• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Epigenetic-mediated gene regulation orchestrates brain cell-type gene expression programs, and epigenetic dysregulation is a major driver of aging and disease-associated changes. Proteins that mediate gene regulation are mostly localized to the nucleus; however, nuclear-localized proteins are often underrepresented in gene expression studies and have been understudied in the context of the brain. To address this challenge, we have optimized an approach for nuclei isolation that is compatible with proteomic analysis. This was coupled to a mass spectrometry protocol for detecting proteins in low-concentration samples. We have generated nuclear proteomes for neurons, microglia, and oligodendrocytes from the mouse brain cortex and identified cell-type nuclear proteins associated with chromatin structure and organization, chromatin modifiers such as transcription factors, and RNA-binding proteins, among others. Our nuclear proteomics platform paves the way for assessing brain cell type changes in the nuclear proteome across health and disease, such as neurodevelopmental, aging, neurodegenerative, and neuroinflammatory conditions. Data are available via ProteomeXchange with the identifier PXD053515.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We developed a method that utilizes fluorescent labeling of nuclear envelopes alongside cytometry sorting for the selective isolation of Purkinje cell (PC) nuclei. Beginning with SUN1 reporter mice, we GFP-tagged envelopes to confirm that PC nuclei could be accurately separated from other cell types. We then developed an antibody-based protocol to make PC nuclear isolation more robust and adaptable to cerebellar tissues of any genotypic background. Immunofluorescent labeling of the nuclear membrane protein RanBP2 enabled the isolation of PC nuclei from C57BL/6 cerebellum. By analyzing the expression of PC markers, nuclear size, and nucleoli number, we confirmed that our method delivers a pure fraction of PC nuclei. To demonstrate its applicability, we isolated PC nuclei from spinocerebellar ataxia type 7 (SCA7) mice and identified transcriptional changes in known and new disease-associated genes. Access to pure PC nuclei offers insights into PC biology and pathology, including the nature of selective neuronal vulnerability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Evaluation of heat stress abatement for pre-weaned dairy calves is a rare endeavor. We aimed to assess the impacts of cooling the environment of pre-weaned calves through ceiling fans on their performance after weaning and during their first lactation. We randomly assigned female Holstein calves to one of two treatment at birth (day 0): individual frame-wire hutches in a non-cooled barn (\"SH\", n = 125) and individual frame-wire hutches in a barn equipped with ceiling fans (\"SHF\", n = 101). Calves were housed under the same barn, with treatments applied in three alternating sections. Ceiling fans (2.1 m in diameter) were positioned 4.1 m from the ground and 7.6 m apart (center-to-center). Shade cloths were used to separate the sections designated for the SH and SHF treatments. Post-weaning, heifers were commingled. We recorded body weight (BW) and average daily gain (ADG) at weaning, 5, 7, and 10 mo of age. Pregnancy to first artificial insemination (P/1AI), hazard of pregnancy, and the hazard of commencing the first lactation are reported. Body weight at first calving, P/1AI, hazard of pregnancy, and milk yield in the first lactation are reported. No differences in BW (5 mo: SH = 162.9 ± 1.6 kg vs. SHF = 162.3 ± 1.6 kg; 7 mo: SH = 200.8 ± 2.2 kg vs. SHF = 201.1 ± 2.3 kg; 10 mo: SH = 300.5 ± 2.6 kg vs. SHF = 300.0 ± 2.8 kg) and ADG (SH = 0.94 ± 0.02 kg/d, SHF = 0.94 ± 0.02 kg/d) from 5 to 10 mo of age were detected. Treatment did not affect P/1AI (SH = 53.5 %, SHF = 45.9 %) and hazard of pregnancy [SH = referent, SHF - adjusted hazard ratio (AHR) = 0.87 (95 % CI = 0.65, 1.18)], but heifers in the SHF treatment were less likely to initiate the first lactation (76.2 % vs. 86.4 %). Body weight at calving (SH = 612.4 ± 5.3 kg, SHF = 618.2 ± 5.9 kg) and milk yield (SH = 39.0 ± 0.48 kg/d, SHF = 38.3 ± 0.57 kg/d) were not different, but the SHF treatment resulted in lower P/1AI (38.4 % vs. 51.4 %) and hazard of pregnancy (AHR = 0.68, 95 % CI = 0.49, 0.93) and fewer cows starting their second lactation (57.4 % vs. 72.8 %). In our experiment, providing cooling through ceiling fans during the pre-weaning phase had a negative impact on the reproductive performance of Holstein cows during their first lactation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ureteral access sheath (UAS) has been a boon and a bane in flexible ureteroscopy (FURS), with its merits and demerits well established. Its design and dimensions were instrumental in reshaping the way flexible scopes were used and were key adjuncts to establishing retrograde intrarenal surgery (RIRS) as a standard of care in the endourological management of renal stones. With the ever-changing landscape of RIRS over the decades shaped by technological advancements in lasers and flexible scopes, the UAS has also continuously evolved. The utility of suction in endourology has recently changed the way RIRS is performed and is a game changer for FURS outcomes. With strong clinical and experimental evidence to support its use, the UAS has undergone a transformative change in the recent past, with its ability to monitor intrarenal pressure and provide a superior vacuum-cleaner effect that improves the trifecta of RIRS, namely an improved single-stage stone-free rate (SFR), minimise complications, and reduce reinterventions. Our comprehensive review outlines the key clinical and experimental evidence and traces the developments that were key to modifying the traditional UAS into a flexible and navigable suction ureteric access sheath (FANS) and highlights how the design and modifications, in turn, influence the ability to push the boundaries of RIRS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Our main aim in this study was to analyze any differences in Win Percentages at Home (HW) that might represent a Home-Court Advantage (HA) in women\'s professional basketball. A secondary objective was to analyze how team ability might modify the HA effect by comparing any interaction effect between HW and team ability in games played with and without fans. We collected data from first Spanish female basketball divisions, using a linear mixed model (LMM) for repeated measures to identify differences between time periods (games with fans vs. games without fans) for HA and HW. When comparing games with and without fans, we found no significant HA and HW differences (p = .283 and p = .872, respectively). In fact, interestingly, we observed higher win values when fans were absent. Additionally, during the COVID-19 shut down stage, HA increased; but it returned to pre-pandemic levels afterward, with no significant differences between these periods (p = .482). Similarly, while HW seemed to increase during the COVID-19 shut down period and continued improving in the post-pandemic phase, there were actually no statistically significant differences (p = .772). Higher HA and HW were evident without fans during the pandemic compared to the pre-pandemic period when fans were present in women\'s professional basketball. During the post-pandemic period, HA decreased upon fans\' return, while HW continued increasing. We discuss possible bases for these unexpected findings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Breakthroughs in digital technology are accelerating the development and commercialization of virtual idols. They are overturning the traditional one-way communication between idols and fans, turning fans into producers and consumers. Therefore, identifying the motivations for fan creation can regulate and guide the creative behavior of fans and turn their creativity into productivity. This paper took \"the factors influencing fans\' spontaneous participation in creating virtual idols\" as the primary research question, took the Motivation Opportunity Ability (MOA) theory as the research framework, used questionnaires as the primary research method, and combined the relevant research on motivation theory and self-determination theory to explore fans\' creative behavior from the psychological perspective in depth. The empirical tests revealed that in the motivation dimension, interest motivation, achievement motivation, social motivation, and utility motivation all positively influenced fans\' creative behavior; in the opportunity dimension, fans\' perceived cost had a significant negative moderating effect on the influence of interest motivation, social motivation, and utility motivation on fans\' creative behavior; fans\' perceived community atmosphere was substantial. The moderating effect of knowledge and skills on the capability dimension was insignificant. For the virtual idol industry, the future development of the industry could not only focus on IP image creation and content production but also effectively stimulate fans\' creative motivation through the creation of an excellent community atmosphere, the provision of targeted creator services, and the reduction of fans\' perceived costs in the creation process.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The golden section or golden ratio (61.8% or 0.618) is a mathematical phenomenon that appears in art, literature, music and nature with such ubiquity that it is thought to be a fundamental principle of aesthetic organisation. The golden ratio also manifests in sport, particularly as the proportion of wins to losses required to win a Major League Baseball championship. This study extends early work on the golden ratio in baseball by incorporating more than three decades of additional data.
    UNASSIGNED: This study involved a historically contextualized examination of how winning percentages have changed across the seven historical eras of modern baseball, including analyses of the relative contribution of offensive and defensive statistics to championship winning teams. Data was extracted from Baseball Reference and included statistics for 398 championship winning teams from both the American and National Leagues between 1901 and 2019. Pearson correlation coefficients were computed for winning percentage with indicators of offensive and defensive performance during each era. Main and interaction effects of Era and League on winning percentage were examined using factorial ANOVA, with follow-up analyses examining whether the golden ratio was included in each factor\'s 95% confidence interval.
    UNASSIGNED: Our findings suggest that winning percentages for championship teams were closest to the golden ratio during eras where the relative contribution of offense and defense was most closely balanced: the Integration Era (1942-1960) and the Expansion Era (1961-1976).
    UNASSIGNED: Previous scholarship theorizes that the golden ratio represents an aesthetic ideal or a Gestalt archetype. If this aesthetic theory is applied to sporting competition, these results suggest that baseball may be most aesthetically appealing to fans when offense and defense is balanced in such a way as to ensure that championship teams win 61.8% of their games.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent technical developments and the widespread use of social networks have led to the emergence of a variety of online communities built around common interests. Among these virtual communities, one notable category revolves around sports fans. This conceptual article uses several examples of online sports fan communities in Israel to analyze their core elements. Within this context, the article focuses on the significance of humor, trivial knowledge, and counter-modern concepts as the key elements fostering unity among fans. Humor serves as a common thread that encourages interactions, also providing a platform for fans to showcase their niche knowledge, symbolizing their dedication to fan culture. Meanwhile, the prevalence of counter-modern inclinations within these communities highlights the fans\' constant devotion to the sport, demonstrating a profound loyalty. Collectively, these elements signify a shift from supporting specific teams to becoming keen fans of the broader sporting domain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sport fandom has attracted far-ranging research attention. Fans\' commitment, loyalty, and sense of affinity are abundantly expressed in a long list of life practices. Precisely in this context, the color that identifies each sports team has also become an important element of the game but also a crucial component of fans\' identities. The present article focuses on the esthetics of team uniform colors and identifies the artistic roles they fill. Among other things, the article addresses the important role of color, for example in identifying and distinguishing figures on the pitch from the background by creating clear borders between the elements on the pitch that compete for fans\' attention; in the extension of fans\' emotions through the connection between team and color; in creating the opportunity for spectators to participate fully in creating the esthetic experience on the field through the intensive use of team colors; and in enhancing a team\'s halo effect through the association of the team with its colors. On a deeper level, the article states that in an era of commercialized sports, the team color remains the clear and consistent symbol of the team that preserves the identity of the fans.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nuclei contain essential information for cell states, including chromatin and RNA profiles - features which are nowadays accessible using high-throughput sequencing applications. Here, we describe analytical pipelines including nucleus isolation from differentiated xylem tissues by fluorescence-activated nucleus sorting (FANS), as well as subsequent SMART-seq2-based transcriptome profiling and assay for transposase-accessible chromatin (ATAC)-seq-based chromatin analysis. Combined with tissue-specific expression of nuclear fluorescent reporters, these pipelines allow obtaining tissue-specific data on gene expression and on chromatin structure and are applicable for a large spectrum of cell types, tissues, and organs. Considering, however, the extreme degree of differentiation found in xylem cells with programmed cell death happening during vessel element formation and their role as a long-term depository for atmospheric CO2 in the form of wood, xylem cells represent intriguing and relevant objects for large-scale profilings of their cellular signatures.





