Extremely low frequency

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
方法:EVS对姿势摇摆的影响在五名参与者中使用正弦交流电进行了检查,该正弦交流电具有从0到1.5〜mA的时变振幅和频率从0.1到10〜Hz的三种电极配置。使用基于磁共振成像数据为每个受试者单独创建的解剖学上真实的计算模型来进行头部内部电流的剂量测定。使用有限元方法计算了能够影响前庭系统的最小场强的估计值。 结果:频率高达10~Hz的双极电动汽车引起谐波全身摇摆,摇摆的频率与刺激电流的频率相同。摇摆的大小通过增加电流强度而被放大。剂量学建模表明,对于0.2~mA电流,前庭系统平均电场强度约为10-30mV/m,取决于电极蒙太奇。测得的姿势摇摆的大小与前庭系统中特定于蒙太奇的电场强度成正比。
    Objective. Normal function of the vestibular system can be disturbed using a noninvasive technique called electrical vestibular stimulation (EVS), which alters a person\'s sense of balance and causes false sensations of movement. EVS has been widely used to study the function of the vestibular system, and it has recently gained interest as a therapeutic tool to improve postural stability and help those suffering from vestibular dysfunction. Yet, understanding of how EVS stimulates the vestibular system, the current intensity needed to produce an effect and the frequencies at which it occurs have remained unclear.Approach. The effect of EVS on postural sway was examined in five participants using sinusoidal alternating current with time-varying amplitude from 0 to 1.5 mA and frequency from 0.1 to 10 Hz for three electrode configurations. Dosimetry of the current flow inside the head was conducted using anatomically realistic computational models created individually for each subject based on magnetic resonance imaging data. An estimate for the minimal field strength capable of affecting the vestibular system was calculated with the finite element method.Main results. Bipolar EVS at frequencies up to 10 Hz caused harmonic full-body swaying, and the frequency of the sway was the same as that of the stimulation current. The size of the sway was amplified by increasing the current intensity. Dosimetry modeling indicated that, for 0.2 mA current, the average electric field strength in the vestibular system was approximately 10-30 mV m-1, depending on the electrode montage. The size of the measured postural sway was proportional to the montage-specific electric field strength in the vestibular system.Significance. The results provide insight to EVS\'s working mechanisms and improve its potential as a tool to study the sense of balance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Objective.心脏植入物工作场所中电磁场干扰的可能性是个人和雇主都关心的问题。本文介绍了在工频高强度电场下心脏植入物受到的干扰的分析。方法。在实际案例研究和替代研究中,通过研究设备输入处的感应电压来进行干扰评估。并建立它们与等效因子F之间的关联。一个漏斗形的体模,设计用于体外测试,并代表安装心脏植入物的位置的电气特性,在替代研究中使用。实施了测量系统以测量在高强度电场下设备输入处的感应电压。主要结果。在实验测量中获得的感应电压与体模中的数值研究的结果一致。通过应用实际案例研究和替代研究之间得出的等效因子(对于单极传感为2.39;对于双极传感为3.64),心脏植入物上的感应电压可以使用替代实验装置来确定实际情况。意义。实验测量了低频EF暴露下心脏植入物上的干扰电压,并进行了详细描述。该研究结果为系统研究低频下心脏植入物电磁干扰的分析方法提供了依据。 .
    Objective.The possibility of interference by electromagnetic fields in the workplaces with cardiac implants is a concern for both individuals and employers. This article presents an analysis of the interference to which cardiac implants are subjected under high-intensity electric field at the power frequency.Approach.Evaluations of interference were conducted by studying the induced voltages at the device input in the real case study and the substitute study, and establishing an association between them with the equivalence factorF. A funnel-shaped phantom, designed forin vitrotesting and representing the electrical characteristics of the locations where cardiac implants are installed, was used in the substitute study. A measuring system was implemented to measure the induced voltage at the device input under high intensity electric fields.Main results.The induced voltages obtained in the experimental measurements align with the findings of the numerical study in the phantom. By applying the equivalence factors derived between the real case study and the substitute study (2.39 for unipolar sensing; 3.64 for bipolar sensing), the induced voltages on the cardiac implants can be determined for the real case using the substitute experimental set-up.Significance.The interference voltages on the cardiac implants under electric field exposures at low frequency were experimentally measured with detailed description. The findings provide evidence for an analysis method to systematically study the electromagnetic interference on the cardiac implants at low frequency.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: New epidemiologic approaches are needed to reduce the scientific uncertainty surrounding the association between extremely low frequency magnetic fields (ELF-MF) and childhood leukemia. While most previous studies focused on power lines, the Transformer Exposure study sought to assess this association using a multi-country study of children who had lived in buildings with built-in electrical transformers. ELF-MF in apartments above built-in transformers can be 5 times higher than in other apartments in the same building. This novel study design aimed to maximize the inclusion of highly exposed children while minimising the potential for selection bias.
    METHODS: We assessed associations between residential proximity to transformers and risk of childhood leukemia using registry based matched case-control data collected in five countries. Exposure was based on the location of the subject\'s apartment relative to the transformer, coded as high (above or adjacent to transformer), intermediate (same floor as apartments in high category), or unexposed (other apartments). Relative risk (RR) for childhood leukemia was estimated using conditional logistic and mixed logistic regression with a random effect for case-control set.
    RESULTS: Data pooling across countries yielded 16 intermediate and 3 highly exposed cases. RRs were 1.0 (95% CI: 0.5, 1.9) for intermediate and 1.1 (95% CI: 0.3, 3.8) for high exposure in the conditional logistic model. In the mixed logistic model, RRs were 1.4 (95% CI: 0.8, 2.5) for intermediate and 1.3 (95% CI: 0.4, 4.4) for high. Data of the most influential country showed RRs of 1.1 (95% CI: 0.5, 2.4) and 1.7 (95% CI: 0.4, 7.2) for intermediate (8 cases) and high (2 cases) exposure.
    CONCLUSIONS: Overall, evidence for an elevated risk was weak. However, small numbers and wide confidence intervals preclude strong conclusions and a risk of the magnitude observed in power line studies cannot be excluded.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The electromechanical properties of the membrane of endothelial cells forming the blood-brain barrier play a vital role in the function of this barrier. The mechanical effect exerted by external electric fields on the membrane could change its electrical properties. In this study the effect of extremely low frequency (ELF) external electric fields on the electrical activity of these cells has been studied by considering the mechanical effect of these fields on the capacitance of the membrane. The effect of time-dependent capacitance of the membrane is incorporated in the current components of the parallel conductance model for the electrical activity of the cells. The results show that the application of ELF electric fields induces hyperpolarization, having an indirect effect on the release of nitric oxide from the endothelial cell and the polymerization of actin filaments. Accordingly, this could play an important role in the permeability of the barrier. Our finding can have possible consequences in the field of drug delivery into the central nervous system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Numerous studies have been carried out on the potential effects of an extremely low frequency (ELF-0-300 Hz) magnetic field (MF) on human health. However, there is limited data on the effect of a high exposure level to ELF MFs for a prolonged period. Therefore, the objective of this pilot work was to demonstrate the feasibility of a study evaluating the stress hormone concentrations resulting from a 10-min exposure to a 60 Hz MF of several tens of thousands of µT. In this pilot study, human volunteers were thus exposed for the first time to a 60 Hz, 50 mT MF for a duration of 10 min. Stress hormone levels were measured before (once), during (twice) and after (once) this 10-min exposure period. The small sample size (n = 5) did not allow to conduct standard inferential statistical tests and no conclusion regarding the exposure effects can be drawn. However, this study demonstrates the feasibility of using a simple blood testing material in a protocol testing for the effect of a 10-min exposure to a high MF level in healthy human volunteers. © 2022 Bioelectromagnetics Society.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Various studies on immobilized BALB/c mice to evaluate changes in hormone levels associated with stress responses have advanced the characterization of multiple aspects of the biological actions of extremely low-frequency (ELF) electric fields (EFs). In this study, we aimed to investigate the effect of mouse posture on its stress responses and evaluate the importance of adjusting the stress degree in the model. Mice were immobilized inside centrifuge tubes and exposed to an ELF EF generated between parallel plate electrodes. Blood was collected under anesthesia immediately after EF exposure, and plasma glucocorticoids were assayed. The inhibitory effects of EFs on glucocorticoid elevation by immobilization were reproduced regardless whether mice were in the abdominal or lateral recumbent position, for the EF vector delivered to mice through the sagittal or frontal plane. The effect of ELF EF was reproduced in moderately and mildly stressed mice but not in severely immobilized mice. Hence, adjusting the stress degree is critical to the reproducibility of the results for this model. We characterized the effects of ELF EF on homeostasis, including the stress response, and provided valuable information for the scientific evaluation of the biological risks and medical applications of ELF EF.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Previous studies have shown that intermittent exposure to a 50 Hz, 100 µT sinusoidal magnetic field (MF) promotes proliferation of human neuroblastoma cells, NB69. This effect is mediated by activation of the epidermal growth factor receptor through a free radical-dependent activation of the p38 pathway. The present study investigated the possibility that the oxidative stress-sensitive protein p53 is a potential target of the MF, and that field exposure can affect the protein expression. To that end, NB69 cells were exposed to short intervals of 30 to 120 min to the aforementioned MF parameters. Two specific anti-p53 antibodies that allow discrimination between the wild and unfolded forms of p53 were used to study the expression and cellular distribution of both isoforms of the protein. The expression of the antiapoptotic protein Bcl-2, whose regulation is mediated by p53, was also analyzed. The obtained results revealed that MF exposure induced increases in p53 gene expression and in protein expression of the wild-type form of p53. Field exposure also caused overexpression of the unfolded form of p53, together with changes in the nuclear/cytoplasmic distribution of both forms of the protein. The expression of protein Bcl-2 was also significantly increased in response to the MF. As a whole, these results indicated that the MF is capable of interacting with the function, distribution and conformation of protein p53. Such interactions could be involved in previously reported MF effects on NB69 proliferation promotion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Much of the controversy over the cause of electrohypersensitivity (EHS) lies in the absence of recognized clinical and biological criteria for a widely accepted diagnosis. However, there are presently sufficient data for EHS to be acknowledged as a distinctly well-defined and objectively characterized neurologic pathological disorder. Because we have shown that 1) EHS is frequently associated with multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) in EHS patients, and 2) that both individualized disorders share a common pathophysiological mechanism for symptom occurrence; it appears that EHS and MCS can be identified as a unique neurologic syndrome, regardless their causal origin. In this overview we distinguish the etiology of EHS itself from the environmental causes that trigger pathophysiological changes and clinical symptoms after EHS has occurred. Contrary to present scientifically unfounded claims, we indubitably refute the hypothesis of a nocebo effect to explain the genesis of EHS and its presentation. We as well refute the erroneous concept that EHS could be reduced to a vague and unproven \"functional impairment\". To the contrary, we show here there are objective pathophysiological changes and health effects induced by electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure in EHS patients and most of all in healthy subjects, meaning that excessive non-thermal anthropogenic EMFs are strongly noxious for health. In this overview and medical assessment we focus on the effects of extremely low frequencies, wireless communications radiofrequencies and microwaves EMF. We discuss how to better define and characterize EHS. Taken into consideration the WHO proposed causality criteria, we show that EHS is in fact causally associated with increased exposure to man-made EMF, and in some cases to marketed environmental chemicals. We therefore appeal to all governments and international health institutions, particularly the WHO, to urgently consider the growing EHS-associated pandemic plague, and to acknowledge EHS as a mainly new real EMF causally-related pathology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    By growing the electrical power networks and electronic devices, electromagnetic fields (EMF) have become an inseparable part of the modern world. Considering the inevitable exposure to a various range of EMFs, especially at extremely low frequencies (ELF-EMF), investigating the biological effects of ELF-EMFs on biological systems became a global issue. The possible adverse consequences of these exposures were studied, along with their potential therapeutic capabilities. Also, their biological impacts in combination with other chemical and physical agents, specifically ionizing radiation (IR), as a co-carcinogen or as adjuvant therapy in combination with radiotherapy were explored. Here, we review the results of several in-vitro and in-vivo studies and discuss some proposed possible mechanisms of ELF-EMFs\' actions in combination with IR. The results of these experiments could be fruitful to develop more precise safety standards for environmental ELF-EMFs exposures. Furthermore, it could evaluate the therapeutic capacities of ELF-EMFs alone or as an improver of radiotherapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In BALB/c mice, immobilization-increased plasma glucocorticoid (GC) levels are suppressed by extremely low frequency (ELF) electric fields (EF). The aim of this study was to advance our understanding of the biological effects of ELF-EF, using its suppressive effect on the GC response. Mice were exposed to a 50 Hz EF of 10 kV/m via a parallel plate electrode and immobilized as needed. We examined the suppressive effect of ELF-EF on GC level change after repeated immobilizations, electrode polarization, and EF shielding of different portions of the mouse body parts. Additionally, bodyweight changes owing to stress and EF were examined. Immobilization-induced reduction in the plasma GC levels was reproduced in mice with stress and EF exposure, regardless of the stress episode numbers and electrode polarization. Furthermore, when the head of mice was shielded from the EF, the suppressive effect was possibly relatively lower than that when the abdomen was shielded. The bodyweight of the mice decreased for 3 days after immobilization before recovering; ELF-EF did not affect the bodyweight. Thus, to elicit the biological effects of the EF, not only the size of the area where the EF is distributed but also the area where the field is distributed should be important. The results also confirmed the stableness of the present experimental system, at least in terms of the stress-reducing effect. In addition, the restriction in this study caused weight loss, but ELF-EF was not considered to affect it. The results improve the understanding of the biological effect and medical applications of ELF-EF.





