
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: This study addresses the lack of methods to quantify driver familiarity with roadways, which poses a higher risk of crashes.
    METHODS: We present a new approach to assessing driving route diversity and familiarity using data from the DrivingApp, a smartphone-based research tool that collects trip-level information, including driving exposure and global positioning system (GPS) data, from young novice drivers (15-19 years old) to older drivers (67-78 years old). Using these data, we developed a GPS data-based algorithm to analyze the uniqueness of driving routes. The algorithm creates same route trip (SRT) arrays by comparing each trip of an identified user, employing statistically determined thresholds for GPS coordinate proximity and trip overlap. The optimal thresholds were established using a General Linear Model (GLM) to examine distance, and repeated observations. The Adjusted Breadth-First Search method is applied to the SRT arrays to prevent double counting or trip omission. The resulting list is classified as geographically distinct routes, or unique routes (URs).
    RESULTS: Manual comparison of algorithm output with geographical maps yielded an overall precision of 0.93 and accuracy of 0.91. The algorithm produces two main outputs: a measure of driving diversity (number of URs) and a measure of route-based familiarity derived from the Rescorla-Wagner model. To evaluate the utility of these measures, a Gaussian mixture model clustering algorithm was used on the young novice driver dataset, revealing two distinct groups: the low-frequency driving group with lower route familiarity when having higher route diversity, whereas the high-frequency driving group with the opposite pattern. In the older driver group, there was a significant correlation found between the number of URs and Geriatric Depression Score, or walking gait speed.
    CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that route diversity and familiarity could complement existing measures to understand driving safety and how driving behavior is related to physical and psychological outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We report that environmental context can have a major impact on morphine locomotor behavior and ERK effects. We manipulated environmental context in terms of an environmental novelty/ familiarity dimension and measured morphine behavioral effects in both acute and chronic morphine treatment protocols. Wistar rats (n=7 per group) were injected with morphine 10 mg/kg or vehicle (s.c.), and immediately placed into an arena for 5 min, and locomotor activity was measured after one or 5 days. The morphine treatments were initiated either when the environment was novel or began after the rats had been familiarized with the arena by being given 5 daily nondrug tests in the arena. The results showed that acute and chronic morphine effects were strongly modified by whether the environment was novel or familiar. Acute morphine administered in a novel environment increased ERK activity more substantially in several brain areas, particularly in reward-associated areas such as the VTA in comparison to when morphine was given in a familiar environment. Repeated morphine treatments initiated in a novel environment induced a strong locomotor sensitization, whereas repeated morphine treatments initiated in a familiar environment did not induce a locomotor stimulant effect but rather a drug discriminative stimulus dis-habituation effect. The marked differential effects of environmental novelty/familiarity and ongoing dopamine activity on acute and chronic morphine treatments may be of potential clinical relevance for opioid drug addiction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This work aimed to explore the food quality attributes of in-flight meals and to examine the antecedents of positive emotion and continuous usage of these meals. As a subdimension, this study uses multiple attributes: menu diversity, familiarity, temperature, nutrition, and presentation. Another purpose of this work is to examine the moderating effect of menu diversity on the relationship between nutrition and continuance usage. A survey via clickworker was used to collect the data for this work. There were 317 valid observations for statistical inference. This study used a structural equation model to test the hypotheses, and the Hayes process model macro 1 was adopted to test the moderating effect. The results showed that all independent variables other than familiarity significantly accounted for positive emotion. Moreover, all of these attributes had a positive impact on continuous usage. This work unveiled a significant moderating effect of menu diversity on the relationship between nutrition and continuance usage. This research elucidates the literature by clarifying the influential attributes of emotion and continuous usage intention in the domain of in-flight meal products and discussing practical implications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Research frequently uses words as stimuli to assess cognitive and psychological processes. However, various attributes of these words, such as their semantic and emotional aspects, could potentially confound study results if not properly controlled. This study aims to establish a reliable foundation for the semantic and emotional aspects of words for research in Persian. To this end, the present study provided norms for 718 Persian nouns in arousal, valence, familiarity, and animacy dimensions. The words were selected from a previous English dataset (Warriner et al. in Behav Res Methods 45(4):1191-1207, 2013), translated into Persian, and rated by a total of 463 native Persian-speaking participants. The ratings were obtained through an online questionnaire using a 9-point Likert scale for emotional dimensions (i.e., valence and arousal) and a 5-point Likert scale for semantic dimensions (i.e., familiarity and animacy). The reliability of the ratings was measured using the split-half method, and the result indicated a high consistency of ratings in all dimensions. To assess the relationship between the emotional and semantic dimensions, Pearson correlation coefficient was conducted. Gender differences were investigated through the Mann-Whitney U test, and significant differences were observed in all dimensions. These results are compared with findings from previous studies that were conducted in various languages.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    People sometimes mistakenly identify an unknown person they encounter as a known person. Previous studies have elucidated this phenomenon and revealed that it is a common experience. However, no experimental study has identified factors associated with its occurrence. We termed this relatively under-examined phenomenon as \'person misidentification\' and examined its factors. Specifically, we focused on (1) establishing experimental procedures to detect person misidentification in a laboratory context, and (2) investigating the mechanism by which visual familiarity with the encountered unknown faces contributes to person misidentification. The results indicated that the developed procedure measured 247 misidentifications in 72 of 106 participants in all experiments. Although the effect of familiarity on person misidentification was not observed in Experiment 1, this effect was detected in Experiment 2, where the manipulation of familiarity was enhanced and confirmed. Concretely, unknown faces with familiarity enhanced by subliminal exposure were more frequently misidentified as another known person. This indicates that familiarity with an encountered face contributes to and induces person misidentification. In addition, the results demonstrated that similarities, especially in terms of hairstyle, between the encountered face and the misidentified known person might be related to its occurrence. These results have rich implications and expand the literature on face processing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While it is widely known that humans are typically highly accurate at recognizing familiar faces, it is less clear how efficiently recognition is achieved. In a series of three experiments, we used event-related brain potentials (ERP) in a repetition priming paradigm to examine the efficiency of familiar face recognition. Specifically, we varied the presentation time of the prime stimulus between 500 ms and 33 ms (Experiments 1 and 2), and additionally used backward masks (Experiment 3) to prevent the potential occurrence of visual aftereffects. Crucially, to test for the recognition of facial identity rather than a specific picture, we used different images of the same facial identities in repetition conditions. We observed clear ERP repetition priming effects between 300 and 500 ms after target onset at all prime durations, which suggests that the prime stimulus was sufficiently well processed to allow for facilitated recognition of the target in all conditions. This finding held true even in severely restricted viewing conditions including very brief prime durations and backward masks. We conclude that the facial recognition system is both highly effective and efficient, thus allowing for our impressive ability to recognise the faces that we know.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In primates living in one-male groups, the sole resident male is often an important social partner for group immatures. For such groups, however, replacement of the male and subsequent disruptions of their relationships are almost inevitable. Here, we described social relationships of immature wild western lowland gorillas within a habituated group, where two natal and eight immigrant immatures lived with the resident silverback. We recorded 5 m proximities among group members as an indicator of social closeness. We found that natal immatures spent more time within 5 m of the silverback than immigrant ones. The social closeness between the silverback and the younger immigrant immatures sharply increased after 1 year, but these values were still below those of the natal immatures. Regarding the development of independence from the mother, we found no significant difference between natal and immigrant immatures. The socially preferred nonmother mature for natal immatures was the silverback, whereas many immigrant immatures preferred a paternal adult sister who had previously co-resided with them in a previous group. Our results suggest that familiarity may be an important determinant of the social closeness between the silverback and immatures, but 1 year of co-residence might be too short to construct sufficient familiarity. The paternal sister may have played a pivotal role in the assimilation of immigrant immatures into the non-natal group. Nonetheless, it is not negligible that the silverback and immigrant immatures formed day-to-day close proximities. His tolerance toward co-residence with immigrant immatures can be considered a reproductive tactic.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Classification performance is better for learned than unlearned stimuli. This was also reported for faces, where identity matching of unfamiliar faces is worse than for familiar faces. This familiarity advantage led to the conclusion that variability across appearances of the same identity is partly idiosyncratic and cannot be generalized from familiar to unfamiliar identities. Recent advances in machine vision challenge this claim by showing that the performance for untrained (unfamiliar) identities reached the level of trained identities as the number of identities that the algorithm is trained with increases. We therefore asked whether humans who reportedly can identify a vast number of identities, such as super recognizers, may close the gap between familiar and unfamiliar face classification. Consistent with this prediction, super recognizers classified unfamiliar faces just as well as typical participants who are familiar with the same faces, on a task that generates a sizable familiarity effect in controls. Additionally, prosopagnosics\' performance for familiar faces was as bad as that of typical participants who were unfamiliar with the same faces, indicating that they struggle to learn even identity-specific information. Overall, these findings demonstrate that by studying the extreme ends of a system\'s ability we can gain novel insights into its actual capabilities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Reciprocity is one of the most prominent explanations for the evolution of stable cooperation. Although reciprocity has been studied for decades in numerous animal species and behavioural contexts, its underlying proximate mechanisms remain unclear. Domestic dogs provide a useful model species for the study of proximate mechanisms, though there are currently inconsistent findings regarding dogs\' propensity to reciprocate. Here, we investigated whether, after minimal training, pet dogs would press a button, which remotely controlled a food dispenser, to deliver food to an enclosure occupied by a helpful conspecific that had provided them with food or an unhelpful conspecific that had not provided them with food. We included an asocial control condition in which the enclosure was unoccupied and a social facilitation control in which the food delivery mechanism was non-functional. Whether subjects were familiar with the helpful and unhelpful conspecifics was also varied. In addition, to investigate potential mechanisms underlying reciprocity, we measured subjects salivary oxytocin concentration before and after they experienced the helpful and unhelpful acts. There was no effect of the previous helpfulness or the familiarity of the partner on the number of times subjects pressed the button. However, there was also no effect of the presence of a partner or the operationality of the food delivery mechanism on the number of button presses, indicating that subjects were not pressing the button to provision the partner. Moreover, the experience of the helpful or unhelpful act did not influence subjects\' salivary oxytocin concentration. Variation in findings of reciprocity across studies appears to correspond with differing training protocols. Subjects\' understanding of the task in the current study may have been constrained by the limited training received. Additional tests to verify subjects\' understanding of such tasks are warranted in future studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper introduces A Library for Innovative Category Exemplars (ALICE) database, a resource that enhances research efficiency in cognitive and developmental studies by providing printable 3D objects representing 30 novel categories. Our research consists of three experiments to validate the novelty and complexity of the objects in ALICE. Experiment 1 assessed the novelty of objects through adult participants\' subjective familiarity ratings and agreement on object naming and descriptions. The results confirm the general novelty of the objects. Experiment 2 employed multidimensional scaling (MDS) to analyze perceived similarities between objects, revealing a three-dimensional structure based solely on shape, indicative of their complexity. Experiment 3 used two clustering techniques to categorize objects: k-means clustering for creating nonoverlapping global categories, and hierarchical clustering for allowing global categories that overlap and have a hierarchical structure. Through stability tests, we verified the robustness of each clustering method and observed a moderate to good consensus between them, affirming the strength of our dual approach in effectively and accurately delineating meaningful object categories. By offering easy access to customizable novel stimuli, ALICE provides a practical solution to the challenges of creating novel physical objects for experimental purposes.





