• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Statins are among the most widely used drugs for the inhibition of cholesterol biosynthesis, prevention of cardiovascular diseases, and treatment of hypercholesterolemia. Additionally, statins also exhibit cholesterol-independent benefits in various diseases, including neuroprotective properties in Alzheimer\'s disease, anti-inflammatory effects in coronary artery disease, and antiproliferative activities in cancer, which likely result from the statins\' interaction and alteration of lipid bilayers. However, the membrane-modulatory effects of statins and the mechanisms by which statins alter lipid bilayers remain poorly understood. In this work, we explore the membrane-modulating effects of statins on model lipid bilayers and live cells. Through the use of fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) combined with viscosity-sensitive environmental probes, we demonstrate that hydrophobic, but not hydrophilic, statins are capable of changing the microviscosity and lipid order in model and live cell membranes. Furthermore, we show that hydrophobic simvastatin is capable of forming nanoscale cholesterol-rich domains and homogenizing the cholesterol concentrations in lipid bilayers. Our results provide a mechanistic framework for understanding the bimodal effects of simvastatin on the lipid order and the lateral organization of cholesterol in lipid bilayers. Finally, we demonstrate that simvastatin temporarily decreases the microviscosity of live cell plasma membranes, making them more permeable and increasing the level of intracellular chemotherapeutic drug accumulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mitochondria are commonly recognized as the powerhouses of the cell, primarily responsible for energy production through oxidative phosphorylation. Alongside this vital function, they also play crucial roles in regulating calcium signaling, maintaining membrane potential, and modulating apoptosis. Their involvement in various cellular pathways becomes particularly evident during oogenesis and embryogenesis, where mitochondrial quantity, morphology, and distribution are tightly controlled. The efficiency of the mitochondrial network is maintained through multiple quality control mechanisms that are essential for reproductive success. These include mitochondrial unfolded protein response, mitochondrial dynamics, and mitophagy. Not surprisingly, mitochondrial dysfunction has been implicated in infertility and ovarian aging, prompting investigation into mitochondria as diagnostic and therapeutic targets in assisted reproduction. To date, mitochondrial DNA copy number in oocytes, cumulus cells, and trophectoderm biopsies, and fluorescent lifetime imaging microscopy-based assessment of NADH and flavin adenine dinucleotide content have been explored as potential predictors of embryo competence, yielding limited success. Despite challenges in the clinical application of mitochondrial diagnostic strategies, these enigmatic organelles have a significant impact on reproduction, and their potential role as diagnostic targets in assisted reproduction is likely to remain an active area of investigation in the foreseeable future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Liquid-liquid phase separation is a key phenomenon in the formation of membrane-less structures within the cell, appearing as liquid biomolecular condensates. Protein condensates are the most studied for their biological relevance, and their tendency to evolve, resulting in the formation of aggregates with a high level of order called amyloid. In this study, it is demonstrated that Human Insulin forms micrometric, round amyloid-like structures at room temperature within sub-microliter scale aqueous compartments. These distinctive particles feature a solid core enveloped by a fluid-like corona and form at the interface between the aqueous compartment and the glass coverslip upon which they are cast. Quantitative fluorescence microscopy is used to study in real-time the formation of amyloid-like superstructures. Their formation results driven by liquid-liquid phase separation process that arises from spatially heterogeneous distribution of nuclei at the glass-water interface. The proposed experimental setup allows modifying the surface-to-volume ratio of the aqueous compartments, which affects the aggregation rate and particle size, while also inducing fine alterations in the molecular structures of the final assemblies. These findings enhance the understanding of the factors governing amyloid structure formation, shedding light on the catalytic role of surfaces in this process.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The successful trajectory of liposome-encapsulated doxorubicin (e.g., Doxil, which has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration) as an anticancer nanodrug in clinical applications is contradicted by in vitro cell viability data that highlight its reduced efficacy in promoting cell death compared with non-encapsulated doxorubicin. No reports to date have provided a mechanistic explanation for this apparently discordant evidence. Taking advantage of doxorubicin intrinsic fluorescence and time-resolved optical microscopy, we analyze the uptake and intracellular processing of liposome-encapsulated doxorubicin (L-DOX) in several in vitro cellular models. Cell entry of L-DOX was found to lead to a rapid (seconds to minutes), energy- and temperature-independent release of crystallized doxorubicin nanorods into the cell cytoplasm, which then disassemble into a pool of fibril-shaped derivatives capable of crossing the cellular membrane while simultaneously releasing active drug monomers. Thus, a steady state is rapidly established in which the continuous supply of crystal nanorods from incoming liposomes is counteracted by a concentration-guided efflux in the extracellular medium of fibril-shaped derivatives and active drug monomers. These results demonstrate that liposome-mediated delivery is constitutively less efficient than isolated drug in establishing favorable conditions for drug retention in the cell. In addition to explaining previous contradictory evidence, present results impose careful rethinking of the synthetic identity of encapsulated anticancer drugs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Males and females of many species store sperm for extended periods. During storage, sperm are predicted to undergo cellular and functional changes, especially towards glycolytic energy metabolism because oxygen radicals derived from oxidative phosphorylation can affect sperm motility and fertilisation ability. However, not all species can use both major energy metabolism pathways. Here, we examined the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster and asked whether sperm metabolism can be fuelled by both glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation, and to what extent metabolism changes during storage. Inhibiting glycolysis in vitro led to a more oxidative state of sperm; inhibiting oxidative phosphorylation increased the glycolytic component, assessed by multi-photon autofluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM) of NAD(P)H. We further examined sperm in male and female sperm storage organs using FLIM of NAD(P)H and FAD. In intact storage organs, we found that, unexpectedly, (i) sperm were more oxidative in females than in males, and (ii) oxidative phosphorylation increased with storage duration in females. Our observation that the relative contribution of the two major energy metabolic pathways in D. melanogaster sperm differs in males and females and over storage time has important evolutionary implications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Autofluorescence spectroscopy has emerged in recent years as a powerful tool to report label-free contrast between normal and diseased tissues, both in vivo and ex-vivo. We report the application of an instrument employing an optical fiber probe and capable of performing real-time autofluorescence lifetime imaging at a macroscopic scale, under bright background conditions. We validate and demonstrate the practicality of this technology to discriminate healthy against neoplastic tissue in freshly excised tumor biopsies. The capability of delineating tumor margins through processing the fluorescence decays in the phasors domain was demonstrated on four different types of cancer, highlighting the broad range of potential clinical applications for the proposed approach. The presented results suggest that our autofluorescence lifetime imaging probe, together with phasor analysis, can offer a real-time tool to observe lifetime contrast on tissues and, thus, is a suitable candidate for improving in situ tissue diagnostics during surgery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Novel (N-arylamino)phenothiazinium dyes containing meta-substituted-arylamine auxochrome units were successfully obtained by applying a sonochemical protocol designed for a more efficient energy usage in the preparation of methylene blue (MB) analogues. Single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis revealed the spatial arrangement in aggregated crystalline state of (N-(meta-bromoaryl)amino)phenothiazinium dye with minor variances induced by the nature of the halogenide counterion (iodide or chloride). The optical UV-vis properties of the novel (N-arylamino)phenothiazinium dyes were comparable to those of the parent MB, with the longest wavelength absorption maxima situated in the visible range (640-680 nm), large molar extinction coefficients (log ε = 4.5-5.1) and weak solvatochromism in polar solvents. Their fluorescence emission in solid state was evidenced by One Photon Excited Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging (OPE-FLIM) and Two Photon Excited Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging (TPE-FLIM) experiments. Theoretical calculations based on Time Dependent-Density Functional Theory (TD-DFT) at B3PW91 and CAM-B3LYP/def2-SV(P) level of theory predicted absorption and fluorescence emission wavelength maxima in reasonable agreement with experimental data. Computational results suggest that the electronic excitations imply a departure from the planar molecular ground state towards geometrically rearranged excited states disfavoring the vibronic couplings due to a high degree of flexibility induced by the conformational motion of the N-arylamino auxochromes. Preliminary studies regarding the dyes\' relevance in biological environment indicated lipophilicity (log P octanol/water 0.5-2.3), no aggregation tendency in diluted solutions in the concentration range 10-50 microM and ability for cytoplasmatic staining of D407 human retinal pigment epithelial cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) biosensors have proven to be an indispensable tool in cell biology and, more specifically, in the study of G-protein signalling. The best method of measuring the activation status or FRET state of a biosensor is often fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM), as it does away with many disadvantages inherent to fluorescence intensity-based methods and is easily quantitated. Despite the significant potential, there is a lack of reliable FLIM-FRET biosensors, and the data processing and analysis workflows reported previously face reproducibility challenges. Here, we established a system in live primary mouse pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma cells, where we can detect the activation of an mNeonGreen-Gαi3-mCherry-Gγ2 biosensor through the lysophosphatidic acid receptor (LPAR) with 2-photon time-correlated single-photon counting (TCSPC) FLIM. This combination gave a superior signal to the commonly used mTurquoise2-mVenus G-protein biosensor. This system has potential as a platform for drug screening, or to answer basic cell biology questions in the field of G-protein signalling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The relative amount of AMPA receptors expressed at the surface of neurons can be measured using superecliptic pHluorin (SEP) labeling at their N-terminus. However, the high signal variability resulting from protein overexpression in neurons and the low signal observed in intracellular vesicles make quantitative characterization of receptor trafficking difficult. Here, we establish a real-time live-cell assay of AMPAR trafficking based on fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM), which allows for simultaneous visualization of both surface and intracellular receptors. Using this assay, we found that elevating amyloid-beta (Aβ) levels leads to a strong increase in intracellular GluA1 and GluA2-containing receptors, indicating that Aβ triggers the endocytosis of these AMPARs. In APP/PS1 Alzheimer\'s disease model mouse neurons, FLIM revealed strikingly different AMPAR trafficking properties for GluA1- and GluA3-containing receptors, suggesting that chronic Aβ exposure triggered the loss of both surface and intracellular GluA3-containing receptors. Interestingly, overexpression of protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) also resulted in GluA1 endocytosis as well as depressed synaptic transmission, confirming the important role of phosphorylation in regulating AMPAR trafficking. This new approach allows for the quantitative measurement of extracellular pH, small changes in receptor trafficking, as well as simultaneous measurement of surface and internalized AMPARs in living neurons, and could therefore be applied to several different studies in the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mitochondria are dynamic bioenergetic hubs that become compromised with age. In neurons, declining mitochondrial axonal transport has been associated with reduced cellular health. However, it is still unclear to what extent the decline of mitochondrial transport and function observed during ageing are coupled, and if somal and axonal mitochondria display compartment-specific features that make them more susceptible to the ageing process. It is also not known whether the biophysical state of the cytoplasm, thought to affect many cellular functions, changes with age to impact mitochondrial trafficking and homeostasis. Focusing on the mouse peripheral nervous system, we show that age-dependent decline in mitochondrial trafficking is accompanied by reduction of mitochondrial membrane potential and intramitochondrial viscosity, but not calcium buffering, in both somal and axonal mitochondria. Intriguingly, we observe a specific increase in cytoplasmic viscosity in the neuronal cell body, where mitochondria are most polarised, which correlates with decreased cytoplasmic diffusiveness. Increasing cytoplasmic crowding in the somatic compartment of DRG neurons grown in microfluidic chambers reduces mitochondrial axonal trafficking, suggesting a mechanistic link between the regulation of cytoplasmic viscosity and mitochondrial dynamics. Our work provides a reference for studying the relationship between neuronal mitochondrial homeostasis and the viscoelasticity of the cytoplasm in a compartment-dependent manner during ageing.





