• 文章类型: Journal Article
    After endocytosis, many plasma membrane components are recycled via membrane tubules that emerge from early endosomes to form recycling endosomes, eventually leading to their return to the plasma membrane. We previously showed that Syndapin/PACSIN-family protein SDPN-1 is required in vivo for basolateral endocytic recycling in the C. elegans intestine. Here, we document an interaction between the SDPN-1 SH3 domain and a target sequence in PXF-1/PDZ-GEF1/RAPGEF2, a known exchange factor for Rap-GTPases. We found that endogenous mutations engineered into the SDPN-1 SH3 domain, or its binding site in the PXF-1 protein, interfere with recycling in vivo, as does the loss of the PXF-1 target RAP-1. In some contexts, Rap-GTPases negatively regulate RhoA activity, suggesting a potential for Syndapin to regulate RhoA. Our results indicate that in the C. elegans intestine, RHO-1/RhoA is enriched on SDPN-1- and RAP-1-positive endosomes, and the loss of SDPN-1 or RAP-1 elevates RHO-1(GTP) levels on intestinal endosomes. Furthermore, we found that depletion of RHO-1 suppressed sdpn-1 mutant recycling defects, indicating that control of RHO-1 activity is a key mechanism by which SDPN-1 acts to promote endocytic recycling. RHO-1/RhoA is well known for controlling actomyosin contraction cycles, although little is known about the effects of non-muscle myosin II on endosomes. Our analysis found that non-muscle myosin II is enriched on SDPN-1-positive endosomes, with two non-muscle myosin II heavy-chain isoforms acting in apparent opposition. Depletion of nmy-2 inhibited recycling like sdpn-1 mutants, whereas depletion of nmy-1 suppressed sdpn-1 mutant recycling defects, indicating that actomyosin contractility controls recycling endosome function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The septin collar of budding yeast is an ordered array of septin filaments that serves a scaffolding function for the cytokinetic machinery at the bud neck and compartmentalizes the membrane between mother and daughter cell. How septin architecture is aided by septin-binding proteins is largely unknown. Syp1 is an endocytic protein that was implicated in the timely recruitment of septins to the newly forming collar through an unknown mechanism. Using advanced microscopy and in vitro reconstitution assays, we show that Syp1 is able to align laterally and tightly pack septin filaments, thereby forming flat bundles or sheets. This property is shared by the Syp1 mammalian counterpart FCHo2, thus emphasizing conserved protein functions. Interestingly, the septin-bundling activity of Syp1 resides mainly in its intrinsically disordered region. Our data uncover the mechanism through which Syp1 promotes septin collar assembly and offer another example of functional diversity of unstructured protein domains.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Actin-based, finger-like cell protrusions such as microvilli and filopodia play important roles in epithelial cells. Several proteins have been identified to regulate cell protrusion formation, which helps us to learn about the underlying mechanism of this process. FCH domain and double SH3 domains containing protein 2 (FCHSD2) belongs to the FCH and Bin-Amphiphysin-Rvs (F-BAR) protein family, containing an N-terminal F-BAR domain, two SH3 domains, and a C-terminal PDZ domain-binding interface (PBI). Previously, we found that FCHSD2 interacts with WASP/N-WASP and stimulates ARP2/3-mediated actin polymerization in vitro. In the present work, we show that FCHSD2 promotes the formation of apical and lateral cell protrusions in cultured cells. Our data suggest that FCHSD2 cooperates with CDC42 and N-WASP in regulating apical cell protrusion formation. In line with this, biochemical studies reveal that FCHSD2 and CDC42 simultaneously bind to N-WASP, forming a protein complex. Interestingly, the F-BAR domain of FCHSD2 induces lateral cell protrusion formation independently of N-WASP. Furthermore, we show that the ability of FCHSD2 to induce cell protrusion formation requires its plasma membrane-binding ability. In summary, our present work suggests that FCHSD2 cooperates with CDC42 and N-WASP to regulate cell protrusion formation in a membrane-dependent manner.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The F-BAR protein Imp2 is an important contributor to cytokinesis in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Because cell cycle-regulated phosphorylation of the central intrinsically disordered region (IDR) of the Imp2 paralog Cdc15 controls Cdc15 oligomerization state, localization and ability to bind protein partners, we investigated whether Imp2 is similarly phosphoregulated. We found that Imp2 is endogenously phosphorylated on 28 sites within its IDR, with the bulk of phosphorylation being constitutive. In vitro, the casein kinase 1 (CK1) isoforms Hhp1 and Hhp2 can phosphorylate 17 sites, and Cdk1 (also known as Cdc2) can phosphorylate the remaining 11 sites. Mutations that prevent Cdk1 phosphorylation result in precocious Imp2 recruitment to the cell division site, and mutations designed to mimic these phosphorylation events delay Imp2 accumulation at the contractile ring (CR). Mutations that eliminate CK1 phosphorylation sites allow CR sliding, and phosphomimetic substitutions at these sites reduce Imp2 protein levels and slow CR constriction. Thus, like Cdc15, the Imp2 IDR is phosphorylated at many sites by multiple kinases. In contrast to Cdc15, for which phosphorylation plays a major cell cycle regulatory role, Imp2 phosphorylation is primarily constitutive, with milder effects on localization and function. This article has an associated First Person interview with the first author of the paper.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many eukaryotes assemble an actin- and myosin-based cytokinetic ring (CR) on the plasma membrane (PM) for cell division, but how it is anchored there remains unclear. In Schizosaccharomyces pombe, the F-BAR protein Cdc15 links the PM via its F-BAR domain to proteins in the CR\'s interior via its SH3 domain. However, Cdc15\'s F-BAR domain also directly binds formin Cdc12, suggesting that Cdc15 may polymerize a protein network directly adjacent to the membrane. Here, we determine that the F-BAR domain binds Cdc12 using residues on the face opposite its membrane-binding surface. These residues also bind paxillin-like Pxl1, promoting its recruitment with calcineurin to the CR. Mutation of these F-BAR domain residues results in a shallower CR, with components localizing ∼35% closer to the PM than in wild type, and aberrant CR constriction. Thus, F-BAR domains serve as oligomeric membrane-bound platforms that can modulate the architecture of an entire actin structure.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Here we show that Gas7 inhibits phosphorylated tau fibrillogenesis by binding to phosphorylated tau at its non-WW domain, presumably F-BAR domain. We revealed that Gas7 binds to the third repeat domain of tau, the core element of tau oligomerization and the C-terminal domain of tau and alters the conformation not to form fibrils. These results suggest that Gas7 may serve to protect against Alzheimer\'s disease and other tauopathies by preventing tau fibrillogenesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Drosophila photoreceptors develop from polarized epithelial cells that have apical and basolateral membranes. During morphogenesis, the apical membranes subdivide into a united bundle of photosensory microvilli (rhabdomeres) and a surrounding supporting membrane (stalk). By EMS-induced mutagenesis screening, we found that the F-Bin/Amphiphysin/Rvs (F-BAR) protein syndapin is essential for apical membrane segregation. The analysis of the super-resolution microscopy, STORM and the electron microscopy suggest that syndapin localizes to the neck of the microvilli at the base of the rhabdomere. Syndapin and moesin are required to constrict the neck of the microvilli to organize the membrane architecture at the base of the rhabdomere, to exclude the stalk membrane. Simultaneous loss of syndapin along with the microvilli adhesion molecule chaoptin significantly enhanced the disruption of stalk-rhabdomere segregation. However, loss of the factors involving endocytosis do not interfere. These results indicated syndapin is most likely functioning through its membrane curvature properties, and not through endocytic processes for stalk-rhabdomere segregation. Elucidation of the mechanism of this unconventional domain formation will provide novel insights into the field of cell biology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    F-BAR proteins bind the plasma membrane (PM) to scaffold and organize the actin cytoskeleton. To understand how F-BAR proteins achieve their PM association, we studied the localization of a Schizosaccharomyces pombe F-BAR protein Rga7, which requires the coiled-coil protein Rng10 for targeting to the division site during cytokinesis. We find that the Rga7 F-BAR domain directly binds a motif in Rng10 simultaneously with the PM, and that an adjacent Rng10 motif independently binds the PM. Together, these multivalent interactions significantly enhance Rga7 F-BAR avidity for membranes at physiological protein concentrations, ensuring the division site localization of Rga7. Moreover, the requirement for the F-BAR domain in Rga7 localization and function in cytokinesis is bypassed by tethering an Rga7 construct lacking its F-BAR to Rng10, indicating that at least some F-BAR domains are necessary but not sufficient for PM targeting and are stably localized to specific cortical positions through adaptor proteins.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dynamic spatial patterns such as traveling waves could theoretically encode spatial information, but little is known about whether or how they are employed by biological systems, especially higher eukaryotes. Here, we show that concentric target or spiral waves of active Cdc42 and the F-BAR protein FBP17 are invoked in adherent cells at the onset of mitosis. These waves predict the future sites of cell divisions and represent the earliest known spatial cues for furrow assembly. Unlike interphase waves, the frequencies and wavelengths of the mitotic waves display size-dependent scaling properties. While the positioning role of the metaphase waves requires microtubule dynamics, spindle and microtubule-independent inhibitory signals are propagated by the mitotic waves to ensure the singularity of furrow formation. Taken together, we propose that metaphase cortical waves integrate positional and cell size information for division-plane specification in adhesion-dependent cytokinesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Localized extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling is thought to stabilize the cleavage furrow and maintain cell shape during cytokinesis [1-14]. This remodeling is spatiotemporally coordinated with a cytoskeletal structure pertaining to a kingdom of life, for example the FtsZ ring in bacteria [15], the phragmoplast in plants [16], and the actomyosin ring in fungi and animals [17, 18]. Although the cytoskeletal structures have been analyzed extensively, the mechanisms of ECM remodeling remain poorly understood. In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, ECM remodeling refers to sequential formations of the primary and secondary septa that are catalyzed by chitin synthase-II (Chs2) and chitin synthase-III (the catalytic subunit Chs3 and its activator Chs4), respectively [18, 19]. Surprisingly, both Chs2 and Chs3 are delivered to the division site at the onset of cytokinesis [6, 20]. What keeps Chs3 inactive until secondary septum formation remains unknown. Here, we show that Hof1 binds to the Sel1-like repeats (SLRs) of Chs4 via its F-BAR domain and inhibits Chs3-mediated chitin synthesis during cytokinesis. In addition, Hof1 is required for rapid accumulation as well as efficient removal of Chs4 at the division site. This study uncovers a mechanism by which Hof1 controls timely activation of Chs3 during cytokinesis and defines a novel interaction and function for the conserved F-BAR domain and SLR that are otherwise known for their abilities to bind membrane lipids [21, 22] and scaffold protein complex formation [23].






