FGF signaling

FGF 信号
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mutations in GATA6 are associated with congenital heart disease, most notably conotruncal structural defects. However, how GATA6 regulates cardiac morphology during embryogenesis is undefined. We used knockout and conditional mutant zebrafish alleles to investigate the spatiotemporal role of gata6 during cardiogenesis. Loss of gata6 specifically impacts atrioventricular valve formation and recruitment of epicardium, with a prominent loss of arterial pole cardiac cells, including those of the ventricle and outflow tract. However, there are no obvious defects in cardiac progenitor cell specification, proliferation or death. Conditional loss of gata6 starting at 24 h is sufficient to disrupt the addition of late differentiating cardiomyocytes at the arterial pole, with decreased expression levels of anterior secondary heart field (SHF) markers spry4 and mef2cb. Conditional loss of gata6 in the endoderm is sufficient to phenocopy the straight knockout, resulting in a significant loss of ventricular and outflow tract tissue. Exposure to a Dusp6 inhibitor largely rescues the loss of ventricular cells in gata6-/- larvae. Thus, gata6 functions in endoderm are mediated by FGF signaling to regulate the addition of anterior SHF progenitor derivatives during heart formation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In vertebrates, Fgf signaling is essential for the development of pharyngeal pouches, which controls facial skeletal development. Genetically, fgf3 and fgf8 are required for pouch formation in mice and zebrafish. However, loss-of-function phenotypes of fgf3 and fgf8 are milder than expected in mice and zebrafish, which suggests that an additional fgf gene(s) would be involved in pouch formation. Here, we analyzed the expression, regulation, and function of three fgfs, fgf4, fgf24, and fgf17, during pouch development in zebrafish. We find that they are expressed in the distinct regions of pharyngeal endoderm in pouch formation, with fgf4 and fgf17 also being expressed in the adjacent mesoderm, in addition to previously reported endodermal fgf3 and mesodermal fgf8 expression. The endodermal expression of fgf4, fgf24, and fgf17 and the mesodermal expression of fgf4 and fgf17 are positively regulated by Tbx1 but not by Fgf3, in pouch formation. Fgf8 is required to express the endodermal expression of fgf4 and fgf24. Interestingly, however, single mutant, all double mutant combinations, and triple mutant for fgf4, fgf24, and fgf17 do not show any defects in pouches and facial skeletons. Considering a high degree of genetic redundancy in the Fgf signaling components in craniofacial development in zebrafish, our result suggests that fgf4, fgf24, and fgf17 have a potential role for pouch formation, with a redundancy with other fgf gene(s).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lymphoma positions as the fifth most common cancer, in the world, reporting remarkable deaths every year. Several promising strategies to counter this disease recently include utilizing small molecules that specifically target the lymphoma cellular proteins to overwhelm its progression. FGFBP1 is a soluble intracellular protein that progresses cancer cell proliferation and is upregulated in several cancers. Therefore, inhibiting FGFBP1 could significantly slow down lymphoma progression through triggering apoptosis. Thus, in this study, a flavonoid B4, isolated from Cajanus cajan, has been investigated for its effects of B4 on lymphoma, specifically as an FGFBP1 inhibitor. B4 could selectively hinder the growth of lymphoma cells by inducing caspase-dependent intrinsic apoptosis through G1/S transition phase cell cycle arrest. RNA sequencing analysis revealed that B4 regulates the genes involved in B-cell proliferation and DNA replication by inhibiting FGFBP1 in vitro. B4 increases the survival rate of lymphoma mice. B4 also represses the growth of patient-derived primary lymphoma cells through FGFBP1 inhibition. Drug affinity responsive target stability experimentations authorize that B4 powerfully binds to FGFBP1. The overexpression of FGFBP1 raises the pharmacological sensitivity of B4, supplementing its specific action on lymphoma cells. This study pioneers the estimation of B4 as a possible anticancer agent for lymphoma treatment. These outcomes highlight its selective inhibitory effects on lymphoma cell growth by downregulating FGFBP1 expression through intrinsic apoptosis, causing mitochondrial and DNA damage, ultimately leading to the inhibition of lymphoma progression. These suggest B4 may be a novel FGFBP1 inhibitor for the lymphoma treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Putatively, tooth agenesis was attributed to the initiation failure of tooth germs, though little is known about the histological and molecular alterations. To address if constitutively active FGF signaling is associated with tooth agenesis, we activated Fgf8 in dental mesenchyme with Osr-cre knock-in allele in mice (Osr2-creKI; Rosa26R-Fgf8) and found incisor agenesis and molar microdontia. The cell survival assay showed tremendous apoptosis in both the Osr2-creKI; Rosa26R-Fgf8 incisor epithelium and mesenchyme, which initiated incisor regression from cap stage. In situ hybridization displayed vanished Shh transcription, and immunostaining exhibited reduced Runx2 expression and enlarged mesenchymal Lef1 domain in Osr2-creKI; Rosa26R-Fgf8 incisors, both of which were suggested to enhance apoptosis. In contrast, Osr2-creKI; Rosa26R-Fgf8 molar germs displayed mildly suppressed Shh transcription, and the increased expression of Ectodin, Runx2 and Lef1. Although mildly smaller than WT controls prenatally, the Osr2-creKI; Rosa26R-Fgf8 molar germs produced a miniature tooth with impaired mineralization after a 6-week sub-renal culture. Intriguingly, the implanted Osr2-creKI; Rosa26R-Fgf8 molar germs exhibited delayed odontoblast differentiation and accelerated ameloblast maturation. Collectively, the ectopically activated Fgf8 in dental mesenchyme caused incisor agenesis by triggering incisor regression and postnatal molar microdontia. Our findings reported tooth agenesis resulting from the regression from the early bell stage and implicated a correlation between tooth agenesis and microdontia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many growth factors and cytokines signal by binding to the extracellular domains of their receptors and driving association and transphosphorylation of the receptor intracellular tyrosine kinase domains, initiating downstream signaling cascades. To enable systematic exploration of how receptor valency and geometry affect signaling outcomes, we designed cyclic homo-oligomers with up to 8 subunits using repeat protein building blocks that can be modularly extended. By incorporating a de novo-designed fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR)-binding module into these scaffolds, we generated a series of synthetic signaling ligands that exhibit potent valency- and geometry-dependent Ca2+ release and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway activation. The high specificity of the designed agonists reveals distinct roles for two FGFR splice variants in driving arterial endothelium and perivascular cell fates during early vascular development. Our designed modular assemblies should be broadly useful for unraveling the complexities of signaling in key developmental transitions and for developing future therapeutic applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tumor heterogeneity, the presence of multiple distinct subpopulations of cancer cells between patients or among the same tumors, poses a major challenge to current targeted therapies. The way these different subpopulations interact among themselves and the stromal niche environment, and how such interactions affect cancer stem cell behavior has remained largely unknown. Here, it is shown that an FGF-BMP7-INHBA signaling positive feedback loop integrates interactions among different cell populations, including mammary gland stem cells, luminal epithelial and stromal fibroblast niche components not only in organ regeneration but also, with certain modifications, in cancer progression. The reciprocal dependence of basal stem cells and luminal epithelium is based on basal-derived BMP7 and luminal-derived INHBA, which promote their respective expansion, and is regulated by stromal-epithelial FGF signaling. Targeting this interaction loop, for example, by reducing the function of one or more of its components, inhibits organ regeneration and breast cancer progression. The results have profound implications for overcoming drug resistance because of tumor heterogeneity in future targeted therapies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rising in popularity as a model organism in the classroom, zebrafish have numerous characteristics that make them ideal for teaching. In this study, we describe an experiment that helps students better understand the concept of tissue regeneration and the genes that control it. This experiment utilizes a dominant negative transgene for fgfr1 and allows students to observe the consequences of its activation. The first part of the laboratory is hands-on, and includes details of the amputation of caudal fins, heat shocking, general fish care, and visual observations. Over the course of a week, students observed the differences between the activated and unactivated transgene in the zebrafish. The second part was literature based, in which students tried to determine which gene is responsible for inhibiting regeneration. This encouraged students to sharpen their skills of deductive reasoning and critical thinking as they conduct research based on the information they receive about dominant negative receptors and transgenes. Having both a hands-on and critical thinking component in the laboratory helped synthesize the learning goals and allowed students to actively participate.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The molecular basis for cortical expansion during evolution remains largely unknown. Here, we report that fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) signaling promotes the self-renewal and expansion of cortical radial glial (RG) cells. Furthermore, FGF-ERK signaling induces bone morphogenic protein 7 (Bmp7) expression in cortical RG cells, which increases the length of the neurogenic period. We demonstrate that ERK signaling and Sonic Hedgehog (SHH) signaling mutually inhibit each other in cortical RG cells. We provide evidence that ERK signaling is elevated in cortical RG cells during development and evolution. We propose that the expansion of the mammalian cortex, notably in human, is driven by the ERK-BMP7-GLI3R signaling pathway in cortical RG cells, which participates in a positive feedback loop through antagonizing SHH signaling. We also propose that the relatively short cortical neurogenic period in mice is partly due to mouse cortical RG cells receiving higher SHH signaling that antagonizes ERK signaling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Peripheral sensory neurons are a critical part of the nervous system that transmit a multitude of sensory stimuli to the central nervous system. During larval and juvenile stages in zebrafish, this function is mediated by Rohon-Beard somatosensory neurons (RBs). RBs are optically accessible and amenable to experimental manipulation, making them a powerful system for mechanistic investigation of sensory neurons. Previous studies provided evidence that RBs fall into multiple subclasses; however, the number and molecular makeup of these potential RB subtypes have not been well defined. Using a single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) approach, we demonstrate that larval RBs in zebrafish fall into three, largely nonoverlapping classes of neurons. We also show that RBs are molecularly distinct from trigeminal neurons in zebrafish. Cross-species transcriptional analysis indicates that one RB subclass is similar to a mammalian group of A-fiber sensory neurons. Another RB subclass is predicted to sense multiple modalities, including mechanical stimulation and chemical irritants. We leveraged our scRNA-seq data to determine that the fibroblast growth factor (Fgf) pathway is active in RBs. Pharmacological and genetic inhibition of this pathway led to defects in axon maintenance and RB cell death. Moreover, this can be phenocopied by treatment with dovitinib, an FDA-approved Fgf inhibitor with a common side effect of peripheral neuropathy. Importantly, dovitinib-mediated axon loss can be suppressed by loss of Sarm1, a positive regulator of neuronal cell death and axonal injury. This offers a molecular target for future clinical intervention to fight neurotoxic effects of this drug.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nerves play important roles in organ development and tissue homeostasis. Stem/progenitor cells differentiate into different cell lineages responsible for building the craniofacial organs. The mechanism by which nerves regulate stem/progenitor cell behavior in organ morphogenesis has not yet been comprehensively explored. Here, we use tooth root development in mouse as a model to investigate how sensory nerves regulate organogenesis. We show that sensory nerve fibers are enriched in the dental papilla at the initiation of tooth root development. Through single cell RNA-sequencing analysis of the trigeminal ganglion and developing molar, we reveal several signaling pathways that connect the sensory nerve with the developing molar, of which FGF signaling appears to be one of the important regulators. Fgfr2 is expressed in the progenitor cells during tooth root development. Loss of FGF signaling leads to shortened roots with compromised proliferation and differentiation of progenitor cells. Furthermore, Hh signaling is impaired in Gli1-CreER;Fgfr2fl/fl mice. Modulation of Hh signaling rescues the tooth root defects in these mice. Collectively, our findings elucidate the nerve-progenitor crosstalk and reveal the molecular mechanism of the FGF-SHH signaling cascade during tooth root morphogenesis.





