Neandertal\" traits, which could suggest a slight gracilization process in this evolutionary line, at least in the hallux toe. Finally, some paleobiological inferences are made in relation to body size (stature and body mass) and some associations are proposed within the SH sample.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Footwear fashion is an instance of a socially formed attitude affecting somatic population health. High-heeled, particularly pointy-toed shoes are posed to structurally distort and overload feet leading to musculoskeletal sequelae. Here we compiled multilanguage website images presenting female footwear produced by the top manufacturers to assess the advertising effects on the prevailing height of heels worn by women. The method was based on the analysis of websites using the command \"woman shoes\" in scores of languages of the Internet Google browser. We then compared the results of the internet search with those of a live street surveillance of the footwear worn by 100 adult women in the downtown Warsaw metropolis in Poland. We found that stiletto heels with pointed shoe tips significantly predominated in images representing the countries belonging to the Western cultural sphere compared to less affluent world areas where low or flat heels prevailed. However, we noted a gradual departure from the fashion of high heels over the last decade, confirmed by live street surveillance, liable to reflect changes in the website presentations of top shoe manufacturers consistent with increasing awareness of potential harm by high heels. Yet the female aptitude for wearing more physiologic shoe models appears to exceed that resulting from marketing campaigns. Doing away with high-heeled pointy-toed shoes requires intensification of pro-health preventive measures in the field of public health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: People with plantar heel pain (PHP) have reduced foot and ankle muscle function, strength and size, which is frequently treated by muscle strengthening exercises. However, there has been little investigation of what exercises are used and there is no sound evidence base to guide practice. This study aimed to develop a consensus-driven progressive muscle strengthening program for PHP.
    METHODS: Thirty-eight experts were invited to participate in the study over three rounds. Round 1 was an open-ended questionnaire that provided the core characteristics of progressive strengthening programs designed for three different adult patient types with PHP (younger athletic, overweight middle-aged, older), which were presented as vignettes. In Round 2, experts indicated their agreement to the proposed exercises and training variables. In Round 3, experts were presented with amendments to the exercises based on responses from Round 2 and indicated their agreement to those changes. Consensus was achieved when > 70% of experts agreed.
    RESULTS: Two experts were ineligible and 12 declined, leaving 24 (67%) who participated in Round 1. Eighteen (75%) completed all three rounds. From Round 1, progressive strengthening programs were developed for the three vignettes, which included 10 different exercises and three training variables (sets / repetitions, weight, and frequency). In Round 2, 68% (n = 17) of exercises and 96% (n = 72) of training variables reached consensus. In Round 3, only exercise changes were presented and 100% of exercises reached consensus.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study provides three progressive strengthening programs agreed to by experts that can be used in future clinical trials to determine the effectiveness of muscle strengthening for PHP. In addition, clinicians could use the programs as part of a rehabilitation strategy with the caveat that they may change as more research is conducted.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Prescription-strength (8%) capsaicin topical system is a US FDA-approved treatment for painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy of the feet. A 30 min application of the capsaicin 8% topical system can provide sustained (up to 3 months) local pain relief by desensitizing and reducing TRPV1-expressing cutaneous fibers. Capsaicin is not absorbed systemically; despite associated application-site discomfort, capsaicin 8% topical system is well tolerated, with no known drug interactions or contraindications, and could offer clinical advantages over oral options. Capsaicin 8% topical system are not for patient self-administration and require incorporation into office procedures, with the added benefit of treatment compliance. This article reviews existing literature and provides comprehensive, practical information regarding the integration of capsaicin 8% topical systems into office procedures.
    Capsaicin 8% topical system is used to treat diabetic nerve pain of the feet. This in-office 30 min application can provide lasting relief of pain (for up to 3 months) by targeting the nerves damaged by diabetes. Since capsaicin acts at the site of diabetic nerve pain without being absorbed into the bloodstream, it is unlikely to interfere with other treatments and has few undesirable effects. Discomfort at the application site is the most commonly reported adverse event. Capsaicin 8% topical system must be applied by a healthcare professional and up to four topical systems can be used per treatment. Incorporating the use of capsaicin 8% topical systems into office procedures can help provide relief for patients living with diabetic nerve pain of the feet and may improve treatment compliance.





