  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    T cell development in the thymus is dependent on the thymic microenvironment, in which thymic epithelial cells (TECs) are the major component. However, TECs undergo both a qualitative and quantitative loss during aging, which is believed to be the major factor responsible for age-dependent thymic atrophy. FOXN1 plays a critical role in TEC development and adult TECs maintenance. We have previously reported that intrathymic injection of a recombinant (r) protein containing murine FOXN1 and a protein transduction domain increases the number of TECs in mice, leading to enhanced thymopoiesis. However, intrathymic injection may not be an ideal choice for clinical applications. In this study, we produced a rFOXN1 fusion protein containing the N-terminal of CCR9, human FOXN1 and a protein transduction domain. When injected intravenously into 14-month-old mice, the rFOXN1 fusion protein enters the thymus and TECs, and enhances thymopoiesis, resulting in increased T cell generation in the thymus and increased number of T cells in peripheral lymphoid organ. Our results suggest that the rFOXN1 fusion protein has the potential to be used in preventing and treating T cell immunodeficiency in older adults.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Forkhead box protein N1 (FOXN1) transcription factor plays an essential role in the development of thymic epithelial cells, required for T-cell differentiation, maturation, and function. Biallelic pathogenic variants in FOXN1 cause severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID). More recently, heterozygous variants in FOXN1, identified by restricted gene panels, were also implicated with causing a less severe and variable immunodeficiency.
    UNASSIGNED: We undertook longitudinal follow-up and advanced genetic investigations, including whole exome sequencing and whole genome sequencing, of newborns with a heterozygous variant in FOXN1.
    UNASSIGNED: Five patients (3 female, 2 male) have been followed since they were first detected with low T-cell receptor excision circles during newborn screening for SCID. Patients underwent immune evaluation as well as genetic testing, including a primary immunodeficiency panel, whole exome sequencing, and whole genome sequencing in some cases.
    UNASSIGNED: Median follow-up time was 6.5 years. Initial investigations revealed low CD3+ T lymphocytes in all patients. One patient presented with extremely low lymphocyte counts and depressed phytohemagglutinin responses leading to a tentative diagnosis of SCID. Over a period of 2 years, CD3+ T-cell counts rose, although in some patients it remained borderline low. One of 5 children continues to experience recurrent upper respiratory infections and asthma episodes. The remaining are asymptomatic except for eczema in 2 of 5 cases. Lymphocyte proliferation responses to phytohemagglutinin were initially low in 3 patients but normalized by age 10 months. In 3 of 5 cases, T lymphocyte counts remain low/borderline low.
    UNASSIGNED: In cases of monoallelic FOXN1 variants, using whole exome sequencing and whole genome sequencing to rule out possible other significant pathogenic variants allowed us to proceed with confidence in a conservative manner, even in extreme cases consistent with newborn screen-positive early presentation of SCID.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The thymus is the primary site of T-cell development, enabling generation, and selection of a diverse repertoire of T cells that recognize non-self, whilst remaining tolerant to self- antigens. Severe congenital disorders of thymic development (athymia) can be fatal if left untreated due to infections, and thymic tissue implantation is the only cure. While newborn screening for severe combined immune deficiency has allowed improved detection at birth of congenital athymia, thymic disorders acquired later in life are still underrecognized and assessing the quality of thymic function in such conditions remains a challenge. The thymus is sensitive to injury elicited from a variety of endogenous and exogenous factors, and its self-renewal capacity decreases with age. Secondary and age-related forms of thymic dysfunction may lead to an increased risk of infections, malignancy, and autoimmunity. Promising results have been obtained in preclinical models and clinical trials upon administration of soluble factors promoting thymic regeneration, but to date no therapy is approved for clinical use. In this review we provide a background on thymus development, function, and age-related involution. We discuss disease mechanisms, diagnostic, and therapeutic approaches for primary and secondary thymic defects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although the impact of age, gender, and obesity on the skin wound healing process has been extensively studied, the data related to gender differences in aspects of skin scarring are limited. The present study performed on abdominal human intact and scar skin focused on determining gender differences in extracellular matrix (ECM) composition, dermal white adipose tissue (dWAT) accumulation, and Foxn1 expression as a part of the skin response to injury. Scar skin of men showed highly increased levels of COLLAGEN 1A1, COLLAGEN 6A3, and ELASTIN mRNA expression, the accumulation of thick collagen I-positive fibers, and the accumulation of α-SMA-positive cells in comparison to the scar skin of women. However, post-injured skin of women displayed an increase (in comparison to post-injured men\'s skin) in collagen III accumulation in the scar area. On the contrary, women\'s skin samples showed a tendency towards higher levels of adipogenic-related genes (PPARγ, FABP4, LEPTIN) than men, regardless of intact or scar skin. Intact skin of women showed six times higher levels of LEPTIN mRNA expression in comparison to men intact (p < 0.05), men post-injured (p < 0.05), or women post-injured scar (p < 0.05) skin. Higher levels of FOXN1 mRNA and protein were also detected in women than in men\'s skin. In conclusion, the present data confirm and extend (dWAT layer) the data related to the presence of differences between men and women in the skin, particularly in scar tissues, which may contribute to the more effective and gender-tailored improvement of skin care interventions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Thymic epithelial cells (TECs) are essential for T cell development in the thymus, yet the mechanisms governing their differentiation are not well understood. Lin28, known for its roles in embryonic development, stem cell pluripotency, and regulating cell proliferation and differentiation, is expressed in endodermal epithelial cells during embryogenesis and persists in adult epithelia, implying postnatal functions. However, the detailed expression and function of Lin28 in TECs remain unknown. In this study, we examined the expression patterns of Lin28 and its target Let-7g in fetal and postnatal TECs and discovered opposing expression patterns during postnatal thymic growth, which correlated with FOXN1 and MHCII expression. Specifically, Lin28b showed high expression in MHCIIhi TECs, whereas Let-7g was expressed in MHCIIlo TECs. Deletion of Lin28a and Lin28b specifically in TECs resulted in reduced MHCII expression and overall TEC numbers. Conversely, overexpression of Lin28a increased total TEC and thymocyte numbers by promoting the proliferation of MHCIIlo TECs. Additionally, our data strongly suggest that Lin28 and Let-7g expression is reliant on FOXN1 to some extent. These findings suggest a critical role for Lin28 in regulating the development and differentiation of TECs by modulating MHCII expression and TEC proliferation throughout thymic ontogeny and involution. Our study provides insights into the mechanisms underlying TEC differentiation and highlights the significance of Lin28 in orchestrating these processes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In mammals, T-cell development depends on the activity of the Foxn1 transcription factor in the thymic epithelium; mutations in the vertebrate-specific Foxn1 gene are associated with profound T-cell lymphopenia and fatal immunodeficiency. Here, we examined the extent of T-cell development in teleosts lacking a functional foxn1 gene. In zebrafish carrying a deleterious internal deletion of foxn1, reduced but robust lymphopoietic activity is maintained in the mutant thymus. Moreover, pseudogenization or loss of foxn1 in the genomes of deep-sea anglerfishes is independent of the presence or absence of the canonical signatures of the T-cell lineage. Thus, in contrast to the situation in mammals, the teleost thymus can support foxn1-independent lymphopoiesis, most likely through the activity of the Foxn4, an ancient metazoan paralog of Foxn1. Our results imply that during the early stages of vertebrate evolution, genetic control of thymopoiesis was functionally redundant and thus robust; in mammals, the genetic network was reorganized to become uniquely dependent on the FOXN1 transcription factor.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intradermal adipocytes form dermal white adipose tissue (dWAT), a unique fat depot localized in the lower layer of the dermis. However, recognition of molecular factors regulating dWAT development, homeostasis, and bioactivity is limited. Using Foxn1-/- and Foxn1+/+ mice, we demonstrated that epidermally expressed Foxn1 regulates dWAT development and defines the adipogenic capacity of dermal fibroblasts. In intact and post-wounded skin, Foxn1 contributes to the initial stimulation of dWAT adipogenesis and participates in the modulation of lipid metabolism processes. Furthermore, Foxn1 activity strengthens adipogenic processes through Bmp2 and Igf2 signaling and regulates lipid metabolism in differentiated dermal fibroblasts. The results reveal the contribution of Foxn1 to dWAT metabolism, thus identifying possible targets for modulation and regulation of dWAT in physiological and pathological processes in the skin.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alzheimer\'s disease (AD) is the most common cause of dementia in older adults and characterized by progressive loss of memory and cognitive functions that are associated with amyloid-beta (Aβ) plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. Immune cells play an important role in the clearance of Aβ deposits and neurofibrillary tangles. T cells are the major component of the immune system. The thymus is the primary organ for T cell generation. T cell development in the thymus depends on thymic epithelial cells (TECs). However, TECs undergo both qualitative and quantitative loss over time. We have previously reported that a recombinant (r) protein containing FOXN1 and a protein transduction domain can increase the number of TECs and subsequently increases the number of T cells in mice. In this study we determined the ability of rFOXN1 to affect cognitive performance and AD pathology in mice.
    Aged 3xTg-AD and APP/PS1 AD mice were injected with rFOXN1 or control protein. Cognitive performance, AD pathology, the thymic microenvironment and immune cells were then analyzed.
    Administration of rFOXN1 into AD mice improves cognitive performance and reduces Aβ plaque load and phosphorylated tau in the brain. This is related to rejuvenating the aged thymic microenvironment, which results in enhanced T cell generation in the thymus, leading to increased number of T cells, especially IFNγ-producing T cells, in the spleen and the choroid plexus (CP), enhanced expression of immune cell trafficking molecules in the CP, and increased migration of monocyte-derived macrophages into the brain. Furthermore, the production of anti-Aβ antibodies in the serum and the brain, and the macrophage phagocytosis of Aβ are enhanced in rFOXN1-treated AD mice.
    Our results suggest that rFOXN1 protein has the potential to provide a novel approach to treat AD patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Thymus hypoplasia due to stromal cell problems has been linked to mutations in several transcription factors, including Forkhead box N1 (FOXN1). FOXN1 supports T-cell development by regulating the formation and expansion of thymic epithelial cells (TECs). While autosomal recessive FOXN1 mutations result in a nude and severe combined immunodeficiency phenotype, the impact of single-allelic or compound heterozygous FOXN1 mutations is less well-defined.
    With more than 400 FOXN1 mutations reported, their impact on protein function and thymopoiesis remains unclear for most variants. We developed a systematic approach to delineate the functional impact of diverse FOXN1 variants.
    Selected FOXN1 variants were tested with transcriptional reporter assays and imaging studies. Thymopoiesis was assessed in mouse lines genocopying several human FOXN1 variants. Reaggregate thymus organ cultures were used to compare the thymopoietic potential of the FOXN1 variants.
    FOXN1 variants were categorized into benign, loss- or gain-of-function, and/or dominant-negatives. Dominant negative activities mapped to frameshift variants impacting the transactivation domain. A nuclear localization signal was mapped within the DNA binding domain. Thymopoiesis analyses with mouse models and reaggregate thymus organ cultures revealed distinct consequences of particular Foxn1 variants on T-cell development.
    The potential effect of a FOXN1 variant on T-cell output from the thymus may relate to its effects on transcriptional activity, nuclear localization, and/or dominant negative functions. A combination of functional assays and thymopoiesis comparisons enabled a categorization of diverse FOXN1 variants and their potential impact on T-cell output from the thymus.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The transcription factor FOXN1 is essential for fetal thymic epithelial cell (TEC) differentiation and proliferation. Postnatally, Foxn1 levels vary widely between TEC subsets, from low/undetectable in putative TEC progenitors to highest in differentiated TEC subsets. Correct Foxn1 expression is required to maintain the postnatal microenvironment; premature downregulation of Foxn1 causes a rapid involution-like phenotype, and transgenic overexpression can cause thymic hyperplasia and/or delayed involution. We investigated a K5.Foxn1 transgene that drives overexpression in mouse TECs, but causes neither hyperplasia nor delay or prevention of aging-related involution. Similarly, this transgene cannot rescue thymus size in Foxn1lacZ/lacZ mice, which undergo premature involution as a result of reduced Foxn1 levels. However, TEC differentiation and cortico-medullary organization are maintained with aging in both K5.Foxn1 and Foxn1lacZ/lacZ mice. Analysis of candidate TEC markers showed co-expression of progenitor and differentiation markers as well as increased proliferation in Plet1+ TECs associated with Foxn1 expression. These results demonstrate that the functions of FOXN1 in promoting TEC proliferation and differentiation are separable and context dependent, and suggest that modulating Foxn1 levels can regulate the balance of proliferation and differentiation in TEC progenitors.





