FRET sensor

FRET 传感器
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Subtle changes in the membrane potential of pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells (PASMCs) are pivotal for controlling pulmonary vascular tone, e.g., for initiating Hypoxic Pulmonary Vasoconstriction, a vital mechanism of the pulmonary circulation. In our study, we evaluated the ability of the fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based voltage-sensor Mermaid to detect such subtle changes in membrane potential. Mouse PASMCs were isolated and transduced with Mermaid-encoding lentiviral vectors before the acceptor/donor emission ratio was assessed via live cell FRET-imaging. Mermaid\'s sensitivity was tested by applying specific potassium chloride (KCl) concentrations. These KCl concentrations were previously validated by patch clamp recordings to induce depolarization with predefined amplitudes that physiologically occur in PASMCs. Mermaid\'s emission ratio dose-dependently increased upon depolarization with KCl. However, Mermaid formed unspecific intracellular aggregates, which limited the usefulness of this voltage sensor. When analyzing the membrane rim only to circumvent these unspecific signals, Mermaid was not suitable to resolve subtle changes in the membrane potential of ≤10 mV. In summary, we found Mermaid to be a suitable alternative for reliably detecting qualitative membrane voltage changes of more than 10 mV in primary mouse PASMCs. However, one should be aware of the limitations associated with this voltage sensor.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Matrix remodeling plays central roles in a range of physiological and pathological processes and is driven predominantly by the activity of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), which degrade extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins. Our understanding of how MMPs regulate cell and tissue dynamics is often incomplete as in vivo approaches are lacking and many in vitro strategies cannot provide high-resolution, quantitative measures of enzyme activity in situ within tissue-like 3D microenvironments. Here, we incorporate a Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) sensor of MMP activity into fully synthetic hydrogels that mimic many properties of the native ECM. We then use fluorescence lifetime imaging to provide a real-time, fluorophore concentration-independent quantification of MMP activity, establishing a highly accurate, readily adaptable platform for studying MMP dynamics in situ. MCF7 human breast cancer cells encapsulated within hydrogels highlight the detection of MMP activity both locally, at the sub-micron level, and within the bulk hydrogel. Our versatile platform may find use in a range of biological studies to explore questions in the dynamics of cancer metastasis, development, and tissue repair by providing high-resolution, quantitative and in situ readouts of local MMP activity within native tissue-like environments.






  • 文章类型: Review
    The ATR/Chk1 pathway is an important regulator of cell cycle progression, notably upon genotoxic stress where it can detect a large variety of DNA alterations and induce a transient cell cycle arrest that promotes DNA repair. In addition to its role in DNA damage response (DDR), Chk1 is also active during a non-perturbed S phase and contributes to prevent a premature entry into mitosis with an incompletely replicated genome, meaning the ATR/Chk1 pathway is an integral part of the cell cycle machinery that preserves genome integrity during cell growth. We recently developed a FRET-based Chk1 kinase activity reporter to directly monitor and quantify the kinetics of Chk1 activation in live single cell imaging assays with unprecedented sensitivity and time resolution. This tool allowed us to monitor Chk1 activity dynamics over time during a normal S phase and following genotoxic stress, and to elucidate the underlying mechanisms leading to its activation. Here, we review available fluorescent tools to study the interplay of cell cycle progression, DNA damage and DDR in individual live cells, and present the full protocol and image analysis pipeline to monitor Chk1 activity in two imaging assays.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Arginine methylation is involved in many important biological processes. PRMT1 is a major arginine methyltransferase in mammalian cells and is highly conserved in eukaryotes. It catalyzes the methylation of various of substrates, including histones, and PRMT1 has been reported to be overexpressed in many cancers, indicating that it is a potential therapeutic target. No tool for efficient methylation level detection in living cells has been available to date. In this work, we designed and constructed a gene-encoded fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) fluorescent sensor for detecting dimethylation levels in living cells and evaluated its functional efficiency both in vitro and in living cells. Both site-directed mutagenesis and PRMT1 inhibition experiments verified that the fluorescent sensor responded to changes in PRMT1 activity and to different PRMT1-induced methylation levels in vitro. Finally, we verified that this optimized methyl sensor responded sensitively to changes in methylation levels in living cells by overexpressing and inhibiting PRMT1, which makes it a useful tool for real-time imaging of arginine methylation. As a new tool for detecting arginine dimethylation levels in living cells, the designed FRET sensor is very important for posttranslational studies and may show a wide range of applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intraneuronal chloride concentrations ([Cl-]i) decrease during development resulting in a shift from depolarizing to hyperpolarizing GABA responses via chloride-permeable GABAA receptors. This GABA shift plays a pivotal role in postnatal brain development, and can be strongly influenced by early life experience. Here, we assessed the applicability of the recently developed fluorescent SuperClomeleon (SClm) sensor to examine changes in [Cl-]i using two-photon microscopy in brain slices. We used SClm mice of both sexes to monitor the developmental decrease in neuronal chloride levels in organotypic hippocampal cultures. We could discern a clear reduction in [Cl-]i between day in vitro (DIV)3 and DIV9 (equivalent to the second postnatal week in vivo) and a further decrease in some cells until DIV22. In addition, we assessed alterations in [Cl-]i in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) of postnatal day (P)9 male SClm mouse pups after early life stress (ELS). ELS was induced by limiting nesting material between P2 and P9. ELS induced a shift toward higher (i.e., immature) chloride levels in layer 2/3 cells in the mPFC. Although conversion from SClm fluorescence to absolute chloride concentrations proved difficult, our study underscores that the SClm sensor is a powerful tool to measure physiological changes in [Cl-]i in brain slices.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A novel FRET-based sensor has been designed and developed through the conjugation of naphthyl and rhodamine via propylamine spacer, Naph-Rh. The naphthyl moiety serves as a FRET donor due to its emission spectrum overlapping with the rhodamine B absorption band. Naph-Rh exhibited a selectivity for sensing Fe3+ over other metal ions with a visual color change and fluorescent enhancement. The ratio of the Naph-Rh and Fe3+ was determined to be 1:1 based on Job\'s plot analysis with a detection limit of 83 nM. The probe exhibited a linear response to Fe3+ in the range of 0-120 μM. Furthermore, the density functional theory (DFT) calculations of Naph-Rh were carried out to rationalize the design and portray the plausible Fe3+ sensing mechanism.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Calcium is a central signal transduction element in biology. Peroxisomes are essential cellular organelles, yet calcium handling in peroxisomes has been contentious. Recent advances show that peroxisomes are part of calcium homeostasis in cardiac myocytes and therefore may contribute to or even shape their calcium-dependent functionality. However, the mechanisms of calcium movement between peroxisomes and other cellular sites and their mediators remain elusive. Here, we review calcium handling in peroxisomes in concert with other organelles and summarize the most recent knowledge on peroxisomal involvement in calcium dynamics with a focus on mammalian cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fluorescent Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) allows us to determine interactions of labeled proteins or changes in the oligomeric state. The FCS method needs a low amount of fluorescent dye, near nanomolar concentrations. To control the amount of fluorescent dye, we used new photoconvertible FP SAASoti. This work is devoted to the proof of principle of using photoconvertible proteins to measure caspase enzymatic activity in a single live cell. The advantage of this approach is that partial photoconversion of the FP makes FCS measurements possible when studying enzymatic reactions. To investigate the process, in vivo we used HeLa cell line expressing the engineered FRET sensor, SAASoti-23-KFP. This FRET sensor has a cleavable (DEVD) sequence in the linker between two FPs for the detection of one of the key enzymes of apoptosis, caspase-3. Caspase-3 activity was detected by registering the increase in the fluorescent lifetimes of the sensor, whereas the diffusion coefficient of SAASoti decreased. This can be explained by an increase in the total cell viscosity during apoptosis. We can suppose that in the moment of detectible caspase-3 activity, cell structure already has crucial changes in viscosity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nudix hydrolase 9 (NUDT9) is a member of the nucleoside linked to another moiety X (NUDIX) protein superfamily, which hydrolyses a broad spectrum of organic pyrophosphates from metabolic processes. ADP-ribose (ADPR) has been the only known endogenous substrate accepted by NUDT9 so far. The Ca2+ -permeable transient receptor potential melastatin subfamily 2 (TRPM2) channel contains a homologous NUDT9-homology (NUDT9H) domain and is activated by ADPR. Sustained Ca2+ influx via ADPR-activated TRPM2 triggers apoptotic mechanisms. Thus, a precise regulation of cellular ADPR levels by NUDT9 is essential. A detailed characterization of the enzyme-substrate interaction would help to understand the high substrate specificity of NUDT9. Here, we analysed ligand binding to NUDT9 using a variety of biophysical techniques. We identified 2\'-deoxy-ADPR as an additional substrate for NUDT9. Similar enzyme kinetics and binding affinities were determined for the two ligands. The high-affinity binding was preserved in NUDT9 containing the mutated NUDIX box derived from the human NUDT9H domain. NMR spectroscopy indicated that ADPR and 2\'-deoxy-ADPR bind to the same binding site of NUDT9. Backbone resonance assignment and subsequent molecular docking allowed further characterization of the binding pocket. Substantial conformational changes of NUDT9 upon ligand binding were observed which might allow for the development of NUDT9-based ADPR fluorescence resonance energy transfer sensors that may help with the analysis of ADPR signalling processes in cells in the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The physical and chemical environment inside cells is of fundamental importance to all life but has traditionally been difficult to determine on a subcellular basis. Here we combine cutting-edge genomically integrated FRET biosensing to readout localized molecular crowding in single live yeast cells. Confocal microscopy allows us to build subcellular crowding heatmaps using ratiometric FRET, while whole-cell analysis demonstrates crowding is reduced when yeast is grown in elevated glucose concentrations. Simulations indicate that the cell membrane is largely inaccessible to these sensors and that cytosolic crowding is broadly uniform across each cell over a timescale of seconds. Millisecond single-molecule optical microscopy was used to track molecules and obtain brightness estimates that enabled calculation of crowding sensor copy numbers. The quantification of diffusing molecule trajectories paves the way for correlating subcellular processes and the physicochemical environment of cells under stress.






