
  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: To evaluate the outcomes of trichiasis (excluding entropion) management in non-trachomatous cicatricial ocular surface diseases.
    UNASSIGNED: This is a multicenter, retrospective study of 59 patients with trichiasis who were managed using two different techniques: electroepilation using radiofrequency (RF) cautery and eyelash resection. The assessed outcomes were residual trichiasis at 6 weeks, 6, and 12 months of follow-up and the number of procedures needed.
    UNASSIGNED: 41 patients (90 eyelids) underwent electroepilation, and 18 (41 eyelids) were managed with eyelash resection. All patients belonged to either Indian or Japanese ethnicity. Most patients in both groups had Stevens-Johnson Syndrome (63.4% vs. 88.9%). The mean age (43.2 vs. 46 years), disease duration (122 vs. 192.4 months), median trichiasis grade (2 vs. 2), and involvement of upper eyelids (53/90 vs. 23/41) were similar in the two groups. At six weeks, 48.9% of eyelids that underwent electroepilation had no trichiasis, and recurrences were managed with repeat electroepilation (6 eyelids) and mucous membrane grafting (10 eyelids), and 35 eyelids opted for manual epilation, giving 67.8% success at a mean follow-up of 20 months. The eyelash resection group had 75.6% success at 6 months, and recurrences were managed using lid splitting and eyelash resection, resulting in 100% success at a mean follow-up of 79 months. More interventions were needed in the electroepilation group compared to eyelash resection.
    UNASSIGNED: Eyelash resection of the trichiatic eyelashes achieves a better success rate than electroepilation in cicatricial ocular surface disorders. Following electroepilation, one needs multiple interventions to resolve trichiasis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Demodex blepharitis (DB) is a common disease of the ocular surface. The characteristics of the bacterial community in eyelash roots after Demodex infestation are still unknown. Knowledge of the characteristics of the bacterial community of eyelash follicles in patients with DB can provide valuable insights for guiding the diagnosis and treatment of DB.
    METHODS: Twenty-five patients with DB (DB group) and 21 non-DB volunteers (control group) were enrolled in the study. Eyelashes from the upper eyelid of the right eye were sampled, and 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sequencing was performed to determine the V3-V4 regions of the microbial 16S rDNA gene within 1 month of infestation. The sequencing data of the two groups were analyzed and compared. The effect of the bacterium Burkholderia on the survival of Demodex mites was evaluated using Demodex obtained from 12 patients with DB other that the patients in the DB group.
    RESULTS: A total of 31 phyla and 862 genera were identified in the DB and control groups. The five most abundant phyla in the two groups were Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes and Cyanobacteria. The abundance of Actinomycetes was significantly higher in the DB group than in the control group. At the genus level, the five most abundant genera in the two groups were Pseudomonas, Burkholderia-Caballeronia-Paraburkholderia, Rolstonia and Acinetobacter; Clostridium sensu stricto 1 was abundant in the control group and Corynebacterium_1 was abundant in the DB group. Compared with the control group, the abundance of Burkholderia-Caballeronia-Paraburkholderia was 2.36-fold lower in the DB group. Linear discriminant analysis Effect Size (LEfSe) analysis revealed Burkholderia-Caballeronia-Paraburkholderia, SC_I_84_unclassified, Nonmyxobacteria and Succinvibrio to be the major biomarkers in the control group and Catenibacterium and Lachnospiraceae NK4A136 group to be the major biomarkers in the DB group. To explore the performance of these optimal marker models, receiver operational characteristic curve analysis was performed, and the average area under the curve value of Burkholderia-Caballeronia-Paraburkholderia was 0.7448. Burkholderia cepacia isolated from normal human eyelashes was fermented, and the Demodex mites isolated from patient eyelashes were cultured together with its fermented supernatant. The results showed that the fermentation supernatant could significantly reduce the survival time of the Demodex mites, suggesting the potential therapeutic value of this bacterium against Demodex.
    CONCLUSIONS: The composition of the bacterial community in the eyelashes of DB patients differed from that in eyelashes of healthy volunteers, revealing a decrease in bacterial diversity in infested eyelashes. This decrease may be related to the occurrence and development of DB. The supernatant of Burkholderia cepacia culture medium was found to inhibit the growth of Demodex in eyelash hair follicles, providing a new insight with potential applications for the clinical treatment of Demodex infestation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The present analyses report integrated results from BRAVE-AA1 (NCT03570749) and BRAVE-AA2 (NCT03899259) on the clinical benefits of baricitinib treatment on the basis of the amount of scalp hair regrowth through 52 weeks of treatment.
    METHODS: This post hoc analysis was conducted with data from patients who were treated continuously for 52 weeks with baricitinib 4 mg or 2 mg. Clinical outcomes were assessed using the Severity of Alopecia Tool (SALT) and Clinician-Reported Outcome (ClinRO) for Eyebrow (EB) and Eyelash (EL) hair. Secondary measures included the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and Skindex-16 adapted for alopecia areata. At week 52, patients were classified into three subgroups: SALT ≤ 20 response, intermediate response (achieved a 30% improvement from baseline (SALT30) without a SALT score ≤ 20), or nonresponse (never achieved SALT30). The criterion of SALT30 approximates a minimal clinical meaningful response to therapy.
    RESULTS: At week 52, with baricitinib 4 mg treatment, the greatest (70%) improvement in EB and EL was observed in responders, but approximately 50% of patients with intermediate response and 20% of nonresponders experienced complete/nearly complete EB and EL regrowth. Improvement in emotional distress was directionally related to improvements in scalp hair regrowth, while impact on quality of life was proportionately greater for the responder subgroup.
    CONCLUSIONS: Clinically meaningful regrowth in eyebrow and eyelash hair can occur in the absence of complete scalp hair regrowth after treatment with baricitinib. Emotional distress and quality of life improvement is most associated with obtaining a clinical meaningful improvement in scalp hair.
    BACKGROUND: BRAVE-AA1, ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT03570749, start date, 24 September 2018; BRAVE-AA2, ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT03899259, start date, 8 July 2019.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Foreign objects sometimes enter the lacrimal sac. Here, we report the case of a patient with many comb-shaped eyelashes in the lacrimal sac and discuss the potential of using dacryoendoscopy to detect and remove foreign bodies from the lacrimal apparatus. A 65-year-old woman with a teary eye underwent dacryoendoscopy. There was no abnormality in the canaliculi. The internal ostium was blocked by a large number of black, comb-shaped eyelashes. Numerous bunched eyelashes covered with small white debris were found in the upper part of the lacrimal sac. No eyelash bundles were present from the lower lacrimal sac to the nasolacrimal duct, and the mucosa was normal. The saline was able to pass through; however, the lower part of the nasolacrimal duct was narrowed into a funnel shape. We widened it with a sheath while observing the endoscopy images. Eyelashes were flushed from the lacrimal sac through the nasolacrimal duct using the sheath and saline flow. A lacrimal tube was placed for 2 months and removed, and then the patient healed without dacryocystorhinostomy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Demodex folliculorum and Demodex brevis are common ectoparasites on skin that also can lead to blepharitis and chalazion. The aim of our study is to determine the prevalence of Demodex spp. in eyelashes of patients diagnosed with chronic blepharitis and chalazion.
    METHODS: This study included 330 patients diagnosed with chronic blepharitis, 70 patients diagnosed with chalazion and 130 volunteers without any ocular problems. Patient eyelashes were examined under a light microscope at magnifications of × 40, × 100 and × 400. Demodex spp. were determined.
    RESULTS: Parasite prevalence was significantly higher in blepharitis (75.5%) and chalazion groups (70%) compared to the control group (16.2%) (p < 0.001). The prevalence of D. folliculorum in the blepharitis group and D. brevis in the chalazion group was found to be significantly higher compared to other groups (p < 0.05). The average number of mites per eyelash was found to be significantly higher in patients with Demodex positive blepharitis (p = 0.001) and in chalazion patients (p = 0.047) than in the control group. It has been determined that mite positivity increases with age in blepharitis and control groups (p < 0.05). In the group with blepharitis, it was found that mite positivity was significant in the presence of symptoms (p = 0.0001) and Demodex positivity decreased as the education level of individuals increased (p = 0.039).
    CONCLUSIONS: The results of the study show that Demodex spp infestations should be considered in chronic blepharitis and chalazion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aimed to determine whether ocular Demodex colonization leads to changes in the conjunctival flora in healthy middle-aged individuals.
    This study included 70 patients who applied to an ophthalmology clinic with a complaints of presbyopia. Two eyelash specimens from the lower eyelids of both eyes were obtained from each individual. In eyelash specimens were examined for Demodex spp. by direct wet smearing under microscopy. Conjunctival culture samples were cultivated on blood agar, eosin methylene blue and chocolate agar.
    In the 38.5% of the individuals, Demodex spp. mites were found in the eyelashes, out of which 11.4% were Demodex brevis and 27.1% Demodex folliculorum. Bacterial growth was observed in 82.9% of the samples examined. The most frequently detected bacterium was Staphylococcus epidermidis (57%).
    Although Demodex spp. infestation has been shown to be related to diseases on ocular surface of eyes such as pterygium, xerophthalmia and chalazion, we did not observe that it induces changes in ocular surface flora in healthy adults.
    Bu çalışmada amaç, sağlıklı orta yaş bireylerde oküler Demodex kolonizasyonunun konjonktival florada değişime yol açıp açmadığını tespit etmektir.
    Çalışmaya, göz hastalıkları kliniğine presbiyopi şikayeti ile başvuran, sistemik ve oküler yakınması olmayan 70 hasta dahil edildi. Çalışmaya alınan bireylerin her iki alt göz kapağından ikişer adet kirpik, steril eküvyonlu çubuk ile alt konjonktival forniksten kültür örneği alındı. Kirpik materyali Demodex spp. yönünden direkt nativ yöntem ile lam-lamel arası preparat hazırlanarak mikroskopta incelendi. Konjonktival sürüntü örneklerinin kanlı agar, eozin metilen blue ve çikolata besiyerlerine ekimleri yapıldı.
    Çalışmaya alınan 70 hastanın kirpik incelemelerinde Demodex spp. pozitifliği %38,5 olarak tespit edildi. Saptanan bu oranın, %11,4’ü Demodex brevis ve %27,1’i ise Demodex folliculorum olarak teşhis edildi. Konjonktival sürüntüsü alınan 70 hastanın %82,9’unda bakteri üredi, en sık görülen bakteri %57 oranında Staphylococcus epidermidis idi.
    Oküler yüzeyde pterjium, göz kuruluğu ve şalazyon gibi hastalıklarla ilişkisi önceki çalışmalarda gösterilen Demodex varlığının, sağlıklı erişkinlerde oküler yüzey florasında değişime yol açmadığı tespit edilmiştir.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The presence of an eyelash in the anterior chamber after an uneventful phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implant surgery is exceedingly rare, with 8 cases reported globally. We present a patient in whom an eyelash was found trapped in the main cornea wound at postoperation week 1 after an uneventful surgery and unremarkable postoperation day 1 review. The eyelash was removed immediately. The patient denied rubbing his eye and there is video evidence of an uneventful surgery with no eyelash in the anterior chamber at the end of the surgery. Interestingly, the orientation of the eyelash supports previous reports that the eyelash tends to migrate intraocularly through the cornea wound in one direction (i.e., with proximal end/follicle first), purportedly due to the cellular arrangement of an eyelash. Management of such cases should be undertaken on a case-by-case basis. The treatment strategy includes observation or prompt removal, either at the slit lamp or at the operating theatre, depending on a few factors including extent of ocular inflammation, time of presentation, eyelash contact with the cornea endothelium, and location of the eyelash. Patients should be reminded not to rub their eyes after cataract surgery.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Phthiriasis palpebrarum is a rare parasitosis of the eyelashes caused by Phthirus pubis. This report describes an atypical case of this disease. A 72-year-old female patient suffered prolonged symptoms of severe left eye pruritus for 18 months, refractory to conventional eyelid hygienic measures, and anti-histaminic and corticosteroid medications. Slit-lamp examination showed multiple translucent oval structures adherent to the upper eyelashes, and 18 crab-like lice, which were mechanically removed and characterized as Phthirus pubis. Treatment was started with corticosteroid and antibiotic ointment, vaseline, and Blephademodex® wipes (Laboratoires Théa, Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, France). After 2 weeks, all symptoms had subsided completely. Although rare, phthiriasis palpebrarum may be easily confused with frequent palpebral pathologies like blepharitis. A careful slit-lamp examination is central for proper evaluation and diagnosis. Mechanical removal of the lice is the most effective treatment but should be complemented by topical and/or systemic treatment. This report presented an atypical case of this disease.





