Extra-classical receptive field

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Surround modulation has been abundantly studied in several mammalian brain areas, including the primary visual cortex, lateral geniculate nucleus, and superior colliculus (SC), but systematic analysis is lacking in the avian optic tectum (OT, homologous to mammal SC). Here, multi-units were recorded from pigeon (Columba livia) OT, and responses to different sizes of moving, flashed squares, and bars were compared. The statistical results showed that most tectal neurons presented suppressed responses to larger stimuli in both moving and flashed paradigms, and suppression induced by flashed squares was comparable with moving ones when the stimuli center crossed the near classical receptive field (CRF) center, which corresponded to the full surrounding condition. Correspondingly, the suppression grew weaker when the stimuli center moved across the CRF border, equivalent to partially surrounding conditions. Similarly, suppression induced by full surrounding flashed squares was more intense than by partially surrounding flashed bars. These results suggest that inhibitions performed on tectal neurons appear to be full surrounding rather than locally lateral. This study enriches the understanding of surround modulation properties of avian tectum neurons and provides possible hypotheses about the arrangement of inhibitions from other nuclei, both of which are important for clarifying the mechanism of target detection against clutter background performed by avians.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The neuronal activity evoked by stimuli confined in a receptive field can be modulated by surround stimuli of the extra-classical receptive field (eCRF). The surrounding modulation, hypothesized to be the basis of visual feature integration and figure-ground segregation, has drawn much attention in the field of neuroscience and engineering. However, most studies focused on surround modulation of individual neuronal response. In this study, we analyzed surround modulation of the population response recorded from rat primary visual cortex, and further investigated dynamic functional connectivity modulated by the surrounding stimuli. The functional connectivity was estimated using Granger causality (GC) and then determined by thresholding the p-matrix with different significance α values. Four scalar indexes were calculated to describe the functional connectivity of neuronal population: averaged connection strength (mGC), connection density (D), clustering coefficient (C) and path length (L). The statistical results from 5 rats showed that these network characteristics were dynamically changed during modulation of surrounding stimuli, which suggested that the neuronal population may connect in a dynamic way during modulation of eCRF. We further guessed that the neurons may happened to be organized in a more efficient way underlying surrounding modulation conditions, which helps to process larger images efficiently with the same number of neurons. This study provided new insights for a better understanding of the underlying neural mechanisms responsible for surround modulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The trial-to-trial response variability of nearby cortical neurons is correlated. These correlations may strongly influence population coding performance. Numerous studies have shown that correlations can be dynamically modified by attention, adaptation, learning, and potent stimulus drive. However, the mechanisms that influence correlation strength remain poorly understood. Here we test whether correlations are influenced by presenting stimuli outside the classical receptive field (RF) of visual neurons, where they recruit a normalization signal termed surround suppression. We recorded simultaneously the activity of dozens of cells using microelectrode arrays implanted in the superficial layers of V1 in anesthetized, paralyzed macaque monkeys. We presented annular stimuli that encircled--but did not impinge upon--the RFs of the recorded cells. We found that these \"extra-classical\" stimuli reduced correlations in the absence of stimulation of the RF, closely resembling the decorrelating effects of stimulating the RFs directly. Our results suggest that normalization signals may be an important mechanism for modulating correlations.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Organization of the central visual pathway is generally studied from a perspective of feedforward processes. However, there are horizontal connections and also strong feedback from extra striate to visual cortex. Here, we use visual stimuli designed to maximize relative differential involvements of these three main types of connections. The approach relies on differences between stimulation within the classical receptive field (CRF) and that of the surround region. Although previous studies have used similar approaches, they were limited primarily to spatial segregation of neural connections. Our experimental design provides clear segregation of fast and slow components of surround modulation. We assume these are mediated by feedback and horizontal connections, respectively, but other factors may be involved. Our results imply that both horizontal and feedback connections contribute to integration of visual information outside the CRF and provide suppressive or facilitative modulation. For a given cell, modulation may change in strength and sign from suppression to facilitation or the reverse depending on surround parameters. Sub-threshold input from the CRF surround increases local field potential (LFP) power in distinct frequency ranges which differ for suppression and facilitation. Horizontal connections have delayed CRF-surround modulation and are sensitive to position changes in the surround. Therefore, surround information beyond the CRF is initially processed by fast connections which we consider to be feedback, whereas spatially tuned mechanisms are relatively slow and presumably mediated by horizontal connections. Overall, results suggest that convergent fast (feedforward) inputs determine size and structure of the CRFs of recipient cells in visual cortex. And fast connections from extra striate regions (feedback) plus slow-tuned connections (horizontal) within visual cortex contribute to spatial influences of CRF surround activation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mapping neuronal responses in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) is key to understanding how visual information is processed in the brain. This paper focuses on our current knowledge of the dynamics the receptive field (RF) as broken down into the classical receptive field (CRF) and the extra-classical receptive field (ECRF) in primate LGN. CRFs in the LGN are known to be similar to those in the retinal ganglion cell layer in terms of both spatial and temporal characteristics, leading to the standard interpretation of the LGN as a relay center from retina to primary visual cortex. ECRFs have generally been found to be large and inhibitory, with some differences in magnitude between the magno-, parvo-, and koniocellular pathways. The specific contributions of the retina, thalamus, and visual cortex to LGN ECRF properties are presently unknown. Some reports suggest a retinal origin for extra-classical suppression based on latency arguments and other reports have suggested a thalamic origin for extra-classical suppression. This issue is complicated by the use of anesthetized animals, where cortical activity is likely to be altered. Thus further study of LGN ECRFs is warranted to reconcile these discrepancies. Producing descriptions of RF properties of LGN neurons could be enhanced by employing preferred naturalistic stimuli. Although there has been significant work in cats with natural scene stimuli and noise that statistically imitates natural scenes, we highlight a need for similar data from primates. Obtaining these data may be aided by recent advancements in experimental and analytical techniques that permit the efficient study of nonlinear RF characteristics in addition to traditional linear factors. In light of the reviewed topics, we conclude by suggesting experiments to more clearly elucidate the spatial and temporal structure of ECRFs of primate LGN neurons.





