Fecal storage

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Currently, lack of standardization for fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) in equine practice has resulted in highly variable techniques, and there is no data on the bacterial metabolic activity or viability of the administered product. The objectives of this study were to compare the total and potentially metabolically active bacterial populations in equine FMT, and assess the effect of different frozen storage times, buffers, and temperatures on an equine FMT product. Fresh feces collected from three healthy adult horses was subjected to different storage methods. This included different preservation solutions (saline plus glycerol or saline only), temperature (-20 °C or -80 °C), and time (fresh, 30, 60, or 90 days). Samples underwent DNA extraction to assess total bacterial populations (both live and dead combined) and RNA extraction followed by reverse transcription to cDNA as a proxy to assess viable bacteria, then 16s rRNA gene amplicon sequencing using the V1-V2 region.
    RESULTS: The largest difference in population indices and taxonomic composition at the genus level was seen when evaluating the results of DNA-based (total) and cDNA-based (potentially metabolically active) extraction method. At the community level, alpha diversity (observed species, Shannon diversity) was significantly decreased in frozen samples for DNA-based analysis (P < 0.05), with less difference seen for cDNA-based sequencing. Using DNA-based analysis, length of storage had a significant impact (P < 0.05) on the bacterial community profiles. For potentially metabolically active populations, storage overall had less of an effect on the bacterial community composition, with a significant effect of buffer (P < 0.05). Individual horse had the most significant effect within both DNA and cDNA bacterial communities.
    CONCLUSIONS: Frozen storage of equine FMT material can preserve potentially metabolically active bacteria of the equine fecal microbiome, with saline plus glycerol preservation more effective than saline alone. Larger studies are needed to determine if these findings apply to other individual horses. The ability to freeze FMT material for use in equine patients could allow for easier clinical use of fecal transplant in horses with disturbances in their intestinal microbiome.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Our present study showed that dietary supplementation with feed fermented by Lactobacillus could promote the growth performance of pigs, regulate the microbiota, and inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria. It could prevent the accumulation of toxic substances and reduce odor emission from pig feces, thereby reducing environmental pollution. In addition, one key triumph of the present study was the isolation of Weissella cibaria ZWC030, and the strain could inhibit the production of skatole in vitro in our present results.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fecal samples are currently the most commonly studied proxy for gut microbiota. The gold standard of sample handling and storage for microbiota analysis is maintaining the cold chain during sample transfer and immediate storage at - 80 °C. Gut microbiota studies in large-scale, population-based cohorts require a feasible sample collection protocol. We compared the effect of three different storage methods and mock shipment: immediate freezing at - 80 °C, in 95% ethanol stored at room temperature (RT) for 48 h, and on blood collection card stored at RT for 48 h, on the measured composition of fecal microbiota of eight healthy, female volunteers by sequencing the V4 region of the 16S rRNA gene on an Illumina MiSeq.
    Shared operational taxonomic units (OTUs) between different methods were 68 and 3% for OTUs > 0.01 and < 0.01% mean relative abundance within each group, respectively. α and β-diversity measures were not significantly impacted by different storage methods. With the exception of Actinobacteria, fecal microbiota profiles at the phylum level were not significantly affected by the storage method. Actinobacteria was significantly higher in samples collected on card compared to immediate freezing (1.6 ± 1.1% vs. 0.4 ± 0.2%, p = 0.005) mainly driven by expansion of Actinobacteria relative abundance in fecal samples stored on card in two individuals. There was no statistically significant difference at lower taxonomic levels tested.
    Consistent results of the microbiota composition and structure for different storage methods were observed. Fecal collection on card could be a suitable alternative to immediate freezing for fecal microbiota analysis using 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The effect of two factors, storage and the bacterial DNA extraction method, that potentially affect the 16S rRNA-based profiling of the microbiota in the feces of Japanese adults, were evaluated. Profiles of the microbiota in feces stored in DESS (DMSO-EDTA-salt solution) for 1, 2 and 3 weeks at room temperature, and for 3 weeks at 4°C were compared with those in fresh feces and feces stored in guanidine thiocyanate solution for 3 weeks at 4°C. None of the storage variables (preservation solution, temperature and duration) considerably affected α- and β-diversity of the fecal microbiota and OTU profiles. Regarding the bacterial DNA extraction methods, four were evaluated; A) silica membrane DNA purification combined with bead-beating bacterial disruption, B) magnetic bead DNA purification combined with bead-beating bacterial disruption, C) manual DNA purification using phenol-chloroform and ethanol precipitation combined with enzymatic bacterial lysis, and D) DNA extraction by a commercially available DNA stool kit. While methods A, B, and C did not markedly affect α- and β-diversity of the fecal microbiota and the OTU profiles, method D noticeably altered both α- and β-diversity. In addition, method D caused significant changes in the abundance of two predominant genera; Bacteroides and Bifidobacterium.






