FMR1 premutation

FMR1 前突变
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The relationship between premature ovarian insufficiency (FXPOI) and premutation in the FMR1 gene is well established. In recent years, though, a potential relationship between the latter and a low ovarian reserve has been suggested. To explore it, we conducted a retrospective study in an IVF program at a university tertiary referral center in Barcelona (Spain). Data were obtained retrospectively from a total of 385 women referred for FMR1 gene testing at our institution from January 2018 to December 2021. We compared the prevalence of FMR1 gene premutation between 93 of them, younger than 35 years, with a diminished ovarian reserve (DOR), characterized by levels of anti-Mullerian hormone < 1.1 ng/mL and antral follicle count < 5; and 132 egg donors screened by protocol that served as the controls. We found a higher prevalence of FMR1 premutation in the DOR group (seven patients (7.69%)) than in the control group (one patient (1.32%)), Fisher-exact test p-value = 0.012). We concluded that compared with the general population represented by young egg donors, the prevalence of FMR1 gene premutation is higher in young patients with a diminished ovarian reserve. Although these findings warrant further prospective validation in a larger cohort of patients within DOR, they suggest that, in clinical practice, FMR1 premutation should be determined in infertile young patients with DOR in order to give them adequate genetic counselling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The etiological heterogeneity of depression poses a challenge for prevention and intervention efforts. One solution is to map unique etiological pathways for subgroups defined by a singular risk factor. A relevant population for this approach is women who carry the premutation of the fragile X messenger ribonucleoprotein 1 (FMR1) gene, who are at high risk for adult-onset depression. This study explores a candidate neurophysiological marker of depression risk: reduced reward sensitivity, indexed by the reward positivity (RewP). The RewP has been linked to depression risk in the general population, but is unexplored within FMR1 premutation carriers. 16 women with the FMR1 premutation and a matched control group completed a simple guessing task while the electroencephalogram was recorded. Among premutation carriers, RewP difference score (win versus loss) was reduced. These preliminary finding suggest that the FMR1 premutation may confer increased risk for depression in part through abnormal neural sensitivity to rewards.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Primary ovarian failure (POF) is caused by follicle exhaustion and is associated with menstrual irregularities and elevated gonadotropin levels, which lead to infertility before the age of 40 years. The etiology of POI is mostly unknown, but a heterogeneous genetic and familial background can be identified in a subset of cases. Abnormalities in the fragile X mental retardation 1 gene (FMR1) are among the most prevalent monogenic causes of POI. These abnormalities are caused by the expansion of an unstable CGG repeat in the 5\' untranslated region of FMR1. Expansions over 200 repeats cause fragile X syndrome (FXS), whereas expansions between 55 and 200 CGG repeats, which are defined as a fragile X premutation, have been associated with premature ovarian failure type 1 (POF1) in heterozygous females. Preimplantation genetic testing for monogenic diseases (PGT-M) can be proposed when the female carries a premutation or a full mutation. In this narrative review, we aim to recapitulate the clinical and molecular features of POF1 and their implications in the context of PGT-M.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aging FMR1 premutation carriers are at risk of developing neurodegenerative disorders, including fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS), and there is a need to identify biomarkers that can aid in identification and treatment of these disorders. While FXTAS is more common in males than females, females can develop the disease, and some evidence suggests that patterns of impairment may differ across sexes. Few studies include females with symptoms of FXTAS, and as a result, little information is available on key phenotypes for tracking disease risk and progression in female premutation carriers. Our aim was to examine quantitative motor and cognitive traits in aging premutation carriers. We administered oculomotor tests of visually guided/reactive saccades (motor) and antisaccades (cognitive control) in 22 premutation carriers (73% female) and 32 age- and sex-matched healthy controls. Neither reactive saccade latency nor accuracy differed between groups. FMR1 premutation carriers showed increased antisaccade latencies relative to controls, both when considering males and females together and when analyzing females separately. Reduced saccade accuracy and increased antisaccade latency each were associated with more severe clinically rated neuromotor impairments. Findings indicate that together male and female premutation carriers show a reduced ability to rapidly exert volitional control over prepotent responses and that quantitative differences in oculomotor behavior, including control of visually guided and antisaccades, may track with FXTAS - related degeneration in male and female premutation carriers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS) is a late-onset neurodegenerative disorder that appears in adult FMR1 premutation carriers. The neuropathological hallmark of FXTAS is an intranuclear inclusion in neurons and astrocytes. Nearly 200 different proteins have been identified in FXTAS inclusions, being the small ubiquitin-related modifier 2 (SUMO2), ubiquitin and p62 the most highly abundant. These proteins are components of the protein degradation machinery. This study aimed to characterize SUMO2/3 expression levels and autophagy process in human postmortem brain samples and skin fibroblast cultures from FXTAS patients. Results revealed that FXTAS postmortem brain samples are positive for SUMO2/3 conjugates and supported the idea that SUMO2/3 accumulation is involved in inclusion formation. Insights from RNA-sequencing data indicated that SUMOylation processes are significantly upregulated in FXTAS samples. In addition, the analysis of the autophagy flux showed the accumulation of p62 protein levels and autophagosomes in skin fibroblasts from FXTAS patients. Similarly, gene set analysis evidenced a significant downregulation in gene ontology terms related to autophagy in FXTAS samples. Overall, this study provides new evidence supporting the role of SUMOylation and autophagic processes in the pathogenic mechanisms underlying FXTAS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The premutation of the fragile X messenger ribonucleoprotein 1 (FMR1) gene is characterized by an expansion of the CGG trinucleotide repeats (55 to 200 CGGs) in the 5\' untranslated region and increased levels of FMR1 mRNA. Molecular mechanisms leading to fragile X-premutation-associated conditions (FXPAC) include cotranscriptional R-loop formations, FMR1 mRNA toxicity through both RNA gelation into nuclear foci and sequestration of various CGG-repeat-binding proteins, and the repeat-associated non-AUG (RAN)-initiated translation of potentially toxic proteins. Such molecular mechanisms contribute to subsequent consequences, including mitochondrial dysfunction and neuronal death. Clinically, premutation carriers may exhibit a wide range of symptoms and phenotypes. Any of the problems associated with the premutation can appropriately be called FXPAC. Fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS), fragile X-associated primary ovarian insufficiency (FXPOI), and fragile X-associated neuropsychiatric disorders (FXAND) can fall under FXPAC. Understanding the molecular and clinical aspects of the premutation of the FMR1 gene is crucial for the accurate diagnosis, genetic counseling, and appropriate management of affected individuals and families. This paper summarizes all the known problems associated with the premutation and documents the presentations and discussions that occurred at the International Premutation Conference, which took place in New Zealand in 2023.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Complicated genetic mechanisms and unpredictable health risks associated with the FMR1 premutation can result in challenges for patient education when the diagnosis is made in a newborn. From October 15, 2018, to December 10, 2021, North Carolina parents could obtain FMR1 premutation results about their newborns through a voluntary expanded newborn screening research study. The study provided confirmatory testing, parental testing, and genetic counseling. We developed web-based educational materials to augment information about fragile X premutation conveyed by a genetic counselor. Many genetics education materials are developed for the lay population. However, relatively little research is published on how well individuals understand these materials. We conducted three rounds of iterative user testing interviews to help refine web-based educational materials that support understanding and self-paced learning. The participants included 25 parents with a 2-year college degree or less and without a child identified with fragile X syndrome, premutation, or gray-zone allele. Content analysis of interview transcripts resulted in iterative changes and ultimately saturation of findings. Across all rounds of interviews, there were two terms that were commonly misunderstood (fragile and carrier) and two terms that elicited initial misconceptions that were overcome by participants. Many also had difficulty understanding the relationship between fragile X premutation and fragile X syndrome as well as appreciating the implications of having a \"fragile X gene.\" Website layout, formatting, and graphics also influenced comprehension. Despite iterative changes to the content, certain issues with understandability persisted. The findings support the need for user testing to identify misconceptions that may interfere with understanding and using genetic information. Here, we describe a process used to develop and refine evidence-based, understandable parental resources on fragile X premutation. Additionally, we provide recommendations to address ongoing educational challenges and discuss the potential impact of bias on the part of expert content developers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sleep plays an integral role in supporting well-being, and sleep difficulties are common in mothers of individuals with developmental disabilities, including fragile X syndrome (FXS). This study assessed whether the effects of sleep quality on physical health and depression are exacerbated by genetic risk factors (CGG repeats) in FMR1 premutation carrier mothers of individuals with FXS. Poor sleep quality predicted a greater number of physical health conditions for mothers with CGG repeats in the mid-premutation range (90-110 repeats), but not for those in the lower (< 90 repeats) or higher (> 110 repeats) ends of the range. A significant association between poor sleep quality and maternal depressive symptoms was also observed, but there was no evidence that this effect varied by level of genetic vulnerability. This research extends our understanding of individual differences in the effects of sleep quality among mothers of individuals with FXS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS, OMIM# 300623) is a late-onset neurodegenerative disorder with reduced penetrance that appears in adult FMR1 premutation carriers (55-200 CGGs). Clinical symptoms in FXTAS patients usually begin with an action tremor. After that, different findings including ataxia, and more variably, loss of sensation in the distal lower extremities and autonomic dysfunction, may occur, and gradually progress. Cognitive deficits are also observed, and include memory problems and executive function deficits, with a gradual progression to dementia in some individuals. Aquaporin 4 (AQP4) is a commonly distributed water channel in astrocytes of the central nervous system. Changes in AQP4 activity and expression have been implicated in several central nervous system disorders. Previous studies have suggested the associations of AQP4 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with brain-water homeostasis, and neurodegeneration disease. To date, this association has not been studied in FXTAS.
    UNASSIGNED: To investigate the association of AQP4 SNPs with the risk of presenting FXTAS, a total of seven common AQP4 SNPs were selected and genotyped in 95 FMR1 premutation carriers with FXTAS and in 65 FMR1 premutation carriers without FXTAS.
    UNASSIGNED: The frequency of AQP4-haplotype was compared between groups, denoting 26 heterozygous individuals and 5 homozygotes as carriers of the minor allele in the FXTAS group and 25 heterozygous and 2 homozygotes in the no-FXTAS group. Statistical analyses showed no significant associations between AQP4 SNPs/haplotypes and development of FXTAS.
    UNASSIGNED: Although AQP4 has been implicated in a wide range of brain disorders, its involvement in FXTAS remains unclear. The identification of novel genetic markers predisposing to FXTAS or modulating disease progression is critical for future research involving predictors and treatments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS) is a late-onset, X-linked, neurodegenerative disorder that affects premutation carriers of the FMR1 gene. FXTAS is often misdiagnosed as spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA) or Parkinson\'s disease (PD). Herein, we sought to investigate the frequency, genotypic and phenotypic profile of FXTAS in two cohorts of Greek patients with late-onset movement disorders, one with cerebellar ataxia and the other with PD. In total, 90 index patients with late-onset cerebellar ataxia and 171 with PD were selected. None of the cases had male-to-male transmission. Genetic screening for the FMR1 premutation was performed using standard methodology. The FMR1 premutation was detected in two ataxia patients (2.2%) and two PD patients (1.2%). Additional clinical features in FXTAS patients from the ataxia cohort included neuropathy, mild parkinsonism, cognitive impairment and pyramidal signs. The FXTAS patients from the PD cohort had typical PD. We conclude that, in the Greek population, the FMR1 premutation is an important, albeit rare, cause of late-onset movement disorders. Routine premutation screening should be considered in SCA panel-negative late-onset ataxia cases. Directed premutation screening should be considered in all ataxia and PD cases with additional features suggestive of FXTAS. Our study highlights the importance of FMR1 genetic testing in the diagnosis of late-onset movement disorders.





